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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10613243 No.10613243 [Reply] [Original]

Meat has no flavor. There, I said it.

The only way to make meat palatable is to slather it with so much seasoning, spice, sauce, oil, and butter that you can't even taste it anymore. Ever just take a raw piece of uncooked meat and bite into it? Of course not, nobody in their right fucking mind would. Yet... fruits, nuts, and vegetables taste delicious when entirely raw and unseasoned.

So why the fuck do so many people eat meat? It's expensive, unhealthy, difficult to prepare, and as we just discussed: flavorless.

>> No.10613268

the absolute state of shart in marts

what kind of tastelet doesn't enjoy some carpaccio, tartare or mett?

>> No.10613272

This. I gave up meat two weeks ago, best decision I've ever made. Eating out is half as expensive, my grocery shopping is less costly and takes less time, and I already feel healthier. Meat is fucking useless.

>> No.10613297
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>mean is flavorless
>people put so much seasoning and spice that you can't even taste it anymore

>> No.10613302

The word you're looking for is taste. Yes meat doesn't have any taste by itself, that's why you season it, marinade it, broth it. Basically the whole point of cooking meat.
Meat, however, does have flavour. You can identify fish meat, poultry, game, and all other meats just by their flavour

>> No.10613303

ah, the old "my taste buds are broken and/or i can't cook" argument

>> No.10613306

Shit has a lot of flavor why don't you eat shit?

>> No.10613325

Daily reminder that threads about fad exclusionary diets don't belong here. I'm sure reddit has a sub to fit your most recent shitty diet.

>> No.10613409
File: 11 KB, 225x224, oFAuFinh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 some brainlet wojack poster tries to explain how healthy meat is

4chan is a meatless board now, newfag

>> No.10613427

>Meat has no flavor.
>The only way to make meat palatable is to slather it with so much seasoning, spice, sauce, oil, and butter that you can't even taste it anymore.
>can't even taste it anymore
>meat has no flavor
Here's your (you), retard.

>> No.10613431

Wow something has no flavor till you add spices seasoning or sauces? Crazy mind blowing stuff there why do people even eat meat then!

>> No.10613438

>4chan is a meatless board now, newfag
4Chan is a board?

>> No.10613447

Eating should not be for pleasure. There I said it.
Whatever food you decide to put in your mouth, something had to die for it. So eat for energy and nothing else.
Of course the jew would like you all to give into glutany and hedonism and seek the thing that hit that reward centre the most. Hey guess what chocolate cake has a lot of flovour doesn't mean it's good for you moron.

>> No.10613477
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>> No.10613669

Rice has no fucking flavor either, stop bitching and eat your fucking meats you fucking meat cuck

>> No.10613691

>the absolute state of tastelets
Meat does have flavour on its own. If it's really tasteless, it'd be like chewy water. But it isn't. Meat is best eaten for the texture anyway. Nothing like biting into a good hearty steak.

>> No.10613704

Daily reminder that blue steak is best steak and anybody who thinks otherwise is a tasteless little soyboy like OP

>> No.10613707
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>Meat has no flavor
Oh, it's one of these threads

>> No.10613836

>I boiled some frozen Purdue™ chicken for an hour without so much as salt or pepper and it tasted bland
Everytime you post a pepe bait thread an impressionable college student gets suckered into evangelical veganism.

>> No.10613863

OP has no male reproductive organs. There, I said it.

>> No.10613874

Why do reditors make such exceptionally faggoty comments?

>> No.10613886

I'm not wrong
And I'm not a redditor either

>> No.10613905

You are
And you are

>> No.10613947

amerilard here. I love carpaccio and tartare. Never had mett tho

>> No.10613955

Reminder to hide all pepe/wojack threads for a better and more fulfilling /ck/ browsing experience! Thank you for your time! There, I said it.

>> No.10613978

>he is so used to overseasoning everything that its tastebuds cant even recognize meat

>> No.10614110

>Meat has no flavor. There, I said it.
also salt has no flavor either
you have to slather it with so much seasoning, spice, sauce, oil, and butter that you can't even taste it anymore

>> No.10614158
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>> No.10614273
File: 16 KB, 500x486, 1452751838839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look I'm vegetarian and even I can admit that meat has flavour. whether or not it's good or not is another story, but it does in fact possess a base flavour before being seasoned, same as anything else. in fact, what a lot of veg dishes aspire to in order to achieve "fullness/completeness" is the savoury/umami taste that meat has in abundance.

the only thing flavourless here is your bait.

>> No.10614914

Neither does bread, pasta, eggs, or vegetables. I don't see your point.

>> No.10614919


>> No.10614920


you should wait at least a few posts to samefag, moron

>> No.10614969

this is literally and unironically wrong

>> No.10614976


>> No.10615001

Correction, bad quality meat has no flavour. I haven't given up meat completely, but i eat it whenever i can a good piecenas 90% of the stuff in the local shops is crap. That goes for chicken, pork, beef, fish and even the lamb. Even the stuff that has some fancy label is as good as a lie. Take 'aberdeen angus' beef. The real thing is genetically 100% aberdeen angus, feed a decent diet, led a reasonably long life and well hung. The fake stuff is from a hybrid, fed the cheapest shit, killed before its flavour can develop and aged in the plastic packet. That, my friend, is why your meat has no flavour.

>> No.10615012

taste is the sensation you get from tastebuds. there are 5: sweet salty savory/umami sour and bitter. meat has a taste. flavor encompasses more things like aroma.

>> No.10615047

That’s like saying you can’t enjoy toast if you don’t also enjoy floppy untoasted bread straight out of the bag. It’s called the Maillard reaction dude, it makes new flavors and it’s fucking good.