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File: 207 KB, 500x376, no-alcohol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10636135 No.10636135[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm literally unable to get drunk anymore
what the fuck do I do lads?
alcohol is so engrained in normie culture
hypothetically, if someone asks me out for drinks do I just say I can't get drunk so it's a waste of money or should I pretend to be inebriated?
is this actually a blessing in disguise?

>> No.10636147

Going out for drinks is typically more about socializing than actually getting drunk. Go out, have a few, then go home. It's not a big deal if you don't get wasted.

>> No.10636149
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in b4 this thread is deleted

>> No.10636167

but I thought the point of drinks as opposed to any other social activity is to ease social anxiety and let conversation flow

>> No.10636223

why are mods agains alcohol threads now?
it's been a while since I've posted here
'drink' is in the name of the board

>> No.10636229
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>american drinks 4 bud lights
>"wtf i can't get drunk anymore??"

>> No.10636230

just pregame or bring a flask with you

>> No.10636231

They probably just delete what's reported. I don't think they pay any attention to the board in general.
There have been like ten fucking threads about various brands of burger chains today and they didn't pounce on those.

>> No.10636307

>I literally can't get drunk anymore
I drank a litre of gin with no tolerance and only felt heavy, fell asleep, and woke up with a headache the next morning
I don't even drink often, my gaba receptors are just really fucked

>> No.10636333

Well next time drink two litres.

>> No.10636574

You would be dead if your gaba receptors were fucked

>> No.10636591

I'm on antabuse and dieting to lose weight, so I don't drink while everyone else is. It's not a big deal. I just end up spending less money and getting a good night's rest. Also I have a quiet social life.

>> No.10636607

>only felt heavy
What does that mean? Sounds like you're getting drunk but it's not like what you think it should be based on how some other people act while drunk. How soon after did you "fall asleep"?

>> No.10636656
File: 21 KB, 400x400, ZPBSTPZV_400x400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I can't get drunk"

>> No.10636674

do you have a history of benzo (ab)use or are you just a yuuge hambeast?

>> No.10636681

Try brewing your own beer or distilling your own spirits or both. I’ve been a heavy drinker for 20 years, commercial alcohol really doesn’t do a lot for me any more, but I always get affected by my home made stuff.

>> No.10636685

how fucking fat are you?

>> No.10636692

Let's give a warm welcome to the newbies.

>> No.10636698

Take a good 6 second chug or a quarter of a 750 ml bottle of your liquor of choice at once and tell me you aren't drunk you flaming faggot

>> No.10636716
File: 46 KB, 600x605, laughing hoarse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like alcohol tolerance does huge splits for some reason

back when I was 21, I started buying large beers of 11%+ ABV. I could drink them on an empty stomach with no buzz. I had no tolerance either, it was weird.

I'm 25 now and if I drink a coors light I'll feel the effects.

>> No.10636747

No, he should just chug a bottle.

>> No.10636782

>Take a good 6 second chug or a quarter of a 750 ml bottle of your liquor
A 6 second chug would be about a litre, why give such that as an option compared to 187.5ml?