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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 272 KB, 1600x1175, stuffed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10652405 No.10652405 [Reply] [Original]

I'm doing it

spending all this time watching shitty food get posted i'm now ordering stuffed crust pizza hut because its been literally 10 years since i've had it.

I'm going to eat it until I can't feel shame anymore

>> No.10652409

Christ I forgot how expensive this stuff is

>> No.10652412

i love stuffed crust pizza

i order it with no sauce, cheese only

>> No.10652419

if you have not had pizza hut in a decade, the first thing you will say around your first bite is "what the fuck?"

>> No.10652426

we will see

i will report back

>> No.10652449


1.5 hour wait for delivery!

I live in the GTA where everything takes 20min or less!

this is off to a bad start

>> No.10652513

no pics?
cant believe your shit blogstory without pics

>> No.10652520

it isn't here yet

>> No.10652572
File: 2.80 MB, 1944x2592, pizzahut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's here!!!!!!!
way ahead of schedule

doesn't quite look like the pictures online
but on the plus side my entire apartment smells like butter now

>> No.10652579
File: 2.88 MB, 2592x1944, slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not really gettin that pulled cheese effect either

but thats ok, its how it tastes right!!?!

>> No.10652586

Pizza Hut is shit and uses frozen dough

>> No.10652589

so I ordered garlic dip but i got peppercorn ranch
... its ok

>> No.10652594


you were right

its ok, but it didn't live up to my childhood memories

the meat is pretty good, but the crust isn't super awesome

maybe i'll do it again in 10 years

now I have to eat away my shame.

>> No.10652599

lol, you don't wanna see the gluten free pizza I got for my gf.

its pretty fuckin sad

>> No.10652626

its getting better as I eat it, with that addictive quality

i'm also starting to sweat.... am I gonna be ok?

>> No.10652635

Dude you're fucking gay. Pizza Hut is quite literally the worst option if you want pizza. Even Dominos and Papa Johns are better. If you absolutely must have cheese stuffed crust, Digiornio is better than Pizza Hut in every single way.

>> No.10652636

Why Don't Americans Cook Their Pizza All The Way?

>> No.10652642

every american pizza chain is garbage

i have friends who consistently order dominoes and i dont understand why. the pizza tastes awful and has awful texture, and it's like 25$ each for a coulple of 10 inch pizzas. you can go to a local 2-for-1 and get a pair of 16 or 18 inch ones that aren't a soupy mess of grease and undercooked cheese on raw dough for like 30 bucks

>> No.10652647

they'd rather have it now than in 5 min from now

>> No.10652657

don't lie, you order pizza at least 3 times a week.

>> No.10652658

yeah but like, every other chain is at least twice as good as Pizza Hut

>> No.10652663

That would get pretty expensive. If he had that much money, he'd probably spend it on better cuisine

>> No.10652666

>I live in the GTA
neck you're self

>> No.10652667

Does she actually have a gluten intolerance or is she just a basic bitch millenial?

>> No.10652673

ive had both pizza hut and dominoes and can't remember much of a difference. i think one of them puts some crumbly plastic shit on the crust. that's about it. american pizza is garbage. straight garbage

>> No.10652677

no seriously
its been 10 years

this, fuck that was expensive.

but I can really taste the shame in this one

I'm trying to leave this hellhole but also trying to fit in while i'm still here (hence the bad decisions)

actual intolerance, i wouldn't take her if she was gluten free for no reason (gluten is delicious)

>> No.10652679

>bottom tier chain pizza=american pizza .kys

>> No.10652690

>chain pizza = American pizza
Are you just saying this because we colonized your nation with Pizza Huts, or have you actually been to America and tried any of ours? There are so many variations of "American pizza" that I doubt you've tried them. West coast for example has an interesting take on flat bread pizzas, east coast is full of italians and (((jews))) with good deep dish or classic style pizza

>> No.10652695

>prefers gay garbage

>> No.10652702


It looks raw, under cooked and absolutely shocking. Quite frankly it's an embarrassment, and you should be ashamed of yourself. I mean honestly, I wouldn't even serve it to my dog. It's garbage, it's trash. It's fucking abysmal. Is that really the best you can do? Is that the kind of quality you're aiming for? Really? I don't know why you even post here. Why do you even bother. You might as well give up. Though based on this monstrosity, you've already given up, haven't you? What is it, are you depressed? Are you done? Just look at the pepperoni, it's not even cooked. The raw fucking onions. They're not even sliced properly. I mean come on, you know this. You know this isn't good. Yet here you are, posting this shit again. Have you even looked at the crust? Or the cheese? I mean, what is that? They're snow fucking white. The dough has barely been cooked. Did you even put it in the oven? Did you forget to turn it on? It's just sad. This isn't a fucking pizza, it's a travesty. An absolute shambles. I don't know what else to say. It's just not good enough. Throw it in the fucking bin, and just stop. You can't cook. You're useless. Utterly useless.

>> No.10652704

OP Here

this was a good experience. (in the long run)
I'm unlikely to order pizza for months now,
its getting pretty terrible as it cools too
gonna have to fry the other half up in garlic oil later

>> No.10652710
File: 266 KB, 1280x961, roger5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dude how's the blood pressure?
do you feel better now?

>> No.10652720
File: 85 KB, 1000x750, american pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american """""cuisine""""""
no thank you

>> No.10652725


>The horrible intersection of superiority and being a fatty.
Any more to add my voluptuous food critics?
Please impress me with the best way to be a fat ass.

>> No.10652726

you have to try a little harder to get (You)'s from me.

>> No.10652734
File: 63 KB, 540x960, american chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans think this is a valid pizza

>> No.10652750


>> No.10652755

Chain pizza sucks, no one is arguing with (you)

>> No.10652792
File: 3.60 MB, 498x262, 1515730007811.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call me what you will, i'd love to eat that

>> No.10652853

OP Here

not feelin so good now.

sweating alot....
I think my body is rejecting the hut

>> No.10652864

That is a common delicacy from south America. Try harder.

>> No.10652870

Whenever I eat pizza hut, my feet get really hot. I think it's all the salt

>> No.10652871

Don't get lost in the sauce

>> No.10652875

what the fuck is this hahaha

>> No.10652889

fuck stuffed crust. just do $10 deal of the day and pick up a medium pan supreme. pizza hut is only good for the pan fried crust anyways.

>> No.10652890

no it can't be
I eat lots of salt... i feel like I just took a hit of something

my head is all overheated

>> No.10652897

They just sent me the survey link


>> No.10652918

Don't worry guys I left a scathing review

they'll totally change for the better now
Democracy in action

>> No.10652922

>even the promotional image is awful
who wants a sloppy pizza? why is it so unnaturally rigid? if it's a "stuffed" crust why does the cheese not stuck to the bread at all and is just blobbing out like a nasty creampie? why is the crust that horrible yellow color, and why is it covered in little raised spots like an old man's cock?

who looks at this and thinks "Yup. This is food I will pay 45$ plus tip for."

>> No.10652950
File: 291 KB, 800x600, jabbapizzahut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real question is..
what kind of human is a regular?

>> No.10653594

it's American pizza, it was doomed to be shit from the beginning, I don't know why it upsetted you.

>> No.10654049

I think Pizza Hut has some great pizza, I remember the first time I ever had one from there.

>> No.10654070

OP Here

So do I..... and this experience didn't live up to childhood memories

never again

>> No.10654090

The last time I had it was maybe like a year ago? If things go right I might reward myself with a pizza from up there. Hopefully it isn't hot garbage.

>> No.10654098

>hot garbage

Look at the pics I posted and tell me honestly if it even looks good

>> No.10654916

I live in Australia and Pizza Hut once had $5 large "classic" pizzas as a regular menu item, and they were located right across the street from my house. I used to get stoned and eat that shit with my housemate 2-3 times a day.

>> No.10656012

My large 3 topping stuffed crust was $26

>> No.10656019
File: 300 KB, 1038x625, poopscale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP Here:
So the uncontrollable diarrhoea started at ~3:45 am.

Simultaneous 5 and 6 on the poop scale.

I only ate half the pizza, .... i guess i'll just do it again today?
Can't waste food right?

>> No.10656555

3:30 pm

more horrible aftermath sitting on the toilet

Will this ever end?!

>> No.10656837

Nothing is more disappointing than overpaying for undercooked shitty pizza, then having the shits over it. Let this be a lesson, OP.

>> No.10656846

Enjoy your flaming shits and weird chemical tastes.

>> No.10656873

>chemical tasting shits

ok, c'mon .... anon seriously?

>> No.10657077

The pizza may suck but this pasta is great.

>> No.10657622
File: 339 KB, 670x503, 1505666129386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would any pizza delivery leave the order on my porch if I asked them to? I don't want to talk to anyone, the fridge is out, and mummy only left two day old spaghetti for the weekend