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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10645175 No.10645175 [Reply] [Original]

>always pictured this board as some sort of absurdly elitist cooking discussion club with highly critical discussion about expensive as shit niche cuisine
>with a handful of skilled cooks
>and legit girls on the internet
>finally click on the board
>it's just neckbeard arguments about which maclardass place serves the best big mac coupled with dedicated shills and shitposters you can hardly tell apart

>> No.10645185

/ck/ is majority female. and we’re cute too.

>> No.10645187

females are the worst part of /ck/

>> No.10645196

i was just as disappointed as you are

run while you still can, i've already sold my soul to the mcchicken

>> No.10645201

30 year old virgin neckbeards pretending to be cartoon chinese schoolgirls doesn't count

>> No.10645229

>t. girl (male)

>> No.10645232

And alcoholism anon, dont forget the crippling alcoholism

>> No.10645235

Any board really

>> No.10645238


>> No.10645248
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>> No.10645261
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>with a handful of skilled cooks
>and legit girls on the internet
These are true but youre going to have to actually look for us in the biweekly thread for actual cooking. Seriously can you name a board thats actually good at its topic that isnt /s4s/?

>> No.10645264

this is a de facto unmoderated sub, and because that, we have pol garbage continually

>> No.10645269


>> No.10645276

Both me

>> No.10645285

You a sub?

>> No.10645287


>> No.10645288

/an/ is pretty solid and consistent with staying on topic. and it's a neat board if you're into animals and nature.

>> No.10645293
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>wants more mod presence

>> No.10645314

only half of this image makes sense, fix it

>> No.10645352

>/ck/ is majority female. and we’re cute too.
You probably meant fat males larping as females.

>> No.10645358

Still me, I need to call samefag on myself

>> No.10645373

>consistent with staying on topic
I'm not going to look but I'm guessing they have five pitbull threads up right now and that each thread is full of people posting the same tired of memes as always about aggressive dogs as well as people comparing the dogs to negroes.

I think the most consistently on-topic board might be /pol/ actually.

>> No.10645398

/diy/ seems to do well

>> No.10645410

/an/ took a nosedive in the past two years, it's now lots of shitty pitbull threads and NOT REAL PETS meming

>> No.10645415

Not anymore. Fuck off little bitch

>> No.10645434

the pure misogyny is enough to keep most girls away

>> No.10645443 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 540x540, White Woman Logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the pure misogyny is enough to keep most girls away

>> No.10645446

I hate when people confuse my misanthropy for misogyny.

>> No.10645450 [DELETED] 


lol. white women are lame as fuck. that's why they're all losing out to asian women in the work force.

>> No.10645455

you misspelled t h i c c

>> No.10645462

>that pasta about someone who can't cook beating his wife

>> No.10645502 [DELETED] 


This is funny cuz its true.

>> No.10645510

>/ck/ is majority female

Why do people keep saying this when it's so blatantly untrue?

>> No.10645515 [DELETED] 


Because it is, sweeite.

>> No.10645520

Piss off, Tyrone.

>> No.10645521

There are some cute traps here

>> No.10645561

I get ya, anon. Truth is, most people here aren't interested in cooking at all, the ones that are just have to deal with the occasional thread about actually cooking that isn't "hey guys how do I learn how to cook I have burnt pasta before" and poorfags that don't know how to make stock.

The al/ck/oholics are alright guys but generally very depressive.
/trv/ is mostly consistent at it, /tg/ bails out on anything being far game there.
I think we do have a sizeable about of women, but it's still pathetically low.

>> No.10645564

if we are talking about total body mass then yeah, /ck/ is probably majority female
yes you read that right you fat cunt

>> No.10645570
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>> No.10645573

Meta belongs on /qa/ newfag.

>> No.10645576

>I think we do have a sizeable about of women
nah, unless by sizeable you mean obese

>> No.10645582

that's bullshit but i believe it

>> No.10645594

a good start would be a sticky with a list of anon approved recipe websites and a wiki that contains information on what to buy or not, tool reviews and even an international page for those of us who travel

>> No.10645613

Women can't even really cook well. It's only their gender role because it won't matter that much when they fuck it up. Men who actually try to cook invariably become better than women. All of the best chefs are men.

>> No.10645626 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10645627

oh, honey...

>> No.10645640

This board can't even agree on the proper method to boil water and you think we can have a sticky with "anon approved recipes?"

>> No.10645643


add salt to your water to make it boil faster

>> No.10645655

Shut the fuck up dummy.

>> No.10645656

definitely untrue, though they're around.
>tfw it's because women are expected to do the cooking more

>> No.10645693
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>> No.10645733
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>come in this board expecting to see what food /ck/ likes to cook and what fast food joints they go to
>it's full of NEETs who can't cook anything and glorify the McDonald's Chicken sandwich

>> No.10645831
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This. I tried posting about cooking many times, but once, there was some fuck that started an argument how I should go out and buy fast food because cooking makes no sense and homemade food is disgusting.

>> No.10645838

I go to many boards as my interests are as varied as they are deep, and I can say without hyperbole that /ck/ is one of the dumbest boards on 4chan.

>> No.10645845
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>thoughts on my dinner?

>> No.10645853

Don't "honey" me, you schizophrenic wannabe-XX-chromosomekin sissyfag. gb2 the clinic

>> No.10645863

Doesn't matter what this board thinks because you don't get to decide what's going in the sticky.
We do.
t. IRC overlord

>> No.10645892

I go to many boards because my social opportunities are as limited as my personality, and I can say without hygiene that /I/ am one of the dumbest people on 4chan.

>> No.10645970

You know the rule, tits or get the fuck out.

>> No.10645979


>> No.10645991

>I can say without hygiene
You wot?

>> No.10645994

Girrrl, just look at your own :3

>> No.10646015

Literally nobody said that ever you lying faggot. Your cooking was probably so garbage that anons were trying to save you from having to eat it.

>> No.10646019

It was a burrito thread

>> No.10646115

>t. IRC overlord
Im not sure what trap porn and low cost suicide methods are going to be doing on a cooking board. /ck/ shouldnt have a sticky anyways, all it would do is streamline the board into being nothing but fast food and alcoholism

>> No.10647878

>And alcoholism anon, dont forget the crippling alcoholism
This is really the only way I know that /ck/ has actual cooks and chefs and not just dishwashers larping.
Brings be back to my last kitchen job where the head chef would come in hung over every single day and wouldn't be able to work for the first third of his shift, was fine to cook for the slow second third, and the closer we got to the end after that he could barely do shit as his hands were shaking so bad from not drinking.
Havent seen him in a few years and was a pretty cool dude for the most part. Hope he his liver hasn't failed yet.

>> No.10647911
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why don't you fucking contribute a good thread and help out a bit?


>> No.10647914

and you listened to that one faggot?

gezus you're fragile

>> No.10647972


>> No.10647977

get the fuck out you faggot

>> No.10648839


>> No.10648894

There is literally a huge thread right now in which the OP is trying to pathetically justify being a fat slob by arguing, unless eating exclusively rice ramen and pasta all your life, fast food is comparatively expensive to homecooked food so what is the point?

>> No.10648904

>tfw no qt tongan gf to cook horse for you

>> No.10649346
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Fuck off back to whence you came then nigger fagit. Or you could try lurking a while and learn some shit. An actual polish /pol/ck/ taught us how to make proper pirogi, there are plenty of /ck/ alongs too with badass shit.

>> No.10649350
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>implying it's not the jews, anon

>> No.10649365

we got evicted.

>> No.10650818

Oh we talk about instant noodles a lot too.

>> No.10650854
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this mayo-american has special optical properties other than reflecting pink colored light

>> No.10650860
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>> No.10650897

No chefs or cooks here.
All they talk about is McD's,Taco Bell, hot sauces, and sardines.

>> No.10650913

you must not know many professional cooks. All the ones I know do not like to talk about or do the work they are paid for unless you pay them. They eat garbage. Most chefs do not even cook much at work... just tell others what to do.

>> No.10650932


>> No.10651168
File: 36 KB, 663x579, c2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like it's just yurope vs murrica and a few other shit flinging things

they deleted our fucking general

>> No.10651175

did al/ck/ move?

>> No.10651180

Welcome to 4chan retard

>> No.10651186
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>t. major fag who has larped as a girl on the internet since gaia online

>> No.10651218


>> No.10651436

>and sardines
Nothing wrong with that.