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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10657852 No.10657852 [Reply] [Original]

Best white wine to use when cooking a salmon pasta dish/seafood dishes in general?
I want to start cooking more with fish/seafood but I'm a wine noob.
I currently have this pic related bad boy Riesling in the cupboard. Terrible option or should be gtg?
What is your go to wine when creating a seafood sauce?
I'd ask in the al/ck/ thread but couldn't find it for the life of me.
Thanks in advance /ck/

>> No.10657866

If you like the taste of it, incorporate it into your cooking. No special trick to it. Rule of thumb is “don’t cook with something you wouldn’t drink”.

>> No.10657873

you want a dry white wine for cooking, I like chardonnay. Riesling is usually too sweet. Ive never had that particular one but dry varieties do exist

>> No.10657877


Posting wine is grounds for ban, take it to /r9k/

>> No.10657907

Shit sorry had no idea. Because I was going to be using it in cooking I thought /ck/ was the perfect place to ask. Have rules changed?
Might pop,down to the local and get a Chardonnay then, thanks anon.
Trying to impress a girlie tonight so want it to be restaurant quality level yum.

>> No.10657908

Fuck off janitor, go play hall monitor with the nth McChicken thread you fucking loser.

>> No.10657948
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Welcome to neo-/ck/

The rules are the same, but the rules never mattered. Mods can and will always do whatever they want

>> No.10657957

this anon speaks the truth! personally, i like both cooking with as well as drinking a nice sancerre!

>> No.10657986

you can still use the reisling to get her tipsy enough to slob yer knob

>> No.10658051

Damn how things have changed.
My man. That's the plan loL.

On a side note, can I ask if al/ck/ found a new home or its gone for the ages. I liked that crew.

>> No.10658060

Wine threads have long been a target. The mod recently decided to expand his hate to other kinds of beverages, that's the only reason people are talking about it more.

>> No.10658080
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I guess he has been given the directive from higher up. I hope I don't get banned for this thread.
I mean glom baying has always been a big part of cooking.

>> No.10658089


Food and wine goes hand in hand

>> No.10658092


>> No.10658103

Mod got in an argument with someone and was made to feel stupid, took it out on them by making up rules.

>> No.10658129

More cliffs? Was this in iirc? Obviously a recent event.

>> No.10658193

Hey mod/janny, this seems as an appropriate venue as any. How about we settle this man to man. I'll fight for al/ck/ you fight for pol or whatever faggot hell you crawled out of. If you think you're a big tough aryan by abstaining from even the mention of alcohol, well you're wrong. No more gay shitposts just meet me in an alley and then leave my board after I break you

>> No.10658278

Riesling may indeed be too sweet. For seafood a nice vibrant sav. blanc would do. I've seen Sancerre suggested but it's a bit pricey. You can get a decent New Zealand sav. Blanc for ten bucks. The NZ stuff is rather citrus-y and would compliment the fish wonderfully

>> No.10658280

Inb4 banned. :(

>> No.10658292
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>riesling is sweeter than sauvignon blanc
When will flyovers learn it's about more than just the DNA of the grapes?

>> No.10658339

>NZ sauv blanc
Pick one, enjoy your hawaiian punch with 13% ethanol

>> No.10658344

Go to an AA meeting, should be at a church or community center weekly, you alkie fuck.

>> No.10658387

Have you guys ever heard of dreaming tree? They make some of my most favorite wines I've ever had. I mean, I'm probably a huge wine pleb as I've never had anything over 30 bucks before, but Dreaming Tree is really good. It's pretty cheap, like 10-15 bucks depending on where you go, it has great flavor/taste to it, if you use it as an ingredient (like say in a coq au vin) it doesn't leave behind any shitty aftertaste or alcohol flavor, just all the good shit.

I'm not trying to shill for it them for free even though I just did, but if you need a good wine to cook and drink, get them.

>> No.10658397
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>Dave Matthews wine

>> No.10658399


>> No.10658404
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Have a Lindsay Lohan reaction image, is that easier? Does it better communicate my lack of desire to consume Dave Matthews wine?

>> No.10658412

What does Dave Matthews have to do at all with Dreaming Tree wine? And anyway, who would really give a shit who made it if the product is good?

>> No.10658415


I've been burned enough times by California wines and celebrity wines to be done with them. There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, 'Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again

>> No.10658423

I mean, idk man, I had no idea it was some Dave Matthews shit, I just picked it up one day cause it was on sale when I bought it and discovered, hey, this is pretty good stuff.

If I had never known who it was made buy, I'd still buy it. And will continue to buy it. What an overreaction you had my guy.

>> No.10658432

Nah, I don't drink enough to merit that. I have a 5 minute mile time and I could probably punch through your skull

People can moderate their consumption, you know. Apparently not.

>> No.10658461

This guy knows what's up, NZ makes some great sauvignon blancs

>> No.10658484

The al/ck/ general is banned since it actually isn't about cooking and threads about any kind of alcohol were getting haphazardly pruned for a while even if they were directly about using beer/wine in cooking, but you should be in the clear now.

>> No.10658498

Join us. Abandon this dumpster fire of a board.

>> No.10658649

No. We've been here for years. No.

>> No.10658658

There is nothing further here for us aside from getting banned. /ck/ a shit.

>> No.10658690

Shill. Sage more fields than all

>> No.10658791



What beer is the best for cooking my brats in before they hit the grill this weekend?

>> No.10658905

I got the pun. Good one anon. Good song too.
I'm closer to the grave digger song un(?)fortunately.
Made some killer tortolini from scratch today so was pretty chuffed about that though.

>> No.10658912

I'd suggest a dark beer. Have you ever tried Kilkenny?

>> No.10658925

There is a thread over at /bant/ anon.
I think that's where we are going if it's just regular chat. I think here we must talk about wine/beer/grappa pairings.

>> No.10658929


>> No.10658939

Thanks anon. I found a post above sending me to /bant/ for the OG al/ck/ crew. Hopefully all anons from here will read this and migrate over.

>> No.10658950

I'm trying to keep the friends together. We all made great friendships over the past 4+ years so it would be nice to keep our community together.
Sorry if I sound like I'm shilling, just we weren't given a chance to find a new home before all of the banning started last week.

>> No.10658955

wine, beer, cocktail food pairings are legit /ck/ discussion
wine/beer/liquor discussion is topically legit for /ck/ also. You cannot separate drinks from cuisine. They go hand in hand.
blog posting about your mental health and how it has led you to abuse alcohol is not however.

Can we not have a simple rule such as this? If not why not?

>> No.10658991

Agreed. It seems this has not been considered however, aka the recent mass Bunnings just even mentioning alcohol and food.
I think a rule needs to be set in place.
Sure this is the food/cooking forum but who wants to go out (or eat at home for that matter) and not want to pair a good drink with their food.
I wish the mods considered this prior to Ramadan. We are not all Muslims after all and my good friends who are Muslims drink as much as I do. (Not a lot but when we go clubbing together they drink me under the table and supply me with extacy.)

>> No.10659015

What kind of spirits are best used to deglaze a pan?

>> No.10659025

You were given a chance. You ARE being given a chance. I hate this fucking reddit defeatist attitude. Just because some new fuck tard 22 year old janitor who is power hungry lacks logic does not therefore necessitate the migration of an entire community OF FOUR YEARS

>> No.10659045

I really don't get what you are trying to say.
We can't stay here or we will be banned apparently.

>> No.10659051

You do get it you just want that new general to take off. Alcohol posts belong in food and cooking, naught else. Just don't start a general? I haven't been banned

>> No.10659860
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>there are actually people ITT arguing that wine should only be discussed on /bant/
are you all mod shills or WTF?

>> No.10660844

Unoaked chardonnay is my go-to for cooking wine

>> No.10660865

Friendly reminder to report all posts that seek to discuss alchoholic lifestyle over actual discuss of alchoholic drinks.

>> No.10660904

Don't be stupid to put some decent wine in your pan or whatever. It shoudl be a dry one indeed because you need the wine for the acid, not the sweetnes, but other than that there is no need to waste good and pricey wine. Most of the molecules which are important for the experience of a goo wine are elusive and won't survive the cooking process at all. Whats left is a watery connection of alcohol and accids, which are the main compounds of each and every wine.

>> No.10661886

>a piece of string is too long
People get insanely opinionated and condescending about "don't spend too much money on wine" but nobody is ever willing to say how much that is, and when they try, they're wrong 100% of the time

>> No.10661914

Fuck off. Half of /ck/ is alcoholic lifestyle, and posting about alcohol has been a part of /ck/ forever. That said, all generals should be banned.

>> No.10661972
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Nothing is ever specific enough though
>wine general
>french wines general
>burgundy general
>beaune general
>chassagne montrachet general
>2009 Fontaine-Gagnard Grand Cru Criots-Batard-Montrachet Monopole general
>the specific glass I have of 2009 Fontaine-Gagnard Grand Cru Criots-Batard-Montrachet general

>> No.10661983

Just stop calling every fucking thread a general, especially when it's a specific question followed by, "[x] general I guess". Generals breed cancer 90% of the time.

>> No.10661994

Because that's such a huge problem on /ck/, right? As opposed to
>why is she so qt?
>who is ur food waifu
>do you think her farts smell good?
>what would you cook for her?
Accompanied by a 128x128 thumbnail of a 4/10 youtube c-lister

>> No.10662000

OP how'd it go? Did the food turn out well? Which wine did you use and what did you make?

>> No.10662014

Those are all outlier, crossboarder threads, though. Generals become institutions that make a home for shitposters from other boards to congregate. Youtube celeb shit should only be allowed if it's actually about food/cooking and not just about someone acting like an idiot (joey, jack, all fast food reviewers, etc).

>> No.10662026

>if it doesn't fit my agenda it doesn't count

>> No.10662042

the basic rule is don't cook with anything you wouldn't drink because if you don't like it, you definitely won't like it when the alcohol cooks out

>> No.10662054

>my agenda

It's pretty simple: if the thread is about Maangchi, Cooking with Dog, Food Wishes... people are probably talking about it because they've cooked food from those channels and find them helpful. If it's focusing on reviewbra's autism, spastic joey memes, or jack shilling his own retarded "i fuck up food intentionally ever time" videos it should be on /b/ or somewhere else.

>> No.10662099

The fact is “scotch general” or “beer general” threads are no more cancerous than any other type of thread on /ck/ and on average much less cancerous

But if you’re not getting paid without promoting “sorted food” or whatever, do what you need to do in order to eat

>> No.10662155

Pretty much this. Millenial youtube joke "celebrity" posting on /ck/ should be culled. The channels you listed all provide real cooking info and techniques, Mangchi (bless her erection inducing heart) in particular.

>> No.10662410

I went perfectly, if you know what I mean.;)
I made smoked salmon pasta with peas, broccoli I no asparagus. The lemon really shone through, and I'm glad I took an anons advice to go with a Chardonnay.
The Riesling was enjoyed mostly after dinner over conversation, and that led to my ultimate goal of walking her home and getting a kiss on the cheek.
Haha just kidding we fucked like rabbits.
I took pics on my phone, so I'll post once I get out of bed.
Thanks for asking anon.
My presentation abilities suck balls but I'm proud to say it was easily 9/10 flavour bomb.

>> No.10662504
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I needed to do the fork twirl when playing, but damn it tasted legit.

>> No.10663029


Can mods please not banned me. Just trying to let the al/ck/ crew where we went to keep the /ck/ mods happy.

Please no banned good sirs.

>> No.10663735

Thanks anon. I'll head over there now.

>> No.10663741


>> No.10663903

Yep, it's a shill. Alck posters stay here. It's almost won

>> No.10663925

Good luck in /bant/ everybody!
Just remember romania is /bant/'s punching bag and australians are automatically respected.

>> No.10664029

What do you mean? What do you know that I don’t? I thought any al/ck/ threads here were insta bam material now.

>> No.10664636


nice try bruce

>> No.10664977

Bump for answers to this?

>> No.10664996
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Can't discuss your favorite wine or beer because that's "self destructive behavior", but we're allowed to post:

Youtube shit
Neckbeard self pity
Inhaling chemicals from Chinese electronics
Tide pod Gen Z garbage
Literally spam advertising
Race baiting /pol/ shit

But hey those are all just "outliers" right? The real problem is I had a glass of wine last Friday and that's the day of jumu'ah

>> No.10665012

It seems sharia controlled zones are places /b/ would fit right in. :/

>> No.10665118

Got to agree with this, i didn't post in al/ck/ because it's not my thing but it's not like it spills out into the actual rare OC that is posted here.
mods seem more concerned about getting all asshurt over a general that is pretty harmless to the board rather than cleaning up and banning the constant flood of spam from fast food marketers.

A sav blanc or chardonnay is my go to with fish, avoid the cheapest but no need for the high priced wines so just look for something low-mid range. When I first started cooking with wine I just give one a try and hoped for the best, eventually I found a few producers that I liked by trial and error.

>> No.10665183

Alsace riesling is usually dry (between 5-10g of sugar per liter) and that stuff works so well with a nice filet of cod or catfish.
For salmon though I tend to use sauvingon blanc or maybe chardonnay if its a nice fatty piece.

>> No.10665335

Catfish is beer fish, it’s too rustic and dirt tasting for wine
For cod txakoli is hard to beat, unlike my wife and kids since wine = alcoholism as per neo-/ck/

>> No.10666117


>> No.10666120

I deliver liqour to restaurants/bars/liqour stores and the standard that restaurants use for cooking is Taylor port white wine. Yw.

>> No.10666123

it’s like a mosque but with bells instead of a muezzin

>> No.10666304 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 800x800, 2121253 - LolEConnar Yotsuba&! Yotsuba_Koiwai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli wine

>> No.10666314
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>> No.10666401

Nice info anon.
What's the price comparison to say a similar quality Chardonnay?

>> No.10666439

"Chardonnay" implies new world. You can't really compare new world QPR to old world because old world receives heavy subsidies.

If not for subsidies old world wines would be going for about double what they retail for.

This is why new world wines under $20 or so are basically all disgusting and even once you cross the minimum entry level threshold there's a lot of trash out there because the wine making style reflects the taste of people who consider wine a status symbol rather than something to drink for pleasure.

>> No.10667256

I guess the subsidies you speak of don't exist in Australia, but I'll have a look for some next time I'm looking for some good cooking wine.