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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 278 KB, 1200x1200, Mama_instant_noodle_block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10661528 No.10661528 [Reply] [Original]

>another OP on /r/frugal recommends ramen

Jesus Christ I am so mad right now. Ramen is NOT cost effective, it is NOT filling, it has ZERO nutritional value. It is a false economy. Tests on rats shower that it is more beneficial to eat cardboard than it is to eat ramen. But seriously, if someone tries to tell you how to eat "as cheaply as possible" and their shopping list includes ramen, they're a fucking idiot and their list is bullshit. Porridge oats are cheap. Milk is cheap. Potatoes are cheap. Fucking shit-ass noodles aren't cheap because you're paying for NOTHING.

Tl;dr - ramen are a shit food source and not even worth the few cents they cost

>> No.10661546

Yeah reddit has always been for retards, no surprise there.
I like ramen to cook my eggs in sometimes.

>> No.10661611

ramen is good for calories and base level nutrition

now granted it's not the best for you but it should get you by if you youre starving

>> No.10661637

No it isnt. Its good for acting as a vessel for various vegetables and meats you have laying around. Straight ramen is worse for you barring extreme starvation than just not eating anything at all.

>> No.10661649

>Straight ramen is worse for you barring extreme starvation than just not eating anything at all

what a stupid and incorrect statement


>> No.10661665

Look up fasting and look up health benefits of ramen dipshit LOL

>> No.10661675
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t. butthurt amerifat al/ck/ie

>> No.10661683

this but unironically

>> No.10661691

OP is a faggot for going on reddit in the first place
if you want cheap buy uncooked rice in bulk, the more you buy the more you save, buy a rice cooker and salt
and if youre really low on money go to your local church for some free cabbage and white bread
god bless

>> No.10661699

>It is a false economy.
nutritional quality aside, this is true

one 50g packet of ramen is .25
one 900g packet of italian-style pasta is 1.00

which one is cheaper should be obvious, but retarded students and yankees and yankee students think the ramen is cheaper just because it's cheaper per unit, rather than looking at the cost by mass/weight/portions/literally any more useful value

absolutely incorrect but even if you werent youre still a retard for buying Top Ramen instead of normal pasta, or even rice or potatoes in bulk

>> No.10661704

what do any of those words have to do with this thread?
stupid frogposter

>> No.10661706
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>buy a rice cooker
Why Can't Americans Cook Rice Properly?

>> No.10661715

>implying you dont know how to cook rice if you own a rice cooker
so that means all of asia doesn't know how to cook ?

>> No.10661716

No it fucking isn't, how can you be so ignorant? A portion of ramen contains nothing but a few hundred blank calories and nothing else - no vitamins, no proteins and no minerals. It's not even a good source of calories (rice is cheaper and more filling and nutritious) and it's certainly not "base level nutrition". If you were literally starving and you had a few dollars to get the maximum possible food you should be spending it on rice, beans, or potatoes, not rice that's already been fucking eaten and shit out at least twice already then spun into threads

>> No.10661718

but they're so tasty

>> No.10661755

>so that means all of asia doesn't know how to cook ?
yes, unfortunately

even japs can be inept

i've personally found that dollar store pasta is best. it has more iron and protein in it (i guess from the semolina) than ramen, but you can still buy it in small low-cost quantities when you don't have 20$ for a sack of rice

pasta also seems more filling.

potatoes would be king but they're the most expensive option, unfortunately

>> No.10661789

Yeah, that's what it really comes down to. It's easy, convenient and tasty, that's what you're paying for. That and a shitload of packaging that ends in the garbage Boiling some pasta and adding half a bouillon cube doesn't come near it, even though it's practically the same thing.

>> No.10661840

A dollar gets you 2000 calories. That's pretty boss if you're trying to get by

>> No.10661844

Christ, anon. Take a moment and breathe. Remember to breathe.

Oh, and instant ramen is made from wheat, not rice.

>> No.10661862

OP is right though, ramen is just the popular option for people who only know how to boil water.
Still potatoes aren't that expensive. I can get a 10lbs sack for $3-$5 at most big grocery stores.

>> No.10661872

>no minerals
I admit pasta is both cheaper and better, but ramen has lots of minerals if you use the sachets

>> No.10661877

Calm down fqggot God damn

>> No.10661894

potatoes vary in price a lot from what ive seen

>there are people who don't use them
yeah like salt, salt, salt, and more salt

>> No.10661929
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>getting mad at things on reddit of all things
You may be eating healthy, but you will probably die of a nervous breakdown for getting angry about irrelevant crap on the internet.

I don't mind eating ramen once in a while. The problem is if it is the basis of your diet. If you like it for the taste, then add stuff that can actually help you like eggs, chive, etc.

>> No.10661938

He's right, you know. The most cost effective meals I eat consist of real food. Bouillon will save your life and you can make a beef noodle skillet that tastes better than Hamburger Helper.

>> No.10661945

stay there faggot

>> No.10661951
File: 42 KB, 640x640, trololololololol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rage comics in 2018
kilt york shelf
you read that wrong
u mad bro?

>> No.10661957

>t. idiots that don't know anything about nutrition

>> No.10661964

If it's just calories you want, eat a stick of butter.

>> No.10661995

it's a tasty, filling snack for when I'm lazy and don't want to cook. but yeah if you want/need to eat on the cheap then learning to cook from scratch is an absolute must. also I rec this in all these type of threads, spices and herbs may seem expensive for the amount you get, but that shit goes a long way and makes a huge difference.

>> No.10662006

the belief it's a good bargain is a holdover from the days ramen was ten cents a package

>> No.10662009

Reddit this reddit that fuck u op

>> No.10662011
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>Live with poor (i.e. Stupid) roommate
>Buys ramen and zatarains and every other retarded overpriced item that poor people eat
>Fucking sits there and asks me how I can afford to eat a 16 oz. steak ($5.99) while he throws two boxes of zatarains ($2.99x2), two smoked sausages ($2.50x2), and a 14oz bag of fake crab ($5.99) into a pot
>Next day I'm eating another fucking steak and he's throwing half a pot of nasty fake gumbo out because it doesn't taste good reheated

>Make a fucking giant container of black bean salad for like $8 total
>He comes home from Taco Bell with 2 burritos, 4 tacos, a drink and some cinnamon covered packing peanuts

People are fucking stupid.
People are, in fact, so fucking stupid that they will sit there and watch other poor people in order to learn how to properly be poor, and eat poptarts and shit for dinner.

>> No.10662020

is has broth in it and maybe even fish powder and this means it has lots of minerals

>> No.10662027

msg man, it has msg too!

>> No.10662036
File: 6 KB, 362x119, worstpostaward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got this a while back when i posted in a webm thread. i screen capped it in case there was one more worthy than i.

here you go

>> No.10662041
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>Implying this board isn't just an extension of reddit.
Keep pretending you guys know anything more about food and nutrition as they do.

>> No.10662044

We know a shit ton more about fast food.

>> No.10662049

nice logic there fagass

>> No.10662050

I wandered over here from /k/ one day. The general lack of knowledge and flagrant misinformation made me feel right at home.

>> No.10662056

steve1989 puts the /k/ in /ck/
May god bless that beautiful man

>> No.10662057

I have no problem with this.
Read posts from this board and then go over to reddit cooking boards. It's fucking identical.
I like watching everyone argue with each other over dumb shit. That's why I come here.

>> No.10662059

You don't even need fancy spices. Just get salt, black pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, and paprika. Depending on your tastes you can also grab some chili powder, curry powder, oregano, basil, bay leaves, and Italian seasoning, but really you just need the 5 basics for most dishes.

>> No.10662065

>goes to reddit to "compare" posts
>calls us reddit
wew lad
now go back and stay back

>> No.10662066
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This anon gets it. Steve is too good for this world.

>> No.10662069

If you're fat yeah going hungry is better but if you're not trying to lose weight ramen has calories that will spike blood sugar storing fats and carbs. It also does have some protein. Plenty of people have lived off of ramen or even less

>> No.10662072

yeah just the basics, for your "fancy" herbs and shit it's more economical in the long run to have an herb garden, even just a small one inside is fine

>> No.10662076

Stop pretending you don't spend half of your time there at least. I go there to make fun of them, just like I make fun of you queers. Keep arguing with me if you like it's fun.

>> No.10662079

I go there for alt country because moo hardly ever has a country thread

>> No.10662084

it's really bewildering how little people think about what they do these days

but these are the people who now run the world so my plan is to become a hermit

>> No.10662088

Browse whatever the hell you want. /ck/ is full of self hating redditors. At least you don't care and do what you want.

>> No.10662089

>no cumin , corriander, cinamon, anise, ginger, cardamin, star anise, allspice, nutmeg, turmeric, cayenne, mustard, cloves
and thats not even counting herbs
you truly are a cheflet

>> No.10662093

>He comes home from Taco Bell with 2 burritos, 4 tacos, a drink and some cinnamon covered packing peanuts
At most it was $7 quit being self righteous faggot.

>> No.10662111

>Lots of minerals in the sachets
Thou trollst

>> No.10662118
File: 141 KB, 500x550, 1523090727452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair taco bell has gotten a lot more expensive. The bigger burritos are like $5, drinks are almost $2. If you eat a lot, you could run up a $20 tab

>tfw back in '08 used to taco bell to with friends after school
>$2 got you a taco, fountain soda and bag of Doritos

>> No.10662120

nah that sounds like 2 combos so probably around 10 bucks each before tax

>> No.10662123

If you are ordering $20 worth of taco bell you either are terrible at ordering taco bell or you are enormous.

>> No.10662129

No shit. Gotta eat big to make gains

>> No.10662133

I'm a doctor and nobody said it was healthy

>> No.10662137

I did forget cinnamon , but the rest of those, while nice for advanced cooking, are pretty much unnecessary for the kind of basic budget food that this thread is about. No need to be rude, jackoff, you're not impressing anyone with your elite chef knowledge.

>> No.10662142

>elite chef knowledge.
He is most likely a fry cook at applebee's, pay him no mind.

>> No.10662144

I was being sarcastic but thanks anyway.

>> No.10662145

>i'm an unlovable cum swallowing reddit faggot
>everybody else must be too!
nobody wants you around. not in your real life, and not on the internet either.

>> No.10662153

>getting this mad over a post
This is how I know you frequent both reddit and /leftypol/

>> No.10662159

I worked at a taco bell for a year or two and can confirm that most people are too retarded to order intelligently
>man comes to the counter and orders a bunch of shit that comes in a box individually
>tell him that I can give him a box for cheaper
>furiously says he doesn't want a damn box
>just let him pay extra for his shit
this same situation occurred far too often

>> No.10662164

wow youre a bigger faggot than OP

>> No.10662166

Running out of steam aren't you sweetie?

>> No.10662167

again, insisting that everybody is self hating reddit just like you. can't you just walk into the forest and disappear or something?

>> No.10662171

Because you do and can't prove me wrong.

>> No.10662178

>make a thread about genuine cooking and stuff
>some massive faggot comes to /ck/
>make thread killing others thread for some (you)s he can screen cap and post on 4chan
fuck off and die

>> No.10662192

If you guys didn't take the bait every goddamn time, people wouldn't do this.

>> No.10662379

What fucking year do you live in grandpa
Fast food has been "only retards eat here" expensive for a fucking decade now.

Tell me more about how sliders were a nickel a piece when you were in High School.

>> No.10662489

Box meal normally comes with a burrito, two tacos, a drink, and cinnatwists. That's $5. Add another burrito and 2 tacos, that's probably another 3-4 dollars max. So $8-9 total, still way less than $23.

>> No.10662532
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>Straight ramen is worse for you barring extreme starvation than just not eating anything at all.
It's literally a staple food you absolute retard.
Many people have lived off of cheap, nutritionally lacking noodles for long periods of time.

>> No.10663266

>Fast food has been "only retards eat here" expensive

>> No.10663479

>newfag doesn't even know how to spoiler

>> No.10663539

>I'm a doctor
t. guy that's not a doctor

>> No.10663884

Good goyim. Rice is only for the chosen people. Keep eating wheat and destroying your gut lining.

>> No.10663952

Rice cookers are cheap and cook rice with zero fuss without any monitoring. If you eat a lot of rice then you should definitely get a rice cooker. Just chuck it in the cooker and use that time to cook actual dishes to go with your rice.

>> No.10663976

Buy some Chinese noodles instead, takes about 4 mins to boil and is way more filling and has better texture than cheap ramen. I used to eat it with canned tuna (in oil) all the time. Add some vegetables or an egg with butter and it's great.

>> No.10663989

>He doesn't udon

>> No.10664004

No one's eating like that because they're trying to eat healthy. They're trying to eat something palatable that isn't just potatoes and beans. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.10664459

they are wheat noodles, with a small amount of protein. the fat sates the appetite. the noodles are fine. add a little protein and a veg, its a real meal. just throw out the flavor packet. if you cant figure out how to flavor from scratch, you should be eaten like Balut.

>> No.10664476

>If I go to reddit it must mean everyone else does too
Fucking faggot

>> No.10664479

the real issue here is that american wh*tes can't cook anything that doesn't come out of a packet and doesn't have "instant" written on the packaging. there are plenty of ways to make beans and potatoes palatable, let alone making normal pasta worth a shit

>implying americans can do anything with ramen more advanced than "put a egg in it like in my animes :)"
>implying they can even do that correctly half the time and boil an egg properly without burning their dorm down

>> No.10664486

>ramen is a staple food
>"Many people have lived off of cheap, nutritionally lacking noodles for long periods of time."
yeah, only retarded students try to live off of ramen alone

if anything, it's why the US is such a liberal shithole, literal brain degredation from malnutrition among the ""academic"" caste

>> No.10664558
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Im living off by mix up macarons, small pack of frozen veggies, ground beef and tomato sauce in pot for 4$ but seems unrealistic to achieve on student budget

>> No.10664698

na msg is going to kill your ass in like 5 years if all you eat is ramen

>> No.10664747
File: 90 KB, 720x450, 1426071527514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know hating reddit is just a meme

>> No.10664878

the seasoning is literally the only thing of any value in the pack. if all you want is noodles and oil you can just buy them sperately.

>> No.10664887

How is there a whole subreddit dedicated to the sentence "rice and beans and oats"

>> No.10664898

>he didn't notice that quality of /ck/ briefly improved when frogs, wojacks, and alck mostly disappeared but are making a comeback
We really need a mod to come through and issue warnings and then bans to everyone memespamming. Food and Cooking, not complaining about fast food and self-checkout, personal relationships, and posting your website avatar autism.

Ramen is filling, salty, and fast. Faster than some fast food but it's a dried brick you can have anywhere even at home. I prefer Chex for a meal I need to eat NOW but sometimes there's other emergencies, so fuck on off.

>> No.10664907

ramen is a perfectly balanced food
has a lot of calories, contains carbs and fat

>> No.10664943

$23 at taco bell
Stop lying.

>> No.10664950

>buy a rice cooker

Totally unecessary. If you're strapped for cash just use a pot.

>> No.10664953

Instant noodles is best as supplement carb, not as a main source of carb. Here's what I recommend. If you're not full from eating a bowl of jasmine rice, prepare instant noodles and eat it afterwards.

>> No.10664962

>friend was eating ramen and microwave food for a week
>says he doesnt feel good
>calls ambulance
>I tell him he needs to drink water because of his sodium intake
>doctors tell him same thing and put him on saline

>> No.10665019

>put a cup of rice in pot
>put 2 cups of boiling water in pot
>wait for 15 minutes

Cooking rice is about as zero fuss as you can get.

>> No.10665066


>Dry lentils
>Dry beans
>Dry chickpeas

I suppose you can get a good start with these. Not fucking ramen.

>> No.10665081

americans cant make rice in a pot. they dont understand how to use stoves. it's why ramen is so popular, you microwave it

>> No.10665088
File: 59 KB, 498x471, 1526785939852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit is for faggots, what did you expect?

>> No.10665331

>>he didn't notice that quality of /ck/ briefly improved when frogs, wojacks, and alck mostly disappeared but are making a comeback
What are you on about? I can't stand those. I can understand the mixup though, you're probably confusing reddit with /r9k/.

>> No.10665387
File: 34 KB, 500x365, 1486529239598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>onion powder, garlic powder
What kind of subhuman uses dehydrated shit instead of real onions and garlic?
>chili powder
it's oregano, cumin and ground chili peppers.
dried basil is disgusting. grow your own and stop putting it in everything where it doesn't belong
>Italian seasoning
there is nothing more flyover than wasting money on awful blends

do you own a slow cooker too?

>> No.10665474

not gonna go through the thread but you're one hundred percent correct. you would probably get more nutrients out of eating the packaging

>> No.10665636

Here' your (((((you))))) faggot

>> No.10665670

this is correct. but in the end what kind of retard is too lazy to force his waifu to make fresh noodles everyday?

>> No.10665673

>post has already over 100 replies
You're a bit late to the party faggot.

>> No.10665727

there is nothing wrong with al/ck/ you fucking teetotaler

>> No.10665751

Yeah, neither with aids! God damn normalfags.

>> No.10665770


You've actually convinced me, I was once a dried noodle 'tard, but now I can see the spaghetti and spirelli light.

I always assumed it was cheaper than dried pasta, because stupid, and because it maybe once was on a par with it, years ago.

Thanks for helping me out.

>> No.10666033
File: 116 KB, 1024x538, 1519062565777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horrible gay post. I hope all the bad things in this world happen to you and only you.

>> No.10666132

Go back to r*ddit you cock smoker

>> No.10666214

why don't you fuck off back to r*ddit, this place is for big bois only

>> No.10666866
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>> No.10667014

>health benefits of ramen

unironically GB2plebbit you retard

>> No.10667232

Store brand rice, spaghetti, quick oats and stuffing are my budget gotos right now. I can squeeze 8-10 meals out of 2 lb angel hair which cost $1.43 at Walmart

>> No.10667270

Taco Bell has dollar items and plain tacos are only $1.20 or so. Jack in the Box has better deals on tacos though

>> No.10667698
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>> No.10667700

is this the most forced meme ever?

>> No.10667821

With the exception of the gonewild subreddits, where stupid whores post nude photos of themselves, reddit is an absolute rubbish site.

>> No.10669098

You just put boiling water in a pot and just leave it like couscous? First time I'm hearing this method. I doubt you'll make good rice this way. Usually people cook rice over a flame. Then you have to adjust the flame so it doesn't boil over and mess up your stove or get burnt.

People with rice cookers just put the rice on the rice cooker, add required water and wait 15 mins. No fiddling with the flame or whatever. This is why the entirety of Asia uses rice cookers. The only people that don't use it are poor people that can't afford it.

>> No.10669511

>rice, beans, or potatoes


>> No.10670557
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>redditors coming here to make threads entitled "fuck reddit".

>> No.10670575

>5 days ago is a while back.

>> No.10670719

>Tests on rats show that it is more beneficial to eat cardboard than it is to eat ramen

>> No.10671069
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>> No.10671113

the average IQ has really dropped.

>> No.10671159

The box meals can be pretty decent deals for 5 bucks unless you're eating at a mall.

>> No.10671162

at 13¢ a piece it gives you 54 carbohydrates, 9 grams of protein, and 2.6 grams of fat for a total of 376 calories. It if comparable to most Pastas so complaining about Ramen is like complaining about any noodle. It isn't made to be haute cuisine it is a quick meal for people with either a minimal amount of money or time.

>> No.10671163
File: 38 KB, 628x480, 1527274734359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, it's actually correct.

>> No.10671165

I don't know anyone who worked at retail or fast food who didn't come away with a seething hatred for humanity

>> No.10671172

Ramen is delicious, you're just bad at cooking

>> No.10671462

did you think I wasn't talking about you?

>> No.10671502


>> No.10671886

haha you said big bois

>> No.10672560

You're making a pretty big deal about simmering water, it's not that hard man

>> No.10674238

i've worked at a panera and now a bibibop (not sure if these exist outside ohio think chipotle but better and slightly korean) and honestly bad customers don't come by too often. it's proably people who work in shitty, ghetto stores get shitty, ghetto people but if you work somewhere half decent you get half decent people and the occasional jackass