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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 561 KB, 546x626, cheesy potatoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10591363 No.10591363 [Reply] [Original]

What role do potatoes play in your life?

>> No.10591374

i like to eat potatoes sometimes

>> No.10591377


>> No.10591379

potatoes are a side.

>> No.10591425

They raised me, and acted as a mentor to me.

>> No.10591501

Why is it that I love mashed potatoes and fries but hate baked potatoes no matter how much butter or salt or cheese I put on them

>> No.10591996

>not baking them and then mashing them

>> No.10592159

potatoes make my mouth feel itchy and irritated so i avoid them in favor of onion rings, sweet potatoes, and bread

>> No.10592167

The real starchy potatoes aren't as good for making baked potatoes because they're... too starchy, but making mashed potatoes takes care of that with all the butter or frying changing the texture. Have you tried using the smaller, less starchy potatoes for that?

>> No.10592173

>feel itchy and irritated
wow it's almost as if you can get allergies to foods

>> No.10592175


>> No.10592178
File: 10 KB, 745x637, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that is amazing i thought it was from the potato gremlins stabbing my mouth with spears but i wasn't sure how they could survive being cooked

>> No.10592190
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>> No.10592272
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>> No.10592538

Homemade mashed potatoes are pretty good with most meat. Other than that, I occasionally make fries/wedges in the oven or I toss some potatoes in the crockpot/stews.

>> No.10592548

a delicious one.

>> No.10592553 [DELETED] 

Don't listen to the lies. It is the potato gremlins. Scientists try to pretend they know what they're talking about and call them solanines, but that's just the waste the gremlins leave behind. Cooking does does destroy the solanines but it kills the gremlins too, but they've already poisoned the potato.

Talk to your doctor, not scientists, about nightshade goblins. A lot of people have allergies, I mean, can detect issues.

>> No.10592631

Potatoes are my constant companion and truest friend.

>> No.10592684
File: 417 KB, 1989x1056, 17D113BA-2767-4303-865C-954615CF6165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

potatoes are the second greatest plant on da erf

>> No.10592695

They're filling, easy cook with, and with the right garnishes, delicious. I have a favorite honey mustard chicken recipe and I always add some potatoes and carrots with it. It's a favorite with my family.

>> No.10592874

I cut a lot of the carbs cuz 'betes but I still make home fries from time to time so my egg yolk can ooze out over the top of them.

>> No.10592879

Not Irish, I take it.

>> No.10592939

I eat them for dinner.
I discovered that potatoes and oatmeal go great together. The oatmeal prevents the
potatoes from giving me constipation.

>> No.10593389
File: 630 KB, 152x104, Potato.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

potatoes are love, potatoes are life

>> No.10593418

I fucking hate most forms of potato. I enjoy mashed and French fries, can't get into anything else.

>> No.10593426

Have you really never had a good au gratin before?

>> No.10593522

I always have the creamiest, easiest, healthiest shits from anything with potatoes.

>> No.10593590
File: 361 KB, 500x378, Конец Евы.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To keep the proletariat away

>> No.10593659

>using starchy potatoes for mash
You fucked up real bad

>> No.10593691

Sometimes people call me a potato but everyone likes potatoes.

>> No.10593878
File: 819 KB, 2048x1152, 20170531_121615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They teach me about white privelege.

>> No.10593891

I have potato blood.
>ywn be Maltese potato farmer
Feels bad man :(