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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10622385 No.10622385[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so is /ck/ a place to talk about weed and/or tobacco? If there can be alcohol and alcoholics general, then I don't see why not.

>> No.10622387

fuck off we're full

>> No.10622391

Smoke my cock, junkie.

>> No.10622397

No can do. The alcoholics are there to help me feel better about myself. You're just annoying and you smell like piss

>> No.10622399

You're a very eloquent fellow.

>> No.10622409

you are looking for


unfortunately, you can't talk about that stuff here because of these faggots

>> No.10622417

did you have something you wanted to talk about regarding marijuana and tobacco or was this a pointless thread?

>> No.10622430
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>> No.10622435

sometimes we get some good weed and other drug threads that involve food for sure but theres always gonna be 4chan Mormons reeeeeing at any mention of drugs

>> No.10622439

so i believe this is the board you are looking for:

>> No.10622443

Yeah, I want to know how THC affects other people, for me, sometimes it's great, but occasionally it can be very bad, like two hours of watching your mind through a microscope. CBD is a totally different story, it's just relaxing.

>> No.10622452

summer is here

>> No.10622472


>> No.10622476


>> No.10622479

Sometimes it gives me panic attacks. Eating something will take me down most of the time, sometimes the feel of chewing or swallowing food will make the panic attacks worse. I have found that a decent alcohol buzz will really mellow me out if I smoke a small amount of pot. Doing both makes alot of people sick but it's never bothered me.

>> No.10622486




>> No.10622495

I was stoned every day from 16-25
then stoned often from 26 to 33 (now)

I am also a scientist.

I'm also bored.

SO I am willing to answer anyway questions about weed and tell stories.

>> No.10622503

go fuck yourself faggot

>> No.10622509

Alcoholics smell like piss tho. They can't stop pissing themselves

>> No.10622512


i'm also Canadian

does that make you angry too?

>> No.10622520

*loses brain cells*

>> No.10622526

Do you have any experience with hallucinations? I haven't met anyone who does, only read on some forums, but sometimes I get them myself, feels like weak acid trip, and most intense are the sound ones, but I also get other types, even open eyed hallucinations. I don't know what's that about.

>> No.10622533


The first time I got stoned I hallucinated.
And a few times in high school when I got absurdly high.

So maybe 3 or so times total out of countless times.

>> No.10622535


>> No.10622589

How do I get used to being high in public? I don't feel comfortable even with some of my friends.

>> No.10622603

The easy answers is don't get too high before being in public.

You are not as obvious as you think you are.
Deal with the two biggest give aways:

1. Red eyes. Use visine.

2. Smell, Wash your hands especially after a joint and don't stand in the smoke/ do things to minimize smell.

As far as social interactions go, sometimes you just get stuck in your head and get paranoid and self conscious eve with friends.
The best strategy to deal with that is to have something else for everyoen to focus on. Meida, a quest or mission, making food, playing a game etc. It helps you get out of your head and if you get stuck, it helps you feel like you're not in the spotlight

>> No.10622604

Be weird, everyone is naturally weird, you'll at least be high.

>> No.10622609

> then I don't see why not.
Alcohol is a beverage intended for human consumption and digestion.It's an an aliment,
Smoke is not.
But for me no problems

>> No.10622610

This also works

the weirdest people I know are usually sober.

>> No.10622617

>Smoke is not.
Humans have been smoking for thousands of years.

Especially north american natives

>intended for human consumptions
Stop with your intelligent design bullshit. Things just exist, they weren't made for us, we just found them and used them

>> No.10622632

What a shitty position to take. What's your problem with al/ck/?

>> No.10622637
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If you drink alcohol it goes in /ck/
If you buttchug it it goes in /gif/\

So I suppose edible cannabis (lol or tobacco) would be acceptable.

>> No.10622654
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I guess in addition to edibles, pot's well known to induce the appetite. Is there something you enjoy more than anything else while stone?

For me it's these fuckers. They taste so artificial yet to satisfying.

>> No.10622685
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>muh muh plant just a plant its a plant just a plant bro muh plant just a plant its a plant
NEVER trust the mind of an addict like the fucking freaks in this thread. They will say anything to defend and foster their addictions.

>> No.10622689
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>You're just annoying and you smell like piss

lol, and how is that any different from alcoholics? Seriously, I really want an answer to this shit. You're literally slowly killing yourself doing something thats more expensive than pot which also makes you reek like a drunk. Weed has its drawbacks but how pretentious can you fucking be. Fuck 4chan. Egotistical alcoholic sad saks.

>> No.10622692
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>i made this while hide edition
u could talk about what foods go best with what kind of strand of weed ur smoking... id actually b interested in that; some ppl get rly creative, & others make monstrosities.. both entertainment

>> No.10622695
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>> No.10622696

what if i'm like an al/ck/ie in every way but instead of drinking i smoke weed to cope?

>> No.10622701

Potheads generally think they're edgy and cool no matter how pathetic they are. Alcoholics older than 21 or so are more likely to be on a cycle of destructive self pity. The latter is much funnier.

>> No.10622710

if they want to sacrifice their livers to be less like reddit, all the power to them

>> No.10622711

I fucking hate the stoner subculture just as much as the next guy; I just think people here should be fucking consistent with what they consider to be degenerate. If I didn't smoke weed I'd have the same opinion about it. Everyone on this website's a degenerate in some light.

>> No.10622731


some pretty small minded generalizations here
Here's one for you

None of you know or understand anything about drug abuse or addictive substances and you all probably suck the pharmaceutical cock cause you were told "it was a good drug"

>> No.10622752

I've never had the chance to fall into that trap. I don't get sick because I eat well and don't fill myself with toxins for recreational purposes.

>> No.10622763

never taken any pharmaceuticals besides antibiotics for an ear infection.

>> No.10622775

I'm not going to tell you have to live your life
so don't tell me how to live mine

I smoke weed and drink
and i'm healthy

and sure there are some risks to that lifestyle, but that is my choice. I'm not some mindless automaton that you make drug users out to be.
The generalization that all drugs are bad is just damaging.

>> No.10622779
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Because there isn't much to talk about on smoking, you just do it. I guess vapefags and boomer cigar smokers can talk about flavor.

Stoners are just annoying and we already have pretty frequent edible threads that die quickly.

>> No.10622803

kek this joke never gets old

>> No.10622857

You have no idea how sick and demented you sound. Get some fucking help. Your thoughts and angry reactions are not normal. It is literally and I mean LITERALLY the drug talking.
>if you don't like pot you take antidepressants
Fucking get a grip you freak. Holy shit I really hope you get the help you need. I don't even feel angry because I know you're beyond reason.

Please. I'll keep you in my thoughts. Take that first step...

>> No.10622878
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>> No.10622920
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Is this fallacious, strawmanny tu quoque fallacy really the only argument you fuck-ups have when someone calls you out on your deranged, destructive lifestyle? I don't use any of those things except for tea. What now you fucking bitch?

You are a freak, a loser, a degenerate. Parents hide their children from you. People literally oscillate between feeling sorry for you and disgusted. Definitely kill yourself quickly so you don't hurt someone or burden the healthcare system.

Fucking scum. Die.

>> No.10622925

You're trying way too hard my guy. Stoners don't get triggered easily, it's a byproduct of smoking a lot of weed. Step the bait game up or just leave the thread

>> No.10622929

tea lmao

>> No.10622931

You responded to me. I win :-) Anyway I'm not kidding. You are a fucking piece of shit. Enjoy never getting a high paying job d/t addiction.

What's your IP address faggot?

>> No.10622943
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>l-leave the thread!
Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. This is the intellectual capacity of a stoner. "Tell thing me no like to go away"

You are such a fucking failure. Fucking hell. I'm embarrassed to share an anonymous board with you.

>> No.10622945

Most of the people that say weed is bad never even tried it. Everything perpetually gets so distorted that no one knows the real truth, 50 years ago Hollywood said weed was bad, now it's somehow cool, when it's just what you make out of it, same with anything else, some people refuse to wear jeans because they promote American capitalism, but they are just a pair of fucking pants. When I was 15 I thought being a stoner was cool, now I hate them, they are annoying, their "culture" is abhorrent, and they are bad friends, but I smoke weed for myself, because I feel good, and I think everyone should try it at least once in their lives.

>> No.10622962

It's the only argument these losers can come up with. They are projecting the fact that their parents were drug abusers (if even only with "legal" drugs) on to the rest of society. Between friends and roommates, I don't think I've ever seen a pothead that wasn't slamming down drinks, binging on junk food, crushing and snorting pills, smoking cigarettes between bowls, and the like. This chart makes the assumption that stoners only happen to smoke a leaf, but imbibe no other harmful substances, which is ridiculous.

>> No.10622964

You wouldn't believe me if I told you how much money I make anyways.
Saying things about addiction, brain cells, etc are all just red-flags to your bait. Very poorly constructed, it's common knowledge that all those things have been disproven in scientific studies within recent years. Short term memory loss, brain cell damage, addiction: Cannabis treats all of them. Alzheimer's patients are being treated with cannabis. Opiate addicts are being treated with cannabis. A study was just released today that indicates that cannabis even destroys (yes, KILLS completely) cancer cells, ie cures cancer. It has infinite medical benefits. It's also just nice being stoned as fuck. I know you're just trying to incite a response from the people in this thread, but for those of you who are actually sincere in your disbelief of weed, I suggest you google these things that I just mentioned and see for yourself. Or stay an ignorant, uneducated retard and wallow in the same stupidity that you hate niggers and stoners for. No skin off my back.

Again, trying way too hard. Ease up just a bit and it'd be more believable.

>> No.10622969

Every degenerate that a society harbors drags the society as a whole down just that little bit more. Civilization is a group effort. Either work to improve yourself or go to Mexico.

>> No.10622986
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Show me a peer reviewed study that says marijuana isn't addictive. Go ahead. Tell me what the WHO or NIH says. You are so deluded I literally have trouble believing it.
>weed like cures cancer bros
What about lung cancer? Oh wait. Spare me the little song and dance about how you're not triggered by the way. Your walls of text speak volumes.
>ur uneducated
>u hate "niggers"
>so stupid rrrreeeeeee

You really are a broken human being...

>> No.10623010

It isn't an addictive substance, but you can get addicted to anything if it becomes your routine i.e., picking your teeth, or drinking chamomile tea, plus, weed feels great, so why be sober if you can smoke some weed? It is a problem when people actually succumb to that and smoke it daily, they are in their own world and can't operate normally in the outside world, those people are pathetic, but, again, it's their choice.

>> No.10623016

>posting on 4chan
>calling someone a degenerate

>> No.10623031

Don't you have a tfw no gf to make because of the evil degenerate jewified society?

>> No.10623033

Anything you put into your body has potential to become an addiction with prolonged use, but I'm sure you know that already don't you? Haha, keep trying. Interesting how you didn't ask for peer-reviewed articles on any of the other things that've been mentioned that you already know are true and have dozens of refereed articles floating all over the internet.

All I'm going to say is that all the evidence is right here at your fingertips and the only person you'd be hurting were you sincere would be yourself.

>> No.10623048
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How about pipe tobacco?

>> No.10623071

I've smoked it for a year, and cigars/cigarillos for some time, but no matter how good, it's simply not the same, but then again, I can't smoke regular cigarettes either, only hand rolled tobacco.