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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 21 KB, 216x240, 2a69fa49c37c31ca900835d178c9a512--grills-old-school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10666399 No.10666399 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get a grilling thread going. Tomorrow's Memorial Day so it's the perfect excuse to do some grilling. And if you're not American, well, you can grill 'cause it's fun!

What are you guys planning on cooking this weekend? I'm going to try some corn and hamburgers, and I managed to snag some cheap ny strip steaks. Never grilled steak before, so I'm going to do a practice run with one tonight and do the real deal tomorrow.

>> No.10666412

I'll be grilling burgers too

>> No.10666505
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I am making satay, will post more if I have time

>> No.10666724
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chicken in the marinade

>> No.10666873
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anon is that chicken breast meat cut up into chunks?
it sure looks like it?
is every thing ok?

>> No.10666929

Does anyone ever really use the grills at the park?

>> No.10666945


>> No.10667018

It's thighs and some breast meat that I used a jaccard tool on. they will be skewered and grilled.

>> No.10667154

That's a sad state of affairs if you're using one of public grills. You should really make sure it's cleaned first, holligans piss and shit in those things way before you can get to them.

>> No.10667249

My GFs gonna be cooking up some racks of ribs, starting em off in the instant pot, and finishing them on the grill. Not quite sure how the instant pot thing works, and I'm a little suspicious that she isn't going enjoy them as much as she thinks, but whatever.

Also put some brand new flavorizer bars on my grill today, cuz the old ones were severely rusted and corroded.

>> No.10667266

Use tinfoil before using it

>> No.10667267

> GF
> 4chan
> Cooks
Sounds legit.

>> No.10667580

>Use tinfoil
How? wrap each grill grate in foil?

>> No.10667602

Gonna need the jack webm where he cooks hot dogs on one of those park grills with the ashes still on the bars, resulting in them being all over the dogs.

>> No.10667607
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>clean the top
>apply tinfoil
>poke hole
>optional: add oil

>> No.10667839
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on the grill with some corn

>> No.10667844

do people actually use those grills that they have in public parks? gross

>> No.10667866
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>> No.10667867

You put tin foil over the grates, genius. Besides, the heat kills any bugs that worry you.

>> No.10667875

Chicken looks good. I'd put the corn back on the grill a couple more minutes.

>> No.10667889
File: 319 KB, 1140x320, recipe-sous-vide-medium-rare-strip-steak-header-centered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got back. did ribeyes and strips sous vide for 2.5 hrs at 130, finished on the grill. they were thick so perfect edge to edge medium rare, now I need a strong whiskey and a nice lie down.

>> No.10667936


That looks perfect, anon. I'd chase that with some of these thick scotch ales I'm drinking. I've got a few ribeyes ready. I suppose I'll go do one now.

>> No.10667953

that was isn't mine. mine were about 1 inch thick only but turned out just as good as the pic in terms of doneness. I flavored the sous vide bag with fresh shallots, garlic, rosemary, thyme, and dill. didn't even need a sauce, butter, or anything.

>> No.10667965

what if some hobo shit or pissed in it

>> No.10667971

I mean, they are called hobo toilets for a reason

>> No.10667975

But why would a hobo even want to do that

>> No.10667984

some men just want to watch the world burn

>> No.10667986

Is that really what 130 looks like in sous vide? And it takes 2.5 hours? I roast tenderloin every night at my job and that would definitely be under 120 if I temped it out of the oven (and that's how I like it but my chef gets mad when he comes on the line and sees that I pulled it before 125).

>> No.10667992

Who cares? You're building a fucking fire in it.

>> No.10668005

yes. color is pretty similar between rare to med rare but in the pic you can tell by the texture and grain that it got up to 130. rare would be more lumpy or blueish looking.

>> No.10668031

clearly you have never smelled burning shit

>> No.10668035
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I use them.

>> No.10668064

Interesting. I guess I was forgetting about carryover, which I assume doesn't apply to sous vide. I actually bought an anova last cyber Tuesday but haven't actually used it yet because I was sharing a kitchen up until a week ago. Do you use vacuum bags or just regular zip locks?

>> No.10668097

I use the little hand pump vacuum bags that are reusable but I usually just throw them out because I am really lazy

nothing wrong with zip locks though if you don't want to spend the money.

>> No.10668132

I need to vent here for a moment. Been spending the last hour cleaning my gf's Traeger grill.

The infuriating thing is her mother, in a monumental display of retardation decided one day to "clean" the grill herself, but instead of cleaning, she just covered the inside in FUCKING RUSTOLEUM and then painted over the oxidation and rust and old grill grease that had been inside it with FUCKING PAINT. Not even good paint, or heat resistant paint. I can't believe anyone could be that fucking stupid. The inside, the drip/convection pans, the lid. Covered in paint that now has to be removed to prevent the thing from smelling like a fucking meth lab.

It will be worth it once it's all gone, it's a nice Traeger. But goddamn.

>> No.10668155

Dang that looks really good. Nice job

>> No.10668192

Tri-tip, couple ribeye steaks for myself, wings, hot links, kabobs, shrimp, some mushrooms, roast potatoes, some veggies, maybe ribs that I've had in the freezer, maybe go to the store and grab a bag of oysters, not sure what else.

>> No.10668448

Damn please post pics

>> No.10668454

That's a BBQ

>> No.10668458
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>> No.10668460
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>> No.10668477

I don't have a grill. The local parks don't have public grills, which is odd in the midwest especially in nice areas, and I live in an apartment so unless I want to take up more space storing one inside.

I'm going to rub a rack of ribs with the smoky adobo sauce from a can of chipotle peppers, as well as brown sugar and some other spices, so hopefully I can get some of that smoked flavor when I oven them. I don't want to try to smoke them in the oven because I've got no ventilation.

>> No.10668573

Make sure you inform that old woman exactly what she inflicted upon you and her daughter.

>> No.10668699

i'd venture a guess that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and she may take after her mother at some point.

leave the grill half done, and stop cleaning the traeger.

>> No.10668707

use liquid smoke, broski

>> No.10669237

Grilling related question. I am closing on a house after years of banishment to an apartment complex that bans grills. In celebration, I will be spending way more than I should on a big, shiny new grill. It will be gas because I find most charcoal only makes a big difference when it's a very long cooking period as opposed to steaks and burgers. I may get a smoker in time, but I want to master grilling first. However, I've never been able to afford a 'nice' grill up until now and I'm looking for opinions on what is worth the money and what is overpriced nonsense for people who do not know better. Any suggestions for brands or models?

>> No.10669267

I cook about 80% of my food on the grills in the park across the street. Haven't had electricity in awhile. An no you don't need to line it with foil first.

>> No.10669290

why not just smoke your ribs inside but stay outside while your apartment fills with smoke?

>> No.10669303

Smack the stupid bitch and ask questions later.

>> No.10669311

Smoke detectors will go off and then some annoying inlaw will start yammering.

>> No.10669320

How do I properly start a fire with charcoals without using a fuckton of lighter fluid?

I feel like I’m making it much harder than it is.

>> No.10669322

You have to take the smoke alarms down and throw them away. I do every time I move into a new place like within the first day or two of being there.

>> No.10669331

That's a bad idea for insurance reasons. You're better off replacing the batteries with dead ones.

>> No.10669538
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Use a coal starter.

>> No.10669572
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There's literally no ventilation. I'd have to go in with an oxygen tank to get the ribs out of the oven and my neighbors would be calling the fire department. Trust me, I've tried this shit before.

>> No.10671399

Chimney starter is good. >>10669538

Or, you can make a cylinder shape out of newspaper and fill it up with crumpled paper. Put a few coals on top and set it on fire. That should get the first few coals started, then you slowly stack more on top of those until you reach a critical mass and you can put the full remaining amount you need on top of it, then just wait for it all to get going.

>> No.10671460

>Haven't had electricity in awhile.
Where do you live where you have a park across the street but no electricity?

>> No.10671980

>bar supporting the top rack is bent and warped and no longer holds the top rack in place properly
>heat shields rusted out completely and basically disintegrated
>can't find the proper replacements anywhere
>grill no longer has a top rack and I have ill fitting heat shields crammed in that fall if I bump the grill ever-so-slightly

Do I just buy a new one?

>> No.10672001
File: 1.45 MB, 2576x1932, 20180527_131710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smoked a chicken and some baked beans yesterday. I used a simple rub of salt, paprika, brown sugar, garlic powder and onion powder. I smoked with red oak and mulberry wood. I find trussing tightly helps keep the chicken moist.

>> No.10672010
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*also made some deviled eggs

>> No.10672145
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Did my test run. Steak came out tasty but I cooked it a little too long, will dial it back. I don't know how to keep the burgers from shriveling up so much though.

>> No.10672160

If you make your patties with a dent in the middle they'll flatten less.

>> No.10672337

Ah cool, didn't know that. Thanks, I'll try that today.

>> No.10672368

this is currently the only good thread on /ck/

probably gonna grill some hotdogs on the weber later

>> No.10672372

Grilling some chicken breasts right now.

My mom rubbed them in something, I'm not sure what but it looks kind of red.

>> No.10673706


>> No.10673711
File: 807 KB, 2016x1512, 20180527_192157-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had my memorial day cookout yesterday at my brothers place. Pic related

>> No.10673750
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>> No.10673757
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>> No.10673764
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>> No.10673765

I just get new batteries for the things. It's a non-issue.

>> No.10673768
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Is that really what Americans are expected to cook on in a public park?

>> No.10673774
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>> No.10673785

What's the marinade?

>> No.10673787

MI 6? What are you British Secret Service?

>> No.10673803

He posted the marinade in the post he was replying to, you stupid ass.

>> No.10673807
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Already started to dig in. Wonderful.

>> No.10673824
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Stone cutter

>> No.10673842

How in the world would you consider that a "grill", much less a "barbecue"? Get this stupid shit out of here. It's useless. You might as well use an induction hotplate at that point and get zero flavor associated with meats roasting over a combination of wood-based direct and indirect heat.

>> No.10673843

and make them thinner and really flat

>> No.10673852

here's the full recipe if you want to make it

>> No.10674584

No, make a hat out of it

>> No.10674589
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>fish sauce

>> No.10675316
File: 2.74 MB, 3264x1836, 20180528_223854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my pork loin. This was my first time smoking. It took the meat about 5 1/2 hours to reach 145F in my weber premium grill set at 225-250F using the snake method and apple wood chips. It took me a while to figure out how to keep and maintain the proper temperature. I realized that adding water to the bottom pan was too strong of a heat sink, and that a greater number of lit coals must be added at the beginning in order to initiate the burning process properly. Speaking of which, an easy way to light a small number of coals in a chimney starter is to simply flip it upside down, putting the coals where the paper would normally go and vice versa.

>> No.10675321
File: 1.36 MB, 3264x1836, 20180528_224612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here it is sliced on a plate.

>> No.10675395

San Fransisco.