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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10607153 No.10607153 [Reply] [Original]

How have you hurt yourself while cooking?

Got a blister yesterday from a scalding hot lentil soup splash on my hand. It's a bloated bubble now but doesn't hurt at all for some reason.

Fuck ups from the past.
>cutting vegetables or something
>cut finger
>flinch reflexively, shaking hand
>clean up and get bandaid
>months later realize blood spots all over the ceiling

Another time
>cutting jalapenos to fry with plantains
>finish up and go take a piss
>seeing fucking pain on my dick for most of the afternoon
>eventually try rubbing yogurt on my dick to ease to pain.
Not a proud day.

>> No.10607285

yeah, don't touch your dick after cutting chilies.

last week, sliced the tip of my thumb on a shredder mandolin (has a second set of guide blades to make matchsticks)
a couple weeks ago, grabbed my slicer by the blade after it fell in the trash, like a dumbshit, in the middle of a rush, field dressed it with paper towel and masking tape
about a quarter million grease burns
cut nearly a quarter of my index fingernail off dicing peppers
towards the end of the season, our hotbox crapped out so we just used chaffing fuel - cranked it about 70* hotter than normal. a 6" hotel pan filled with hot product broke one of the shelves as i was loading it, had it rest on my arm for around a minute or so, left two parallel burns on the inside of my forearm for about 3 years
various blisters from wearing shitty work shoes
et cetera

>> No.10607376

You know that scene from parasyte where the mom takes an arm full of boiling cooking oil? Imagine she didn't make it in time and it landed on the kid because that's exactly what happened to my cousin

>> No.10607424
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>> No.10607594

>don't touch your dick after cutting chilies.

Please, that was actually in the top 5 of masturbation sessions I can remember.

>> No.10607778
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one time i stubbed my toe while cooking

>> No.10607782

While slurping sushi my tongue got a cramp

>> No.10607831
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>> No.10607840
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dropped a sharp chinese cleaver on my foot. made a thread about it when it happened. 7 stitches and severed the tendon in my big toe

>> No.10607839

I have cut myself on the edge of aluminum foil far more than I have with a knife.

>> No.10607861

I don't know if this counts but I was microwaving a tortilla with butter for my sister and didn't realize I had spilt some on the linoleum floor and ran through the kitchen later and slipped and dislocated my knee

>> No.10607868
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I tried to airflip the first pancake of the batch. Like an idiot.

>> No.10607885

I cannot conceive how this happens when you try and flip a pancake

>> No.10607887

why are you cooking without shoes

>> No.10607894

Happened to me once, too. That finger hadn't been the same since.

>> No.10607902

The first one never comes out right for me. This one kinda semi-stuck to the pan so I didn't get a good trajectory on it. So instead of landing on the pan in landed on me.

>> No.10607906

What did they do about the tendon? How much of a hassle is it to fix one of those? I don't feel like it'd heal up very easily.

>> No.10607922

Wait are you Eric Keyes?

>> No.10607926

Why the fuck were the pancakes that fucking hot?

>> No.10607928

Safety first, Then teamwork

>> No.10607935

daaaamn how'd that happen just chopping something absentmindedly?

>> No.10607945

I did this with a vegetable peeler once. I couldn't type with it for a couple weeks without risk of busting it open again

>> No.10607987

About six years ago now, I pulled a baking sheet out of the AltoSham to get some half-hotel pans of tri tip out for a catering order. The pans were all at the front of the sheet instead of pushed to the back like I expected so I ended up dropping the weight on my forearm. The scar isn't really that visible anymore due to time and whatever vitamin E cream I put on it, but it used to be probably two or three times as big and much darker.

>> No.10608010

Sorry, I forget about the cultural differences.
Pancakes in my country are made very thin and the size of the whole pan, so we use a hotter pan than what you'd use for the thick American ones.

>> No.10608050

jej I just realized that the OP says cooking injuries and there's a separate thread for kitchen injuries

>> No.10608076

Nothing major, surprisingly. Burnt myself on a couple sheet pans of brunch meat and sliced my finger on a hotel pan on Mothers' Day just now. Didn't even notice either until my boss told me I should put a glove on before running the food. Adrenaline pumps so good on Mothers' Day, hate/love it

>> No.10608191
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i had shoes on, im not a retard. this was at work and i just sharpened my cleaver.

dont have insurance and i hate my body so aside from the stitches the tendon stayed cut. i have a permanent hammer teo now

>> No.10608337

>just chopping something absentmindedly?
Not that guy but I had soemthing very similar happen to me - first time using a new Tojiro DP with a low bevel angle that didnt bounce off the fingernail, plus I was trying to go fast like a "professional". Cut off half my fingernail, including a good deal of meat from the nail bed. That hurt like a motherfucker. My worst knife injury ever.

>> No.10608362

200 burns on forearms like pic related, I'm a clumsy fuck who never learns
Done this a couple of times on mandolins

>> No.10608364
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forgot pic

>> No.10608366

You cut yourself on a musical instrument?

>> No.10608373
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>> No.10608381
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my mother has a burn scar on her stomach from when she was drunk/high on pills when she was trying to boil eggs

>> No.10608395
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My hands and forearms are covered in burns from spending years of my life cooking food at a fast pace, but hands down (lol) the worst thing ive done to myself is this:

>be working hot side
>be working over a hot french flat top/plancha (imagine a regular flat top except the surface is like 2” thick cast iron instead of stainless)
>do something that involves quickly searing something sugary (char-siu duck hearts maybe?)
>getting slammed; reflexively grab my grill towel and go to wipe my plancha down
>towel sticks to the caramelozed sugar and my open palm slides off the towel and directly/forcefully onto the 450 degree cast iron flat top
>i yelp and jump off the line and run outside
>bandage blisters and get back to work

Literally exit stage left; had to evacuate for a minute.

>> No.10608412

I went to my herb garden and stubbed my toe.
I only cried for 30 minutes.

>> No.10608426

Stubbing toes is on par with banging a bald head on a corner.
Looks like nothing and hurts like fook.
You have my sympathy

>> No.10608439

am uncut, had a shower and washed my dick, forgetting that I'd cut chillies earlier that night
It was not pleasant, luckily the chillies were pretty mild

>> No.10609236
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>Finish steak in oven
>Put the skillet on stovetop
>Go to grab it without a glove a few seconds later
>Burn my whole hand
>Hurt for two days
>Entire hand peeled from palms to fingers a few days later

>Took the lid off a boiling pot of water
>Put it to the side while I'm stirring with my other hand
>Scalding hot condensation splatters all over the back of my hand

>> No.10609256
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they said to remove the pit with a knife

>> No.10609901

i've done that at least three separate times.

this is why i don't wear crocs. composite toe>steel toe

done this, too. belly up against the outside of the flat top while trying to bring hood vents down

clogs are shit. they're horrible for your feet because they're so loose. the positives are so incredibly outweighed by the negatives, i see no point.

i always laugh when i see these. then i become slightly depressed because these are the people that are giving millenials a bad name.

>> No.10610488

It's a spongebob joke you uncultured swine

>> No.10610677

Sliced the tip off of my thumb twice. Don't have any feeling in it anymore. Both times were cutting bell peppers, I believe.

>> No.10611121
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Step up nigga

>> No.10611127

No work comp?

>> No.10611136

post lentil soup recipe, OP

>> No.10612425

my asshole clenched up a little reading that.

>> No.10612538

You mean a crepe?

>> No.10612791
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>> No.10612849

>the obligatory hot oil splash from trying to deep fry without a deep fryer
>cutting my fingertip after sharpening a knife and cutting onions
>hand touched the top part of the heating element of oven that mark seems to be permanent
>cutting a ton of chilies without wearing gloves, and then wondering why the fuck was my hand burning when cooking chili paste

>> No.10612882

Jesus Christ!
How heavy was the knife?

>> No.10612900

What the fuck did you do!?

Mandolines should be illegal.

>> No.10613053


>> No.10613445

i cut my hand cooking and severed a tendon it took like 4 months to heal and i have less mobility in my pinky

>> No.10613534

Qow you sound like you suck. I have been cooking for over 7 years and have mild injuries.

I sliced my hand pretty bad on a mando once

Burned my arm on a tortilla press

And have gotten small burns here and there from grease, oven, salamander, etc

Never cut my hand or fingers with my knife I have cut a bit of my nail off though before but i stopped in time to not cut through my finger

>> No.10613535

Oh wait there was that one time I spilled hot shrimp boil water into my shoe. That fucking sucked

>> No.10613751
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>carrying some heavy shit
>center of gravity is thrown off
>oven next to corridor that leads to cooler
>step to the left, fall against the oven
>feel it but don't realize it's burning until too late and lazily step onto other foot
>ow, that's bubbling up

Image is potato quality.

>> No.10614238
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It sucked, dude. It was a super tiny kitchen (3 person line, hot side did sautee/flat top/fryer/oven) and it was semi-open so my chef was mad concerned when he saw me bolt out the back door because without hot side production comes to a grinding halt (most cold side pickups even had something that hot side picked up and passed down).

>you use the plancha, you wipe it down.. you use the plancha? Ya wipe it down.. you use the plancha.. ya burn ya hands

>> No.10614254

just yesterday i bumped my hand on the grate of the oven while fiddling with some shit. it was like 425f and i got a nice blister now, didn't really hurt at all though

>> No.10614809

i've been cooking for over a decade. other than the burns, most of the injuries are mild cuts due to inattention or dull knives. working with deep fat fryers will give you at least a dozen burns in a single shift. most of them are just minor splatters. the last time i had a serious injury (that needed more than just a bandaid) was back in 2010, and it was just a quarter of my index fingernail.

the only reason i slice my finger on the matchstick mando is because it has a second set of guide blades that sits higher than the primary blade.

>> No.10614852
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Helping out in my uncle's fish shop today his wife told me a story of a guy she used to work with in the kitchen on a ferry.
He was a bit of a drinker and would therefore sometimes be clumsy and/or in too much of a hurry to do a proper job.
Anyway. It was his job at this particular occasion to drain the oil from a fryer and since he was eager to get back to the boose he decided to do this while the oil was still nice and hot.
It drained from a tap on the fryer into a bucket on the floor.
When it was fully drained he went to pick said bucketful of hot oil, bumped the damned thing so it tipped over, and spilled a good portion of it into his clogs.
The pain was immense of course, and that cause him to quickly let go of the bucket, which he had lifted a bit from the floor before the mishap registered. As gravity did its job and the bucket hit the floor, the oil leapt out and hit him in the face.
He spent the rest of the night under a cold shower peeling skin off his face and feet. Presumably sober.
Poor bastard.

>> No.10614856

Bubble like that on top of my thumb from touching the broiler, obviously it's not going away.

>> No.10614862

Fuck off cunt why do you fucking post like this

>> No.10614863

How do you get hired being such a liability? This is beyond clumsy; it's carelessness and working too fast.

>> No.10614943

Knuckled a oven rack putting in cookies. Not the hottest burn I got but it still hurt

>> No.10614967

Besides that, i’ve Gotten various burns from baking, nothing serious. Sometimes get a bit of oil on my arms, but it’s never serious. I more often just brush against some hot pans or accidentally grab them to move them by the side instead of the handle. Had several near misses dropping knives near my feet, only time I actually cut myself was cutting some mango on a food processor knife. Worst injury was without a doubt an oven door dropping on my toe when I was cutting an apple on the top, my toe nail fell off and I managed to hobble a few steps before I started cursing very loudly

>> No.10615107

I did the same thing just recently

>> No.10615120
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Did the same thing basically, had to get 4 stitches to reattach it. This is how it is healing now.

>> No.10615239

oh my god i just noticed the tits
for at least a year since seeing this first i always automatically assumed only a dudebro could possibly be this bad at cooking

>> No.10615252

looks like that mexican gang dude getting his face peeled alive

>> No.10615315
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If I had any dealings at all with the cartels I'd want to get me one of them fake teeth with a cyanide capsule in them. Those videos are fucking gnarly.
I sure am glad I don't live in a country that has three quarters of a million of those people immigrate illegally every single year.

>> No.10615396

liability to who? no one's insurance is going up for a few oven marks, no one's getting sued, no one's calling health and safety


>working too fast

it's not TOO fast until you cost the business money

>> No.10615522

Just a burn like that one, op. Put a bit too much oil in the pan, tossed the ingredients a bit too enthusiastically, splashed some on the inside of my forearm. Luckily it didn't scar too bad and just looks like a birthmark now.

>> No.10615946

>liability to who?
The people who have to pay the insurance, because you're an asshat who clearly doesn't care about safety. People working like this end up hurting others in their extreme haste also. This makes you a liability to the company.

>> No.10617011

except no one's insurance is going up, no one's filing a claim or filling out an incident report for oven burns.

the vast majority of oven burns aren't even from """"extreme haste"""""", they're from clumsiness. they happen less and less frequently with experience, and out of all the burns i've witnessed on myself and coworkers only 2 were the fault of someone else and they were the result of flagrantly disobeying safety procedure, not "working too fast".

you're wrong about the cost, and you're wrong about the cause. i hope you've never worked in a kitchen, because if you have i'm embarrassed for you

>> No.10617034

The worst was working the grill at McDonalds and burning the top of my hand in that fucking contraption day and night.

>> No.10617141

I run kitchens. If you came to an interview and I saw your arms looked like that, I would not hire you. Clearly, you've never been in charge of others because part of that responsibility is making sure accidents and injuries don't happen on the job.

Don't be embarrassed for me, pal, as you should be embarrassed for yourself for blaming that disfigured arm on clumsiness. Burns severe enough to leave scars like that (and frankly the sheer number) are beyond the normal causalities of a commercial kitchen. Take the extra 3 seconds to do it right.

>> No.10617354

because it irritates you.


>> No.10617424

Looks gangrenous anon, how long ago did you injure it?

>> No.10617584
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>keloid scars

you're part nigger OP

>> No.10617986

2 years ago I was cooking for a family dinner.
First time I cooked for the family of my girlfriend.
Recipe involved a cast iron pan, that also had to go into an oven.
Tried checking on the food, if it was done, burnt half my arm in the process.
It smelled like chicken.
It was a beach holiday so I went swimming even with my burnt fleshwound.
Got really infected, arm almost had to be taken off.

Never used a cast iron pan since

>> No.10617998

I remember that thread. This image is still cursed to me.

>> No.10618061

Industrial steamer with 5 pots stacked high
>mom asks me to help her carry her hot steaming corn inside to freeze
>slip on water as it was dark and burn entire front thigh
>looks like a damn birthmark now
>never told mom

>> No.10618074

looks pretty bad i think you need to go to the hospital

>> No.10618407


that other dude is right, you're a fucking retard and a liability. if you can't even manage to consistently not fuck yourself up by being careless it's only a matter of time before you seriously hurt another person.

i mean yeah we've all got those horizontal burns on our arms from oven racks but god damn.. you are a fucking retard.

>> No.10618678
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>be dumbass
>burn self with pan for being dumbass
>go swimming in the ocean instead of taking care of my severe burn wound and doctors have to consider amputation because of my stupidity
>won't use a certain type of pan anymore because of something I could have prevented

Please do not breed.

I got a story for you.
>use stainless steel pot with water to boil spaghetti
>stick my hand in the boiling water and burn the shit out of myself
>lose a finger because I went swimming in the ocean and didn't get first aid
>haven't eaten spaghetti since

That's how you sound right now, jackass.

>> No.10618690

Do you guys not use the plastic thing that comes with mandolins?

>> No.10618708

Like a plectrum or a pick?