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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 88 KB, 767x767, WhyArentYouDrinkingWater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10600376 No.10600376 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you drinking water right now? Give me a good reason as to why you aren't staying hydrated.

>> No.10600389

Im drinking beer, about to go through heavy withdrawals.

>> No.10600434

Cali water is poison

>> No.10600444

I am though

>> No.10600463
File: 36 KB, 439x233, water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drinking this water. It's got other stuff in it. Kinda like Smart Water.

>> No.10600464


>> No.10600480

I am staying hydrated, though.

>> No.10600503

I’m suffering renal failure and get bloated. I’m limited to 32 fl oz per day and it still pains me.

>> No.10600517

Because I'm drinking iced tea.

>> No.10600627

Cause I’m drinking milk

>> No.10600682
File: 175 KB, 1080x1080, 47c95c9c4fce4bf2af7813c8ccbec85a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not wanting to make beautiful pearls inside your body

>> No.10600691

Delete this right now

>> No.10600698

Because I'm getting on a plane soon and I don't want to have to piss on the plane.

>> No.10600708

Because it will flush out all my electrolytes and cause me to get dehydrated.

>> No.10600714

Water and baja blast is pretty much all i drink honestly

>> No.10600723

I'm with you, anon.

>> No.10600773

I have a dope ass to system and I'm craving a nice frosty glass of it but I'm also.an.alcohol so it'll reduce my buzz. Once again kill my bottle I'll take a big jug of it with me to bed and guzzle the ever loving shit out of it before I pass out.

>> No.10600780

What is this? Is it kidney stones due to not enough water?

>> No.10600791

It's what's happening in real time to the al/ck/ posters, today, yesterday, tomorrow and the next.

>> No.10600812

Baja Blast is still like 99% water so you might as well just say you drink water, tbqh.

>> No.10600852
File: 69 KB, 1800x600, kidney_stone_ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of nature's most precious gifts

>> No.10600864
File: 127 KB, 1080x1350, 2O5zS1k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite right.

>> No.10600889

....which is?

>> No.10601364

These aren't a joke, I thought I fucked up my back to the point where I couldn't sit in any comfortable position. Nope, fucking kidney stones. They were too big to pass. I swear, if I ever hear the words "You have kidney stones" again in my life, I will go straight to the nearest means of suicide and end my life right there. They damaged my left kidney to the point where I no longer feel thirsty, I feel excruciating pain if I'm getting a little bit less than hydrated. And that was almost two years ago. Fuck kidney stones, and fuck sip boys who think that energy drinks aren't destroying their bodies.

>> No.10601370

thats terrible.

>> No.10601388

The price.
55 pence, 79 pence, couple of quid. I mean It's not much, but it all adds up doesn't it?

>> No.10601441

That's the second worst haggis i've ever seen

>> No.10601529

do Brits not have a tap? In America, we have tap water but most of the time its a good idea to get a filter of some sort, which is pretty cheap

>> No.10601549

Why am I not drinking water? I'm already hydrated.

>> No.10601559

RIP astronauts.

>> No.10601583

i stand with you, brother in the sky

>> No.10601590

I'm drinking room-temp coffee so its kinda like water

>> No.10601606

Just had an iced coffee and now I'm chewing the ice. So eating water.

>> No.10601609

beer decreases risk of kidney stones doofus

>> No.10601737

I fucking hate when you assholes remind me about this. But thank you I guess. I'm downing water now.

>> No.10601755

nice reference

>> No.10601794

Because I kinda want to die

>> No.10601828

I am currently drinking gin mixed with water

>> No.10601911

The water here is icky and reverse osmosis filters are too expensive so I spend much more carrying home bottles because drinking like a refugee is fancy :DDD

>> No.10601936


>> No.10602344

Monster Zero Ultra is water plus mood-boosting B vitamins that help me through that afternoon slump

Plus it tastes great, water is too plain

>> No.10602359

That stuff helps only if you're already deficient. You should try not eating bullshit normie food that has the most nutrient dense bits deliberately removed.

>> No.10602441

Thanks for noticing sempai

>> No.10602496

fish fuck in that

>> No.10602498

Im not thirsty

>> No.10602538

because I'm drinking liquor, pussy
I did put ice in it at least

>> No.10602890



>> No.10602894

I drink water all the time, mang. I've come to really genuinely enjoy its... feel? Doesn't really have a taste. But it's probably my favourite drink.

>> No.10602900

Everyone who has had them always says it's like the worst pain they've ever gone through. Shit has scared me into drinking lots of water and cranberry juice.

>> No.10602908

I am. Its either water, tea or coffee on a daily basis.

>> No.10602915

i am drinking water though

>> No.10602924

I have a tall glass of water and a mug vodka in front of me, and as dehydrated as I know that I am, I just keep drinking the vodka.

>> No.10602927
File: 42 KB, 938x704, T8roeBHm-4500-3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a coffee *tee hee*

>> No.10602950
File: 1.38 MB, 3264x2448, ABF04654-7096-49AD-8F36-0FF139693976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sending masked assassins into my renal system

>> No.10603014

He has to reaffirm himself as a man on 4chan of all places

>> No.10603073

Does carbonic acid bad for tooth enamel?

>> No.10603077

No, freshly ground black coffee. None of that meme stuff.

>> No.10603105

I call bullshit, prove it.

>> No.10603341

Im drinking it right now. Dilluted to 60% naameen?

>> No.10603403

Where does all the pee and poo go anyways?

>> No.10603421
File: 69 KB, 865x452, woman_pierced_frozen_urine_meme_feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It kills people.

>> No.10603437

I drink plenty of water, at the moment I have strep though which is making consumption of anything very painful.

>> No.10603910


>> No.10605189

>Why aren't you drinking water right now?
I'm not thirsty.

>> No.10605228


>> No.10605233

Yeah, that sure looks legit.

>> No.10605938

What's the secret to hydration? I drink a bunch of water but it's only effect is having to piss more often, some times clear, while still having light dehydration symptoms.

>> No.10605982

You are doing something wrong, what your daily diet ?

>> No.10605993
File: 32 KB, 699x384, no talkie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'd want to blame anything, that would be the standard couple of coffees. Other than that, pretty normal I'd say.

>> No.10605996

I had an attack last new years eve. Fuuccck! It was like being kicked in the balls repeatedly with a pair of pointy steel tipped boots.

>> No.10605999

Coffee is a strong diuretic, i never drink more than 1 cup.

>> No.10606006

What do you recommend I substitute it with? I also have terrible sleeping habits I need to fix.

>> No.10606015

Natural juice or tea, tea is a diuretic too but it doesn't make me piss so much as coffee.

>> No.10606033
File: 38 KB, 500x547, 1495649437368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently on day 2 of my water fast

>> No.10606039

it's a myth that coffee is a strong diuretic. Caffeine is a diuretic, yes, but coffee is 99% water. Read: you drink far more than you're ever losing from the slight diuretic effect from caffeine. A strong diuretic is more like ethyl alcohol, which even in small concentrations can lead to hydration deficit (one of the biggest causes behind a hangover).

>> No.10606042

Kidneys are truly the most aesthetic organ

>> No.10606050

Strong was an exaggeration but not drinking enough water after your coffee can lead to dehydration.

>> No.10606062

No joke you should get your a1c levels checked. That could be prediabeetus

>> No.10606065

do you not have access to clean, refreshing wa'ah at home?

>> No.10606073
File: 56 KB, 500x465, 9971472_sa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZeroWater filters you niggers. Tastes like reverse osmosis but cheaper and you don't have to install a bunch of shit.

>> No.10606074

>but not drinking enough water after your coffee can lead to dehydration.

Wrong. It's not true for sodas either. You consume far more water in the coffee than you will ever excrete from the caffeine. https://www.sciencealert.com/does-coffee-actually-make-you-dehydrated

>> No.10606075

Do you have any idea how many handjobs I had to give to try and fix that?

>> No.10606079

redpill me on this dude

>> No.10606282

Good luck bud, if you get the shakes give the authorities a call, better than seizing to death on your floor

>> No.10607532

My kidneys failed and im only allowed one liter of any liquid a day.

That a good enough reason faggot

>> No.10607541

Already drank a gallon today

>> No.10607796
File: 591 KB, 783x646, u wot nig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great reference, friend

>> No.10607801

Looks like a tasty plum.

>> No.10608232
File: 290 KB, 400x434, KILL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image makes me so fucking uncomfortable it's unreal.

>> No.10608250

I AM drinking water right now, you mong

>> No.10608280

I'm drinking tea instead.

>> No.10608422

Filters don't do anything about fluoride, the most significant poison in our supply, and reverse osmosis is far too expensive for the average person.

>> No.10608445

don't you have chemtrails to be alerting the sheeple about?

>> No.10608485

No, I don't. That's a totally irrelevant topic. I'm sad you feel a need to collapse the two into one pool of thought, but understand it's a conditioned response that I can't do anything about.

>> No.10608502

How do we get clean water besides catching your own rain water

>> No.10608511
File: 21 KB, 242x445, Pepsi Max™.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep hydrated AND energized with Pepsi Max™. It's cheap, tasty and most of all free of sugar. You should try buying it from your nearest store too, Anonymous, I'm sure would like it!

>> No.10608525


>> No.10608530


>> No.10608771

I drink iced tea instead. No sugar, just water and leaves. Is that too much caffeine? I drink like 2.5 liters a day.

>> No.10608782

I drink almost exclusively black tea, about a dozen cups a day. Maybe more, I don't count them.

>> No.10608812

Plane bathrooms are seriously fucking disgusting. I only go if I get really desperate.

>> No.10608821

Because I just drank a bottle 30 min ago anon.

>> No.10608971

Enjoy your fake insulin spike driving you hungry because the brain thinks there is sugar coming but then there is none.

>> No.10610246

All the onion threads, eggs are bad threads and water thread... I swear this board merged with /fit/

>> No.10610393

Do Americans really drink this?

>> No.10611543
File: 58 KB, 620x388, 1504562678377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks buddeh

>> No.10611579

Because Im waiting for that water that has chunks of fat in it. Obviously there is one because why else list 0g fat on each bottle.

>> No.10611589

I like the drugs they give me when I get kidney stones.

>> No.10613101

Drink some more.

>> No.10613151

y tho

>> No.10613169

im fasting anon

>> No.10613175

You're gonna die if you don't drink water.

>> No.10613185

Same bro

>> No.10613191

Ramadan Mubarak anon-kuns

>> No.10613201

makes sense
people on /fit/ complain about eating nothing but boiled chicken rice and broccoli three times a day and then they get sent here.