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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 840x695, milk-and-coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10653451 No.10653451 [Reply] [Original]

I've been drinking at least two cups of coffee with milk per day since two years ago. I used to drink black coffee before, but I got bored.
I want to learn more about the ancient art of making coffee but I'm very ignorant about all those coffees with fancy Italian names.
Teach me about how to make good coffee please.

>> No.10653458

it is literally the simplest drink to make but you'll still fuck it up because you are a retarded american so take the advice of your fellow retarded americans and either get a retardo aeropress meme unit or a Tassimo™

>> No.10653462
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You know the rules :^)

>> No.10653470

I'm not american (thankfully).

That's a nice frog.

>> No.10653479

Fresher the roast the better it will be. Most store bought stuff is about the same within the price tiers
Depends what you have time to add.
Good coffee doesnt really need much imo, but i just add hot chocolate poweder to the garbage urn at work and that does it

>> No.10653480

>I'm not american (thankfully).
maybe not on your passport or birth certificate, but you are american in the head. either neck yourself or emigrate to the us. or both.

>> No.10654226

So do darker roasts do better for moka pots? I got one as a gift but my light roasts don't taste as good as when prepared in my aero.

>> No.10654230

Go to a local roaster. The fresher the better. If they have whole beans, have them grind it. Buy small packs at a time if you're a sampler, like myself.

>> No.10654231
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I've gotten into the habit of freezing some ice cubes of coffee, and then putting them in a glass of milk, with optional sweeteners in the form of cocoa powder. It's pretty good and far from time consuming.

>> No.10654272
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the tube boy

>> No.10655340

who hurt you anon? or are you simply an edgy 12 year old?

>> No.10655377

>all those coffees with fancy italian names
heres everything you need to know
there actually made from espresso, not coffee
a latte is a shot of espresso with steam milk
a capuccino is a shot of espresso with steamed milk that is extra frothy
a mocha is shot of espresso with a some chocolate syrup and steamed milk
an americano is a shot of espresso with hot water( basically black coffee)
a machiato is like a capuccino but with less milk
if you dont know what espresso is, its coffee that is ground very fine and instead of being brewed like coffee the water is shot through it

>> No.10655461
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In highschool I used to hang out with a poorfag friend and I'd often stay at his mom's place for sleepover, she used this for coffee and only used boiled mil. Legit the best coffees I had. One day I noticed it disappeared and she used two casseroles instead

>> No.10656050

Thoughts on manual espresso machine?
Are they a meme or actually decent?

>> No.10656713
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Get yourself a grinder, an aeropress and/or moka pot and some freshly roasted beans
Make 3 cups a day and vary one thing with each

>> No.10656999
File: 30 KB, 600x449, e6a0ac753af5c1ca34da38f932059fd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Get a moka pot
> Friend calls it a percolator
I mean...they're similar I guess. But he's wrong, right?

>> No.10657065

He's right, but only technically. It's kinda like calling a square a parallelogram. It's not incorrect, but when there's a way more specific name that's also right, you should really use that name.

Moka pots are technically percolators, but they're fairly distant from the typical percolator that doesn't also fit into the moka pot description.

>> No.10657816

when will this local roaster meme end? There are a million good roasters and even with shipping you can get bags a few days off roast from all over the country. Fresh is definitely better but no reason not to order from good companies online.

>> No.10657827

they are a meme. volumetric machines are far superior.

>> No.10659136
File: 78 KB, 500x500, chemex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright boys, real questions here

I just had to jerry rig a pour over setup with a filter and a rubber band and now I actually love coffee because that was the first time I had had it from something that isn't a coffee machine

so, I did some research and it looks like Chemex is something I want to get into

Am I getting into coffee wrong or is the Chemex an extra primo way to start??

>> No.10659142

I only drink coffee if I'm tired but have to stay up, even then it's instant.

>> No.10659817

Not a meme, coffee beans are basically garbage if not used within a week of being roasted. They degrade almost 25% a day after that.

>> No.10660040
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r8 my coffee

>> No.10660042
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shit shit shit wrong pic

>> No.10660710

You can delete posts yknow.

>> No.10660737

it was too new, then i forgot about it and it was too old

>> No.10660748

Just find a good roast, grind some beans, brew some coffee. How stupid are you ?

>> No.10660750

shit shit shit you're GAY!

>> No.10660762

that's how i like my coffee okay

>> No.10660927

breddy gay/10

>> No.10661183
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It is as simple or complicated as you want, just don't start by buying the most expensive stuff or you'll end up wasting a lof of money for a most likely mediocre coffee. Grinding your coffee is essential, although you can start with preground, but the flavor and aroma is way weaker though.

>> No.10661276

I don't understand. You let them melt then drink it? Or drink it as is with a slight coffee flavour? Please elaborate

>> No.10661422

not true at all. coffee is shit until it degasses a day or two and our shop has been testing out espresso up to month off roast and getting a ton of sweetness. Anyways most roasters will flush the bags with nitrogen and ship it the same day its roasted so ordering direct from anywhere in the country is totally fine.

>> No.10661426

there are actually companies making decent instant these days. Voila & Sudden are the big ones but Parlor is also doing it and a few other decent roasters are testing it out

>> No.10661484

I like coffee as much as the next gut but why are so many of you talking about grinding and local distributors? Just go get a coffee at a popular chain or buy it at the store lmao.

I'm not saying your approach is bad, but it can be needlessly complicated.

>> No.10661544

Whatever you want to do is fine. Brewing coffee on your own isn't necessarily complicated, could be as simple as grind-brew-drink or even get pregrounded.
Also popular chains are usually shit outside their main country. Starbucks here in Mexico is absolute garbage for example.

>> No.10661555
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>> No.10661837


Chemex are fine. The coffee tastes great but I don't think its that different than regular pour coffee. You will need to use their specific filters though and I think those are thicker than normal filters.

I used to use a chemex all the time but now I'm lazy and just my bonavita.

>> No.10662022

This is true to an extent, you still want to give the coffee some time to breathe after roasting ~2-4 days so that it can offgas

>> No.10662035

There's no better coffee than what you'll make in a French press

>> No.10662043

Chemex is mostly for the aesthetic, however the fact that the filters are folded with three layers in front of the carafe and one layer in the back leads to an unbalanced extraction. I think the general consensus is that the hario V60 produces a better cup (and costs less). You can however typically brew more coffee in a chemex and it is by no means bad, just probably not the best in terms of extraction. Take it from someone who bought a chemex as their first brewer because of all the online hype and my boner for aesthetics, I feel as though aeropress/v60 produce better cups and are both cheaper but only work for single servings.

>> No.10662082

There is a huge world of difference between freshly roasted beans and what you'll find on a supermarket shelf

>> No.10662221

Chemex is pretty in your kitchen. Kalita wave is better and cheaper. I did just get one of the fellow XFs and have been liking it but pretty pricey.

>> No.10662497

Local for convenience. I don't like ordering online and I like supporting local businesses anyway. The guy that sold me two bags of green coffee last I bought from him is cool too.

>> No.10663291

I can't argue with that reasoning but I don't see any reason to limit yourself by geography. There is a lot of good coffee to try from all over the place.

>> No.10663328

Most supermarkets around me carry a bit of stock from at least one or two boutique coffee coffee companies in addition to the wider selection

>> No.10663911
File: 1.25 MB, 1048x1118, Screen Shot 2018-05-27 at 12.20.05 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did some cupping today at a friends roastery

>> No.10663935

How many times did you get slapped?

>> No.10664760

Are aeropressi a meme or is it worth at least trying

>> No.10664998

"Boutique" companies are a meme. Independent roasters almost definitely have a better selection plus seasonal rotations, and at a grocery store you don't know how long that bag has been sitting on the shelf:

>> No.10665062


youre welcome.

>> No.10665109

Is that where you cup each other's balls

>> No.10665226

one guy kept bitching about SCA cupping rules so we slapped him
no that's afterwards obviously

>> No.10665322
File: 149 KB, 988x1268, 1526258932626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cleaned my grinder to make sure it's not producing fine dust, still no fix.
I've used the coarsest setting on my grinder, still taking goddamn eons.
I just want some coffee that's more than 50 mls and doesn't taste like bitter ass.

>> No.10665357

what is your water temp? have you tried a different coffee? Are your filters fucked up? There are a lot of variables just need to isolate which one is the problem

>> No.10665385

>what is your water temp?
It's roughly the same each time, and has worked fine before.
>different coffee
I can't remember, it could be this. I'll try a different one today.
How would different coffee effect the drip rate if it's being ground from the same grinder though?

>> No.10665408

lower temp will be a slower extraction and different coffee will have a different drain rate even at the same grind setting.

>> No.10665421

i second this, poor/humble people and places have some of the best coffees i have ever had

>> No.10665425


>> No.10667193

Thank you, bros. This is legitimately helpful.

>> No.10667284

post more faggot.

>> No.10667317

i shoot for 2 mins total for 20g coffee 300g water (1:15 ratio). medium grind, about like salt, and hario paper filters

40s bloom 1m20s brew time

literally your only variables are grind size and filter. maybe a darker roasted bean would be more oily and clog a paper filter? can't say that with certainty, just an idea.

>> No.10667342

If you want less shitty coffee add salt to the grounds before brewing. About .5 tbsp per 4~ or so cups. It will taste better, there is actual chemistry and science backing this up (inb4 autistic shrieking, just google it instead of spending the effort shitposting).

>> No.10667637
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whats a good ratio for a drip or press? i usually just put maybe 1.5 teaspoons per cup i expect to drink

>> No.10668100

This is impossible, 300g of water takes a minimim of 3 minutes, you have no idea what you're saying. Just running water through the filer + drip holes with no coffee takes longer than that.

>> No.10668263

What grinder are you using

>> No.10669255

Fuck I think I'm turning into a coffee nerd

>> No.10669377

moka pot > espresso > pour over > dripolator

>> No.10670327

boil water, put sugar, put coffee, boil again, pour, drink?

>> No.10670339

Is it wrong that I just get a long black with a dash of milk?

>> No.10670352

whatever tastes best to you. also do it by weight

>> No.10670380

holy shit, no one is going to look down upon you for drinking coffee with a dash of milk. especially if you enjoy it.

>> No.10670910

I'm pretty comfortable in my knowledge of coffee but I'm looking into saving for an espresso setup. I was wondering if any anons had advice for the best bang for the buck in terms of grinder and espresso machine assuming I don't really care about milk drinks but might at some point be living with 5 other people who probably would. My range would be around $2-3k and I currently work at a cafe and know my way around a machine. Would I be happy with something like an appartamento (I don't really mind learning how to use an HX) or is this something I shouldn't even think about until I'm making 6 figures to afford a slayer and monolith

>> No.10670968

Any anons got a good recipe for good iced coffee? The heat is fucking killing me and I crave the stuff, but don't wanna waste money on storebought garbage or from overpriced cafees.

>> No.10670977

Cold brew or just do a pourover over ice

>> No.10670990

Cold brew is literally the easiest possible way to make coffee

>> No.10670998

Never been too much a fan of cold brew, might have only drunk bad though. Will try pourover over ice though

>> No.10671010

I'll say that the best cold brew I've had was made at home, even compared to some of the great cafes near me, might be cognitive dissonance. Buy good beans and steep for 18 hours at room temp, coarse ground, 1:6-8 ratio. You can always just do a single serving batch with whatever beans you usually buy if you're afraid of not liking it.

>> No.10672752
File: 27 KB, 600x600, pacha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hnnng yes Cortados are so fucking good

>> No.10672757

Use Almond milk, its sweet and a good alternative to soy.

>> No.10672790

that just means you've never had good coffee

>> No.10672805

coldbrew is definitely the way to go, you could add stuff to it too to make it exceptionally nutritious (could do this even when you brew with hot water when ur short on time ina french press). i liked adding tamarind, ginger, tulsi, cocoa, honey (have to use water thats a bit warm though but it was nbd imo), choice of salt (i like pink for drinks), if you refrigerate your coldbrew you could use a milk, but you should brew at least 24hrs in that case. where i used to live had a really good local coldbrew milk.

i have some attention issues and when i have stuff to do drink upwards of 7cups in a day, but with coldbrew i am in the sky with just 2 cups

>> No.10672824

French press, Chemex or a single-serve pour over? I'm starting to get more serious about coffee

>> No.10672841

>I'm starting to get more serious about coffee
Then you should be worried about getting a good grinder.

>> No.10672846

Any recs?

>> No.10672850


>> No.10672855

m or f

>> No.10674170

start with something middling like a hario ceramic burr grinder, or get something else ceramic and adjustable so you can mess with different grinds

>> No.10674266

Different anon, but I opened this thread for the same reason he did. Any good recs for a french press? Or are they all pretty much the same thing? Excuse my ignorance, but they seem pretty straightforward.

>> No.10674537
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>> No.10675098

It's a jar with a mesh plunger. Just get one that isn't made of plastic and that's handle won't snap in half from the lightest force.

>> No.10675486

yeah it's ridiculous
same as the people who post in cooking challenge threads and such, don't they know you can eat kraft mac n cheese, or even buy food premade? fuckin idiots lmao

>> No.10675609

Use a cloth filter

>> No.10675789

just finished my first cup today!!

>> No.10675800


>> No.10675819

What's that bean that's made using animal assholes

>> No.10675830
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Update: now on my fourth cup

>> No.10675849
File: 168 KB, 246x246, 59154C54-EAD5-40F6-A012-7501C0566651-38262-00001E64A8CE6901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright lads, i've been getting really nervous that i'm making my coffee badly after reading this thread so i thought i'd post my process so i can be sure i'm not retarded and this is fine
>Grind shop brought coffee beans in grinder
>Grind to a somewhat coarse ground
>pour into french press
>add hot water
>wait 3 mins or so for it to simmer
>press down and serve in any mug i have available.

>> No.10675857

how ya feeling?

>> No.10675886
File: 133 KB, 1024x1024, Coffee-Compass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it tastes good, then that's all that really matters. If it's a little sour, you need to brew longer, if it's bitter, you need to shorten the brew time. Pic related

>> No.10675971

There's no reason to buy anything from the lido range besides the lido e, literally the same exact burrs but with more control over the grind.

>> No.10676076

what's the difference between americano and long black?

>> No.10676216

Sitting here drinking my first espresso without milk, cream(er) or sugar. Tastes like shit. In milk it tastes great though (got the grind right on my setup using fresh beans etc. No bitterness or sourness). How people can drink it straight like this I cannot fathom though.

>> No.10676304

americano = espresso with hot water added, long black = hot water with espresso added which helps preserve the crema but some people just call a the long black an americano so it's kind of a pointless distinction

>> No.10676305

I don't think it is animal assholes. It's what they shit out. Vietnamese wild civets eat the coffee beans, shit out the remains and people come along and scoop it up, package it and sell it to morons. The most expensive coffee in the world apparently. You are literally buying shit coffee though.

>> No.10676311

Did you pull the shot yourself or did you get it from a shop? What beans were they using? How long did you wait before drinking it? Was the barista pulling the shot a huge faggot or did he actually know what he was doing?

>> No.10677300

Sorry for the wait I'm feeling awake finally just finished a large thing of cold brew

>> No.10677352

Redpill me on this Aeropress machine.

>> No.10677353

Is my french press gonna crack if I put it in the fridge right after I make the hot coffee? Should I just wait a few minutes until its warm?

>> No.10677424

How did your racial bias training go today?

>> No.10677513

no but it might heat up your fridge so much that food spoils

>> No.10677730

My room mate would pour boiling water into the French press and leave it for like 30 minutes and I would always get so mad cuz the coffee tasted like shit. Then I made coffee for him and waited for the water to cool off for a sec and brewed for the required 4 minutes and he was like oh wow this tastes really good. Not to mention he used waaaay too many grounds and ground them too finely. Make sure your water temp is right for French press and I guess pour over too but I don’t have any experience with that.

>> No.10677756

Don’t do that. The water and grounds aren’t meant to be in contact with one another for that long and cooled down hot coffee tastes like ass. If you’re tryna do cold brew the water has to be cold the whole time not just cooled hot coffee

>> No.10677841

What is that?

>> No.10677852

A sifter, totally unnecessary if your grinder is good

>> No.10678049

I only have a shitty drip machine and some preground yuban beans. Is it basically impossible to try to enjoy black coffee from this thing?

>> No.10678070

Dry-erase markers are dangerous, NEVER touch the pigment with your fingers, only use an eraser.

>> No.10678078
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A FB pal who loves coffee recently bought this to replace their 25-year old machine. I'd never seen anything like this before. It's not cheap, but it does seem interesting. It'll do everything except grind the beans. I use a French press and like it just fine. btw use good water. Seems obvious, but if you have shitty tasting water, you're going to end up with shitty tasting coffee, yes..?

>> No.10678542
File: 267 KB, 1176x1600, un asiatico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10678796

Are you this autistic you need instructions on the use of icecube? Put it in iced coffee so they dont get watered down by traditional water cubes.

>> No.10679499

Looks yummy though that lemon

>> No.10679705

>I like food as much as the next gut but why are so many of you talking about ingredients and cooking equipment? Just go get a food at a popular chain or buy it at the store lmao.
>I'm not saying your approach is bad, but it can be needlessly complicated.

>> No.10680224


> >I like typing as much as the next guy but why are so many of you talking about different layouts and typing equipment? Just go get a regular keyboard and use QWERTY lmao.
> >I'm not saying your approach is bad, but it can be needlessly complicated.

>> No.10680280

> > >I like sucking dick as much as the next guy but why are so many of you talking about cupping balls and tickling prostates? Just use your mouth and suck hard LMAO
> > >I'm not saying your approach is bad, but it can be needlessly complicated.

>> No.10680446

> > > >I like phoneposting as much as the next guy but why are so many of you talking about applications and Dashchan? Just use your browser and suck hard LMAO
> > > >I'm not saying your approach is bad, but it can be needlessly complicated.