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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10668214 No.10668214 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not saying Alton Brown is a bad person...but literally every recipe of his that I've tried has tasted incredibly dull and bland.

>> No.10668230

Anybody who replies after this post is a gullible moron.

>> No.10668241

no u

>> No.10668258

Truth hurts, Alton.

>> No.10668267

>t. gullible morons

>> No.10668269

maybe you're shit at cooking

>> No.10668275
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>> No.10668277

Nope. I'm great at cooking.

>> No.10668285

>alton brown
nigga, you finna get aids-chai-tea

>> No.10668289


>> No.10668306

No you're not.

>> No.10668312

newfags BTFO (my post doesn't count by the way)

>> No.10668313

He's alot like the chef john of tv in that way.

>> No.10668318

Yes I am.

>> No.10668351

he cute

>> No.10668381

Obviously not if your food is bad

>> No.10668382

> (my post doesn't count by the way)

Do I sense SOY? yes I do

gb2 reddit

>> No.10668390

you don't have to be a chef to follow a recipe to the letter and get garbage that it is

>> No.10668403

*Alton Brown's food is bad

>> No.10668431

Alton Brown is the Bill Nye of gastronomy. Listen to somebody who can actually run a Michelin standard restaurant.

>> No.10668438

Were you even alive when 9/11 happened kid? Don’t you dare reply to me like that

>> No.10668450
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>> No.10668459

dick-sucking ring of faggots that love the taste of cum

>> No.10668462

I tried his butterflied/spatchcocked chicken and it was trash

>> No.10668483

the pH of cum usually tamps down any flavor.
he is not real
stop being a faggot

>> No.10668484
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a bloo bloo, name sounds foreign me don't want people rating restaurants :(

>> No.10668490

not above the level of word-of-mouth

>> No.10668500

In my experience his recipes on the Food Network site are transcribed by retarded interns. Everything I've made from his first 2 IJHftF cookbooks has turned out really solid.

>> No.10668508

word of mouth doesn't guarantee you any standards, but it's not like you care about those

pajeet I assume? or some inbred flyover? they're hard to tell apart these days, if I'm wrong that only says something about you

>> No.10668617

I bet you don't even eat food in real life.

>> No.10668645
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well adjust that shit to your taste instead of the taste of middle america you dumb motherfucker

>> No.10668673

You just wanted to make that association but it's not a good equivalency. Alton is more about being a teacher, not an actual chef.

>> No.10668726

Reply to this post if you know for a fact that OP can't cook for shit.

>> No.10668791

Serious question:
Alton is divorce and only had one child. He currently is advocating pro-gay views.

Is Alton a fag?

>> No.10668833

probably desu

>> No.10668885

Damn shame. Seems like a guy who knows his stuff when it comes to cooking. Certainly entertaining.

Cooked myself some chicken thighs with herb sauce for dinner tonight btw. Followed by a spinach salad.

>> No.10668892

Why does it matter? It doesn't change his cooking skill or his entertainment value.

>> No.10668897

his technique for cooking a turkey is the best tho

>> No.10668920

He's Christian and supports traditional families. Nice try though satan, you won't corrupt everyone.

>> No.10668934

i feel bad for people who are disabled. Being a white, Christian male with a large family is objectively the most fulfilling life.

>> No.10668959

he's a meme faggot that only people who don't actually cook like..

>> No.10669018

>white, Christian male
>a large family
>and a career
>pick one nigger

>> No.10669035

i dunno man, i thought his french toast recipe tasted pretty good

>> No.10669184

It sounds like you aren't, actually.

>> No.10670236

I am a very good cook, actually.

>> No.10670253

>Word of mouth
You might as well read yelp reviews

>> No.10670379
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Sounds like you, or whoever prepared what you've tasted, suck at cooking, OP. I've followed plenty of his recipes to a T and rarely have problems.
I make his pizza dough every week, sometimes twice. I eat a shitload of pizza. No idea where to get the malt barely syrup around here so I substitute it with brown rice syrup. If there isn't a difference feel free to call me a retard. I also follow his grilled tomato method for sauce which is nice and zesty. My buddy is a chef who started off practically running our town's favorite pizzeria since high school and even he was impressed by the pizzas.
I make his jerky recipe every week, the only problem I have with it is the recipe is a tad bit spicier than the flavor I desire, but it's probably what he was aiming for. Pic related, it's delicious.
The porkchop brine is great, if not a bit salty. Still tastes better than my roommate's chops, who just puts a slice of butter on them and throws them in the oven.
The beef taco recipe is flawless. I have nothing negative to say about it.
And his winter vegetable soup is great. The only problems I had with it were on my first attempt and doing a poor job properly cutting the squash. Ever since then I make it to keep me and roommates free of whatever winter bug comes around.

Yeah they guy's a pussy when it comes to frying a turkey, but none of his recipes are in any way dull or bland.

>> No.10670386 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10670422

*tips fedora*

>> No.10670430

I don’t get why people follow this guy.
He’s a TV producer not a chef and all his recipes are cooked by a professional in rehearsal prior.

>> No.10670442

He did actually go to culinary school. I don't think he's ever ran a restaurant or anything.

>> No.10670446

I suspected he was gay but that doesn't appear to be the case.

>> No.10670704

>Needs a recipe for something as simple as French Toast.

Jesus, this is what we are dealing with here.

>> No.10670988

Where he spatchcocks the turkey and has the stuffing underneath to absorb the juices? Too bad America's Test Kitchen did the same thing 10 years earlier then he did

>> No.10671002

>It's not 100% unique and original! WAH!

>> No.10671026 [DELETED] 

Where do you think he got that idea from nigger?
Trying to get credit without acknowledging where he got the idea just like the koolaid pickles

>> No.10671607


back to /pol/ with you honey, reported for racism

>> No.10671686

He's worked in a restaurant as a line cook but he's never been a head chef.

>> No.10671693

>He replied to the post

>> No.10671727

List 5 of his recipes you've tried and explain in detail where each one falls short.