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10626643 No.10626643 [Reply] [Original]

>fresh beef

Does this even make a difference at Mcdonalds? Is there a difference in taste AT ALL? Has anyone tried it to confirm?

>> No.10626656

do americans really eat this?

>> No.10626696

instead of a rubbery piece of shit its a greasy, soft piece of shit

>> No.10626780

I haven't tried it

however, burger king whoppers are much better than wendy's beef, despite being frozen.

I think frozen is better than fresh.

>> No.10626816

you only get the fresh beef if you go inside and order it drive thru still gets the frozen shit... also the McDonald's here say its fresh but are still giving thr frozen shit its going to take one law suit to fuck them over with that bullshit

>> No.10626894

Read the bottom of the picture in OP.
>Prices and participating may vary.
Anyone who files a lawsuit over this is wasting their money.

This kind of shit happens all the time. In Alaska, we get advertising from Seattle. So we get advertisements for restaurants that aren't even in our state, or deals that our restaurants here won't honor. All. the. fucking. time.
One time a few months ago we got coupons for Popeyes in our newspapers.. there's only ONE Popeyes in Anchorage and they weren't accepting them.

>> No.10627237

same shit, if not worse. you were already an idiot for getting a 1/4lber over a double cheeseburger or big mac.

>> No.10627257

quarter pounder was already the priciest thing for the least taste on their menu, now that it's "fresh" it will become even more expensive. My father bitches about not having enough money for chewing tobacco and shit, but buys quarter pounders every other day. I tell him, just get a McDouble with big mac sauce or something, the quarter pounder is just a shitty name for less meat, but he's the type of person who wouldn't want the 1/3rd pounder to cost more because he thinks 1/3rd is less than 1/4 since 3 is smaller than 4

>> No.10627264

>people saying it's the same shit or worse
Have you not watched Reviewbrah's review?

>> No.10627276


>> No.10627304
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>he has never had a quarter pounder with cheese

>> No.10627309

Wingaydium Fagiosa
miss me with that homo, even ironically liking him means you've tasted cum

>> No.10628001

Its better but I think ONLY because its cooked when you order it not sitting in a warming bin.
I just ate one 5 mins ago and it was actually decent
They need to step up their onion game and maybe a bit more pepper in the seasoning they use but besides that its a decent or even good burger

>> No.10628034

>unironically eating mcdonalds

>> No.10628046

It's the same price as before but slightly tastier. That's about it. Enjoy your burger, fag.

>> No.10629072

the places i go to are all doing the fresh beef bullshit its in the drive thru its inside and also this is an old flyer McDonald's is dong this nationwide in all stores

>> No.10629096

what a stupid worthless fucking story. Who cares. And the worst part is, is that it’s not related at all to the OP.
fuck off

>> No.10630144

I'm a McManager. At our store, we eat all the fresh beef ourselves, I considered it a special treat which I rarely give, and give customers the frozen ones and lie. They cannot tell the difference.

>> No.10630155

I liked your post anon

>> No.10630164
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um, there's actually 2 popeyes in anchorage, sweetie

>> No.10630166

Havent been to mcdonalds in a while, got a 2 for 1 coupon in the mail, decided to see what it was all about.

It doesnt touch any of the higher end fast-food burgers like 5 guys, in and out, etc but it wasnt bad.

Id give it a 6/10 and this is from someone who really doesnt like mcdonalds at all.

>> No.10630188


It's actually worse. They're way more greasy now, and usually the meat is uneven and falls apart & out of the burger. Plus it takes forever.

>> No.10630210

Had one on Friday, had to pull off to the side and wait for it since I went drive thru. It was hotter and maybe a little greasier, but not much of a taste difference. Definitely not worth 8 minutes sitting in the parking lot for fast food. Guess I’m going back to McDoubles.

>> No.10630364

Really enjoying your summer break huh? Excited to finally start high school?

>> No.10630508

Such is life, fellow Alaskan.

>> No.10630545

Eat some salmon,bruh

>> No.10630551
File: 47 KB, 574x522, 14683E57-CA50-48FF-BFA1-74EF40B38CCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. 30 year-old boomer

>> No.10630562

Tastes like a shittier version of Hardees/Carl Jr burgers. Just as greasy too.

>> No.10631399

I read that news story too.
Americans, I don't even..

>> No.10631753

I only ever get double quarter pounders from this place, and over like two years or something, its gone from okay to pretty damn good. So i think it makes a difference.

Their fries still suck though. Too fucking thin.

>> No.10631874

If you're 30 then your a millennial my good dude.

>> No.10631883
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Had a double quarter pounder earlier this week, can confirm burger was noticeably greaser but still good, maybe a little better than usual. But I was also stoned and very hungry so that might have helped with the taste.

>> No.10631961

Jolly fuck, I didn't even know, but tbqh we don't run around discussing grade school arithmetic, but who knows, most amerilards would place France in SEA on a blank world map.

>> No.10631969
File: 43 KB, 1080x1080, reviewbrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He tests the food so we don't have to.

>> No.10633504

I worked for McDonalds for 2 years and the general manager of my store always used to go into these triggered rants about how "McDonalds frozen meat is higher quality because it locks in the freshness when it's flash frozen" and "It's more sanitary and less chance of contamination"... just ranted about this for 15 minutes if you ever mentioned Wendy's or another place that sold fresh beef burgers.
If he were dead, I bet he would be rolling in his grave. I guarantee you he's having a conniption every time he cooks or has one of his employees cook one. Hell, I bet he even saved a couple cases of frozen singles for his own personal use. I really wish I could work there just to make side comments about how the fresh beef tastes and just let him rant for hours on end.
Good times.

>> No.10633508

There's no difference if you eat it in North America because all the cows are fed high fructose corn syrup and lumped full of estrogen and growth hormones anyway

>> No.10633522

>paying for more bread

>> No.10633529

I can't ever order onions because I get fucking horrid tonsil stones every damn time. I wish dentists would just yank out my tonsil stones like they use to a decade ago.

>> No.10633578

Y'all numbnuts realize "never frozen" means stored at 33 deg F instead of 32 deg F? If it had a substantial water composition this would make a slight difference, but it's a """beef patty""" so it doesn't make any difference whatsoever. It will taste the same. It's all a fucking marketing ploy that y'all are eating up (literally).

>> No.10633605
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It tastes slightly saltier, like they put more MSG in it. That's about it. I know this because I spent a whole day trying to replicate the QP taste. You need salt, pepper, and MSG, and you need a good sear on the patty. The MSG really gives it that drive-thru taste.

>> No.10633612

To say that it wouldn't matter if a crystalline structure forming versus not forming wouldn't change the texture would be idiotic. Technically "Flash-freezing" attempts to reduce this effect as much as possible -which is why you won't get the same result if you freeze something in your home freezer versus McDonalds using a flash-frozen method.

The very fact that McDonalds used the flash-freezing process rather than a home-style freezing method, therefore, means that even they themselves know that freezing, in fact, does affect it; otherwise why spend so much extra money to flash-freeze?
I'm not even getting into your arbitrary "hardly any water content" statement in this explanation, but your wrong on that too btw. Once cooked it looses a lot of water content, but they don't freeze it once it's cooked. They freeze it before it's cooked when it still does have a fairly ample water content to it. Besides, as the beginning of my post stated, water also isn't the only thing that will crystallize - the fibers will also change texture once the crystallization process occurs. Unless you deny scientific facts and real world truths about how the world works.

>> No.10633665

It's kind of amazing after nearly 80 years of existence they're just now using fresh, non-frozen patties. In a way it's sort of pathetic that using what amounts to normal burgers is the basis of the advertising campaign,

>> No.10633711

Tldr. Your dumbass typed all that out under the assumption that their thermocouples are accurately calibrated

>> No.10633744

I can tell you haven't tried anything because your entire post is just an outright fucking lie.

>> No.10635406

Wendy's beef is overworked and sausage like

>> No.10635416

... There is no MSG in the grill seasoning. It's finely ground pepper and salt, like super fine, it's like powder sugar

>> No.10635430

>like they put more MSG in it

complete fucking retard detected