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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10579423 No.10579423 [Reply] [Original]

Should the government stop subsidizing foods, farming, etc.?

>> No.10579497


>> No.10579505


>> No.10579508

muh teh gubbmint is evulz!! XD
die leftist

>> No.10579513


>> No.10579520

but leftists are the ones advocating for a planned economy, welfare, public healthcare and generally higher levels of government control

>> No.10579534


>> No.10579549
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Fucking hillbilly fuck. You're the reason people think right wing is all dumb fucks and red necks.

>> No.10579556

If they could stop subsidizing grains, that would be great. Grocery stores are like 90% repackaged grains. It's disgusting.

>> No.10579867

Yes, stop subsidising corn to kill HFCS and abolish sugar tariffs, free market for the win.

>> No.10580793

The bait is too obvious, try a more subtle approach in future. 4/10, still got some replies, but if we weren't so infested by /pol/redditors and shills, you wouldn't get away with it. It works because there are now unironically people this stupid here.

>> No.10580820

No I like to eat

>> No.10581484

>durr it's only okay when republitards do it!
I remember the fucking clawing and screeching for all 8 fucking years of obama, that he was satan, that he was the NWO, that he was coming to take the guns away, that blue helmets were going to round everyone up into fucking FEMA camps

>> No.10581491

No. Literally the reason governments exist in the first place is to try and keep a stable food supply.

>> No.10581495

Businesses shouldn't get handouts.

>> No.10581770

No but there should be less emphasis on large factory scale farms and more benefits for small family farms farms and more diverse crops.

But the situation is probably more complex than that and there is I'm sure a considerable amount of bureaucracy involved which causes all kinds of problems.

>> No.10581782


This is the kind of sensible response that gets my dick hard

>> No.10581882

Next question.

>> No.10583414

>all these

>> No.10583816

yeah they subsidize monsanto mega farms and run smaller farms out of business. part of the jews plan to control our diet causing things like autism and cancer. support local farmers folks, its the only way we can beat them.

>> No.10583823
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Stop being poor, then.

>> No.10583926

yes. stop subsidizing meat. Why should a vegan like myself pay for your hamburgers? fuck off

>> No.10583939

So we can introduce massive inefficiencies to the supply chain?

>> No.10583942

this would be perfect if it had someone T posing

>> No.10583988

>it's more effecient to use massive quantities of petroleum to manufacture the chemicals, produce and ship the food and scorch the earth turning the planet into a toxic waste dump than produce vegetables, animals and fruits sustainably
Sure thing, monsanto/dow idf!

>> No.10584016

There's nothing wrong with the EU paying out 57 billion annually to support small farms that on average produce less than 10k a year in revenue. And we banned synthetic fertilizer, billions would starve. Truly a leftist dream.

>> No.10584052

Entirely? Probably not, but they should be reduced. Good luck on any welfare reform ever though. Once you give it away for free, you can never take it back. The left uses this to buy votes, and demonize anyone who would have the audacity to think that maybe people are leeching too much off their fellow citizens.

>> No.10584062

Someone gets it

>> No.10584385

>There's nothing wrong with the EU paying out 57 billion annually to support small farms that on average produce less than 10k a year in revenue. And we banned synthetic fertilizer, billions would starve.
Source for any of that gibberish? Oh, right monsanto/dow websites
>eliminate the oversight capabilities of the EPA, USDA and FDA to reign in the wholesale, systematic destruction of the earth by megacorporations without consequences. Trully the dream of the right.

>> No.10584396

The reason that the government subsidized farming is to promote production without causing a price war. It allows food to be plentiful and cheap without farmers going out of business en mass like in the late 1800s. So long as agricultural advance can keep up with demand this system is sustanible.

>> No.10584417

Why are there so many female posters during the day?

>> No.10584462

>I can’t back up my claims with evidence! Quick, call my opponent a girl!

>> No.10584520

You're not denying it, so that's just one more example of me being right.

>> No.10585394

Lmao stfu nerd

>> No.10585528

If that person was or wasn't a girl, it woudln't matter because you got singlehandedly destroyed, faggot. Accept it.

>> No.10585860


Small local farms are important and make communities better places in ways that cannot be quantified in terms of dollars. Where I live, farms are being replaced with housing developments every year. It's turning what used to be a nice place to live into another cookie-cutter crowded suburb.
Choosing policy based on what is the most efficient in terms of gdp growth or whatever makes for a shitty society to live in.

>> No.10586933
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The government should nationalize the soda industry and then eliminate it whole.

>> No.10587010

Not if they care about self-sufficiency. Farms in many industrial countries are consolidated into huge estates because running costs are so high and margins are so small. The food retail industry pays pennies on the dollar for food. Without subsidy, food needs to be imported, making supply vulnerable and untenable.

>> No.10587120

how did I get destroyed, again?

>> No.10587154


>> No.10587184

It's such a complex situation, the government has their fingers in too many things to just stop subsidizing something and hoping it balances out. I think they have their claws in so much shit right now, anything anyone does to move money from one sector to another is going to piss someone off.

But fucking with food...boy, you're asking for immediate trouble.