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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10634751 No.10634751 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone been turned off to meat because of a personal experience? A few weeks back I saw The Terror and the cannibalism part really affected me. I keep thinking about it from time to time and it has made it harder for me to consume meat. I don't like it. I want to enjoy meat like I used to enjoy it.

>> No.10635004

You are just fragile, if you are going vegetarian at least have a decent excuse besides "traumatic experiences".

>> No.10635025

A lot of vegan spam on ck recently

>> No.10635028

kek. no.

>> No.10635069

literally "I'm a vegetarian because I'm a pussy"

>> No.10635070

When jamal used to slap me with his big meaty cock.
I still have scars to this day.
Doesn‘t help that my gf bought me the new zelda game, when it was released as an “apology“.

>> No.10635097

The Terror sucked and so does this thread

>> No.10635207

school shooting brought the fags out of the woodwork.

>> No.10635830

when I was a child I was sent to live on a farm with my aunt and uncle. I woke up one night to this horrible sound. they were herding the sheep into the barn and slaughtering them.

>> No.10635844

No I'm not turned off of meat and never will be. I'm turned off of inhumane farming practices.

>> No.10635855

Meat eaters are lower cultures that haven't developed the advanced agricutlrue techniques of white pepole.

All the meat eating chinks, niggers, and spics should be wiped off the face of this planet, for the sake of our resources.

>> No.10635864

Tell me more Ms. Starling

>> No.10635918

i saw my grandfather kill a pg with a sledgehammer when i was four. Didn't eat meat for a whole hour after that.
I'm also 100% sure I'm whiter than this guy

>> No.10635934


>> No.10636209
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you could half ass it like me, i feel like you do since i like animals so much, so ive nearly completely cut it out of my diet. i pretty much only eat meat when someone offers it to me or im out with friends and i dont want to ruin shit for them, or when ive been smoking and got the munchies. feels better making do with other food for the most part.

>> No.10636242

Nah I just realise that animals rip each other apart and leave them to bleed out in agony in the wild and realise that a bullet to the head is probably better for them.

I try and buy from free range farms with good animal care though.

>> No.10637555


>> No.10637603

you manly man i bet you dont even spit when you swallow loads

>> No.10637615

I have hunted and butchered my own meat before. Grow a pair and a spine.

>> No.10637671

fucking samefag

>> No.10637696
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I've worked at a family feedlot, saw a cow shot in front of me, hung up, bled out and then sure it butchered as i went through my day.

At least in countries that aren't the middle east and America, stock is treated relatively well before it is killed and is killed quickly.

>> No.10637698

>Get gout
>Essentially eat vegetarian for about two years
It's not even that bad, honestly.
There's enough recipes out there to try something new every night of your life until you die.

People do fucking notice you eating vegetarian though, and will comment on it from that starting point as though you pulled out the "I'm a vegetarian" line.
It was fucking confusing the first time it happened, like I had skipped the first half of a conversation.

>> No.10637711

Changing your opinion on meats because of some movie is the most beta male thing you can do. You might have lower T than women do.

>> No.10637720

how do people not realize this
a slaughterhouse death is going to involve less pain and suffering than 99% of any deaths in the wild.

>> No.10637735

has somebody hurt your little feelwings?

i love animals: there yummy
meat tastes like murder and murder tastes good.

i aint eating a immitation of a animal im not supposed to eat. i was born a omnivore im dying a omnivore.

>> No.10637799

im not OP you stupid dipshit and i still think your a manly man who i bet doesnt even spit when you swallow loads

>> No.10637854

Man, omnivore people can be annoying just like vegans if not more

> I eat meat because I'm a manly MAN MAN!!!!!!
You just look childish. Empathy is a human feeling, and I guess 90% of those fuckers who act like they don't care won't have the balls to kill a cow.

I don't think eating animals is wrong, but I think there is a problem in modern society. I think that what is starting to vanishing is the "respect" to the animal you are eating.
Meat is a convenient and delicious source of macro and micro nutrients
but we are in a period that we consume so much meat that it became bad for our health. We don't really need to mass slaughter cow because you can fill your lard mouth with 1$ hamburger, that's what i mean when I talk about ``respect''

>> No.10637880
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OP here. In the show referenced, the characters end up eating each other. Since finishing the show, every time I eat some red meat, I get the sense this could be what Human tastes like. And then I wonder what would be so bad about eating another human if you really needed to. I'm not all that bothered by the industry of meat production. I'm bothered that as I eat a steak, I'm wondering if I could tell the difference between beef and human and would it matter if I was hungry enough.

Additionally, poultry and fish doesn't bother me. Just the red meat that looks like human flesh.

>> No.10637889

>We don't really need to mass slaughter cow because you can fill your lard mouth with 1$ hamburger

So you want us to spend more money to get quick macro and micro nutrients? For "respect" of a lower form of life?

>> No.10637941

wait. OP is a faggot anime reaction image poster? i'm suddenly not on your side anymore OP.

>> No.10637943

but the whole live before is pain/torture for them too

>> No.10638006

>So you want us to spend more money
Probably. Just eat less meat

>> No.10638024

I'm not that dude, but I think we should spend more money on meat simply because the better the animal's diet and life the better the meat tastes. Factory farming is all about faster, cheaper. Flavor isn't even a concern. Only feed-conversion efficiency per sq. foot is a focus. MOAR FASTR even if the taste sucks. Fuck that. I'll gladly pay more for tastier meat.

>> No.10638035
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>> No.10638047

>I'll gladly pay more for tastier meat.

Thats fine, I do too.
But I also understand factory farming place in providing cheap food to those who want (or need) cheap meat.

>> No.10638432

You're accusing others of being me, has the veggie life deteriorated your brain? I would assume so if all you can think about is men sucking cocks and eating cum. How fragile are you? I would recommend leaving the site, if you can't handle reality.

>> No.10638450

Not if they are raised on a farm

>> No.10638505

Imagine being so sheltered and mentally weak that simply watching a movie is enough to turn you off a major food group
Wew Laddie

>> No.10638706

I’m sorry but your the triggered snowflake shitting up this thread cus op wants to eat more veggies, faggot

>> No.10638975

>can't eat meat because of a movie
I've literally been soaked in people's blood.
Also made to help butcher a few animals as a kid.
Saw a girl in 6th grade get splattered into hamburger meat right in front of my eyes on the way to school one morning.

None of those things have ever made me even the least bit squeamish about eating meat.

Though I have avoided certain things after a couple food poisoning incidents.
But that's an ingrained biological prerogative, not being weak psychologically, and it doesn't last.

Stop being weak, you'll get over it.

If you want something to show any uppity vegan/vegetarians, try this.

Literally a compilation of 'herbivores' eating other animals when it's convenient.

>> No.10638991

kill yourself faggot

>> No.10639006
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>I've literally been soaked in people's blood
Ok edgelord, go back to your gore thread

>> No.10639071

You seem to think I'm trying to impress someone, or get a reaction.
Referencing my personal experience, and knowing people that have had like experiences, it becomes clear that what the OP is referencing is the result of personal psychological issues and not a purely natural phenomenon.
>gore thread
Relating relevant personal experience doesn't mean that I enjoyed those things.
I knew, and liked that girl. It was terrible.
We slaughtered a lamb that I had thought was our pet because it wasn't made clear to me. Felt bad, but I got over it.

>> No.10639073

>being an emt is edgy
People deal with this shit every day. Just not you, because you're a sheltered pussy.

>> No.10639086
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Hey, I'll have you know that I once saw a deer get hit by a truck before so I think I have some experience under my belt you soyboy

>> No.10639106
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when i was a kid, i think something between 5 and 8 years old, i was a vegetarian for a few months after watching the simpsons episode in which lisa becomes a vegetarian.

i can remember running to my mom crying and shouting that i will never eat meat again in my life.

>> No.10639156

This post reeks of insecurity. You dont need balls to kill cow, just blast it in the head.
To slaughter a cow properly, well for that I wouldnt have balls to do alone.
Min 3 people is a must jf you dobit by hand without heavy machines.

>> No.10639170
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>Can't tip a cow and kick it in the head
I think you'd be better off sticking to soy

>> No.10639181

try a little harder next time

>> No.10639203

lived with cows chickens and lambs and I eat them niggas up yumyum pass me da kebab dad.
but one day uncle max brings an iguana home, silly me thinks its a pet but the next day poor scaly boy had been made into curry. i cried while i ate it but damn that was some good food now every time i eat scaly friends I remember my boy Sergei

>> No.10639215
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>turned off meat

I just need meat. I get a craving that doesn't go away unless I eat meat.

preferably lamb or beef.

It escapes me that there are people not like this

>> No.10639267

couldn't eat rabbit for a while due to being on a bender jacking off to furry porn.

>> No.10639279
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>h...Haha! He posted anime XD !!!
>Join me ! Join me ! Lets laugh at him and totally ignore his argument because I'm too dumb and have no personal opinion on things !!!!

It gets me everytime to see children posting

>> No.10639284

I'll do. You should be more specific, tho

>> No.10639369

Please stop watching your animu and mango and grow up

>> No.10639371

>reddit, the post
thanks for the kek, retard

>> No.10639380
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At night?
In the dark?

>> No.10639389

Mother's turkey curries

I swear turkey can be so fucking shitty if cooked wrong

>> No.10639390

i remember working at the local chicken plant, and people would snatch live chickens off the processing line and bite their heads off

>> No.10639397

fucking hilarious, sign me up bro

>> No.10639398
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Holy shit , it's exactly how I described

>> No.10639407

why are 11-year-olds aloud to post here?

>> No.10639460
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>> No.10639541

based troll replyer

>> No.10639601

i worked on a sheep farm for a couple of years and ended up getting attached to one of the lambs like a dumbass

i started eating lamb again recently, but it kind of put me off. i still miss him sometimes. been thinking when i get older and can afford a house with a garden, i might get a couple just to keep the grass down

>> No.10639603

nature's lawn movers init

>> No.10639739

Found a vein in my mcchicken once, put me off them for 10 years

>> No.10639751

as someone who regularly eats blood, this seems so weird to me

>> No.10639783

yeah youre eating chicken blood as well?

>> No.10639814

I did too eat blood, we had this traditional pork blood in chocolate but I can't really stand the black vein in chicken

>> No.10639977
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It's not about their actual death, it's how they're treated on factory farms before they're killed.

>> No.10640676

i mean pig blood is definitely better, but you still get a good soup out of chicken blood
fair enough, funny how some things can put you off when other things don't

>> No.10641221

>wahhh, I let colored corn syrup and silicone make me feel bad about eating animals bred for consumption!
This is how pathetic you are. >>10637720
Vegans use footage from farms and slaughterhouses that don't pass health codes and practices then try to write them off as "the standard". Some of them even ask/pay workers to be cruel on camera just so they can spin the narrative that "see?? THEY'RE the evil ones!!"
I watched a propoganda video a few days ago and noticed that they used footage from videos made in China and Germany but never mentioned it/tried to pass them off as "USA slaughterhouses".
BAWWW, poor baby cows! :'^( I'm going to go kill 3 people right now just to make humanity suffer for eating meat!1!! q_q

>> No.10641261

Look at all these immoral niggers, chinks, & shitskins desperately trying to defend their meats.

There is a very good reason why whites are a superior race. We've evolved to a higher state of not depending on animal murder, and it's by choice, our own empathy and morals, not forced on us by some 3rd world religion.

>> No.10641310


>> No.10641318

>A lot of vegan spam on ck recently

What's with the fucking vegan shit & racism here lately? get these losers back to /pol/ where they belong.

>> No.10641333

I love meat and I love eating animals, I often think about how much superior the human race is to what I'm eating and it makes the meal better

Thinking about how we are breeding and mass producing animal life just to butcher them and eat them in various foods makes me feel good

>> No.10641341

I was at a gas station in the middle of nowhere nebraska one night and a farmer pulled up with a trailer of goats. He got the cattle prod out and kept zapping them to get them to move to the front of the trailer for whatever reason. One had a broken leg and couldn't get up so he kept shocking it until it crawled to the front th the others. It kept shrieking in pain. Stopped eating all 4 legged animals after that. Only eat poultry now.

>> No.10641353

(You)s come pretty easy when you are being blatantly ignorant about food on a food board. The racism is the newfriends trying to fit in until they realize not every board is /pol/

>> No.10641361


Go check out /pol/. Lots of vegans over there now bitching & starting fights. lol This place is a cluster fuck.

>> No.10641365

Joseph Campbell theorized that the reason people have those bad experiences and then give up meat is we don't have a proper mythological understanding of where it comes from. The whole process is hidden to most folks and the realization that you have to kill something is jarring enough to some people they become vegetarian on the spot. Compare that to indigenous people who treat the hunt as a sacred even, and thank the buffalo for giving it's life so they can get nourishment, they don't have any qualms about it because it comes with a greater understanding of the ethos of meat eating.

So no, having seen my grandma kill chickens all the time and then saying grace before we eat them, I don't have any problems with it

>> No.10641369

>What's with the fucking vegan shit & racism here

Vegans desperately need their "moral superiority." They feel they are better people than the other races that eat meat.

>> No.10641445

good to see gentle and sensible anons exist

i can actually TELL this anon gets pussy regularly unlike most of the ******masculine****** anons on 4chan

>> No.10641450

fucking >>10637555 got btfo

>> No.10641904

My grandma can't eat lamb, because when she was a girl living in upstate New York on her farm it was her job to take care of the lambs. She'd sleep in the barn with them and name them and stuff, and then my great grandpa would shoot them and make all sorts of things, and she'd have to eat it.

So now she doesn't eat lamb