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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10651188 No.10651188 [Reply] [Original]

You only eat GMO free foods, right?

>> No.10651213

Remember to hide all pepe/wojack threads for a better and more fulfilling /ck/ browsing experience! Thank you for your time!

>> No.10651220
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>> No.10651285

This is exactly why you hide these threads, because of garbage like this.

>> No.10651502
File: 75 KB, 500x272, 2186924247_5cb2d6583f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant think of a singe food that has not been genetically modified in some way, though im sure there is atleast one example. Genetic modification has been going on for thousands of years. At this point to find a single animal or plant that we eat, and havnt changed for our own purpose in some way is near impossible.
Why do you think all the carrots you eat are orange anon?

>> No.10651622

>Pretending selective breeding is the same as cutting and splicing genetic material in a lab
You do realize the impact those genetic segments have on the organism are only partially understood, right? Time and againhistory has proven when humans fuck with the natural order, it fucks with us. It's precisely why climate change is even now reaking havoc all over the world.

>> No.10651645

Source, please.

>> No.10651661

>You do realize the impact those genetic segments have on the organism are only partially understood, right?
Literally everything in science is partially understood. There are entire scientific journals whose sole purpose is to document findings in the fluid dynamics of water, something which people have studied for centuries.

Geneticists have a pretty good idea of what is reasonably possible as far as unintended consequences go in genetic engineering. There are always unknown unknowns in science, but what we do know indicates that this isn't the area of agriculture that is highest-risk.

>> No.10651665

I didnt pretend any such thing. They are both examples of genetic modification, which was OP's concern. I do not disagree that the methods used are different. Of course I dont see any reason to assume that just because other things elsewhere have gone bad that this will. Its been a few decades since we started coloring our food how we do and im still not seeing a big deal there so why worry about this? If it does turn out to be a big deal after fifty years of consumption im still not seeing an issue. We will fix that problem to, as we always have.

>> No.10651667

Le hi le leddit, le fuck le off le lel

>> No.10651677

I want to live exclusively on non-organic, GMO foods.

>> No.10651706

I eat exclusively modified foods in the hope I will one day obtain superpowers.

>> No.10651964
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>> No.10652089

For many of us I don't think we are against genetic modification in theory, we just don't trust Monsanto and other such organizations.

Me I'm into most of this organic/local/free-range/etc stuff, but I can't stand the whining self-righteous liberals and yuppies who are mostly associated with these ideas.

>> No.10653001
File: 256 KB, 750x862, kvfoq11zmwlz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we live in a society

>> No.10653109


>> No.10653720
File: 2.90 MB, 450x252, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you. The only thing wrong with GMO foods are companies like Monsanto who are using their patents on said foods to create artificial scarcity and sketchy legal tactics to create farming monopolies. This bullshit is a distraction from the real issue. Fuck you.

Tldr; Fuck you.

>> No.10653735
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t. never cloned a plasmid in his life

>> No.10655760
File: 222 KB, 860x556, pnda1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-gmo fags are more retarded than anti-vaccers fags.

>> No.10655776

Controlling husbandry through rudimentary visual inspection and relying on random mutations vs. Controlled manipulation of genetic material to consistently produce a result

>> No.10655793

You know I don't, so why bother to make this thread? Start a stupid argument with someone IRL, OP, it's a lot more fun.

>> No.10656078

No, I eat whatever. Idgaf.