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10589650 No.10589650 [Reply] [Original]

Why do americans do this?
Can you not afford glassware, are you scared of going into an IKEA for some quality Bulgarian made drinking glasses?

>> No.10589657

it's kewl because it's reminiscent of moonshine culture

>> No.10589659

I do this a lot but it's more because I actually can things on a regular basis and so have several dozen mason jars of varying sizes laying around. Never really made sense to go out of my way to spend extra money on glasses just because it's "proper" or whatever.

>> No.10589667

This. Anyone that cans much just drinks out of these, it isn't to be hipster. I was drinking out of them before hipsters knew they existed.

>> No.10589671

Because americans are responsible consumers and would rather reuse a bottle than be wasteful and throw it away.

>> No.10589701

It's just far left hipster culture

>> No.10589716
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>Quality made

>> No.10589726

Lets be honest.
The average american either lives in an apartment or a trailer and is not exactly canning things.
Like, i can understand if you actually do this because you have them around anyway and you dont worry about having proper stemware anyway.
I'm more on about the way that drinking from a jar seems to be a thing that people just do, even if they are obviously millennial desk chair workers living in a shitty one room apartment in a building made from wood.

>> No.10589769

>>Quality made
Some of that stuff is Bormioli Rocco, crystal clear venetian glass, and of decent quality. Cheap doesn't necessarily mean bad, just bulk purchased and competitive pricing.

OP, most people do it for the old-timey element of it all, and that it holds quite a few ounces. The jars fit in the dishwasher and get clean. Though I don't do it at home where i'd prefer to get a vacuum insulated tumbler for a large quantity of an iced beverage, I don't mind it in a restaurant where I know that I won't be searching for a waiter for an iced tea refill any time soon.

>> No.10589789

I have a dishwasher so i can place old glass jars in it and they come out clean. Glass is glass, i can also store hot liquids in them, reductions and other such lovelies.
Also reused glass jars are stronger then IKEA drinking glasses so they are less likely to break.
Win super win. If it triggers you all the more win for me.

>> No.10589805

Easier to fit my ham hands into to clean.

>> No.10589827

So we can set 'em up and choot 'em with our AR-15 while yelling 'yippee ky yay, motherfucker!'

>> No.10589854

Ikea actually has some good quality shit. Not everything is dorm room tier

>> No.10589859

Because my grandma used to do a lot of canning and had like 200 mason jars just sitting around so she gave away enough that we have no need for any other drinking vessels.

>> No.10589867

Stick with your silly unitasker cups you stupid frenchman

>> No.10589881

I live in South Carolina and I went to high school with a kid who would bring a jar of juice and water to school everyday. He participated in Civil War re-enactments on the weekends so I assumed it was something he learned there and thought it was cool

>> No.10589891

Some people have no money and do whatever's cheap

I used to get bullied for all kinds of cheapskate shit I did as a kid out of necessity

>> No.10589908

Mason jars are also cheap as hell, you can get them for less than a dollar apiece frequently plus they come with lids that you can use to seal them with. It's simultaneously a storage container and a glass, whatever you need it to be.

>> No.10589923

Wrong, it something far left hipsters (apex consumers) appropriated from people that actually know how to make things. See also: fashion "workwear"

>> No.10589941

because they come free with pasta sauce

>> No.10589962

yeah but the whole reason you can things in the first place is to be a hipster.

>> No.10589963

I dont know what 3rd world country you're from, but most Americans don't drink from Mason jars. Not only have I never met someone other than my mother who does this, but I live in the south where this would be prevelent. Like others have said, the only people who do this are people who can a ton of shit and a restaurant I've been to called The Mason Jar serves drinks in Mason jars.
And really, is your country so poor you can't afford Mason jars and you have to come online to tell the Americans how fucking cool they are? God I would hate live in Ethiopia

>> No.10589971

>he buys weak as fuck chicken stock at the store like a boomer faggot

>> No.10590037
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>grow a shitload of veg and canning excess provides an emergency supply and helps maintain independence from the megacorporate succubi
>make stocks, stews, chili, soups and can the excess saves money and is better than megacorporate pig slop
>canning is just hipster bs to impress other hipsters
Idk where you live, but I haven't even seen a hipster in a good long while, let alone one that canned his own shit.

>> No.10590197
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>being this obsessed

>> No.10590260

IKEA has some pretty decent stuff for the price

>> No.10590276

Clappyfat here, I've been gifted a few things in mason jars such as homemade jams or local honey, and I still have them lying around, I use them for water when the other glasses are dirty and I'm too lazy to wash. It's not like I'm drinking 1er cru burgs out of mason jars, I have riedel and spiegelau glassware for that.
>being this insecure

>> No.10590287


>> No.10590295

They hold a lot of water

>> No.10590327

I dont. Drinking glasses have no lip for a perfect pour. Drinking from a jar is for deliberate buffoons like Sam Hyde.

>> No.10590555

Only melons drink from jars in the United states

>> No.10590565

>look at this PLEB he probably consumes inferior chicken stock, not like me
you're a fucking hipster
jesus christ that looks disgusting you fucking hipster. you're probably going to reply saying how good it is and how I don't have the patrician taste to appreciate it like you because you're a hipster
you type like a hipster

>> No.10590569

Oh look it's verifiably retarded!

>> No.10590588
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I started drinking from jars because I saw this guy do it and I thought it would be a cool thing to do.

>> No.10590597

People who knowwhat they're doing don't drink from jars like a bunch of rednecks

>> No.10590607

>hipster, hipster, hipster
Unironically admit a hipster stole your squeeze although neither he nor she were based canners, they were pretenders. They probably canned once together when you were at work and then jumped into your bed, lol, and you were left with a few jars of canned tomatoes and a fuckload of debt when she fucked you over.

>> No.10590827

I like this guy as well but think drinking from jars is a bit silly. But if it works, it works

>> No.10590838

Are you really criticizing a literal melons method of staying hydrated? They're like 98% water, know your place

>> No.10590869

>pay $20
>get 12 unbreakable glasses
>pay $20
>get 4 glasses that hold half as much as the mason jars and break in the washing machine despite being rated for it

>> No.10590874
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i unironically drink from this. it keeps all of my beverages frosty cold and doesn't have any condensation. it's a game changer.

>> No.10590890

>buying yetishit

>> No.10590925
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>being this pleb

>> No.10590943

its a style thing, especially among urbanites who want to catch some rural chic

>> No.10591050
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i like putting water in these and keeping them in my fridge
its like 2 or 3 bux for some lemonade and sturdy bottle
stays sealed and fits in my cars cup holders. i probably look like im chugging vodka while driving though

>> No.10591112

>hot liquids
Glass can shatter under rapid thermal cycling. Look at the shitty new Pyrex with the red logo.

>> No.10591134
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Boy. Do not bury the culture before its time. Moonshine stills are still in effect and are just as illegal today as yesteryear.

>> No.10591152

Did a hipster fuck your gf or something?

>> No.10591173


>> No.10591175

You can get permission to operate a still from the feds, but they're still illegal in a fuckton of states.

State governments are often really lame about food and liquor laws. Among other things. Hell I can't even import my favorite beer into this hellhole because I'm one of, I believe 4 states, that does not allow private purchase directly to citizens. It has to be to a liquor store then to a person.

>> No.10591183

stop appropriating southern culture you shitlords

>> No.10591260

can it

>> No.10591267
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I drink out of them because they are pretty big

>> No.10591316

Most of the dumb drinking glasses come from ikea

>> No.10591486

Sam Hyde

>> No.10591778
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hmm...reminds me of Dr. Steel...

>> No.10592251

I'm just poor and want something versitile. Jars are portable containers. When I'm done with my sweet iced tea, I can rinse it out and use it as a shit jar to go nicely with my piss bottles, since I like to make sure they're the nice, old wine bottles with the cork attached. It's very rustic.

>> No.10592465

I can get lucky and find an antique shop around me in rural VA, old people sell them to the place and I can buy a crate of 24 for $12 if they have excess, they're literally the only thing I drink out of because I'm very careful how I spend my shit since I work in a kitchen and put a lot of money towards my music hobby

>> No.10592475

They are the only thing I drink fluids out of.
I even bring my own to establishments that do not use them and insist they fill their wares in my personal glass jar.

>> No.10592529

>Glass can shatter under rapid thermal cycling. Look at the shitty new Pyrex with the red logo

nobody buys new pyrex, you just get old ones from dead grandmas and whatnot.

>> No.10592692

Not surprising they're strict about them.
Strong alcoholics can easily go wrong or when made by a amateur can be dangerously toxic. The danger is especially in the disteibuting of it.

>> No.10592701

Nah, the government just wants to keep you from making shine so they can tax you man.

>> No.10592737
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Cocktails are ready, boys

>> No.10593125

Calm down famtano Bernie lost almost 2 years ago now

>> No.10593129


>> No.10593232

jars are made of glass you fucking idiot

>> No.10593339

No you fucking nitwit. It is a southern tradition. People make their sweet tea in those jars and sip on them during the warm summer days on the porch.

>> No.10594588

Greater amount of liquid at a similar convenient size?

>> No.10594606

if you think about it drinking glasses are just smaller jars.

>> No.10594710

My mom sent me a couple jars of homemade salsa a few months ago, and after I eat all do the salsa in them, I have a jar leftover, so I naturally use it as a glass.

>> No.10594771

>amerimutt thinks the only defining aspect of jars is being a glass open-topped container
>amerimutt doesn't realize that the actual defining feature of a jar is that it is resealable

the absolute STATE

>> No.10594786
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Why do foreigners do this?
Can you not find a web site made by your own people? Are you scared you won't be "cool" if you don't follow American cutlure?

>> No.10594857

Almost nobody dies from methanol these days save hobos or desperates drinking denatured spirits YOUR GOVERNMENT puts methanol in to discourage their drinking. Modern moonshine fatalities are unheard of unless it goes up in flames, which is the real reason why they're "strict on them", it's nothing to do with poison. You could freeze distill shit and poison yourself without the government seriously batting an eye, BECAUSE IT IMPACTS NOBODY ELSE'S LIFE.

>> No.10594939

Dude, it's solely tax revenue. It's easy and safe as hell to distill liquor, but the man wants a big cut. Same with weed, a native plant which you can't grow because it cuts into our alc revenue base.
>a strange alliance has formed between the state owned liquor distributors and evangelicals to prevent the legalisation of marijuana in southern cuckservative loony tunes states.

>> No.10594951

And pickles and peppers and jelly and all kinds of shit. My glass cabinet is full of nothing but jars that used to contain food.

>> No.10594968

They have decent value in several price ranges. You can find anything from cardboard tables to solid wood ones there.

>> No.10596960


I'm not American but at least they're recycling those jars into a sort of all purpose container. Doesn't look classy sure but it's functional.

>> No.10596985

i'm depressed, the jars are clean, and my cups are dirty

>> No.10597116

>the South
w e w