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10653141 No.10653141 [Reply] [Original]

Why does anyone drink IPA?

>> No.10653145

All the phytoestrogens make your skin very soft and glowy

>> No.10653172
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>> No.10653223

>"muh phytoestrogens"
>ooh, look, estrogen enriched cow milk
>*glug glug glug*
>soyboys ain't got shit on me

>> No.10653517

Because if I drink lager, I'll rip through 20 of those fuckers in a night. IPA makes you slow down and enjoy

>> No.10653531

The whole phytoestrogens thing is not true. I lost a testicle due to cancer and get my testosterone checked regurally. My levels are around 900.

>> No.10653952

Because it's easy to make. Any moron can homebrew a passable IPA. The bearded douchebags at the brewery toy with some basic recipes and slap a cunty name and hipster logo on it and bam! Sales.

Lagering is much more difficult, so fewer local, 'craft' douchebags are willing to make it. Add to that the fact that the craft brew movement to darker ales was largely a rejection of grandpa's Bud, and the IPA becomes the perfect beer. For douchebags.

>> No.10653980

as you get older your perception of bitter flavors becomes less pronounced. at 20 all you can taste is intense bitter, at 30 you taste a gentle bitterness that coexists with other subtle flavors to create an enjoyable beverage.

>> No.10654016

>Juan Pelota
Lance Armstrong on /ck/?

>> No.10654136

Milk is for babies.

>> No.10654144

For me it's a pilsner. It's hoppy and yet crisp. It isn't oversweet like a lager or heavy like an ipa.

>> No.10654161

They taste ok to me. The real reason I drink them is the higher abv. I have a high alcohol tolerance.

>> No.10654190

Cause they like it?

nobody is forcing you to drink beer you don't like

are they anon? You can tell us
This is a safe space remember?

>> No.10654204

they just taste more and more like pure sugar you mean

>> No.10654205

>Lagering is much more difficult, so fewer local, 'craft' douchebags are willing to make it

its not so much that its hard....its that, in a fashion, its more work and equipment for what ends up being a less interesting product....laggers are simply less flavourfull than ales are, and when craft guys do them, they taste better than macro laggers but the price point cant ever match(scale and what not) so whats the point....youd be making expensive lemonade basicly, no one wants to pay that much for it

ale is more versitile and yields a wider product range for a craft brewery

>> No.10654213

it takes more time

time is money

>> No.10654237

exactly, why buy seperate, and more expensive equipment and run a line that produces at half the rate...especially when the final product willl be close enough to macro laggers that no one will want to pay the cost you have to put on it to break eeven on it

>> No.10654285

Some fags drink it for the hops strength bitterness dick flinging competition but >>10653517 is the real reason.

>> No.10654296

a l b a g u b r a t h

>> No.10654299

when you're grown up, you drink beer.

>> No.10655218

Yes because it is tasty and contains alcohol and hops.

>> No.10655222

Because it's a long way to the Indian colonies by steamer and you have to over-hop the beer to hide the taste of it having gone stale on the long, hot, humid journey.

>> No.10655266

it's good. better than lagers, for sure. Bud Light and similar can fuck off. Nothing is better with a burger

>> No.10655277

IPA's were invented so that wherever in the world you happen to be, you can (without fail) identify the insufferable 'holier than thou' wanker

>> No.10655318

Cause I think they taste good but I like just about any type of beer so long as it's not some weird ginmicky Jones Soda tier shit.

>> No.10655433

i think it really tastes better sorry lol
love that flowery hoppiness you always get
sit back and just take it all in and pick it apart

>> No.10655447

It make you seem "sophisticated" and therefore you feel high and mighty for drinking it.

Spoiler: all ipas taste the same.

>> No.10655451
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>> No.10655469

t. Tastelet

Some IPAs are pretty tasty but the latest fashion is to cram the beer full of fruit and hops to counter the tasteless lager culture millenials grew up with. It's basically the same reason stouts are coming back as well.

Personally, I find them a middle ground between easily drunk but less tasty lagers, and harder to drink but tastier sour beers.