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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10631282 No.10631282 [Reply] [Original]

How much money do you spend on food each month? Me like $600-$700

>> No.10631365

Just as much as i want, cos i'm single and live with parents.
So i'm gaining 600 bux and might spend from 100 up to everything depending on who pays this month

>> No.10631391

Fat fuck.

>> No.10631403

You're a waste of space you NEET manchild.

>> No.10631413

So being student, working and yet still living with parents with no GF is considered as neet?
Well i'm ok with it.

>> No.10631418

It's not if you're studying.

>> No.10631420

Nevermind, I assumed that you were a 30 year old manchild like most people on this godforsaken website.

>> No.10631422
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Probably about $400. I'll spend like $125 and live on it for nine or so days. Typical grocery list:
>5 Great Value brand Lean Cuisines
>pack of Tyson chicken breasts
>Leaf spinach
>vineripe tomatoes
>pound of deli sliced turkey
>pound of pasta
>jar of pasta sauce
>meat for pasta (usually Italian sausage)
>case of PBR
And you???

>> No.10631425

Either a fat fucker or you eat out three times a week and drink truffle smoothies at home.

>> No.10631442
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>you (((assumed)))
I'm glad western civilisation now has these SJW monstrocities to just beat u for you insolence

>> No.10631450

You clearly need to study more anon

>> No.10631481

Probably around $500/month on average. Really depends on what I feel like cooking.

>> No.10631527

>better call him fat for spending more money on food than I make a month

>> No.10631529

$250 / month on groceries ($50/week at Aldi for single dude goes a long way)

$150 / month or so on various food dates with my GF, going out to eat, alcohol at bars with friends, etc.

>> No.10631537

Aldi is for niggers

>> No.10631541

300 i'd say. i eat too much jersey mikes and chik fil a

>> No.10631542

I havent spent a dime in about four months.

>> No.10631546

GFs are for faggots

>> No.10631561

>Spending money on namebrand overpriced shit at stores that overstaff on minimum wage lowlifes
I'll take saving my money from an efficient German store that hires actual quality employees

Just because I enjoy my GF's strap on doesn't make me gay OK

>> No.10631590
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t. single late 20s man with a jack russell terrier

>> No.10631834

Why don't you eat $500 worth and give the rest to a local food bank?

>> No.10632513

I hope you have a family of four to feed, anon, else u fat as fuck.
I spend 150-180 a month on groceries.

>> No.10632541

jesus fuck, do you eat out almost every day for most of your meals?

>> No.10632565

I don't really know. I'd estimate $1000. I'm really bad about eating out every breakffast and lunch. Usually I cook dinner for myself but I buy expensive shit

>> No.10632602


no need for racism anon, it's 2018

>> No.10632619

I used to work at a mom and pop grocery store in a busy downtown are of a major city, and everynight we could take home the left over deli hot case food, and generally speaking just make anything we wanted out of the deli and take it home. I also got very cheap lunches there, maybe $3 for a big schwarma bowl. Also we could take home any damaged or expired grocery items, of which there were often a good amount of.

I guess what I'm getting at is that for the 7 months I worked there, I basically didn't pay for groceries whatsoever. Now I work at a restaurant and get free dinner and lunch every day/night so I still don't really pay for groceries. if I had to guess, I'd say I pay maybe $100 a month on food.

>> No.10632632

190 at most

>> No.10632636

Maybe $300. My work gets catered food twice a week and it usually has leftovers so I don't pay for four lunches a week.

>> No.10632658

Sometimes like 30-50 dollars a day, so almost $1000/month.
Why? Because I can.
But lately I'm intermittent fasting which has brought it down to 10 or 15 a day, significantly less.

I've spent an atrocious amount of money on food this year and you know what? It was worth it.

>> No.10632682

>omg wtf you must be fat
>omg wtf do you eat out like every meal
Normies and poorfags really love stating the obvious. Why is that?

>> No.10632700

It's easier for them to try to find something wrong with you rather than admit they're jealous and poor

>> No.10632704

I get a free meal every shift so I usually just get a Big Mac and fries for lunch and sneak a 20pc nugget and some fries in a bag when I leave at night. It helps save money

>> No.10632712

Well personally I'm fat and think that should be obvious. Even when I lift hard and exercise everyday I'm going to be fat eating over $20-$30 a day in food.

Nobody could be jealous of that. You must be right about them being jealous of the money though.

>> No.10633169


>> No.10633385

No more than $40

>> No.10633464

I live with my fiance. We probably spend about 150 going out to eat. Another 100 on groceries or so.

>> No.10633499

Generally around $140-$200. I'm in the process of learning recipes involving beans and brown rice so I'll have more money for hobbies and getting out of debt. Going to make slow-cooker black beans with a ham bone tomorrow. Got the beans soaking now and I'm excited to try the fire-roasted canned tomatoes I found at the store in this meal.

>> No.10634093

Around 160 eur.

>> No.10634133

If you spend more than $5 on food per month you will always be poor due to your poorfag mentality.

>> No.10634135

i spend 600-700 ARS per week

>> No.10635011

Probably $100-$200 a month?
I just wander through the store and pick a protein, carb, and vegetable serving for each day.

>> No.10635021

$300 or so. Probably around $800 with booze and going to a special occasion restaurant.

>> No.10635778

>less than $250 a month
Are you guys poor? Do you eat a shitty unhealthy diet? DYEL?

>> No.10637472

some people live in hawaii and have to pay huge prices for the same amount of food & pay

>> No.10637630

Same here if not more. I eat out a few times a week and drink expensive craft beer.

>> No.10637650

Midwesterners, like me, can buy a lot of healthy food for relatively little money because there are farms everywhere. It's like how beef is super cheap in Texas because they have a huge percentage of the country's cattle farms.

>> No.10637767


>> No.10639523

that meme was already old by the time you decided to come her from reddit

>> No.10640004

like 50 euros a week?

>> No.10640068

£80 a month on food and booze at the moment, stretching out my neet money

>> No.10640099

It was never something from reddit, kill yourself, rabbi

>> No.10640119

Like £40 a week, but some of that is drink & household stuff.

>> No.10640138

$100-120 a week for two adults. That includes 3 meals per person, 7 days a week and snacks.

>> No.10640196

$50 a month, living with parents master race here.

>> No.10640261

I feel bad because for me it's only like 5€ bcz of poor neet

>> No.10640265

Maybe he just buys expensive food.
I'm willing to scrounge when it comes to fancy clothes but I don't mind spending more on better food.

>> No.10640267

maybe 50 dollars a week in groceries and another 50-200 or so in eating out per week.often more than that though honestly.

>> No.10640274

For real?
Thats crazy

my gf and I don't spend that much together

>> No.10640287

He's a frogposter, what do you think

>> No.10640333

$150 a month when I'm not trying to be frugal

>> No.10640347

Just a reminder, unemployment is one of the leading causes of suicide. Remember, even if everyone else thinks you're a failure, you can make it better.

>> No.10640361
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wew lad, thank for your kind words

>> No.10640373

$150 or so, having a frugal month ahead of me so I'll try to keep it at $100

>> No.10640479
File: 1.61 MB, 4032x3024, E2D3CB70-FDCD-4655-A39B-3A63A7D161BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$150 a month for me. I don't buy shit and cook daily. I eat alot of beans, lean meats, fruits and greens...It's summer time so seafood is expensive so I splurge twice a month or so.

I truly believe if you spend more than $200 bucks a month you are unhealthy.

>> No.10640487

>unemployment is one of the leading causes of suicide

As some1 who worked on 2.5 jobs at the same time 7 days a week:
Working can make you think of suicide

>> No.10640499

anyone else butthurt that they can't get mad discounts like the food ranger?

>goes and eats a fucking dozen giant clams
>that'll be $1.50

why can't america be a third world country?

>> No.10640500

Don Quijote's.

>> No.10640551

So wtf is the purpose of your post if not for people to comment on it? The only noteworthy thing is the high price you pay each month for food. You obviously anticipated this kind of response, otherwise you wouldn't have posted in the first place.

>> No.10640572

about 200$/mo working grocery store part time

>> No.10640581
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$360 on average including alcohol.

>> No.10640588

$300/mo on groceries, including visits to butcher and fish seller included.

$150/mo on eating out.

>> No.10640633

I'm 38

>> No.10640660


>> No.10640668

I eat 5k calories a day

>> No.10641680

Since you want to be asked,
How do you get 150,000 calories for $45, anon?

>> No.10641989
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I grow my own food and keep several animals.

$500 Can get you a pygmy goat that produces milk for years

>> No.10642058

I think there's a spider on the floor

>> No.10642084

I hit up Publix just for their BOGO. I do the bulk of my shopping at Winn Dixie and local farmers markets.
btw Winn Dixie has better BOGO, but those Pub subs...

>> No.10642288

>$600/month on food
How? I spend like $150/month and I consider that a lot

>> No.10643452

If I'm hurting I can make it down to like $40/month

otherwise it's around $130/month or so

>> No.10643466

My boss pays for a decent dinner about once a week, excluding that I pay ~$250-300/month for food.
Including those meals I'm not paying for would increase that to ~$400-500/month.

>> No.10643470
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Around $1200

>> No.10643472

Not everyone chooses to live on poverty food.

>> No.10643946

If I really scrape and scrounge deals at outlets and questionable markets, I can get by on 300. If I wanna stock up on clean staples and not eat weird chemicals, 600 or more. My booze budget is about the same. I live in an expensive city. If I go out, it’s easily 100, but usually closer to 150.

>> No.10644748


Less than I frogpost

>> No.10644767

That shit costs $125?? Damn nigga i live in an expensive ass city and i could buy double. I bet it's the frozen food and shitty beer costing you an arm and a leg

>> No.10644776

So many ppl ITT overspending on food

At trader joes you can get a months supply of sweet potatoes for like 10 bucks. You can get a months supplh of bananas for 10 bucks. You can get a months supply of ground turkey for 25 bucks. I could go om but why waste my breath on ppl spending $400 a month on meme cals (short for calories lol)


>> No.10645425

$600-700 including eating out.
But I'm from Canada where everything is incredibly expensive. Probably would pay half that if I lived in the states.

>> No.10645494
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About $250/wk

I mostly eat fast food, im too busy to cook.

>> No.10645527

probably around 150-200

>> No.10645679

>spending $35 a day on fast food
Fat ass wasteful ass nasty ass nigga. Don't tell me ur fat ass can eat $35 McChickens a day. Faggot ass bougie ass nigga lay off the chicken selects. Bitch ass nigga Foh

>> No.10645698

Who the hell wants to eat sweet potatoes, bananas and ground turkey all month long?

>> No.10645704

200€ per month.
I can live on 50-100€ if i need to.

>> No.10645715
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Currently I work at a resort in Alaska and their charge for employee meals and housing is $16 a day which comes out to ~$500 a month. Except im a supervisor so its actually free for me which is nice.

When im in regular life: $400-$500 a month. That includes a couple take out meals a week.

>> No.10645722

used to eat at my workplace, 1,50$ per meal, but it was a pretty fancy place

now I'll probably spend something less than 300$ per month

>> No.10645727

Stay small, lil nigga

Besides, dat shit wuz just an example. U can get mad nutes (abbrev of nutrients) and cals (abbrev of calories) for pennies, nigga. A dozen eggs is a fucken dollar in some places goddamn. And aint a damn nigga too bougie to eat sum fucken eggs T B H

>> No.10645825

About $50.

$200+ on booze

>> No.10646378

>As some1 who worked on 2.5 jobs at the same time 7 days a week: Working can make you think of suicide
Sounds like you were just working extremely shitty jobs. And while working can make one think of suicide, doing absolutely nothing with your life makes one consider suicide much more.

>> No.10646487

Both are shitty and byproducts of late capitalism. Whether or not you're making money, you'll always feel like it's not enough and you're not good enough.

The capitalistic machine drives us to exhaustion and despair by robbing us of our self-worth.

>> No.10648293


>> No.10648713

I don't know maybe $300 if you include eating out?

>> No.10649988

>Both are shitty and byproducts of late capitalism.
Uh, that's bullshit though. Feeling bad about not working is a byproduct of capitalism? That makes no sense. It has nothing to do with capitalism, even if people have plenty enough money they still tend to stray towards suicidal thoughts when they do nothing with their lives. That's why rich people still have hobbies, and don't just lie around. If you're doing nothing with your life and are just lounging around being a NEET, when you're effectively robbing yourself of your own self-worth.