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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10641188 No.10641188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

itt alcoholic beverages for the summer months

>> No.10641238
File: 224 KB, 1200x899, sangria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sangria is a classic
bitches love sangria and if you manage to make a sangria that isn't just your average, every-day, run-of-the-mill sangria they go nuts and start flocking to you like you're some sort of cool guy who makes sangria that isn't just your average, every-day, run-of-the-mill sangria. especially if its white, they love that shit for some reason. i have a decent recipe for this shit if you would like it and it takes next to no effort to make (because its sangria)
sangria in general is a bit too sweet for my tastes though, id rather just have the wine, especially if its red.

>> No.10641249
File: 22 KB, 480x270, pimms cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is patrician level hot-weather libation.

>> No.10641250

Lager. I'd post an example, but I don't wanna start a shit flinging contest over beer brands.

>> No.10641256
File: 203 KB, 500x531, john daly drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again im not normally a fan of the sweet drinks like soda, but i will make an exception for john daly, which is just vodka mixed with lemonade and iced tea in equal parts. if you can get lemon vodka (i think smirnoff makes it) its even more delicious

>> No.10641270

Tasty and refreshing. Friendos and I built a deck last summer. Had a giant water cooler thing filled with this for after. Very nice.

>> No.10641273

al/ck/ thread?

>> No.10641289


>> No.10641304


>> No.10641309

post recipe my dude

>> No.10641311

alck threads are no longer allowed on /ck/. i talked to the mods on irc.rizon.net #4chan and they confirmed what we all thought.

>> No.10641322

>ban threads people enjoy
>leave shit meme fast food and other garbage threads up all day
well they sure sound like 4chan mods

>> No.10641329

Gin and Tonic
Absinthe on the rocks by a campfire

>> No.10641345

Tequila sours are my favorite. Only time I drink hard liquor anymore due to acid reflux

>> No.10641346

I don't have the money to buy really quality reds, so I'd like to know how to make good, not run-of-the-mill sangria
Unless your recipe calls for a proper wine and not just any bulk stuff.

>> No.10641378

This. Pimm's a best. Moderately sweet, but fruity instead of sugary. Perfect in summer. I don't even bother with any other cocktails than this and GT

>> No.10641404

I do this, except "southern" style with bourbon, arnold palmer half&half lite, and lemon juice

>> No.10641412

definitely not an al/ck/ thread because no one's talking about how they drink a liter of vodka a day and constantly contemplate suicide because of organ pain

>> No.10641415

don't forget pissing/shitting your pants :^)
i keep having dreams of alcohol though, sucks being 3 months sober only

>> No.10641417

This isn't a circle jerk general, we're just discussing alcoholic drinks

>> No.10641421

lol the bars where i live usually serve citrus sangrias so i make berry sangria, just so we have an excuse to not go out. you also dont need an expensive/good red wine because its going to be mixed with a ton of stuff anyways. sorry if that doesn't help, but heres the "recipe" anyway:

you will need:
-one bottle of red wine (i use merlot)
-bag of frozen mixed berries, or if you dont want to be a lazy bastard then a pint of each raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries
-some sugar (depending on the red wine you use)
-either lemon-lime soda (sprite, 7up, whatever) or gingerale (like 4 cans of whatever you buy)
-peach schnapps (i buy the 13oz peach schnapps and then use about half of it)

if i buy a pound of frozen berries i will thaw like half - 3/4 of the bag, then drain the excess water. then i combine the wine, the berries, and a couple teaspoons of sugar (which you might not need if you dont use a dry red), and wait for several hours, usually overnight
when i am ready to serve it, i filter the liquid so all the mushy berries are gone, and then add the frozen berries, and the peach schnapps, and the sodas. taste it as you add the soda before adding all of it at once. if it's too sweet, add some club soda instead.

>> No.10641439

you can also just not drain your berries and eat/serve them as they are, though the mushiness turns some people off from it. i dont keep them in because my friends dont like mushy berries
peach schnapps might seem weird but its super delicious. you can substitute it for something else if you dont trust me. triple sec is a good alternative. i have also before substituted the sugar and soda for orange and apple cider. turned out ok but we enjoyed the peach schnapps version the most so thats what i default to. your mileage may vary.
i would also like to hear any changes you would make to this as this is obviously far from perfect

>> No.10641464
File: 93 KB, 1536x1536, 30089_Tanqueray-No-Ten-Gin-10L-473-Vol_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10641482

Sounds good.
I don't doubt the peach schnapps working, but I'm actually tempted to try cloudberry liqueur, since I'm Finnish and this is going for the berry theme anyway.

>> No.10641518
File: 152 KB, 771x656, 18f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beary sangria w/ ES

>> No.10641522

Tom Collins

>> No.10641549

shit taste in gin, senpai

>> No.10641563

was at a party last saturday and drank something that was basically campari mixed with soda water or something like that, is that basically the same thing as Sangria?

>> No.10641565
File: 119 KB, 1260x1534, herno-navy-strength-gin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would signify good taste in gin? For the record, no10 is my summer gin, while Herno Navy Strength is my winter gin.

>> No.10641584

literally not at all the same, but campari is delicious so

If you've seen an ad on tv for it, it's not good. I'm partial to several local varieties, my favorites being bluecoat and sly fox, but if your taste extends beyond beefeater/tanqueray/bombay you're all right in my book. I had a cedar gin shipped to me from Vikre and it was a trip, highly recommend doing shit like that

>> No.10641585

what, no
sangria is a red wine fruit punch

>> No.10641593

Sour ales. Gose especially. They're the quenchiest.