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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10623710 No.10623710 [Reply] [Original]

>I don't eat onions
>I don't eat garlic
Literally every cuisine utilizes these ingredients and recognizes their importance. What are some other ways to tell if someone has shit taste?

>> No.10623715

I don't eat onions or garlic.

>> No.10623724

Most people who say they don't like those things just never had them prepared properly. Thin sliced onion is milder than thick slices even if you take a bite of the same amount because of the chemical reaction that takes place when onion's cell walls are damaged. Slicing it thinner makes it take place before it gets to your mouth and mellow out a bit so you don't get hit with too much pungency. I've gotten people who say they don't like raw onion to change their mind.

>> No.10623743
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>but you just haven't had the REAL onions and garlic
Fuck off city fag, your brain is just damaged from breathing rat piss and immigrant BO.

I lived in Houston for 2 years because I had a highly payed $18/hour job and I was forced to try all kinds of noxious, foul-smelling "diversity food" loaded with onions and garlic otherwise it makes me a bigot. For people who grew up appreciating subtle flavors this is too much, the only reason for using those on everything is because your culture developed without proper refrigeration and you needed something to kill germs and cover the smell of rotten food.

I wouldn't do that again no matter how much you payed me. Even $20 an hour isn't worth it. City life is for the birds.

>> No.10623753
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>> No.10623755

I don't like raw onion usually but I can deal with it or even enjoy in certain preparations like you mentioned. But does that functionally change anything? You still don't end up like the vast majority of foods with raw onion because they'll never handle it the way you like.

t. boiled unsalted chicken

>> No.10623758

this what flyovers really believe?

>> No.10623759

>people who grew up appreciating subtle flavors
aka white boy who eats his boiled chicken with table salt and anything more is "overseasoned" LOL

>> No.10623763

european countries have the best cuisine in the world

>> No.10623767

european countries use onions and garlic in their food you retard

>> No.10623772

>implying italians are european

>> No.10623779
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Where did you live before Houston?

>> No.10623781

Name ONE(1) european cuisine that doesn't use garlic and onions.

>> No.10623782

authentic carbonara

>> No.10623785


>> No.10623786

I said cuisine, not a single dish you troglodyte .

>> No.10623787

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnZ_70XyVAk [Embed]

>> No.10623798

scottish cuisine

>> No.10623801


>> No.10623808

I still appreciate simple food. My favorite way to have oatmeal is just cooked in milk and with a bit of salt and walnuts.

>> No.10623815

>You still don't end up like the vast majority of foods with raw onion because they'll never handle it the way you like.
That's just the fault of the person preparing the food though, and not the ingredients which is what OP was talking about, someone saying they don't like the ingredients.

>> No.10623816

don't assume it's the same person dummy

>> No.10623822

Outside of the context of carbonara what's wrong with frying garlic in bacon grease? The guy on the left said it in a way that seems to imply that he has something against doing that in general.

>> No.10623850

>Literally every cuisine utilizes these ingredients
no, some followers of Krishna explicitly forbid these things
you fucked up when you used the word 'every'
I'm sure you don't care, b/c shitposters don't care - they shitpost

>> No.10623939

white people were a mistake

>> No.10623970

And the upper midwest was populated by people from Europe. Only out of touch coasties think we don’t have flavorful food. My aunt Mildred’s tater tot hotdish is made with real cream and brand name canned soup, none of that generic stuff.

>> No.10623981

>your culture developed without proper refrigeration

Um, didn't everyones.

>> No.10623982

They forbid it because they're seen as indulgent flavors. Their exclusion isn't a matter of culinary preference, but a way of divorcing oneself from material attachments.

>> No.10623988

I just don't like raw onions, fight me.

>> No.10623994

did you just bait, bait? wtf is going on here. either respond to it or fuck off. fucking niggers, i swear to god...

>> No.10624241

>everyone is either a white amerilard or an escaped slave
Where in Mississippi do you live?

>> No.10624248

fuck donald duck and fuck blue people

>> No.10624255

Not unless you lived in cold climates with lots of snow, I guess.

>> No.10624257
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>high paying

Pick one

>> No.10624300

lol, you dumb cuck
even white cuisine uses onions and garlic
you just have shit taste
have you never had decent Italian? American? French?
You're just a shitty flyover that can't handle any flavors besides "bland or salt' because you're a palettelet

>> No.10624309
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be sure to include me in the screen cap

>> No.10624319 [DELETED] 

Trolled 'em good

>> No.10624336

>cover the smell of rotten food.
not a thing

>> No.10624343

They might be Hare Krishna if they don't eat garlic or onion. All that means is that they have shit taste in religion in addition to shit taste in general

>> No.10624351

and also shit in their streets

>> No.10624370

if they don't eat meat

>> No.10624372

I fucking hate garlic and i'm southern european.

>> No.10624379 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10624381

wtf are you doing discussing op's question this thread was derailed long ago by>>10623743

>> No.10624393

t. palletlet

>> No.10624395

t. mirko al-hamadazic

>> No.10624407
File: 1.71 MB, 1280x720, no soy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be new here

>> No.10624418 [DELETED] 

Sorry anon. If you've come to believe everyone is ironically shitposting 100% of the time then you might need to take a break.

>> No.10624429

>call some one out for being an obvious new fag
>then proceeded to get accused of calling out someone for shitposting
also fuck you

>> No.10624435 [DELETED] 

Wanna re-read what you just posted?

>> No.10624472


>> No.10624481

that isn’t why, dumbass

>> No.10624585

that’s a pretty cringe image m8

>> No.10625104

They make my bad breath worse.. I don't want to lose my last few friends because of them

>> No.10625928

Onions and garlic are both major trigger foods for people with IBS. I try to avoid them as much as possible because they fuck my shit right up. I love them, though, and before I started having issues, I’d put onions and/or garlic in just about everything.

>> No.10625971

To login into tumblr.com and make a post.
Otherwise /begone/

>> No.10626002

18$/h = 2.880$/month before taxes
so it's ~35.000$/year before taxes,
not pretty sure but is it considered as "highly paid" in USA now?
welp, guess greencard and all the shit with immigration not worth then

>> No.10626015

I could eat an onion like an apple

>> No.10626128

that looks so fucking good I miss the south

>> No.10626135

It's not highly paid but its pretty good for a non salaried job