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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 732 KB, 1296x716, we are poorfucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10599974 No.10599974 [Reply] [Original]

So this is the power of cup noodles + canned tuna. It is a combination that has fueled the poverty stricken masses for many generations, and they used this fuel well to climb out of the trenches of our capitalist society (or they didn't and now theyre 25yo like me and still eating this stuff).

My recipe:
Tuna (.60-.90 per can), Cup noodles ($2-3 for 12 pack),Frozen Veggies ($6 for mixed pack)

>cook noodles and drain completely
>cook veggies and add them too
>open can of tuna and mix that shit

Not the best tasting food in the world, but you will get decent nutrients.

>> No.10600004

miss me with all that fucking sodium

>> No.10600014

Get a can of chunk chicken instead. Costs the same and works better.

>> No.10600018

Nah it's actually pretty much poison to your body and there's a reason illnesses are developed much more frequently among the lower class. Cheap food kills off poor people

>> No.10600022

Ramen + crushed cheetos + cut-up slim jim + ez cheese

You can add tuna, ranch or a bunch of other shit.

>> No.10600025

>500g of pasta
>can of tomatoes
>1kg frozen veggies

I'm poor too but at least I can realise that cup noodles aren't cheaper. Instant noodles can taste great and can be treated like getting takeout, but it isn't sustainable.

>> No.10600028

dude jail lmao

>> No.10600055

This. Buy some fucking spinach and beans you unhealthy fucks

>> No.10600091

No way fag

>> No.10600098

ramen is more expensive than normal pasta, especially cup ramen. same for tinned tuna. it's more expensive by weight than frozen white fish, and the tinned tuna is a lot worse for you (salt and fat content, not >muh murcury)

>> No.10600167

tell me more about canned chicken- how do you prep it?

>> No.10600187

Don't bother. Just buy chicken breast and roast and shred it.

>> No.10600189

THe chicken at my store is ugly.

Not a third world country, but SoCal, so close enough.

>> No.10600335

For me its a shrimp cup noodles drained of the noodle juice and with a slice of kraft cheese product stirred and some tapatio.
Ghetto spicy mac and cheese

>> No.10600446

my poor bretherin

>> No.10601662

my nigga, but i prefer it like this
>chicken ramen (the fucking regular kind)
>a single egg or chopped up hot dog

shit's cash

>> No.10601708

Christ OP, I ate tuna and ramen for three years in the pen every single day. I don't even want to smell either now. I see ex cons making jailhouse burritos after release and I'm like WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU

>> No.10601710

just add spinach and beans to the tuna and soup, easy.

>> No.10601717

Curry + rice + beans = good actually.

>> No.10601764

Good poast. No reason to eat utter shit just cuz you're poor. Loads of decently healthy and good food on a poor man's budget.
1 pork shoulder is 12ish bucks and can be a dozen meals. Probably more. Add half a bag of frozen veggies and it's reasonably nutritious for 1.50 or so.

>> No.10601792

>Incoming greentext of wtf you did to get three yarons in the greybar hotel.

>> No.10601801

Not to be confused with chicken-in-a-can, chunk chicken is pretty much like canned tuna

>> No.10601903

Why buy noodles in a cup when they're cheaper in a bag?

>> No.10601943

Nothing too crazy desu, just typical degenerate shit.
>be 22 year old fuckheaded their
>get 6mo in bumfuck county jail for burglary
>become trustee in jail
>cleaning floors unsupervised
>discover evidence room
>get door open fairly easily
>drawers aren't labeled, FUCK
>open random drawer and grab all the bagged pills I can stuff down my pants
>later sell a bunch of benzos and oxys to other inmate
>inmate ODs
>snitches on me when he wakes up
>6mo in jail turns into 36mo in state pen

>> No.10601947

Guess it's back to prison for phoneposting.

>> No.10601984

You don't get accelerated adenocarcinoma from microwaved Styrofoam with the bags tho

>> No.10602383

Where are you buying cuponoodle these days at $3 for a 12 pack? In my area they are $1 a piece, on sale! That is reach people food.

Real hobos eat lentils and rice, spiced with salt packets or salsa you got from taco bell.

>> No.10603222

Should that be pronounced uhDEEno or uhDINNo carcinoma? Ive heard both.

>> No.10603240

But did that snitch get stitches? Everything I've read on the chon says it must happen.

Also, drug dealing in jail has to be the ultimate in jailhouse risk.

>> No.10603468

Cup noodles and fish are both pretty expensive actually. Mixing minced meat with macaroni gives an efficient amount of energy while actually tasting decent too.

>> No.10603479
File: 54 KB, 600x600, beans._heinz-uk-baked-beans-in-tomato-sauce-pack-of-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 pack of baked beans for £2.50. Steal a bottle of tabasco and salt from a bar that does food. Breakfast/lunch/dinner fixed.

>> No.10603500

get rid of the cup of noodles and replace it with bowtie pasta to increase the quality for pretty much the same price. I can only see literal retards eating what you just suggested.

>> No.10603659

It always triggers me that this kind of thing is what people think is the most money-efficient way to eat. If you're actually poor and really need to skimp on food expensed, you should be eating according to a spreadsheet where you minimize costs and maximize calories and nutrition.

I'm very sure you can get good nutrition for less than 5$ per day anywhere in the US. First and foremost you calculate the calories per dollar and grams of protein per dollar for food. 2000kcal per $ is good. Under 1000kcal per $ is bad. 50g of protein per $ is good. Grain-based foods would be most of what you eat. Rolled oats is amazing pretty much everywhere, really high calorie, moderate amount of protein and dirt cheap. Definitely no meat of any kind, possibly eggs. Fruits and vegetables are mostly out too because they are so low calorie, but you'd eat a bit of whatever's cheapest and most effective nutritionally, most likely cabbage. Protein powder, bought in bulk quantities is actually cheap. When Myprotein.com has a "buy 3 pay for 2" you can get their whey concentrate for the cheapest. Also their soy isolate when it's offered as "buy 2 get one for free" is really efficient too. An excellent protein powder is one that gives 100g of protein per $. A multivitamin is the cheapest way to get all the micronutrients you need.


>> No.10603689

Piece of toast w peanut butter

Bananas, orange juice, protein powder, couple of supplements, handful of frozen fruit

Salad for dinner, lettuce, kidney beans, sprouts (easy to grow), hard boiled egg, capers...

Plain water to drink.

>> No.10603728
File: 274 KB, 976x642, 1477743225320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easy to get meals in restaurants for free. Just go to any restaurant you want to eat at. What I usually do is ask for a table that's close to the entrance/exit and then I just order everything I want lol Waldorf Salad, Filet Mignon etc. maybe a beer or two and then, when the moment is just right I slip out of the restaurant.

I've done this quite a few times and despite being a poorfag have dined like a king on some occasions.

If I'm not happy with the service or anything else, I often make it a point to steal some their cutlery or plates, got quite a few nice plates at home by now lol

>> No.10603793

Based! Stick it to da man dude!

>> No.10604018

Third day in a row eating rice and beans with salsa. Had some raw spinach as a side salad. Probably going to cook some potatoes and eggs for dinner. I spend about $60 a month on groceries.

>> No.10604118

Why would you eat carbs at all if you wanna minimize cost and maximize calories?
Only protein and fat are essential macronutrients.
If you've got the minimum amount of protein necessary covered, you can just fill up the calories with fat or oil.

>> No.10604201

Because the only food that provides almost nothing but protein cheaply is protein powder. And getting all your protein from protein powder is not the cheapest solution because there are foods that can provide protein along with calories.
And the foods with the absolute highest calories per dollar are high carb foods like flour and oats. These carb-containing foods come with cheap protein. The most expensive part of food is protein. Oats especially is a fantastic cost-minimizer since it provides both calories and protein at a low price. Reducing the choices of foods to zero or low carb alternatives further increases the cost of protein in the diet; a cost-minimized ketogenic diet will be more expensive than a cost-minimized carb-allowing diet.

>> No.10604254

Oats are 0.40eu here for 500g, providing 5000kcal/eu.
Sunflower oil is 1.20eu for 1l, providing 7500kcal/eu.
But I understand your point about getting "free" protein with that oatmeal and getting none with the oil.

>> No.10604310

Also, it's hardly necessary to aim for absolute minimum cost at the price of malnutrition. Again using oats as the example, they also provide mandatory fat and fiber along with the protein and calories. It's actually quite cheap to eat an adequately healthy diet (something that is better than what 95% of the population eats). Though the main reason you can do that is because almost everyone makes awful eating choices and very few will be so autistic toward optimizing their diet.

>> No.10604323

How good is the evidence that fiber (and vegetables in general) are needed?
E.g. what would be wrong with an all (unprocessed) meat and fish diet?

>> No.10604341

Lol, thank goodness for 99 cents three pack cup noodles.

>> No.10604362

>E.g. what would be wrong with an all (unprocessed) meat and fish diet?
Cost mainly. It would be stupidly expensive. Meat has an awful calories per dollar and grams of protein per dollar value. The one exception is chicken thigh legs or chicken breast (depending on where you live) which are merely ok.

But as for the fiber thing. I'm not sure myself. The evidence is pretty good that it's good to eat fiber but the evidence for eating zero fiber being either bad or also fine is lacking. So you can be pretty sure that eating fiber is ok for yourself but uncertain whether eating none would beok. It likely depends on the person. I tried eating a low-fiber ketogenic diet one time and tore my asshole from the constipation that resulted. The point of this anecdote is to say that, it wasn't ok for me, therefore it won't be ok for everyone. But it is possible (due to lack of evidence for the contrary) that it could be ok for you.

>> No.10604396

Oh, sorry, I meant what would be wrong with such a diet healthwise, aside from cost?

How much fiber did humans >10,000 years ago eat? Didn't they basically eat an all meat and fish diet?

>> No.10604412

yeah here in bongland sainsbury is selling 500g of pasta for 20pence. you can practically eat for 1 quid a day ez

>> No.10604496

Oh yeah, about vegetables. They aren't strictly speaking necessary. It is indeed cheaper to get micros from supplements. But I'm moderately certain that getting all your micros from whole foods would be slightly better. The question is how much better which is unknown. The main effect of the betterness is non-essential nutrients. All those substances that various foods have been found to contain that maybe do something good to your body are the thing. Perhaps a lot of them do very little. But there are lot of these possibly beneficial non-essential substances.
Also, there is the very likely possibility that we don't know every nutrient that is essential. Probably eating a varied assortment of vegetables, fruits and many other things will get you everything you really need to be healthy.

>How much fiber did humans >10,000 years ago eat?
I think this really isn't well known.
>Didn't they basically eat an all meat and fish diet?
Some did, some didn't. People in different areas ate different diets and, thus, also adapted to different diets. As I understand, modern day inuits (who eat a shitload of meat and fat) have a different metabolism that is adapted to being healthy with that diet. What kind of metabolism did the people who were your ancestors have? Who knows? The paleo argument isn't such an obvious thing in my opinion. It's not obvious that eating like your ancestors is the absolute best way to live as long as possible while staying healthy. Maybe you'll be healthier but live a shorter life? Humans didn't evolve to live forever; we're programmed to die because that allows adaptability which is important for perpetuating our genes and that's all evolution does.

Living longer and feeling physically and mentally better may be goals that are somewhat contradictory. One point of evidence is that permanent life-long calorie restriction increases life-span. And constantly being on 1500kcal or something like that isn't conducive to feeling good.

>> No.10604513

americans are stupid and don't realize that 1.00 for one serving of cup ramen actually more expensive than 2.00 for 16 servings of conventional pasta, or even 8 servings of ramen-style egg noodles

>> No.10604574

Yeah, I share the same concerns you have about this.
But it does make more sense to me that a keto diet is better than a diet with a good amount of carbs, considering carbs have been scarce >10,000 years ago, and the human body has very limited glucose stores and large fat stores. Almost the whole body can use ketones for energy and only a small amount of glucose is needed, which the body produces itself.

Longevity-wise, many types of diseases and causes of death are linked to metabolic syndrome, which is an insulin and (often) therefore a carb problem.

It does make sense that metabolism and energy expenditure, and therefore energy intake (should) decrease with age. It's not directly obvious to me that a lowered caloric intake makes you feel bad if you're not young anymore and you don't eat carbs. Maybe (intermittent) fasting would be a solution too?

>> No.10604645

>Didn't they basically eat an all meat and fish diet?
In places like Greenland, maybe. But humans are thought to have been hunter-gatherers, so there would have been all sorts of fruits and berries and whatever can be easily found in the area. Very little grains, though.

>> No.10604740

So their macros would've consisted mainly out of fat and protein, but they would get fiber and plant-specific micronutrients from fruit and berries (which didn't contain nearly as much carbs/sugar as modern fruit/berries)?

>> No.10604887

Micronutrients needed to survive.

>> No.10604905

Which ones?
And what evidence is there for that?

>> No.10604926

They are $0.29 a cup here in expensive California.

>> No.10604934

Enjoy scurvy dumbo

>> No.10604943

Is it really this hard for you to respond to someone without insulting them?

>> No.10605629
File: 2.04 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20180515_144031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you guys say this shit is killing me but I'm at it again boys. Added cayenne pepper.

>> No.10605682

Dude even the color of those noodles is scary, I wonder what you're doing to your body when you eat that

>> No.10605689

Look at mister ritz here.

He can afford Chicken of the Sea and Cup Noodles!


>> No.10606108

I'm not poor. I just can't cook. The most complicated thing I'll make is microwave some hot dogs, some chili, sprinkle on some pepperjack shredded cheese, all on a top sliced bun.

>> No.10606166

>spend a lot of money with food
>notice I could just buy cup noodles for pocket change for the entire week and save a ridicous amount
>think im smart
>day 1, they arent bad at all. Actually look forward to eating them
>day 2, realise cup noodles are not filling at all and im hungry for most of the day
>day 3, the smell of cup noodle is starting to kill my appetite
>day 4, urine is really dark and smells of cup noodle
>day 5 I throw the remaining cups out and never have them again since

>> No.10606173

any rice + any beans + shredded cheese + salsa

>> No.10606178

billionaires OUT

>> No.10606403
File: 229 KB, 489x456, 1503789322511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mushroom and Brie Mac & Cheese (prices in CAD, multiply by 0.75 for American pricing)

>Wedge of Brie ($2.71)
>Macaroni, Shells, whatever (1kg bag was $1.29)
>Milk (1L was $2.29)
>A few cremini mushrooms (like $1)
>Some garlic (giant bag of bulbs was like $3)
>Some worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper, dried chives, cayenne, paprika, thyme, whatever you've got, up to your taste/finances

>Chop & sautee cremini mushrooms and garlic with a bit of worcestershire sauce and seasonings until deeply browned
>Make a roux from a couple spoons of flour and butter in a saucepan
>Whisk in milk
>Once heated, melt in the brie (remove the rind, but save it because it tastes nice on a piece of bread)
>Combine cheese sauce and sauteed mushrooms/garlic
>At this point, season the sauce to your liking
>Nice addition: Parmesan, but buying a whole container of it is unnecessary if you don't already have one
>In another pot, boil pasta in salted water
>Drain pasta and combine with sauce
>Adjust for seasoning again

Base your amounts off of how much cheese sauce you can make with the cheese you're using for the recipe, it's all pretty easy to eyeball and depends heavily on how saucy you want it.

>> No.10607563

Brie is expensive here in the us, its like 5$ a wedge...

>> No.10607579

There are too many guides for cheap healthy eating. I don’t know what to do...

what do I need besides this to stay healthy?
>variety of vegetables
>chicken once a week
>egg noodles
>homemade bread

Because that’s what I’m currently living off of. I’m just worried that I’m missing something important idk

>> No.10607600


Tell me more, what should I be/not be eating to live long? It seems like rurual japan diets are bretty good since they live forever

>> No.10607890

There's no way to tell from that list whether or not you're getting the right amounts of stuff. The quantities that you eat of all of that matter. Also when and what combinations too.

>I’m just worried that I’m missing something important idk
There's no other way to alleviate that worry but calculating out the numbers.

Put all of your eating into an app or website that has micronutrient data and see if it looks like you're getting adequate quantities of all micronutrients. The most accurate method is looking up the data on https://nutritiondata.self.com/ or whatever national database your coutnry maintains and calculating the stuff out on your own spreadsheet. Also calculate your w6-w3 ratio and try get it toward 1:1. Get at least 2g of EPA. Eat at least 25% of your total calories as fat.
Getting vitamin C along with iron in a meal is important so that the iron is absorbed. If you're eating vegetables or fruits with every meal then is taken care of.
Calcium and magnesium prevent absorption of zinc due to them being eaten in much greater quantities than zinc and all three competing for the same absorption path. When every meal provides ample calcium and magnesium, you may end up absorbing too little zinc despite having sufficient quantities of it in your food. And almost every food contains calcium and magnesium in quantities greater than zinc. This is why a zinc supplement taken an hour before and two hours after any meal is a good option. Of course the only way to be sure that stuff is being absorbed is by blood test which vary from cheap to very expensive depending on the substance.

>> No.10608001

lol ok.

They don't have evidence at the county jail moron lol.

It's either at the state police post (99.9% of the time) or a special secure building behind the county jail only accessible to officers or troopers

t. corrections officer

>> No.10608101

Should be chicken once a DAY. How the hell can anyone go even a day without protein and not feel like trash

>> No.10608139

quite a lot, so far as anyone can tell
most of the early human teeth archaeologists have found are all fucked up, probably from wearing them down on tough plants and seeds
easily edible plants are a relatively modern development but that doesn't mean they ignored plants

>> No.10608311

No. But for your grammar you hillbilly fuck.

>> No.10608320

>3 dollars for a 12 pack
Wtf I love the usa now. Have to pay 1.50 eurobucks for one cup here. :(

>> No.10608340

Cup noodles aren't cost effective, they're just convenient. For you. I could five pounds of pasta with $3 if I looked in the right places. Skip the overpriced frozen veggies unless it's middle of winter and learn to shop seasonal produce. It's cheaper. Only a moron says fresh vegetables are expensive, and I could buy farrrr more broccoli in November than you could frozen veg. Or, buy a small amount of broccoli and pick up a nice cheese and some canned tomatoes (my dollar tree sells the organic meme 28oz cans). Learn to bargain hunt. Learn to use coupons. There's so much more you could be doing.

Be honest. The only reason you do this to yourself is not because you are poor, it is because you are lazy.

>> No.10608350

>I think this really isn't well known.

We have subfossilized dung for that moron. Have you been under a rock like all Paleofags, don't realize what people actually ate back then?

Kill yourself.

The only way wheat and corn got domesticated was because humans ate cereals long before even primitive agriculture. We just foraged them from wild grasses. Sometimes they were toxic (actually toxic like tansy or pennyroyal, not just your meme about muh gluutteennn), othertimes they were a good source of nutrition.


>> No.10608451

learn from slavs if you are poor

>> No.10608475

>Have you been under a rock like all Paleofags
Not exactly sure, did you misunderstand and think I'm a paleo diet believer?

>> No.10608479

true poor man's food is:
rice (dry grain you steam or boil yourself)
beans (dry beans you boil yourself)
bulk veggies (fresh or frozen)

the moment something is put into a smaller unit like can or bag, it's already going to cost more than if you bought it in a big bulk bag.

the above would cost less than $1 per meal. add in eggs for protein. you don't need protein every day, but you would if you were using your body and brain to do lots of work. assuming someone is unemployed and living near poverty level on welfare or whatever, you can survive off the above and basically live off 1 meal per day for less than $1 per day.

all those faggoty ads about how africans have to "live on less than $1 a day" makes it sound so harrowing and difficult, but really it's not. as long as you have a pot, some water, and the above, you can survive. i know because i've done it.

>> No.10608481

also, you could pretty much live off rice and beans for a while, but then your body may need fats.

according to henry david thoreau, he was able to do it on mainly beans. i don't think he ate any meat actually.

>> No.10608483

They don't have first world infrastructure like you did.

>> No.10609604

It's not helpful to tell others to kill themselves.

But thanks for those links, although they don't go back in time much (<50,000 years).

>> No.10609928

Not a /ck/ poster so not sure where to ask, but my mother's got coeliac disease (gluten allergy).

Is there a budget way to make your own noodle seasoning (the powder you get in sachets)? She can't have potnoodles or anything like that due to all the wheat but a bag of rice noodles with homemade seasoning would be exactly the same and probably cheaper anyway, I'm just not sure how to go about making the flavouring powder.

Any ideas?

>> No.10609978


Perhaps you can't make as good seasoning as the commercial ones but it's basically just seasoning, right? So try out a bunch of different spices and herbs and see what she likes.
Or perhaps reject the assumption that the seasoning needs to be added as a powder. You have no need to store the noodles dry which requires the seasonings to also be separately provided as a dry powder. The seasoning powder is an artifact of the way the potnoodles are sold. You're making and serving the noodles and broth fresh (I assume) so your process of seasoning ought to be different.

>> No.10610090

Just make stock.
>bones (alternatively you can use cheap cuts of meat)
>salt and pepper
>cup of wine
>enough water to cover it
>set to boil in a pressure cooker, forget about it for a while, then filter it while putting it into several jars, alternatively leave it on medium high in normal pot and check every once in a while
Should give you anywhere between 3 to 4 cups of stock, and that's what the seasoning basically is - some umami enhancers, salt, and dried stock. Set about a cup of stock to boil, put in the noodles, it should be done soon afterwards. Add a bit of umami stuff (it's pretty useful), maybe some veggies or chopped meat, a bit of soy sauce...

>> No.10610129

>assumes every jail everywhere does everything the same as the one you where work
>calls someone else a moron

>> No.10610144

1) buy the instant noodles and just use the seasoning packet. The wheat is only in the noodles.

2) There are rice, as well as buckwheat (soba) instant noodles too. Not all of them are wheat flour.

3) Instead of using seasoning packets at all just make stock. Or buy canned broth if you're lazy.

4) You could easily approximate the seasoning powder with a smashed boullion cube, or just mix up your own blend of salt, msg, and seasonings appropriate for the flavor you're going for.

>> No.10610715

interesting. what do you personally usually eat?

>> No.10610790

Shit vegetable. At least recommend a decent one.

Awful. Never recommend anything else again here.

>> No.10610957

>Shit vegetable. At least recommend a decent one.

How old are you, 12?

>> No.10611219

what is foreign aid kys fag

>> No.10611549

Literally just the broth packet making it yellow, pussy ass bitch

>> No.10611630
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Don't eat large pieces of meat, use meat to add bulk/nutrition to vegetable and legume-based stews, soups etc. Then you can eat meat every day, cut with other forms of plant protein.

>> No.10611638

It was a small wedge, usually you can find cheeses cut from the wheel and they're priced by weight here. It's probably more expensive here than in the US gram-per-gram.

>> No.10612264
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>nissin™ cup noodles™

>> No.10612352
File: 29 KB, 633x758, 318271da980706f7a18a811c3456a77d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw fucking hipsters drove up the prices in immigrunt grocery stores

>> No.10612444

what the heck do I do with oats? I have a big bag of the stuff

>> No.10612461

wow you are one dumb motherfucker

>> No.10613119

I don't try to get everything from whole foods only because I want to eat as cheaply as possible. So I use supplements to get some micros that are too expensive to get from food, like vitamin D, B12, K2 and EPA + DHA. I do think this is inferior to eating only whole foods but I don't think by much. I feel people exaggerate this inferiority in their minds and, thus, rail on others who claim that you can be healthy while using supplements. The bar for what is healthy has been set too high. The average person's diet is not even adequate and their health below acceptable. If you're autistic enough to calculate in a spreadsheet all your macros and micros, look up online the recommended intakes for everything and then balance your nutrients according to them, then you're eating way healthier than the majority of the population even if you use supplements. I feel that the additional health benefits from only using whole foods are not going be much as any maximization process encounters diminishing returns but of course you can go that route if you don't mind spending around double what it takes with supplements to balance out every nutrient.

Anyway, my current diet is ketogenic because I'm trying it out and I eat whey and soy protein powder, eggs, soy groats, creamy cheese, flaxseed, canola oil, coconut oil, onions, cabbage and carrots. Also I do like simple guacamole with just avocado, canola oil. garlic and salt. It increases my daily costs but it's just too delicious to give up. Along with fish oil, flaxseed oil, multivitamin, K2, D and zinc+magnesium+copper supps my daily cost is about 5€. Without the guacamole it'd be 4,50€.
A ketogenic diet is more expensive than a carb-allowing one. My previous diet was whey protein powder, oats, rice, macaroni, soy groats, canola oil, coconut oil, flaxseed, cabbage, carrots, beetroot, turnip and onion along with the same supps as before. The daily cost was 3€.

>> No.10613139

Beans and lentils man. Not because they'd provide something you're missing, but just because they're cheap and really good. Dry or canned legumes also last a really long time, which is convenient.

>> No.10613159


>> No.10613167
File: 51 KB, 500x500, 51S8PMEF8WL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 cents more and 10x the flavor

>> No.10613423

Seasoning packet also contains wheat which is why I'm asking, I was having some yesterday and checked.

>> No.10613483

I eat beans and rice with jalapeno salsa almost daily. I used to eat dogshit like you other poorfags but my body couldn't take it anymore so now I try being healthy.

>> No.10613493

>body can't handle food
the absolute state of anybody who isn't me.

>> No.10613914

There's a bunch of posts in this thread talking about the very misunderstanding that cheap food = dogshit. The actual cheapest sources for calories are whole foods like oats, rice and wheat plus cheap oil like canola which actually has a great fat profile and overall cheapest nutrition providers are oats, lentils, soy and eggs. At least where I live, cabbage is the cheapest whole food source for vitamin C and carrots for vitamin A. Other than that, vegetables and fruits are terrible due to being so low calorie but you need some to get a varied assortment of fiber in addition to the grains a properly cost-optimizing health-minded poorfag would eat.

>> No.10614328

What's a good fat profile?

>> No.10614341

Majority MUFAs, PUFAs with a good w6-w3 ratio (canola has 2:1 linoleic:alfa-linoleic), some saturated.

>> No.10614610

>Shit vegetable. At least recommend a decent one.

>Awful. Never recommend anything else again here.

Neck yourself

>> No.10615217

doesn't add up
bollcks post
there is also cheaper beans in a tin. really shit own brand at like 30p a tin

>> No.10615339

If you're at something like whole foods, yeah. I get brie from Trader Joe's (regional grocer) for 4 or 5 dollars a pound, which aint that much.

>> No.10615356

enjoy your mercury poisoning

>> No.10615739

It does make more sense to assume that it is done the same way everywhere. We are talking about the organisation and floorplan of a jail building. A jail building which serves a specific purpose. Some design principles serve this purpose. A design principle like keeping unsupervised inmates strictly separate from evidence lockers with dangerous items or items that could easily be made contraband. It just makes sense.

Your point is pretty much like arguing that it is wrong to assume every bathroom is connected to water pipes, just because your bathroom at home is.


>> No.10615831

Original ex con here. May be different now, but this was in 2000. And this was a poorer county in Tennessee.

>> No.10616100

Hotdogs +Baked beans + Vidalia onion
9$ and you can feed a family of four. There will be mass flatulence.

>> No.10616181

you should of just kept them

also how did you not get fucked up by the gangs

>> No.10616212

put an egg in it while the water is hot

>> No.10616230

you must be 18 to post on this website

>> No.10616251

this i would try to limit yourself to a can a week

>> No.10616274

Kept to myself. Never went to the chow hall.

>> No.10616686

are you /fit/?

>> No.10617419

noodles aren't even cheap

>> No.10617521

was the person you bought them from asian? do you have an H-mart?

>> No.10617532 [DELETED] 

Black guys who love to fuck and fuck good:

If you're a hot black guy and you wanna fuck me, fuck me.

If you wanna move in you can move in, but you gotta fuck me. I-I need to be fucked a lot man.

Free food. Free rent and everything else man. Here's the deal man.

Men from jail; homeless- or Um... if your a thug, you wanna come move in. You're friend can move in too man.

Free rent, you get lease and a key. Fuck me.

Piss on me. Beat me. I’m home here now.

If you see me and you wanna come over today and try it out- try it out man. If you're in my building. Try it out. You wanna fuckin' piss on me. Try it out.

Serious replies only, just fuck me

I'm lookin' for hardcore guys and mean it, and wanna do it, and I want it delivered.

I'm a hot white trash cum dump, lets fuck.

>> No.10618014

Yes, becoming skeleton mode.

>> No.10618024

Tell me, how to make the curry, and what sort of beans? Chickpeas? Lentils?

>> No.10618040

How do you make the oats taste good

>> No.10618057

>At least recommend a decent one.
Which is...?

>> No.10618091

I ate them with whey concentrate and some canola oil plus a little coconut oil. Adding fat to food always makes it taste better. I always buy unflavored protein powder because it's cheapest and more suitable for cooking. Also because the artificial sweeteners taste like crap to me. However, you can buy flavored whey and see if that tastes ok with oats. But even unflavored adds a little sweetness the oatmeal because whey concentrate has around 6g of lactose in it usually.

Another way, the best way in my opinion, is to just keep eating bland food until it no longer tastes bland. Taste is not absolute but relative to your recent experience. If you all you eat is bland food, then whatever differences in taste you notice will feel bigger in proportion. My personal anecdote with this process is when I switched to flavored whey one time and my oatmeal with that was really sweet. Once I switched back to unflavored the oatmeal tasted quite bland in comparison. But after a month or so, it started tasting good again and I was again always looking forward to eating it. The taste of the sweetened whey was fading from my memory. Another big factor in enjoying food is appetite. Doing something like 16/8 intermittent fasting ought to make anything you eat after the fast an enjoyable meal. The same applies for a meal eaten after a hard training session.
The taste of food is only partially created from the actual substances in the food. A major part of the total experience is affected by your mental state; how hungry you are, whether you've prematurely dismissed the food as bad before eating or not, how you feel emotionally, whether you're in a hurry to eat or not, etc. One might say that eating a meal always comes with a plentiful helping of your own mind.

>> No.10618111

so you boil them first, then add those?

>> No.10618169

No, I mix everything together, then microwave. I prefer my oatmeal to be not runny like porridge but a bit dry. The more water it has, the more any taste in it is diluted. Also, my personal experience has been that watery oatmeal fills you up way faster. Of course, the more water, the more actual matter you'll be having to swallow. But there's also something about the fiber in oats that makes it more satiating if it's allowed to swell up with water. Oat fiber contains betaglucan which has been studied quite a bit and, as I understand, is considered the major factor in the strong satiating effect of oatmeal.
So, if you're going to eat tons of oatmeal, it may be best not to add too much water. Or, if you're cutting calories to lose weight, it may be helpful to eat really watery oatmeal as it'll keep hunger away longer.

>> No.10619238

>put some oil in pan
>wash 300g of rice
>if oil in pan is hot put rice in
>stir for 10-20mins on low
>boil water /2x-3x/ separately with a drop of oil and add salt when it boils
>if you're done frying pour the water in
>leave on low for 30mins with a lid on
>after that leave for 10mins with the lid still on
>eat while hot with tomato sauce, can add onions, spice etc
frying works best in teflon, works so-so in a ceramic coated pan

there you go
cheap and easy

>> No.10619316

meat is absolutely disgusting
adding it to soup is just ruining good soup

>> No.10619352

it's not our fault they are stupid lazy niggers who couldn't do anything for themselves for the last 15 centuries unless someone else did it for them

>> No.10619362

Fucking this.