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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 352 KB, 1100x1100, Loaded-One-Pot-Pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10675035 No.10675035 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Italians get so triggered if you don't cook their food the proper way?

>> No.10675061

Because it's the one thing that Italians can yell at other people about because they're better at it.

>> No.10675067

scientifically speaking its typically little dick syndrome

>> No.10675068

because you're literally not making an Italian dish or anything that would be remotely palatable to an Italian and calling it a classic italian dish.

>> No.10675131

>remotely palatable to an Italian

you're just full of shit

>> No.10675144

Some of the best actors and directors of all time were italians.

>> No.10675152

Name 10.

>> No.10675346


Fermi was Italian (nuclear lab of the first bomb)
Cesare Emiliani was Italian (Holocene calendar)
Rita Levi Montalcini was Italian (nobel for the discovery of ngf)
Montale was Italian (nobel for poetry)
Dante was Italian (author of the Divine Comedy and the man who inspired William Shakespeare)
Marconi was Italian (discoverer of the telephone)

...I can go on for years, Italians have one of the highest global IQ as a population (look it up) and contributed the most globally.

>Italy might talk shit about itself, still third leading economy inside Europe.

You are so full of shit, dumb and uneducated myrrican brainlet. Go get a book sometimes, instead of shooting a school and choking on kinder eggs.

>> No.10675356


As long as dor actors, I don't really care, but I can give you plenty of Italian scientists and nobel prizes that had an immense global impact.

t. Another italian

>> No.10675366


Basically speaking.

>Don't contaminate our food, a single plate of pasta is older than your constitution.

The only ones that can put up a serious challenge, food-wise, used to be the Frenchs.

>> No.10675374

Alright guys, but deep dish pizza is delicious. That's all I'm saying.

Also cheese on seafood pasta dishes is delicious.

>> No.10675379
File: 413 KB, 2048x1539, Pizza_Hut_Grilled_Cheese_Stuffed_Crust_Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your favorite Italian dish. Pic related

>> No.10675383

Because they are manlets and you know how manlets get, haha

>> No.10675385


Never tried that, I have to admit it.
I am going to California or Florida next year, if finances and time permit. What should I really expect?

I heard american food is more of a regional thing and that corporate food chain are just a '80s and '90s thing.

>> No.10675388

Fast food chains are losing popularity

>> No.10675391


>Those manlets civilized britain, long times ago.

Funny stuff, Romans noted anglo saxon barbarian were "tall, strong but (...) not fit for a global dominance".

> Well, you had your revenge. You barbarians

>> No.10675416

>I heard american food is more of a regional thing
Yeah. Different states will almost be like different countries with their food. Also certain cities will have a specialty food that they take great pride in. For example with Philadelphia it's their cheese steak sandwiches, Baltimore has their crabcakes, Chicago with their hotdogs and deepdish, and New York with their pizza.

>> No.10675428

Wtf is all this shit in the pot even
>black olives etc

i cant imagine this tasting good if you pour water on it and boil it for 10 minutes, yuck

>> No.10675430

Deep dish pizza is mostly a Chicago thing. You can find it in other places but it's Chicago that's known for inventing and popularizing it.

National chains aren't good, and most of them are dying. Definitely don't go to any chain restaurants that qualify as "casual dining" (e.g. Applebee's, Chili's, Denny's, TGI Fridays, Outback). Those places are the absolute worst.

If you go to San Francisco, there are actually some great Italian-American restaurants there. There used to be a big Italian immigrant community in the city, and although that's gone, the restaurants have still stuck around. Cioppino was supposedly invented there and it's fantastic.

>> No.10675436

Nice job, you triggered the italians. What an accomplishment.

>> No.10675444

What about Ruby Tuesday ;(

>> No.10675452

What does being Italian have to do with this? If you're not sauteeing your onions and other vegies and boil them instead it's not gonna taste as good, it's just common sense

>> No.10675460

Read the comments, it's nothing but Italians freaking out about pasta. Italians are kind of like Indians, super prideful but for no reason. Just smile and nod and tell them they are totally the masters of boiling noodles in water.

>> No.10675461


>Crabcakes? That's interesting.

Weren't those from Maryland or something?

>> No.10675464
File: 82 KB, 728x700, 7A1458A1-B07D-4480-AF52-EC97C63733E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he watches a lot of television

>> No.10675465


>I'd say you have more in common to indian what we do. Global superpower, shitty looking food.

>> No.10675470

I've been saying that for years now, every video I come across that has anything to do with pasta or is based off of any Italian dish, I find tons of these retarded fucks just spamming it with "Here's how my mom made it" and "If you do this in Italy you will be murdered" and that kind of garbage.
These "people" have nothing going on in their lives other than going to Youtube and acting superior about fucking pasta.
Fuck Italians they should all be banned from commenting.
I have never in my life saw a positive comment from these cunts, always with "muh granny" bullshit.

>> No.10675472
File: 111 KB, 800x600, Lebanon-Bologna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Baltimore is in Maryland. It's really weird, I live about an hour away from Baltimore and drive there to visit a friend. For the most part there is an overall American food culture, kind of. But just even an hour away in Pennsylvania I eat different foods than my friend.

Everything down there is all about crabs. Up where I live it's Amish food. Like pic related, a beef balogna that doesn't taste like how you'd think.

>> No.10675473

Happy to say I've never been to one of those.



>> No.10675479


>It is just a Meme

Bottura is THE best chef in the world, at the moment.

> Never talked about his granny. Just a brilliant mind. Look at his recipes and despair.

>> No.10675480

Fuck off reddit and learn how to greentext you fucking pastanigger.
Fuck you.

>> No.10675483





>> No.10675515

Maybe you're right, still I'm not Italian and seeing people cook like that... it's no better than the tasty shitty webms that keep being reposted in every webm thread. People like that should be shot and then nursed back to health only to be shot again

>> No.10676367

because it seems like you fuckers can't cooking even basic shit like pasta, one pot pasta will taste worse than the traditional recipe, scientifically speaking. And like another Anon commented, cooking pasta is older than your constitution, if you are not able to really improve something so traditional you should stick to the tradition and show some respect

>> No.10676545

Pastaniggers are fucking pathetic.
What even is this argument you're trying to pull here? You boiled pasta before the constitution existed WOW congratulations on figuring out the amazing technology of putting shit in boiling water you fucking monkey.
My shoes deserve more respect than everyone in your gangster-run country.

>> No.10676645

> You boiled pasta before the
> constitution existed WOW congratulations on figuring out the
> amazing technology of putting shit in
> boiling water you fucking monkey.

Now you understand why it pisses us off that you can't even do this right you uncultured swine

>> No.10676668

I don't understand and I don't care, he can cook pasta by shoving it up his ass and using body heat to cook it for all I care.
Not everyone has to follow the same method you subhumans """invented""".

>> No.10676683
File: 365 KB, 1300x1300, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italy has a noticeably low IQ by European standards because they've mixed with Arabs and Africans and turned their country into a third world shithole where the only thing they have left is "muh heritage".

>> No.10676688

because they aren't white and chimp out like non-whites do

>> No.10676705

> Not everyone has to follow the same
> method you subhumans """invented""".
you obviously can choose to be retarded, and you guys will be treated like retarded, now go choke on an hot dog

>> No.10676727

Probably because it is an enormous source of national pride and heritage, and watching it get culturally enriched by cleetus and ahmed is an insult.

>> No.10676729

god I wish I had an Italian girlfriend who'd cook homemade Italian food for me
that would be heaven

>> No.10676739

all italians are children who don't know how to function off of the nipple

>> No.10676756
File: 65 KB, 510x543, italian fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*lives with mother at 30*
*throws trash on the street*
*pays protection money to mafia*
*dives in the penalty area*

>> No.10677536

>Chicago with their hotdogs and deepdish
And Italian beef sandwiches!

>> No.10677698

Isn't 100 the United States average? Literally how is every country below average?

>> No.10678225

Because pineapple on pizza.
> shame on you

>> No.10678228

Albania BTFO

>> No.10678264

United States average is lower than Italy.

>> No.10678276

why italians get mad what I do in my own home? I'm not trying to make your ideal version of pasta I'm just trying to make what tastes good to me and my family

>> No.10678281

people have been getting dumber with the proliferation of the Internet, the exact opposite of what it should have done.

>> No.10678348
File: 159 KB, 500x375, 1336891202298.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best food
>best culture
>best history
>best music
>best at football, the only sport that matters
>most beautiful women by far
Yeah, I'd be angry if I weren't Italian, too.

>> No.10678382

This guy can't cook for shit.

I'm not even joking around. I'm Irish and he got his start years back when he got a TV show on our national station. My uncle is a big time chef and representative here with our food industry (Bord Bia) and he could not cook, it was his Aunt who did all the cooking but Donal was just a handsome face they had instead of her because they thought people would rather watch a handsome young man with his own cooking show than a generic middle aged woman.

My Uncle's friends worked on the set and they said it was fucking comical the things he used to do. Like he didn't know you had to add oil to a pan, or preheat an oven and piles of other shit. I guess he learned the trade somewhere along the line and now makes a living out of it. But make no mistake he got his start as a posterboy for his Aunt's cooking.

>> No.10678384

You'd be pissed too if some subhuman El Atrocidad les Americano made your national dish like shit.

I get pissed too when i see my dad cooking these days, the over-use of shit like stock cubes, salt and spice mixes with like 50-60% salt yet still insisting on buying expensive parts of beef yet not actually knowing how to cook them yet not learning from the mistakes or when i point how to make it better since obviously since he's older he should know better even though my job is to make fucking food and even went to largely useless culinary school to learn how to do so!

Apart from some "my mom made it this way so it's the ONLY way to do so" retards etc it's like.. seeing a retard making food, usually wasting decent ingredients in the process or alternatively using shit-tier ones that arent actually any cheaper and are in fact harmful for your health so of course you have a reason to (usually) get mad!

>> No.10678435
File: 164 KB, 700x700, comfy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been to italy, eaten a bunch of food at nice restaurants in cities like Balogna (Known for their food).

They arent any better at food than any other country. Some good food for sure but also had some of the worst pizza of my life in Italy.

>> No.10678464

Balogna is in corsica

>> No.10678487
File: 21 KB, 563x503, 1513057964519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best at anything but being sweaty all the time

>> No.10678491


italians aren't even white.

>> No.10678520

i dont like this >:(

>> No.10678531

But the iq scale on formulated based on the average being 100. Are they saying that it is lower based on iq of 20 years ago? The score is based on the average and is updated based on current averages.

>> No.10678557

> going to bologna to eat pizza
because you are an idiot who cannot into research apparently.
I don't go to Nebraska to eat Chicago's pizza.
> Bologna know for their food
The entire state is know for their food and every region has different food

>> No.10678559

I don't care if it's authentic or not. One pot pasta makes a soggy mess. Only reason to make it is if you only have one pot.
You can make the same shit that actually is palatable if you have two pots.

>> No.10678574

you can only onepot well with pellet pasta like orzo. and not with a tomato sauce. basically pilaf type of thing

>> No.10678589

And that's a good thing

>> No.10678595

> don't care if it's authentic or not
when people (Italian) talk about authenticity they do for a reason. it's because traditional equals betterost of the time. You know, if using one pot would give the same result they'd figured out in hundreds of years don't you think?
Take into account that Italian's cuisine is poor, using one pot would be fucking amazing if the results would be palatable

>> No.10678633

you have to understand that northern europeans could only afford wild turnips, rotting meat, and milk, for about 5000 years.

So when they get ahold of things that have flavor, they don't know how to use them properly, and actually see no need to. They're so used to eating boiled potatoes and rotting fish that anything with fresh produce in it alone qualifies as gourmet to them, leading to abominations like the OP vid.

>> No.10678917

cuz we are stubborn hotheads, it's just the way we are

>> No.10678967

He fucking said it is inspired by Martha Stewert. Is that very Italian?

>> No.10679324

Federico Fellini and Pier Paolo Pasolini come to mind

>> No.10680245

> I don't understand and I don't care

Americans summed up in a single sentence.

>> No.10681203

tbqh go to reddit and ask the cities you'll be in what the classic spots are.

>> No.10681285

I do something similar for mac and cheese because I usually can't be assed when I'm in the mood for it. barely cover pasta with water, once it boils add salt, then add milk, if the pasta isn't cooked when the liquid is low add more water or milk. then add cheese, whatever spices you like, and then sour cream to finish it off.
I guess it's technically a bit more effort since you go from barely needing to stir a large pot of water to needing to pretty constantly stir the pasta, but sometimes you don't want to bother with making a bechamel

>> No.10681539
File: 1.77 MB, 2048x1596, 1508623141904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what part of california? the coastal cities will have great food. the inland areas will be void of flavor. alas, you can always find great mexican food anywhere you go.

>> No.10681563
File: 26 KB, 600x469, 1526506638597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't contaminate our food, a single plate of pasta is older than your constitution.
God I hate this line of thinking. I remember watching the Amanda Knox documentary and the global media was criticizing the poor practices of the Italian police and some smug fucker said "This town had the first established judicial court (or something) in 1302, what did america have in 1302? Paintings of buffalo on walls"
Such a smug way to deflect rightful criticism. It's like all italy has is their history, how sad.

>> No.10681605
File: 1.65 MB, 320x196, Boxing Ali Dodges.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an eastern european immigrant, living in the US, I have no problem with italians. I apologize for all the fucks sharing my citizenship. You guys are pretty decent.

>> No.10681641
File: 832 KB, 3840x2160, sloposhit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is nobody actually talking about the food? I'm not even Italian and OP's pic makes me angry. One of the most important aspects of pasta is the interplay between the textures of the sauce and the pasta itself. The sauce needs to be tight enough to where it's not a watery mess, the pasta should be just cooked, strained, and still starchy/textured enough to meld with the sauce. Additionally, there is absolutely no way to saute any ingredients there.

And yes, I regrettably gave the video a view. What a shame that tens of thousands of dollars went into that kitchen and its equipment for somebody to come through with such garbage cooking.

Obviously OP's video panders to an audience of fools who think that they're living more efficiently by cutting corners. The fact of the matter is that they are making shittier food and running the risk of wasting ingredients by ignoring basic cooking principles. That's all, I'm done

>> No.10681780
File: 145 KB, 900x597, 1527697769967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the one thing
Don't be ridiculous. They're pretty damn good at organized crime too.

>> No.10681789
File: 166 KB, 599x438, italymuttt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm italian and don't like cheese and don't eat with my family at dinner.

Fuck off kikes.

>> No.10681932

Who cares?

FUCK Italians and their poverty tier "food".

>> No.10681987
File: 34 KB, 620x413, Yuropeein Health minister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty nation invaded by Africa niggers and muslims to the point they have dark hair and eyes now
>accusing somebody else of not being "white"

Dio cane, ragazza.

>> No.10682030
File: 84 KB, 674x451, 1521887120424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this meal looks like shit, ignores lots of common sense basic bitch flavor strategies, and its shown by a nine year old girl. Its really, really bad and if you can't tell why (Whole grain pasta, or all the shit being mixed at the same time together like some amerimutt casserole) then you're the exact sort of person who should cook this because you wouldn't know what the fuck is good anyway

>> No.10682138

I agree with both of those statements

t. An Italian

>> No.10682159

Most national cuisines are based on cheap dishes that taste good.

>> No.10682272

And yet some assholes heap praises on one groups poverty-tier bullshit while berating others.

>> No.10682284

>0.000000321% italoameribots getting butthurt over food
we italians dont give a shit about what you do, you will eat it yourself anyway so enjoy a poorly done dish

>> No.10682454


>> No.10682828

look at all the comments in italian whining on that video. ameritalians don't speak italian

>> No.10682898

>remotely palatable to an Italian
stfu goombah
You guys literally put hotdogs on your pizza.
get over yourself.

>> No.10683123

>"their food"
>read ingredient list

•Tomatoes are an American food, not Italian.
•Basil, Onions, Garlic, & Black Pepper are an Asian foods, not Italian.
•Chili Peppers are a Mexican food, not Italian.
•Spinach is a Saracen food, not Italian.
•Pecorino Cheese is made from sheep's milk and sheep are originally Asain, not Italian.
•Durum Spaghetti is made from a type of wheat developed from emmer which was in Israel, not Italy.

Italians can claim olive oil all they want. So, I think Italians have any say over anything other than olive oil.

>> No.10683394

I assumed it was supposed to be an artistic shot where the food would just be wasted, because like you said, that would be shit as a meal

>> No.10683447
File: 33 KB, 244x130, oof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No food culture is existent because all ingredients originate elsewhere
Guess every other race than black is non existent because we came from ethiopian area.

>> No.10683489
File: 31 KB, 390x250, space-food-astronaut-ice-cream-neapolitan-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>italy's food is an enormous source of national pride and heritage
yeah. america just can't compete.

>> No.10683494

This recipe works fine if you use an electric kettle like a non-retard and it's salted/boiling when it hits the pan.

>> No.10683495

>people have been getting dumber with the proliferation of the Internet
>just one more post

>> No.10683514

>eaten a bunch of food at nice restaurants in cities like Balogna
Did their sandwiches live up to the hype?

>> No.10683517
File: 30 KB, 750x573, 1497832320454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my food culture is built on stealing things from everyone else and I'm mad when you get it wrong

>> No.10683529
File: 175 KB, 1200x821, DeR5dt9U0AEqk5P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch out we have a pasta expert in the building
also what do you mean by tight sauce

>> No.10683579
File: 85 KB, 600x397, astronaut1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say again Houston? I didn't copy.

>> No.10684043

>posts Lynn
>doesn't include his claim that Southern Italy is around 90 and Northern Italy is 100

>> No.10684112

He means the sauce should be at least nappe (a culinary term describing thickness enough to coat a spoon or food) and fully emulsified with any cheeses or fats. Too much sauce makes pasta float in a soup.

That being said pasta is stupid and it’s better to have more sauce than not enough

>> No.10684549

yeah but based on you're logic everyone is copying everyone

>> No.10684553
File: 112 KB, 1080x1186, DeWOWM-U8AAPmnR[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these redditalians from the IIDF coming out in full force
absolute lel

>> No.10684628

you are just destroying all the nutrient in vegetables like that

>> No.10685057

t. amerigoblin

>> No.10685062

Haven't you ever heard the saying, "nothing is original"? How old are you? 4chan is an 18+ only website.

>> No.10685070

Allegations and hearsay

>> No.10685086

Go make some pasta Ramone

>> No.10685090

Holy fuck shut the hell up

>> No.10685101

italian food is boring though

>> No.10685141

10 in regular numbers, not binary

>> No.10685324
File: 24 KB, 600x450, sicilian girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moors were black

Is this what americans really believe?

>> No.10685367


obviously germanic

>> No.10685373
File: 104 KB, 1080x1080, siciliangirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do this all day.

>> No.10685377

That’s a tranny

>> No.10685386

No, that's how germanic women look.

>> No.10685391
File: 46 KB, 480x480, cat jazz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10685410

>best music

What, because of opera? If you're talking about classical music in general, Germany obviously wins.

>> No.10685411 [DELETED] 

mericucks believe moors are black for the same reasons they, for example, would believe "england" is a city in arkansas or would raise their eyebrows when you say "hampshire" and ask you with a naive smile "dont you mean NEW hampwhire?
It started by because some of their niggers started calling themselves "moors" in the sixties or something when the race mixing just started to take a foothold in their culture and the niggers started looking ever so slightly lighter. of course they still had the nigger nose and the nigger lips and nigger facial and cranial features but niggers hate other niggers the most so the lighter ones seceded and started looking for a new identity. come the "moors" who, even in the sahara, have caucasian features with darker skin but nevermind. some of those niggers wanted a new identity to come with the newly acquired lighter skin so bad they unironically embraced islam, come the nation of islam etc ...

>> No.10685413

Like trannies? Wow, really makes you think.

>> No.10685417

This is a cooking board. What does this have to do with cooking?

>> No.10685420
File: 137 KB, 1024x435, dennishopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Tarantino
>Sicilian father left you
>mother fucked a nigger
>develop cuck fetish
>made this scene

>> No.10685474

Japan has better food

>> No.10685509
File: 116 KB, 500x464, cutie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why would anyone care if the italians steal you fucking retarded neckbeard faggot
you're not smart.

>> No.10685551

Why wouldn't you get mad? Stop being such a david chang asshole

>> No.10685579

>chick peas
Fucking why?

>> No.10685587
File: 63 KB, 599x338, Victoria-Trading-Company-Pasta-in-Sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10685599

If you are doing one pot pasta in the first place then might as well fuck it up even more.

>> No.10685612

Wagner's operas btfo of wop opera, yes, even Verdi. Not only that, but he wrote the libretto as well as composed the music. No wop composer did that.

>> No.10685617

One pot pasta is fine; if you do it right it can even be amazing. Boiling a bunch of veggies without browning them first is the stupid part.

>> No.10685638
File: 340 KB, 750x698, dixie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10685664

Yeah, the classic redneck opera connoisseur. Everybody knows one of those guys.

>> No.10685699

Just saying if you're an amerishit you're a hypocrite for hating italians as your country is named after one.

>> No.10685815


Honestly its because so many people try to cook italian food. Half the time they change so many ingredients or techniques as to create something sufficiently dissimilar to the actual dish that it should go by a different name.

>> No.10685819

Why is any of that happening at all?

this and also not putting the fresh herbs in at the end is just plain retarded

>> No.10685823

Honest question; where did this whole Italy was changed by invaders thing come from? Spain was literally ruled by Muslims for 900 years. Italy is a fucking genetic island used in countless genetic studies BECAUSE the population has not mixed with other populations to a significant degree in thousands of years. Italy is a fucking genetic island along with Finland.

>> No.10685844

He's a retard who thinks a few hundred moors were able to completely fuck italians into a new race of brown eyed people, not realizing that italians had brown eyes before that happened and even when it did it was only sicily that experienced it.

Normans came and killed all the muslims in the 8th century and exiled the natives of the island that converted to islam.