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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10672297 No.10672297 [Reply] [Original]

Any fast food horror stories?
I went to Burger King in 2007 and got a clump of hair in my food. The manager laughed at my dad when he returned it. The location closed a year later.

>> No.10672400

Few years ago I grabbed my mom a BK fish when I was bringing her back from some outpatient surgery(so she was already feeling bad) she bit into it and chipped a crown because there was a nut and bolt cooked INTO the fish patty. I took some old pictures of it (no idea where they are) but I couldn't leave her all alone and drive into town to try to prove it and get a lawsuit going. And since it was kinda chewed up the pics weren't much proof it was really ever inside of it

>> No.10672449

When I worked att he airport Quizno's, a guy bit into a piece of plastic in his sandwich, and was so chill about it.

Thank you, sir. I would have thrown a fit.

>> No.10672481

Burger king 10 years ago, muslim cook put almost raw bacon on my 2 burgers. Got money back. Never been since.

>> No.10672687

Found a piece of rubber band inside a burger from Checkers
Checkers not even once

>> No.10672932

Cops showed up at the mexican restaurant I was at a few years ago because one of the cooks was assaulting a child in the mens bathroom. One cop said "we need to check ID's" and I kid you not most of the staff drops their trays n shit and runs out. The manager had to shut the place down and no one had to pay for their meals. I was there with family and ended up downing my margarita and took the glass while my parents snagged some to go boxes from the counter. So many cops showed up that you thought they just did a cartel drug bust. The parking lot looked like a sea of blue and red lights when we were leaving. Yes the place shut down

>> No.10672940

Piece of metal (part of a screw?) in a burger. I was young and stupid so I didn't even bring it up.

>> No.10672950

I worked at BK in high school, and there was a guy who would drink the grease drippings from the conveyor broiler thing sometimes he would take home food from the waste bucket where we put dropped stuff

>> No.10674403

Last time I had KFC I vomited shortly after and then I was sick for the next 5 days.

>> No.10674547


I'm guessing you were living in California?

>> No.10674557

I went to wendys when I was maybe 12 or 13 and some old guy had a heart attack and died while I was there. Now I have a ghost, lol.

>> No.10674559

I was molested in the ball pit at McDonald's..

>> No.10674640
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When my little sister was 12, I laughed at her for being too fat to fit in the play place at McDonald's and she kicked me hard in the nuts. I threw her onto a table and gave her wedgies until she apologized.

>> No.10674737

it was a dark and stormy night
i ordered a hamburger
chain unimportant
see ghost
shit myself
eat hamburger while smelling my own shit

>> No.10674747

I worked at a mcdonalds and there was a taco bell down the street. Several of our employees knew employees over there. One day the Taco Bell was shut down. Word of mouth was that somebody had shit in the refried beans, and the staff served it. They fired every single employee.

>> No.10674782

I got a Big Mac with no meat.

>> No.10674799

>few years ago
>go to Mcds drive through
>order a cheeseburger
>get bag
>its a bun with nothing on it

>> No.10674805

>Work at a McDicks.
>The ice cream maker never broke.

>> No.10674842

Burger king gets precooked bacon.

But I don't expect people on this board to be able to properly identify foods.

>> No.10674858

Arby's came close to fucking my shit up as a kid.

We were going to a theme park and mom said we could eat what we wanted at Arby's. So I saw they had chicken cordon bleu and since I liked those I decided I'd order one. As you may recall Arby's hasn't sold them in decades and I almost became one of the reasons -why-. I bit into the sandwich and there was a molten pocket of cooking oil that had gotten itself sealed inside the chicken. Now the first thing I did realizing this was a bad situation was I spit that shit out as fast as I could. Thank you ladenfrost effect! I still got a slight 'pizza mouth' but nothing too bad.

Later I found out a boy my age was not so fortunate. His grease pocket napalmed the ever loving fuck out of his mouth and left him with third degree burns. And some pissed off parents filing a lawsuit. Due to this incident Arby's cordon bleu was pulled never to be released again.

>> No.10674860

There was a load of semen in my burger

>> No.10674905

Inconceivable. Have a terrible night.

>> No.10674955
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>Due to this incident Arby's cordon bleu was pulled never to be released again.
They still sell them right fucking now you lying piece of shit

>> No.10675112

Tell me what state you live in now

>> No.10675136

I got food poisoning from Burger King that made me feel like I was going to die.
It was a really weird and out of body experience. I remember my mother sleeping and was thinking how I didn't want to disturb her, so I crawled upstairs on my hands and knees to my bed and went into a fetal position accepting death.

And then I lived.
I felt like a truck hit me for three days and I didn't go to BK for 5 years.

>> No.10675146
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I found what appeared to be pubes caked into my grilled chicken at Burger King, this was around 2007.

>> No.10675160

The cheese used to be INSIDE the chicken, dumbass

>> No.10675311

I was like 11 years old and ordered chicken nuggets from some local restaurant owned by an old couple. A while after ordering, they started calling out that there was a chicken salad sandwich ready to be picked up. They continued calling over and over, but nobody claimed it. I eventually went up to them and said that I ordered chicken nuggets and that they might have confused my nuggies with chicken salad. The old man got angry, for some reason unwilling to just make the fucking nuggets, and said "Well, can't you at least try it?", but I told him that I didn't want chicken salad. His wife started crying and he had to pull her into the back to calm her down. I can't remember what happened after but I'm pretty sure that I just left without getting any food.

>> No.10675323

>can't you just try it
Yeah, if you give it to me for free

>> No.10675336

what a shitshow but you were in the right anon

>> No.10675365
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i was eating at red robins for my birthday once. the nearby location is a good place and the waiters have always reliably been polite. one day i see one of them licking spoons in the kitchen and got management on their ass and saw them screaming on the way out when i got done with my food.

>> No.10675382

I was somewhere in Baltimore, don't know the name of the place, I'm not from there. I was out with my three buddies, two of which were cousins to each other. The younger cousin is known to be a dickhead, so I'm glad he was actually there for this.

We were all kind of hungover and went to this diner for a late breakfast/lunch. The food they brought out was just awful, never once in my entire life have I've felt the need to call the manager over. The younger cousin wanted to handle the situation, so we just sat back and let him. He proceeded to berate this manager like he was a child, and I didn't feel bad. The food was that fucking bad.

>> No.10675386

why did they lick the spoon

>> No.10675402

>call and order a pizza
>maybe Papa John's, but it doesn't matter
>just a single pizza with pepperoni and mushroom, nothing else. Maybe a 2-liter, idk
>now I'm pretty lenient when it comes to waiting for delivery, sometimes they can get busy and I understand this. So I don't throw a fit if it's a few minutes late.
>caller tells me price and time, 45 minutes
>hour goes by, no pizza
>call establishment back, oh, they're just late sorry
>an additional half hour goes by, no pizza
>call establishment back a third time, sorry, just about there
>finally doorbell rings
>it's some fucking 19 year old looking chick with an attitude problem holding the pizza and it's not in one of those bags
>sweetheart, it took you almost two and half hours to bring me a pizza
>but I'm hungry, so I take the pizza and crack it open
>cold looking pepperoni, onion and green pepper pizza
>not what I ordered, late as fuck, and cold...I'm not paying for this
>pass the pizza back to her, go to close the door
>nutty bitch actually tries to shoulder my door and force it back open
>wtf.jpg, I'm much stronger than you, force her out of my house and almost knock her on her ass
>slam my door shut, she runs to her car and throws pizza in back seat
>leans on her fucking horn for like 15 straight seconds
>gets in car peels out
>I live in a quiet neighborhood

>> No.10675695
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>Late 2000s
>On business trip to St. Louis.
>Leave airport in my rental car
>Tired but also hungry
>See Subway on way to my hotel
>Don't want to look for something better, just want to eat and then sleep
>Walk inside
>Category 3 chimpout in progress
>Customers and employees at full levels of bix nood beating the shit out of each other/yelling/cheering

>> No.10675716

>Be in college
>Get addicted to those shitty tacos from Jack in the Box
>Usually only have 4, try having 6 one day
>Next day, diarrhea
>Has small amount of blood in it
>Freak out, almost get colonoscopy before realizing that it went away pretty quickly

Glad I didn't go through with that. Still though, I've always been a little wary of those things ever since. Never had more than 4 in one sitting again.

>> No.10675738

the legit retard i would take care of many years ago would go to long john silvers, eat his fried combo, then ask the employees there for a paper tray filled with the fried batter pieces that would pile up at the bottom of the machine and eat them. he was ginormous.

>> No.10675781

>be me
>be around 13
>be ausfag
>spending a day with my cousin in the city
>go to macca's for lunch
>I order a cheeseburger and coke
>cousin despises any form of food that isn't chips or sweets
>orders a "cheeseburger" but without the cheese and without the burger
>gets a beef pattie and 2 buns
>no sauce, nothing
>takes a bite
>takes another bite
>5 minutes go by
>suddenly starts moaning really loudly and going red in the face
>fucker almost shit himself in the car from food poisoning

>> No.10675815

>I'm much stronger than you
>force her out of my house
You're alpha as fuck bro, I'm impressed

>> No.10675818

>4 in one sitting
>4 in one shitting

>> No.10675821

What gave him food poisoning? Certainly not the bun. It doesn't affect you that quickly.

>> No.10675826

Nothing alpha about it, just absurd that a small chick tried to force their way into a strange man's house. Hence the "wtf". I'm sure you knew that though and decided to focus on that one aspect of the story so you could leave a totally sarcastic reply thinking you were clever.

>> No.10675839

>In a country where outside of cities guns are rather accessible and self-defense laws tend to favor home owners
>Try to muscle into someone's house over a cold pizza

I'm starting to think it's not the weapons but the sheer amount of stupid people living there.

>> No.10675859

I'm guessing they gave him an uncooked or undercooked pattie (why tho)

>> No.10675888

wasn't saying it was unjustified, but the phrasing made it seem like the poster was Max Payne, tossing bitches around like nothing, defending the homestead

>> No.10675892

and yeah I made that reply for the express purpose of seeming clever.
I think I nailed it.

>> No.10675910
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Again that's the one thing you focused on. If I answer the door I don't care if it's pic related trying to force their way past me, I'm tossing her on her ass. Also I would laugh because obviously I'm stronger, why are you trying to force your way past me, it's absurd. Doesn't make me feel powerful because I defeated Ms. Skeletal

>> No.10675977

>again that's the one thing you focused on
What else is there to address? Your greentext wasn't exactly nuanced. I don't give two shits about SJW concerns but your language and phrasing is very misogynistic.
>not bait

>> No.10675986

>not bait
>definitely bait

>> No.10675994

>not bait

>> No.10676002

I ate McDonalds a few weeks ago and later that night started shitting blood.

>> No.10676009

>order some sandwich from red rooster
>the bread has the texture of dish sponge and the mayo smells off but didnt notice til swallowed first bite
>threw the rest out
>was fine til the next day then painful stomach cramps and vomiting for a week

>> No.10676015

Oh, and I also projectile vomited and had brutal diarrhoea.

The blood continued into the next few days.

>> No.10676023

So when you said "Arby's cordon bleu was pulled never to be released again" what you meant was "Arby's changed it slightly and kept selling them"?

>> No.10676051

anon neglected to mention he was 25 at the time

>> No.10676058

One time there was a cutie at the drive through and we exchanged a short conversation, it was nice.

>> No.10676059

Did you eat in McDonalds after hooking up with Tyrone on Grindr?

>> No.10676075

I got food poisoning from Boston Pizza that caused me to lose like four pounds in a week because anything I tried to eat just went on a log flume ride straight out my ass in undigested form

>> No.10676096

This commercial is from 1994, its the same shit they've always been making. You burned your little baby mouth on a hot chicken sandwich.


>> No.10676099

That sounds really good if you could find a way to replicate it on demand

>> No.10676105
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It comes across as bewilderment a girl would even try, like they've never encountered the realisation they are weak. You ever stopped a woman slapping you by holding both wrists and watching their expression turn to fear? That's them realising any man could rape them at any time and they would be helpless. EVERY man is stronger than
EVERY woman, testosterone is a hell of a drug

>> No.10676108

Did he have a crystal on his belly button?

>> No.10676135

Nope :)

>> No.10676145

the taste is refreshing

>> No.10676170
File: 40 KB, 640x764, ppI96z0_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate black people so much.

>> No.10676180

You have to go back

>> No.10676198

Racism is the BIGGEST sign of unintelligence. It shows insecurity in how you feel about your own race and is a sign of weakness and fear of other races. I hope you grow up one day

>> No.10676220
File: 386 KB, 1000x400, 1522622744614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Racism is the BIGGEST sign of unintelligence
Wrong this is a lefty boomer meme, actually the opposite is true
Gee who would have thought smarter people recognise patterns better

>> No.10676232

but you still lock your car doors in a bad neighborhood, because you know blacks live there.

>> No.10676245

You're confusing poor socioeconomic areas with blacks. That's a product of your brain washing, you go on obvious propaganda websites like /pol/ and since you lack world experience you believe everything you read and it puts fear into your mind so you automatically get scared and associate blacks with things that make you uncomfortable like getting killed or them taking your girlfriend because you feel inferior to them.

>> No.10676253
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>You're confusing poor socioeconomic areas with blacks
Why does every where blacks live end up poor socioeconomic areas then?

>> No.10676266

You're incorrect. Being racist is actually rational and shows that you have a correctly functioning brain that can make rational decisions under uncertainty.

For example, given that you know that blacks commit much more violent crime per capita than east asians, it would be rational of you to be more wary of a black man walking towards you in the street at night than an east asian man , all other things being equal.

This is racism but it is also 100% rational.

>> No.10676269

The government purposely did that. Similar to how AIDS and Crack were pushed into African American and homosexual communities. People are a product of their environment, not the other way around. The CIA knew that and through social engineering built the ghettos we know today.
Fun fact: the AIDS virus was spread through black communities through the smallpox vaccine

>> No.10676288

So you're saying that because the CIA did that I shouldn't be afraid of the criminals they helped create?


>> No.10676289

>taco bell after a double shift, its getting late
>standing in line
>Bald landwhale in front of me ordered $30 worth of food with a bunch of nonsense alterations
>Extra guac on the XXL stuft, no guac on some other thing, move the tomatoes from this burrito onto the quesadilla etc it was about 7 minutes of ordering
>Poor bastard taking her order tells her itll probably take a bit
>She says that magic phrase all of you have heard working fast food
>Well Im need compensation fo' the inconvenience
>Poor bastard turns out to also be a dumb bastard and argues with her
>I have to wait through 20 minutes of back and forth with this woman getting angrier and louder
>She grabs a cup, waddles over and fills it with somethig at the drink machine, whips it into the kitchen and waddles out shouting and seearing thats she is going to call the cops
>Poor dumb bastard had to clean the kitchen, said itd be like 15 minutes
>Go get a McChicken because I have to be back to work in 7 hours

>> No.10676300

You're correct America did try to sabotage black communities and even gave women the vote in the hopes it would nullify the black vote, however we aren't just talking about just America, we're talking about why globally every area blacks move into become socioeconomic deficits
>People are a product of their environment
Literally wrong, people are 80% nature, 20% nurture and I'm giving you the generous statistics here, now if only someone had done a study placing black children into high income white families across a significant period of time, like a transracial adoption study

>> No.10676322

happened to me when I went for the kfc buffet dont ever fucking touch that shit unless you want the worst case of food poisoning.

>> No.10676680
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Sounds like you deserved it tbhfam.

>> No.10676995

Laughing at the fat is not worth a nut attack.

>> No.10677035

BASED multicultural poster
spreading these DRUMPFtards tears all over the place
Only 15 year old edgelords can pretend to be racist on an anonymous JAPANESE AMERICAN website

>> No.10677056

I believe this is true but the "sister" in the store is actually anon.

>> No.10677202


>> No.10677249

Nature is misogynistic

>> No.10677252


>> No.10677269

>explain why a certain race was made to be a threat

>> No.10677297
File: 141 KB, 296x317, guys pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a /ck/ argues about black people episode

>> No.10677347


Funny OP, in 2007 I also went to my local Burger King and ordered a meat stacker burger and my burger had a massive bite taken out of it when it was served to me. The burger king closed within the next year if I remember right.

Fun fact: it was the same Burger King that Benjamin Kyle guy who was found naked with amnesia and covered in ants was found behind.

>> No.10677399

I will never understand the weird shit people lie about on an anonymous Hungarian funnel web spider breeding forum

>> No.10677428

Dumb whore I hope she had to get a second job to support her crackbaby after that.

>> No.10677434
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>> No.10677445

>Libcuck snowflake likes to pretend racism doesn't exist.
I swear you guys in the extreme left are more dangerous than the neo-nazis we get on here.
Ignorance solves nothing.

>> No.10677459

thanks for shitting up the cooking board with your nonsense, I can't wait to see it again tomorrow

>> No.10677470

Keep living in denial.
I can cook better than you in any case. You're the one who decided to meta post.

>> No.10677477

you sound like a child, thanks for posting, I feel really enriched by it

>> No.10677907

there comes a time when using buzzwords ironically stops being ironic, and I know you think you're ahead of the curve, but you're not. you're as retarded as everyone else

>> No.10677925

Taco bell 2013 I believe. Got a triple steak stack because commercials made it look delicious. Got it and took a bite, meat was ice cold and bread tasted like stale naan. Walked inside and threw it out after showing them. Just asked for a locos taco and they gave me a Baja blast /w cinnamon twists for free.

>> No.10677933

>i can cook better than you in any case
lmao i am rubber you are glue, bounces off me and sticks to you!!!

>> No.10677974

>was sitting in the outside of a mcdonalds back in way early 2000s
>family friend is eating her burger when she suddenly stops and looks up with big eyes
>spits into a napkin and then pulls bun off
>roach cooked cirectly into the burger
>hear kds in the ballpit yelling all of a sudden as famfriend tries not to puke
>5 or so kids run out of ballpit gagging
>one kid unleashed a torrent of liquid brownwater and it was all over the ballpit and all over the kids

same fucking day, same location, they knocked it down to the ground a few months later and remade it as one of those "trendy" mcdonalds with the water fountains and bar lights

>> No.10678017

shut the fuck up roastie, go to one of the threads where you learn how to cook

>> No.10678037

last time i got takeout from kfc every single piece of chicken smelled and tasted like weed

>> No.10678043
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>Racism is the BIGGEST sign of unintelligence
are you sure it's the BIGGEST?

>> No.10678206


>> No.10678254
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It's hilarious, isn't it?

>> No.10678287

bump for interest.

>> No.10678297

>implying you could beat Gina Carano in a fight

>> No.10678332

they were probably high desu.

>> No.10678608

it's called a stand

>> No.10678611

what is it always McDs?

>> No.10678720

>When my little anon was 12, I laughed at me for being too fat to fit in the play place at McDonald's and I kicked me hard in the nuts. I threw me onto a table and gave me wedgies until I apologized.

>> No.10678753
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>> No.10678852

Haha got em haha

>> No.10678887

Lol what the fuck

>> No.10678957

so diverse

>> No.10679063

>Fun fact: the AIDS virus was spread through black communities through the smallpox vaccine
Try IV drug use and unprotected sex

>> No.10679098

toastie fucking roastie

>> No.10679168

I can't decide if it's hilarious or tragic

>implying I couldn't make her gargle my balls
Mate, do you think I work at buzzfeed or something?

>> No.10679247

>like 14 years old idk
>get mcdonalds, bigmac for lunch
>later in the day stomach starts hurting badly
>extreme shivers, unbelievably cold
>bad aches and pains all over
>absolute suffering
>lay in bed most of the night like that
>finally get to sleep
>wake up
>everythings fine

I don't know wtf happened but I blame the big mac.

>> No.10679288

It feels good to see my Youtube channel linked here.

>> No.10679290

Why do you like 14 year olds and what does that have to do with the rest of your story?

>> No.10679310

I have a few from working at McDonalds.

>First day on the job.
>Ask where the gloves are
>"You don't need those."
>Go back and forth between handling uncooked meat, handling eggs, and making sandwiches.
>Go to wash hands in between each.
>"The fuck you doing? Stop wasting time."

>Middle of Summer
>Ac is broken.
>Sweating like crazy, using a handkerchief to keep it in check.
>Cunt customer at counter screams I'm using my bare hands to wipe away sweat.
>Show them the handkerchief in my hand to no avail.
>Manager tells me I have to stop.
>Drip sweat onto everyone's food for the rest of the summer.

>> No.10679323

I don't know, they're just neat

>> No.10679403
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Eye wood hogtie that bitch!!!!

>> No.10679622

damn sounds like a black community

>> No.10679680

I ate onion rings from jack in the box and got terrible diarrhea later. I almost passed out on the toilet. A few months later I ate bad spinach from trader joe’s and laid on the couch all day sweating and feeling uncomfortable

>> No.10679694
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I would have let her in and closed the door and locked it.

>You wanted in?
>Now you're in
>You want to leave?

>> No.10679789

is that why every nigger hates white people?

>> No.10679802

When pollo tropical first opened I got one of their pulled pork sandwiches, when I bit into it, it still had the needle from the meat thermometer that broke off. It slid against the back of my teeth and went straight in to my gums and hit my tooth's roots. It was painful as hell and I had to sit with that needle in my mouth for 2 hours while my dentist rushed over to his office to help me.

I tried to sue pollo tropical but was threatened by their lawyers, they said I didn't have the money to fight against them and they would bankrupt me.

>> No.10680149

could have gotten an easy settlement finding a lawyer to take the case on contingency, no company would ever let that go to trial you fucked up big

>> No.10680157

Lawyers can and will lie to you to prevent you from sueing them especially if they know its a case they can't win.

>> No.10680163

i remember doing a 360 and walking away when i saw a nog jump over the counter at dunkin donuts attacking the pajeet staffing it

>> No.10680287

I got sprayed by hornet spray at Krystal's in 1988

>> No.10680328

I was at Tesco when some jackass decided to season his food with pepper spray. It got everyone.

>> No.10680451
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I went to this place called Just Burgers in the University District of Seattle Washington. I asked for garlic fries but the chinaman woman at the cashier thought I said curly fries. I didn't notice the error until I got curly fries instead of garlic fries that I ordered. I reluctantly took the curly fries not wanting to start trouble. I started eating the curly fries but it tasted really bad. I then remembered sing the line Cooks store cooked curly fries and large clear containers, the curly fries already cooked and days old sitting in room temperature.

I of course fell ill just an hour later. I will never go there again. I don't even like the thought of Mexicans touching my food, anyway.

>> No.10680750

>went to Burger King
>ordered whopper
>went home and ate it, went to sleep about an hour later
>woke up with excruciating stomach pains
>stomach starting rumbling, sounded like a beast roaring or something
>went to bathroom because i felt as if had to take a shit
>huge logs of shit coming out of my ass mixed with a tiny amount of blood
>this goes on for at least 2 hours.
>more blood comes out, the amount of shit lessens over time
>feels like its all out
>stay up because i couldnt sleep after that, decide to watch some anime
>30 minutes later, felt like i had to go back to the bathroom again
>sit down on toilet, a bit of blood pours out of my asshole
>toilet water looks like cranberry sauce
>even more shit than before comes out
>doesnt last as long as before, fortunately
>finally go back to bed after 25+ minutes of bleeding and shitting out of my ass

>> No.10680760

fake and gay

>> No.10680848
File: 72 KB, 298x298, 1522612126860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2017 a rallys/checkers opened up in my town
>swing by after work one night and grab a xl frylovers cup, one of their burgers, and a soda
>eat it up at home and play some videogames and then crawl into bed to sleep
>wake up in the middle of the night not feeling well so I get a glass of water
>10 minutes later glued to the floor vomiting profusely
>anytime I try to drink water I immediately throw up
>start shaking from being cold so I try to stand up to get a blanket
>anytime I stand up for more than 15 seconds I have to throw up
>crawl out of the bathroom to grab my phone and call anybody to help me because after 8 full start and full stop vomits I had convinced myself that I was going to dehydrate and die
>my mom tells me she will drive 2 hours to my apartment and shes going to take me to the hospital
>beg her not to because I'm an amerifat with no health insurance and a fear of debt
>call into work since my shift was going to start in about 4 hours and I can't even stand up
>she settles with leaving me with some unflavored salt liquid from the baby isle of Wal-Mart that smells like eggfarts and some crackers after I convince her that I am no longer dying
>throw up twice after they leave and begin sipping the dart flavor liquid until I stopped upchucking
>pull a blanket I dragged into the bathroom over me and use a toilet paper roll as a pillow and go back to sleep on the linoleum

I still can't eat their fries without feeling ill. I also had to throw away a 5 dollar scent packet that I had just bought because I mentally associated it with the feeling of throwing up.

>> No.10680853

what the fuck

>> No.10680899

>can't even stand up

How did you open the door to let your mum in then you lying faggot

>> No.10680951

>only 5 years

>> No.10681281

But you said they were Chinese not Mexican

>> No.10681316

>Go to McDonald’s
>Order tendies and open tendies box
>Filled with tartar sauce
>Went up to the manager with it and got a free meal

>> No.10681357

I was able to get up but typically for an amount of time under 1 minute.

>> No.10681877

Fuck me, I have read this million times and I keep reading it as "flyover"

>> No.10681901

>go to burger king
>teenage girl at cash register appears to be having a mental breakdown while the rest of the employees pick up her slack
>politely notify her the pop machine is basically dispensing slightly brown tinted water while waiting for my burger
>she starts yelling at me about her problems or some shit
>coworker tries to stop her
>she continues yelling and then starts crying and walks into the back and out the door

>> No.10682820

Exact same thing happened to me. Well apart from living somewhere where rallys/checkers part was substituted by some pizza place. As long as you don't put anything in your stomach like water or anything else you're semi-fine, but you're thirsty as fuck and you need to drink at least something. Eventually I got to the ER and after being put on a drip of some anti-diarrhea medicine and saline solution I was fine.

>> No.10682842

Could be Illinois too, we get a lot of illegal restaurants because of Chicago, heck had some illegals operating on in my bumfuck nowhere town.

>> No.10682853

As someone who was a fat kid, that kind of humiliation and being singled out fucking hurts, especially coming from family. Anon deserved to get his little-anons kicked. At the age of 12, it is mostly the parents fault if a kid is THAT overweight. It didn't suddenly happen inbetween 11 1/2 years old and 12, it was something that was probably building up for a long time and the parents didnt care to address it by trying to get them involved in fitness, sports, or even changing the kids diet.

>> No.10682922

>Crazy person happens to be woman
>Tries to force her way into my house to attack me because I wont pay for something she is trying to sell me I didnt order
>Close door on crazy person(female) which requires me to use my physical size and strength difference(male #nature #testosteroneprivilege #castrateallmen #freeweezy)
>Post about it


>> No.10682946

An uncooked or undercooked patty also doesn't give you food poisoning that quickly, it takes hours. Little shit-head was either faking it, or his digestive system was so fucked up from his diet of chips and sweets that his intestines and gut flora and fauna couldn't handle it and tried to flush it. Also McDonalds patties are all frozen to shit, getting food poisoning off one is damn near impossible if it was a special order like yours was and wasn't sitting under a heat lamp.

Either that or the kid was already sick and it just happened to hit then.

>> No.10682972


>> No.10682992

Congrats! You just experienced the Noravirus friend! Why didn't you talk about the excruciating intestinal cramping though? This story almost sounds made up without that part being added!

>> No.10683027

I went to McDonald's today and got a Filet-O-Fish combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. I was eating it in my vehicle in the parking lot and listening to an audiobook when I glanced up and saw the McDonald's worker I ordered outside having a cigarette.

She waved at me and I nodded and had to wait 7 minutes before she went back inside and I could eat in comfort again. I don't think that employees should be bothering or even trying to socialize with customers outside of the McDonald's restaurant or drive through, but that is another story.

I went to McDonald's for dinner tonight and got a McChicken combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. As I was driving to the second window the same girl was still working. She was acting somewhat obsequious and attempting small talk when she asked, 'why don't you come eat inside instead of in the parking lot where it is cold'.

That really bothered me for many reasons. First of all, I don't want my routine or actions to be tracked by a fast food employee. Secondly, she should not try to tell me how I should live my life. I do not want to eat inside because I find it less comfortable and would much rather be inside my vehicle listening to an audiobook and enjoying myself and my privacy.

Overall, I think it was very unprofessional to bring this up. I should have a clean slate with each drive through visit, not have to get the third degree because I committed some sort of faux pas. Which I don't think I did, because I often see people eating in fast food parking lots. How does she know I am not busy going to work or somewhere in a rush?

How do you feel about eating in your vehicle in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant versus eating inside the restaurant?

>> No.10683072

>Now youse can't leave

>> No.10683083


>> No.10683116

you didn't survive. this reality is different.

>> No.10683158

Are you a samefagging Rallys/Checkers shill or something? Nothing about his story is unbelievable, damn moron.

>> No.10683183

nice pasta

>> No.10683187


>Doesn't drive to a completely different parking lot to eat in his car

Are you even trying?

>> No.10683312

Totally different people there bucko. Don't even know what a Rally's/Checkers is, must be a coasty thing. But what he described is textbook Noravirus which means that shit was under a heat lamp for hours. Almost no other form of food poisoning causes symptoms that are as specific as what he described, especially to the point of throwing up water. But he missed the extreme stomach cramps, which means he probably either had an odd experience, forgot about it, or made it up.

With the way you react though sounds like you might just be some five-guys shill trying to post shit-stories about other chains. What's wrong snowflake? Business going downhill now that everyone has tried your memeburger and decided it isn't worth it?

>> No.10683355

The fact that you even mentioned Five Guys isn't helping your case, brainlet shill.

>> No.10683387

I just hope you called the place back about it. That's absurd.

>> No.10683443
File: 29 KB, 600x402, hamilton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first job was fry cook at LJS when I was 16. Those are crumbs and we used to make vats and vats full of them to put at the bottom of the trays before you put the fish or chicken planks down. We'd take a big slotted spoon and dip it into the fish batter and drizzle it into the fryers.

>> No.10683460

Reminds me of a time years ago that I got a sausage biscuit with no sausage. The biscuit was cut, but nothing was on it. They seemed high as fuck.

Anywho, biggest one was a friend found the paper that usually goes around a straw in her water after she took several sips.

>> No.10683472

like 12 years or so ago i was on a road trip with my family out to PEI and we stopped at a KFC in Quebec. I got a little piece of bone stuck in my throat and and went to take a quick chug of milk and it was so lumpy. It was god damn disgusting.

>> No.10683484

We all got our thing, my dude, let's not judge.

>> No.10683499

I went to KFC and there was black people there.

The end.

>> No.10683641
File: 198 KB, 657x624, 1527039730900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you okay?

>> No.10683651

I don’t like groups of them

>> No.10683670

>cops being allowed to ask for ID
>illegals being afraid they'll be deported
Confirmed not California

>> No.10683705

>Be a cheap student living in a student accommodation building
>Order highest rated ‘cheap’ pizza nearby from a place named ‘Pizza Man’.
>Dough tastes like vomit, cheese is fully separate from the base, pepperoni tastes and has the texture of raw meat
I complained and they said JustEat would pay me back but they never did