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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 960x948, samyang-2x-spicy-hot-chicken-ramen-ssyalan02-1704-28-ssyalan02@2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10673484 No.10673484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why are white people unable to eat spicy food? most of my white friends think ketchup is spicy

>> No.10673498

coreans are subhumans with no culture

>> No.10673504
File: 39 KB, 414x519, BEEA3448-02D0-43AC-A2FD-13E9CB34791F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Ohio we stack Filet-O-Fish 4-5 high. We call it a rusty trombone, nigga.

>> No.10673512

Lol you don't have any friends

>> No.10673513


No one calls ketchup spicy

>> No.10673567

they are unable to handle the spice. white people literally post reaction videos on YouTube of them eating the OP pic

>> No.10673574

lol you wish you had white friends.

>> No.10673675

Their culture is being Chinese vassal state for 1000+ years

>> No.10673874
File: 100 KB, 805x540, 1521851297923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an american meme or what? no white perseon i've met is any different at handling spicy shit than other races. Maybe mexican latinos and indians handle it better, but none of them are blacks, who seem to be the masters at spicy food according to this trend

>> No.10673892

You're an imbecile.

>> No.10673895

It's a black people meme. Apparently white people can't cook and think a slice of bread is spicy or something. idk lol. these are the same people who think they built the pyramids.

>> No.10673903

>it’s the blacks
this is what flyovers actually believe

>> No.10673907

it is spicy though, are you a smoker?

>> No.10673909

>go on Twitter
>look at all the stupid memes about whites not being able to cook
>it's always black people

>> No.10673911

Melanic breeds have fewer and less refined tastebuds in order to improve their ability to digest inedible stuff.

>> No.10673917

You'd wish that /ck/ was about food, but its not

its about memes, stupid repetitive memes that aren't funny. Jokes that bad daytime tv comics have been making for decades is all these autistic fucking shut-ins post about

they have no friends
they don't know how to cook
why are any of us even here?

>> No.10673924

imagine being so scared of blacks that they even bully you online

>> No.10673928

Is this shit even spicy, or just a youtube vlogger meme?

>> No.10673930

It is if you’re wh*te

>> No.10673939

>pointing something out means you're scared of black people
lol try harder

>> No.10673947

being scared of blacks is just as reasonable as being scared of pitbull that's not on a leash.

>> No.10673951

nips are inhuman filth that deserves to be whiped from the face of the earth. america made a mistake by stopping the nukes after only 2

>> No.10673953

Korea is the Canada of Asia

>> No.10673959

except canada wasn't agressively purged of its culture 60 years ago

>> No.10673966

Not really an excuse, the various dynasties left them alone for the most part as long as they paid tribute.

>> No.10673970
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it kinda was

>> No.10673976
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white people baka

>> No.10673977
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>Totally not ANOTHER one of these threads....

>> No.10673993
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>> No.10674288

that's a good thing you stupid nigger. literally no one but 4chin thinks bad of Canada

>> No.10674300

The women in my family think sprite and pepper are spicy

>> No.10674340


>> No.10674527

they are not used to spice. ketchup goes on burgers so that's the furthest most will go.

>> No.10674543

Fuck you Dave! I force-feed you ONE ghost chili and you tell Dad..I'm as disappointed as he..L.A. Beast likes spice..Sargent Pepper..Chile Nelson..It's a cold and it's a broken Jalapeno..Jalapeno..

>> No.10674550

o rly

>> No.10674561

milk is too spicy for wypipo

>> No.10674564
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>> No.10674570

>Things that never happened

>> No.10674575

>implying ketchup is not spicy
tough guy over here

>> No.10674588

>literally conquer the world partly for spices
>white people don't like spices

>> No.10674590

No one fuckin thinks ketchup is spicy, why do people make this shit up.

>> No.10674594

sounds like a gross generalization. 'm white and eat ghost peppers. put a nigga in a spice battle w/ me and they will instantly lose.

>> No.10674598

why do wypipo find dumb jokes too spicy lmaoooo

>> No.10674603

I'm Brazilian with Italian dependence and I love pepper and spicy food, and mustard too, and I'm white, you can't generalize like that.

>> No.10674698

>I'm Brazilian
>and i'm white

>> No.10674710

you are an outlier. they don't say "white people spicy" for no reason

>> No.10674751

White people evolved in Europe which is a cold climate. Most spices come from warm or more tropical climates. White people evolved to not eat spicy food.

>> No.10674763

Where the fuck did this stereotype even come from? I eat spicy foods and most of the white people I know do so too meanwhile the only black person I know avoids it like the plague.

>> No.10674875

capsicum is native to the americas, but all types of other people adopted hot peppers

im white and i eat peppers (birdseye mostly) with lots of things, i dunno

>> No.10674887

Black bois were evolved to be slaves though

>> No.10675114
File: 670 KB, 850x850, bfbf810b-1bd7-43e0-b781-b7e3c52dd55b_1.0a668334d1e6aa118607639c60d6a600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Neoguri. It's slightly less spicy (there is even a mild version that's not spicy at all) and mimics the taste of real food better.

Jin Ramyun is also good.

>> No.10675123
File: 1.34 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20180529_185505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love u brofag

>> No.10675124

I love spicy food and I'm white, but I have rosacea and it fucks me up bad even just eating jalapenos to my soup. Fucking Irish.

>> No.10675127

I've always found it weird how white people perceive spicy food as some sort of challenge, whereas the rest of the world adds spice to enhance the flavour of a dish rather than brag over some insecurity.

>> No.10675151
File: 445 KB, 1008x623, WYPIPO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with pushing your limits every now any then. They ain't hurting nobody.

>> No.10675169

let's hope they don't reproduce. give them the ol' uterus punch.

>> No.10675173

This. Try the non-export version if you can. It's known domestically in the RoK for the characteristic square slice of whole kombu seaweed, but I know for the export versions sold in the US, the kombu seaweed are chopped into little pieces for appealing to texture preferences of westerners.

>> No.10675177

Ehh. It's the same in any industrialized country in Asia. Every country I've visited in East/Southeast/Southern Asia always had a degree of respect for people who can handle super spicy food, and I remember there being challenges in restaurants in Korea in Seoul and Busan for certain super spicy seafood soups (짬뽕) and curries (they love Indian food).

>> No.10675181

Yeah, but spice shouldn't be prioritized over flavour. I loved IPAs before the "more bitter=better" craze ruined em. I'd rather the same thing didn't happen to spicy food.

>> No.10675194

>be white
>spend centuries building roads and trade routes so you can get spices
>accidently civilize the rest of the world in the process
>be the butt of "u can't handle spice" jokes that are based on made-up stereotype
Okay buddy.

>> No.10675203

I had a friend who until he was 12 thought pepperoni was too spicy. He's half mexican and half puerto rican and he doesn't like spicy food.

>> No.10675205

No one with a brain actually believes that all white people are incapable of seasoning or are unable to handle the heat.

>> No.10675213

It's starting to become a little annoying, because I don't understand where this stereotype comes from. It's like someone just made it up on Twitter and people Tweet it. I see it in news articles that have anything to do with food or a white person, there's always a comment about not using spices. It's pretty much the same as laughing every time a black guy is seen eating fried chicken. Like, who doesn't like fried chicken?

>> No.10675216

Ghetto Blacks and Hispanics on facebook and twitter started pushing that joke really hard around 2015. It's like they couldn't come up with any lightly racist stereotypes about white people, so they just made one up. No one rants and raves about how good spicy food is more than whites. It's literally their favorite thing.

>> No.10675219 [DELETED] 


>> No.10675220

Shut up nigger and eat some water melon

>> No.10675245

my mother thinks oregano is spicy

>> No.10675251

im korean and i fucking love fried chicken. pair it with a cold beer....yeah

>> No.10675261

the spices europeans wanted was shit like nutmeg and cinnamon. hungarians were the only ones to really add hot peppers to their cooking.

>> No.10675274

it's just an excuse because we don't want to eat with subhumans

>> No.10675287

The irony is the people that make this a meme are the ghetto garbage that eat McDonalds for dinner 3 times a week.

>> No.10675319
File: 80 KB, 728x420, 6EE443BB-0D15-474C-92FB-B247774ED243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the people that make this a meme

>> No.10675338

what would you call stock images with captions about bland white food being spread on social media?

>> No.10675417


>> No.10675552

Fuck Trump and fuck victim complex manufacturing Conservahicks

>> No.10675692

>ketchup is spicy
There's nobody with tastebuds that fucked up

>> No.10675703

Now you're moving the goal posts, nigger.

>> No.10675704

got some literature for me?
this sounds correct on its face but that might just be me trying to rationalize the demise of the canucks

>> No.10675706

cant we just coexist you salty nigger

>> No.10675710

t.can't see a "happy holidays" mug without getting triggered

>> No.10675712

>"pointing something out" every 12 hours while lashing out at people who aren't even black because they might be black until confirmed otherwise means you're scared of black people
Yes. Yes, it does =)

>> No.10675720

>asking why black people posts memes on Twitter about white people not using spices is now "lashing out" and means you are scared

>> No.10675731

>asking why
That's a funny way to say "crying about"

You know, outside the deep south, there are other kinds of restaurants other than "poor black people food" and "poor white people food"

>> No.10675748

What the fuck are you even talking about? Are you running your mouth just to run your mouth?
>I don't understand where this meme comes from, it doesn't make sense like a few other racial memes about food
>lol stop crying...something something deep south...ur scared

>> No.10675755


Darkies literally cry when they eat those.

>> No.10675756
File: 52 KB, 493x467, grasping-at-straws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about korean junk food
>mommy make the mean blacks stop bullying me. this is how the slaves must have felt!
See here's the thing. No one is denying that you're getting bullied by blacks. What's funny about it is your obsession with a caste system of your own design is blinding you to the reality: you are also getting bullied by everyone else.

>> No.10675757

>thread about korean junk food
>why can't people eat spicy food

>> No.10675761

>why can't white people
Fixed that for you

>> No.10675762

No no no, you must be mistaken. This is a thread about korean junk food. Surely it doesn't actually say anything about white people lol. You must be scared.

>> No.10675795

I honestly wish it was only about Korean junk food, it certainly would be more intresting. Besides, nothing is going to top the "mayo news" copy pasta.

>> No.10675812

>White Brazilian
>says there Italian
> puts ketchup on pizza
> thinks linguiça calabresa came from Italy

>> No.10675875
File: 99 KB, 199x400, Ketchup-z-piekla-rodem-29174-big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using this one. Advertizes as "straight out of hell", pretending to be super-spicy. In reality, as for me, it's rather on the mild side but it does have enough bite to qualify as "a bit spicy". I seriously don't feel any difference between the general "mild" and "spicy" ketchups.

>> No.10676629

North Korea is the best Korea

>> No.10677465

faggot. nobody describes food with cinnamon and nutmeg as 'spicy', except for maybe retards on 4chan

>> No.10677469
