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10626700 No.10626700[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Use this thread to discuss Australian beers.

For me, it's Coopers Stout, or you're getting knocked the fuck out, cunt.

>> No.10626711

Australians are weird

>> No.10626726

>work all day in the disgusting heat
>friend invites me over for a beer after
>its all stout
Who the FUCK drinks stout in the summer??? Just give me a cup of fucking coffee next time instead ya prick. It's just as non refreshing

>> No.10626752

Would agree, stout is not a summer beer but if I'm not mistaken ausfags are in fucking winter.

>> No.10626772

Anglos, they're just not really people

>> No.10626773

What's their winter even like? 60 and cloudy?

>> No.10626826

Parts of the country get very cold, especially further south.

As for the beer thing, Coopers is pretty bad in general. I don't mind their new session ale (the blue one), that's pretty good.

Best low brow Australian beers:
>Boag's Premium (the draught is also acceptable)

Best high brow Australian beers:
>Gage roads' Atomic Pale Ale (and its brewery mate, single fin summer ale)
> Pact's Mt Tenent Pale Ale
> Stone & Wood's Pacific Ale
> Honorable mention to Cricketer's Arms' IPA, which I haven't seen for several years, and I assume has been discontinued

>> No.10626904

I prefer sniffing petrol with centrelink money

>> No.10626932

Most international beers are brewed under license here. Went to Bali and their Chang beer tasted a lot better than what's sold in Oz.

>> No.10627693

>some dumb fucking bogan Ameriboo thinks anybody else drinks their shitty beer

>> No.10627884


coopers stout is absolute shite. your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.10628112

What don't you like about it?

>> No.10628117

I like Cooper's stout but my usual bottleo doesnt stock it, and I don't usually want to spend $60+ on a carton

>> No.10628133
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Milton Mangoes for me.

>> No.10628134

>Best high brow Australian beers
>Pasito with beer flavouring x5

Coopers Sparkling is the GOAT and you can't tell me otherwise

>> No.10628149

I drink tooheys old, mostly because I couldn't be bothered to find a relatively cheap beer that doesn't make me want to die

>> No.10628159

Fuck beer. Pay 10c extra a bottle and then have to take a special trip to wait ten to fifteen minutes in a line for your turn to recuperate $2.40 per case. Or else skip the ridiculous inconvenience and let the government keep that $2.40. They're not squeezing me like this. If you're in NSW and still drink beer outside of the pubs, you're a sucker.

>> No.10628169

>pay 10c more to drink at home in my pajamas
>pay $3-5 more to drink at the pub with weird old men
I wonder which I will do

>> No.10628177

Damn what a shitty opinion lol

>> No.10628273

Fuck your taste is trash.

>> No.10628305

All of you
australiaan aggots suck my dick

>> No.10628308
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My local pub got this on tap recently. Couldn't be happier brehs

>> No.10628315


>> No.10628354
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Coopers Pale Ale is far superior

>> No.10628357

Those Single Fins are god tier, but that brewery is a horseman of the hipster apocalypse to come.

>> No.10628361

Isn't beer in Australia prohibitively expensive? I was under the impression that people drank wine more , slapping the goon and so on

>> No.10628367

Nah, not really. A six pack of the cheapest piss will set you back around $13.

Our craft beers are very expensive because the brewers are taxed out the arse. It's changing soon, though. Thank God.

>> No.10628371

Cascade Pale Ale is personally my favourite of the state beers. VB is a fucking monstrosity, XXXX is pretty bad, too. Cascade Draught ain't bad but I'm a pale ale kinda person.

If we're talking upmarket craft beers I do love Single Fin, Stone & Wood or Furphy's.

>> No.10628372

A six pack for $13 is like Nunavut tier

>> No.10628374

Teenagers do. People with jobs can afford at least a six pack a day.

>> No.10628383

That's a six pack of VB on sale at my local!

>> No.10628439


I live like 5 mins away from the brewery. Pick up a few mangos on the way passed evwry time.

>> No.10628440

>It's changing soon, though. Thank God.
Please explain.

>> No.10628446

it's been about 25 celsius and sunny here lately

it is very expensive
i've had to cut down on my craft beer buying lately, it just costs too much

>> No.10628454

Some subsidy for craft brewers proposed in the last budget. That is if we vote for the party that seems intent on letting Dutton become Big Brother.

>> No.10628460

Thanks, and noted.

>> No.10628464

which party is that? i don't follow politics

>> No.10628469
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currently drinking this

>> No.10628474

Dutton is a Lib, so whichever coalition party runs in your electorate.

>> No.10628480

Currently kegs below 38L are taxed more than kegs 38L and above, government wants to change that so they're taxed at the same rate, which helps craft breweries have more competitive prices.
Doesn't mean we'll be buying 6 packs of craft beer for cheaper than VB though

>> No.10628481

>XXXX Gold
Sorry, I'm not a 30 year old Liberal voter from Queensland

>> No.10628492

it's actually literally nothing, likely won't save you anything at all

>> No.10628610

I always assumed proper Queenslanders drank full strength XXXX.

>> No.10628625

Now this is a good beer. The Brewery in the Rocks is so good. Top beers with pretty good food, highly recommend to go there.

>> No.10628629

>Not dark ale

>> No.10628887
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How autistic is everyone with craft brewers? Locally in Adelaide there's been a bit of uproar about Pirate Life being bought up by Anheuser-Busch.


Pirate Life is legit trash though except for their mosaic IPA, so there's no huge loss, I've heard a lot about people refusing to buy or stock it over the acquisition. I wonder if it'll last as a brand. Young Henry's is a comparable brand that seems to have gone from strength to strength while remaining independent, although they do better beers and seems to have nailed their hipster market. I find it interesting that selling out still holds clout as a legit criticism. Also posting best Coopers, more sessionable than the session tßh

>> No.10628906

Funny thing is Cascade Pale Ale isn't even an ale, it's actually a lager.

>> No.10628907

I've never understood this. My mates are like this but they're all half-casts so I always chalked it down to inherent weakness. How can you not love stout. It's a beer milkshake with an incredibly rich, delicious taste.

>> No.10628911

Single Fin is good shit. They actually bought themselves back majority owning from Woolworths, the absolute mad men.

>> No.10628918
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for me it's Foster's, the best beer in all of Austria, neigh the world!

>> No.10628926
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>> No.10628933
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I put down a batch of home brand homebrew this morning.
The ingredients cost about $12 and it will make about two and a half cartons of beer.

>> No.10628952

When Coles still had branded brewing kits I was living the dream. They were like $8 a can so shove in two of those with a kilo of brown sugar and you ended up with a very drinkable beer. Fuck steralising/bottling though, too much time, I sometimes miss my tafe/neet days.

>> No.10628973

I don't have anything against breweries selling out to big companies. It's a nice reward for good work and if anything probably encourages more craft brewers to show up and try and get that big day.

It's disappointing if/when their beers go to shit afterwards, but usually what happens is they fall into a kind of middle area with pretty good quality and not too expensive pricing which fills a good niche since top quality craft beer is always so expensive here.

Recently over here, Feral got bought out by Coca Cola.

As for Pirate Bay, I like their stout but their IPAs and pale ales don't do much for me. Their beers are still good though so far. The same guy still runs them so that's a good thing.

>> No.10628982

If people can want ice-creams and thickshakes in summer, then a stout really isn't that inappropriate. A big part of refreshment is the temperature contrast.

>> No.10628984

Gage Roads are an interesting one. They sold out to Woolies, their beers actually did go to shit but they must have sold well, immediately came back with Little Dove winning international beer awards and now they're a massive independent brewer, selling beer at stadiums and shit. Good for them.

>> No.10628997

Just vote Labor, they're the only party that's ever done anything for the working class of Australia.

>> No.10629108

Crown lager is the best lads

>> No.10629133

They're just really gross.

>> No.10629156

I don't know how anyone could rag on Cooper's but then recommend old sock swill like VB and Malbourne

>> No.10629249

As jaded and burnt out as I get trying new beers (especially IPAs which are one of my least favorite styles but sadly the most prevalent) nothing gets me back on track and refreshes the pallate like a good, balanced pale ale.

>> No.10629419

Nah golds so you can drink em all day and still drive home from the pokies.

>> No.10630200

Are there any australian beers that aren't pure shit, or is it like the wine?

>> No.10630312


>> No.10630320


>> No.10630372

I only drink Asahi

>> No.10630652
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I love eagle bay Kolsch.
I live in Busselton and I am actually going there for lunch again today. Beautiful spot. Awesome good.

>Can confirm cold as fuck in southwest wa.

>> No.10630660

Also, that photo is taken in Fremantle.

>> No.10631515

This was 9 bucks a can and I just chucked in some dextrose and dried malt extract with it.
And yeh bottling sucks, I have a keg setup. Takes me about half an hour to keg 2 batches.

>> No.10631570 [DELETED] 

for me? it's gotta be the carlton dry

>> No.10631586

Outback Queensland, gold seems to dominate over bitter, 4.2% Great Northern is the more common higher % beer but still pretty weak. It's a bit annoying not having that many true fullstrength beers. It's not hot all the bloody time.

>> No.10632179

never heard of it

>> No.10632483

Why are you always drinking Fosters in movies?

>> No.10632518
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So Americans don't get confused