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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 182 KB, 1500x1125, Babish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10603513 No.10603513 [Reply] [Original]

What's the collective consensus on this guy, co/ck/s? Good, bad, boring or pretentious?

>> No.10603530

I had never heard of him before his "grassroots social media campaign" spammed him all over /ck/

As far as spammed youtube e-celebrities go, I don't mind him so much because his show seems to be based on the food and cooking part, and less on being a non-nude camwhore

If I want to jack off, I'll just watch porn. I tend to overreact when marketers try to shove sexuality down my throat to boost sales

>> No.10603540

I agree, honestly. Compared to some other folks on YouTube who cook, he's not a massive prick, or a woman trying to gain attention.

>> No.10603547

Not bad. He's probably a failure to launch jew who's parents bought him an apartment in New York and now uncle Mort at Youtube hooked him up with a gig stirring nigger cum in food and eating it on camera. Why does he always use negros semen in his recipes. Even when making Chinese or spic food he uses fat black guys to cum on the food.

>> No.10603561
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 1526080829158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /b/ dirty rat

>> No.10603592

>this post again
Man, we have one of these once every week. What's up with that? Why not rotate the person in question some time?

>> No.10603597

Mediocre, and inexperienced. Pop culture references appeals to normies. He's not the worst you can do on youtube, but he's a far stretch from the best. But he's also not pretending to be a good a cook so he's alright.

>> No.10603600

Crippingly, incredibly unfunny.

>> No.10603604

he's not a great cook, but his videos and editing are done well so that already puts him in the top 5 food youtubers.

>> No.10603605


>> No.10603633

You like nigger cum don't you?

>> No.10603638

Not a joke you kike. He really does this. Watch the behind the scenes

>> No.10603651

This made me genuinely laugh
What's wrong with me?

>> No.10603656

i like his humor, he also gives some good cooking tips.

>> No.10603668

A bit shallow but his videos are ok. I watch his videos because they're fairly relaxed and moderately entertaining; I wouldn't really listen to him for advice or guidance.

>> No.10603670

>What's wrong with me?
You're 14?

>> No.10603741

the most based YouTuber if all time

>> No.10603757

He's jewish? How do you know that? I've never seen him reference judaism.

>> No.10603777

His name is goddamned BABISH
Look at his face, his beard, his head.

>> No.10603786
File: 55 KB, 500x566, 77AA0AEA-3718-42B3-82A7-78E8FABF51F4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come join us for a much funnier discussion! :)

>> No.10603787

He's a guy that had an idea for a popular youtube series and he had the production effort to make the idea palatable. There's nothing else going on.

>> No.10603820

Its a New Yorker thing

>> No.10603878

Say what you will about him or his recipes, but he knows how to film.

>> No.10604222

His name is Andrew Rea you retard

>> No.10604361

kind of a hipster but not really in your face about it and shares decent recipies and tips

>> No.10604371

you fucker

>> No.10604375

I've made a few of his recipes. Palestinian chicken (whatever the actual name is) and fried chicken recipes were both good. I know he isn't the best but his videos are entertaining and informative enough to get someone started or at least moving in the right direction.

>> No.10604390

Pick one.

>> No.10604409
File: 2.13 MB, 2048x1111, Screenshot_20180515-123705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's fine, he doesn't seem like a pretentious asshole and I like that it feels like he's learning the recipe as he goes along with it. I will say though he's my second favorite before this guy as far as YouTube cooks go.

>> No.10604798

Cool dude. Enjoys what he does, is motivating, entertaining, humble, gives credit where due, has a nice voice, and isn't a camera whore like some other youtube cooks. He does make a lot of anons feel inferior though, but that's their problem.

>> No.10604885

He cooks better than your average idiot and has nice editing. Not to mention that his whole gimmick in the first place is recreating things from movies and TV, and he manages that well enough. Not going to give him shit, he's fine.

>> No.10605163

I love Brad, but jesus he can really butcher a fucking sentence sometimes.

>> No.10605175
File: 520 KB, 460x730, 1525824855069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10605176

He appeals to the lowest common denominator.
It's probably why you like him, and I don't.

>> No.10605232
File: 58 KB, 652x480, 1509589576390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"lets make a babish version of cheesy blasters"
>*makes an entirely different fucking thing*

>> No.10605235
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, neckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acting pretentious about youtubers
And also only the finest tendies, sips, and braaaaaps, amirite?

>> No.10605269

>And also only the finest tendies, sips, and braaaaaps, amirite?

Yes. No need for the snarkiness.

>> No.10605311

I like his videos.

His tattoos are absolutely awful though, 100 % meme tier

>> No.10605445

His videos focus primarily on food and the cooking process so already better than 90% of food videos. Most of this place will be turned off by his New York hipster look and how he literally spawned from Reddit, but I can tolerate it because his gimmick isn't too annoying and he keeps mostly to the food.

>> No.10605477

He actually made the peep show pasta, so he's good in my book

>> No.10605548

To be fair, he did actually make the cheesy blasters

>> No.10605572

His whole thing is he makes the recipe as close to the show version as possible and then if it’s awful he tries to make a tastier version

>> No.10605596

i dislike his videos as they're too stylised. I hate the yootoob aesthetic

>> No.10605613

how does "a babish version of cheesy blasters" not make you think "okay, this will be different than cheesy blasters" ?

>> No.10605792


>> No.10606069

He's a kid with little to no knowledge of cooking and a vague idea about things he talks about. But he's a good videographer, i'll give him that.

>> No.10606887

Not sure what people are on about with his production values. It's just a camera facing towards him with some shitty filter over it and a voice over.

As for his food. Its average at best, and that's the non-meme shite. Refuse to watch the meme shite on principle. Hurr durr recipes from TV. Fuck off.

>> No.10607018
