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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10588382 No.10588382 [Reply] [Original]

Should I get fast food today
What should I get

>> No.10588384

I get banned for posting it, but I have the McDonalds 100 items list.
I'd suggest 17, Steak, Egg, and Cheese Bagel (breakfast only). It comes with a garlic sauce and grilled onions.

>> No.10588393

>Should I get fast food today
No. Get bacon and eggs (you do have bacon and eggs, right?). Fry up the bacon, then eggs in the bacon grease. Takes less time and effort than getting dressed, driving, ordering, waiting, at the nearest fast food gloryhole, and it tastes better.

>> No.10588436

I make bacon and eggs everyday

>> No.10588443

Eat banana and honey coconut oats kind bars

>> No.10588446

Why would you get dressed to buy fast food? Just maybe fuck with your hair a bit and go in your pajamas. You aren’t getting out of the car

>> No.10588448

a) I'm not disgusing slob who leaves the house in their PJs
b) I'm not some kind of slimy turd who eats in there car
c) Who the fuck wants their food to get soggy on the drive home? Eat in the restaurant. That's what its for.

>> No.10588453

The food has been soggy and sitting there since before you ordered it. That's how it's fast
eating indoors after they changed the brown setting is just sad, you'll look on your phone, the old people won't acknowledge you.

>> No.10588460

The individual ingredients have been sitting, sure. But it hasn't been assembled yet. That means the juices from the wet ingredients haven't yet soaked into the drier ingredients. But there's plenty of time for that to happen on the drive home.

>>youll look on your phone
Say what now? I leave my phone in the car. I don't play with toys while I'm eating.

>> No.10588472

It’s a 3 minute drive though
Why would you care what random people you will never interact with again think of you by seeing you in pjs

>> No.10588473

No I meant, they do have "waiting trays', if you don't order it special it's been sitting under a heating lamp soaking in the juices. It's fine if you order a weird plain hamburger with nothing on it, but the regular order hamburgers with ketchup, mustard, onions, and pickles has been sitting there. Or the god damn guy who orders a sausage mcmuffin with no egg

>> No.10588484

It's basic decorum, bro. Like saying "thank you", "excuse me", etc.

I never order the standard menu.

>> No.10588489

I’m always really polite to people. But if I’m just going through the drive through I dont see a point in changing. They can’t even see my pants or anything

>> No.10588491
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No. You have two choices and you're losing the battle currently by even thinking about going.
Are you that fat fucking slob that eats McDonalds? Having that bag in your car/fridge/stomach is the ultimate shame on yourself. You're posting on a mogoloidian cooking forum right now about whether you should go get a pile of slop made 6 hours ago by teenagers and niggers. If that doesn't make you feel like a piece of shit than you deserve to eat garbage, you ugly, stupid faggot.

>> No.10588502

I don’t feel bad about it. I’m really skinny because I eat maybe 1600 calories everyday, so if I feel like t I eat shitty fast food on the weekends. It’s nice.

>> No.10588517

Post body

>> No.10588569
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I don’t have the courage for that

>> No.10588643

get 2 or 3 hot n spicys, way better than filet-o-fish

>> No.10590406

I would avoid fastfood if you can help it.

>> No.10590414

this board is so fucking bad