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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 620x413, maggie de block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10588458 No.10588458 [Reply] [Original]

well, I'm Belgian and this is my health minister.


>> No.10588462

is that Thanos' mom

>> No.10588476

>be health minister
>get sick and tired of citizens not listening to your guidelines
>decide to make the ultimate sacrifice and become fat and disgusting enough to scare people into getting healthy

>> No.10588482

Yeah, she's fat, but she's also a medical doctor.
She may not be living healthily but she probably still knows more about it than you, OP.

>> No.10588486

She also probably also fully knows how unhealthy she is but clearly refuses to do anything about it. I wouldn't want someone like that in a position like that.

>> No.10588496

Why? She doesn't pretend being obese is healthy, she's fully aware that it's not. I'll take that over a chubby one who yaps on about "healthy at any size" and has never actually worked in medicine.
My doctor smokes; doesn't make him a bad doctor. Just a human one.

>> No.10588501

at least I know how to not be obese.

>> No.10588521

Im healthy as shit but I still sell meth. Whats your point?

>> No.10588629

Do you like lambic and gueuze?

>> No.10588712

kriek is better

>> No.10588831

How does it feel to be the first nation to develop sentient cottage cheese?

>> No.10589054

ik wou dat bart weer dik was

>> No.10589838

She obviously has a healthy appetite, I'd say that qualifies her perfectly as a health minister. That would still be more competence than our Angela Merkel has for her job as a chancellorette.

>> No.10589841

this. brilliant.

>> No.10589999

Investing in Belgian chocolate right now.

>> No.10590030

How many nutritionists did she eat to get her qualifications?

>> No.10590048

what if she has a slow metabolism

>> No.10590062

A lot of medical doctors don't know shit about nutrition. They just know what medicine to give you for your illness. True story.

>> No.10590171

Then she should know how to treat it.

>> No.10591403

Maybe she realized beeing fat made her look asian so now she gets fried shrimp discounts and extra sauce at PF chang. No reason to change.

>> No.10591444

how come so many mayonnaise-americans look like literal chinks

>> No.10591458

thigg would fug

>> No.10591502

All that fat has to go somewhere and it starts getting in the way of their eyes

>> No.10591573

Did she eat the previous health minister?

>> No.10591674

Who better to learn from than someone who did all the wrong things to get THAT unhealthy

>> No.10591683

>Belgian health minister
>why do Americans
Are you 'avin a bit of a giggle mate?

Just to gain her power.

>> No.10591704
File: 1.86 MB, 228x170, worry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw starting to get fat
>went from skelly who ate once a day to eating 5+ full meals a day

>> No.10591706

i guess you accidentally clicked here instead of reddit

>> No.10591707

are you at least lifting? i wish I could eat like that

>> No.10591710

No, too anxious to gym.

>> No.10591723

this. it's not like a football coach has to be an awesome quarterback

>> No.10591741

shes not stopping you from shopping low fat organic stuff

>> No.10591753
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>low fat

>> No.10591762

Jesus christ man, do you live in the 90s?
Organic is not going to help you fucking lose weight or be healthier, it will only help lighten your wallet

and "low fat" that dumb fad was a big contributor to us getting so much fatter in the 90s, calories are what matter, calories from fat are just a small part of the picture, eliminating fat and replacing it with even more calories from carbs is counter productive

>> No.10592782

Get some free weights online relatively cheap and do it at home. I have the same problem.

>> No.10592835
File: 16 KB, 1024x577, 1525802819016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw skelly who eats 5 meals a day and don't gain weight

>> No.10592866

>she's a doctor
Maybe she should take some of her own medicine

>> No.10592873

you probably have cancer

>> No.10592891


>> No.10592927

Is she the only doctor in the country? They could have just as easily found another person with the same qualifications that wasn't a lard ass.

>> No.10592975
File: 94 KB, 550x550, ragu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who cares if she is qualified for the job or not? I don't like fat people and they shouldn't have the same rights as normal people.

>> No.10592992
File: 77 KB, 640x609, Hewitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat isn't the problem. You can overeat a little until getting "overweight". When you GORGE until the fat covers your eyes and your head looks like a bowling ball that's a mental disorder and you shouldn't be a political leader.

Pic related. While not officially in government this person runs high end hotels in Bonglandia and requires three chars to sit down. This level of morbid obesity cuts off blood supply to the brain and changes the temperature of it and other vital organs, they are not in a right state of mind. Morbid obesity should be treated as a mental illness and why the hell I see so many of them in places of government, corporate, and religious power is beyond me. Maybe it's because their child-like addict minds are easy to control.

>> No.10592995

>they shouldn't have the same rights as normal people
Just try and take our rights faggot. We'll gang up against you whenever we see you in public and squash you like a cockroach. Protip: guns wont help you, fat people can shoot too.

>> No.10592996
File: 101 KB, 640x883, tmp_31974-15258597170681297333700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she doesn't have the willpower to fix herself, how would she have the willpower to fix other people? P.S. most doctors are just apathetic pill pushers

>> No.10592997

>this person runs high end hotels in Bonglandia and requires three chars to sit down. This level of morbid obesity cuts off blood supply to the brain and changes the temperature of it and other vital organs, they are not in a right state of mind.
Yeah, that must be the reason why he probably earns a couple million pounds a year and dines with the Queen, retard

>> No.10593001
File: 167 KB, 561x616, Hah judged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god you're four times the target and can't get your fingers into the trigger guard.

I'm not going to vote for stripping rights of fat people, well maybe mentally handy-capped people from holding office, but seriously dude? Also not /ck/ related unless you're threatening to get on a little rascal and eat us.

I really liked Japan's fat-tax idea, but with added exemptions. If there's a reason you're overweight fine, but if you're obese for no reason enjoy your tax hike. This would add to our tax pool and likely decrease obesity rates as people are greedy and both individuals and companies like their money.

>> No.10593216

Why are you on here, young lady?

>> No.10593290

In awe at the size of this lad. Absolute unit.

>> No.10593294

>a couple million pounds a year
sounds about right dude

>> No.10593473

This. I'd want me health minister to be a fucking triple doctorate with abs that lifts 3x a day.

>> No.10593479

This. I'd want me health minister to be a fucking triple doctorate with abs that lifts 3x a day.
I've always been amazed that govts don't try harder to get the best people for the jobs.
Chief engineer for the govt should be the best fucking engineer in the country.
Head of the Education dept should be a dude with 30-40 years experience running schools plus multiple doctorates in education.
Transport minister should be a dude with a doctorate in civil engineering and 2-3 decades of experience planning roads and transport systems.
Instead every position is just some fat fucking lawyer or jew.

>> No.10593488

I think it's adorable that you believe engineering and being chief engineer is the same job.

>> No.10593518


>> No.10593521

>dissing Maggie "The Blob Block" De Block

>> No.10593539

Sorry kid, that's not how the world works.
Government jobs don't pay anywhere near as well as the private sector which is where all the best qualified people will go.

>> No.10593552

rudd ... easy on the sauce bottle

>> No.10593554

>A health minister should look like a greek goddess with rock hard abs and flowing blonde hair

Get real dude. Also the fact that there is a war on qualifications right now means that if she played that card, she got her position scott free, but I don't think that has hit Belgium yet.

>> No.10593575
File: 74 KB, 587x884, B6F17FA9-7B29-4051-9F33-25D535EB5EF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweden's health minister

>> No.10593592

>Poor people are disproportionately fat
>Largely because a.) bad food/nutrition education in the school system, b.) high calorie/poor nutrition foods are cheap and packed full of things like fats and sugars that we are biologically inclined to desire, c.) fresh vegetables, fruits, unprocessed meat can run expensive if you're not economical with them and point A means a lot of people largely don't know what to do with them anyway
>Wants to tax fat, poor people and thinks that'll solve the obesity crisis

I'd say I'm glad people like you aren't in Government, but sadly they are the world over. Reactionary, unscientific, blame-the-victim-not-the-cause, knee-jerk bullshit.

>> No.10593607
File: 371 KB, 1922x912, 1526123577224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumb fuck.

>> No.10593615
File: 51 KB, 1050x1050, jambon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Belgium is world capital of political bullshit
>OP manages to bitch about one of the few Belgian politicals with actual qualifications and self awareness.

>> No.10593670

Those who can't do teach.
Those who can't teach become politicians.

>> No.10593674

What do you do?

>> No.10593692

But it’s not wrong. Go sit in front of any supermarket and a McDonald’s any given 1-5 of the month and report back what you observed...

>> No.10593712

Wife and most of my friends are physicians and most are dumb as fuck, alcoholics or druggies. They seriously google half of the stuff that they use for prescribing and doing procedures. I wouldn't put a physicians intelligence of that of a garbage man

>> No.10593768

Belgian here
every politician in this country is a joke
everybody eats shit
she stopped me from studying medicine
I've read that she studied medicine but never worked as a doctor. You can study legal medicine or something like that.
she's obviously minister for money reasons or because of her relations
stop eating carbs and get skinny

>> No.10593779

and btw she has a health condition that makes her ultra fat, it's not about bad habits

>> No.10593816

Based absolute unit poster

>> No.10593821

“De Block was born in Merchtem. She studied medicine at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) after which she became a general practitioner for 25 years.”

Apparently they are shitty news reports in Belgium too.

>> No.10593822

Belgian fat tax when?!?

>> No.10593843

if the health condition is eating cheeseburgers all day I'm ok with you

>> No.10593895

>she stopped me from studying medicine
Brainlet can't pass the entrance exam

>> No.10593927

A single baby carrot and an 8oz glass of water isn't a meal, Mr. Hungry Skeleton.

>> No.10594548

tfw the lard almost blocks her eyes

>> No.10594602

is this a real picture

>> No.10594607

Where is his government mandated blacked video?

>> No.10594764

The fact that she's still alive while looking like this is convincing enough

>> No.10594765

Gvd Bartje Kanker

>> No.10594892

Ik kom klaar in uw fruitsap

>> No.10594904

Showed this shit to my dad and he said it looks like cake dough before going to the oven.

>> No.10594925

beautiful woman, but needs more ham in her hams

>> No.10595070

What a champ. Truly the hero we deserve.

>> No.10595418


>> No.10595986

I'm Swis.
I watched Howl's Moving Castle in Romandy (so in dubbed in French) some years ago and it seemed to me that the fat-beyond-all-reason Witch of the Wastes had a Walloon accent. She strongly resembles your health minister, though I'd guess Maggie, being Flemish, is Dutch-speaking rather than French.

>> No.10595987

Damned phone and its phantom character-deletions.

>> No.10596012
File: 31 KB, 225x350, 64074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The resemblance is uncanny.

>> No.10596263

I don't eat carrots fleshbag

>> No.10596271

imagine the smell

>> No.10596287

We moeten het bestaan van ons volk en een toekomst voor Vlaamse kinderen veiligstellen

>> No.10596308

If I give you my email, will you send me imaged of your erect penis?

>> No.10596551

Cheesa miso la kasa han solo hohohoho

>> No.10596610
File: 61 KB, 500x424, 1521512753079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10596630

I had to finish an other degree so I had no time to study for september
+ this exam fucks with smartasses since they ask questions about subjective themes like empathy, communication, ethics etc.

>> No.10596641

Because politicians should practice what they preach.

It's like the president of Israel saying America shouldn't build a wall as he makes his own wall 100 meters taller.

>> No.10596655

>Doesn't know how to not be fat

I dunno, if this heifer were my minister of health put very little faith into any of her decisions

>> No.10596667
File: 29 KB, 650x366, a929c38a-6dc8-4587-8f88-6b213d87be62_ORIGINAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quebeckistan here.
Here's ours, also a doctor.

>> No.10596704

Isn't this like giving a pyromaniac a firefighter position because he has experience with fire?

>> No.10598307

I passed it without opening a single book back when it was supposedly harder.
It is literally just high school math, physics, chemistry and biology

>> No.10598679

I bet you'd be fine hiring an accountant who couldn't manage his finances because he was too lazy.

>> No.10598792

She looks very healthy
>for a hutt

>> No.10598816
File: 1.66 MB, 1085x1217, lelelel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has to be shopped. lmao.

>> No.10598820

You're aware that former black-hat hackers frequently get government and private information security jobs because they have the most experience with exploiting security systems, right?

>> No.10598839

so you're saying medicine doesn't work

>> No.10598847

is she smiling or taking a shit i can't tell
it is a she isn't it?

>> No.10598867

how the fuck is she still alive and about

>> No.10598882

>with rock hard ass

>> No.10598888
File: 29 KB, 400x600, 1491374441037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry

>> No.10599100


why do Olympic athletes listen to their old fat coaches?