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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10627148 No.10627148 [Reply] [Original]

I was into Sriracha before it was cool.

>> No.10627158

White guy here. Let me tell you about sriracha since I've had some experience with it recently. It's a ridiculously spicy Chinese hot sauce made from an ancient secret recipe, very hard to find in the US. In fact, I had to specially request it from the wise old Chinese woman behind the counter at this obscure little hole-in-the-wall Asian food store. Normally they probably wouldn't sell it to your average white dude, but luckily she's taken a bit of a shining to me since I'm well versed with Asian food and culture after having studied it closely for many years. But be warned, it is VERY hot, over 9000 on the scoville scale if I had to guess. I tried of a spoonful of it plain once. Worst mistake of my friggin' life. I spent the next 5 hours crying like a baby while my ex wife and her son brought me glasses of ice water and wet towels to cool me down. We actually considered going to the emergency room since my tongue was burning so mental. Let's just say sriracha made me its bitch.

>> No.10627161

you need to nuke whitey in the next century

>> No.10627165
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>> No.10627192

I could almost swear that I have seen this exact same reaction with the exact image at least twice before. It feels like I am stuck in an infinite loop on the Event Horizon or something.

>> No.10627196

it's just two anons who love /ck/ a lot

>> No.10627292

You entered an Einstein Rosen Bridge of cu/ck/

>> No.10627312
File: 81 KB, 300x300, You Cant Leave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now all we need is for someone to start complaining about anime on 4chan and the cycle is renewed.

>> No.10627347

>Tfw I have been eating sriracha since 2010 and now its some gay ass soiboi meme.

>> No.10627360

Maybe because the majority of this trash website are weeb faggots, and a handful of us are here to be entertained per the board subject without weeb garbage shoved down our throats at every corner. NOT an anime website.

>> No.10627571

If you don't like this website why are you even wasting your time here? Go to 420chan. It's hella slow but it's not as over saturated with memes

>> No.10627919

>unironically consuming the cock sauce
nigga thats shits GAY

>> No.10627966

So was everyone who isn't a flyover...

>> No.10627991
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I remember when CostCo first started carrying sriracha. How old am I?

>> No.10628813

because it's called 420chan