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10576686 No.10576686 [Reply] [Original]

I want to give this a try for there next couple weeks. Is there anything but water you can consume during your fasting period? Is black coffee fine since it contains 0 calories? Would bone broth and other caloric drinks be enough to ruin the fast?

>> No.10576720

If your goal is just to lose weight I would say yes, you can consume drinks with 0 calories, also minimal caloric intake is ok during the fasting period. I myself would eat chopped raw ginger and garlic downed with a vinegar and herb mixture. I lost 30 pounds in a month by intermittent fasting around 2 days between large intakes of vegetables and fish.

>> No.10576784

I was never overweight or anything. I did go ketogenic a while back and slimmed up more so losing more weight is not my priority unless I want to go /fit/. I am looking for a lifestyle change mostly. Cutting out most carbs really made me feel better and several people have told me intermittent fasting goes hand-in-hand with keto.

>> No.10576792

>intermittent fasting
"Today I will eat less calories but more protein and veg overall, encouraging my body to burn fat"
"I will eat nothing but butter, meat and veg for a month, get flu-like symptoms and suffer liver damage"

>> No.10576814

I see, well James Clear, who I learned about intermittent fasting from, says

>As for having coffee or tea during your fast — you should be just fine. As a general rule of thumb, if you drink something with less than 50 calories, then your body will remain in the fasted state. So, your coffee with a splash of milk or cream is just fine. Tea should be no problem either.

>In general, I think it's a great idea to drink while fasting. Personally, I don't drink coffee, but I do guzzle an incredible amount of water each day. Regardless of what you pour down, make sure you stay hydrated.


>> No.10576862

>"Today I will eat less calories but more protein and veg overall, encouraging my body to burn fat"
Intermittent fasting has nothing to do with calories and everything to do with timing your meals. Eating mostly protein and vegetables is a great diet for older women, certainly not substantial enough for an active younger man.
>"I will eat nothing but butter, meat and veg for a month, get flu-like symptoms and suffer liver damage"
Keto flu is your body withdrawing from its glucose addiction. It lasts up to 2 weeks and that's it. Long-term excessive intake of carbohydrates (especially sugar) will cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and diabetes. If you are active, a keto diet doesn't even have to exclude all carbs anyway. Meat and butter don't even comprise half my fat and protein intake so please strawman elsewhere.

>> No.10578197
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go read martin berkhan's blog.

>> No.10579121

I lost a fast 15lbs fasting 16 hours daily I still kept my morning coffee so yeah I think your fine. You really wanna avoid sugar in the fast period that mean the lactose in milk too so black coffee only.

>> No.10579167

So do you eat for 8 straight hours a day?

>> No.10579174

You have your usual meals within those 8 hours.

>> No.10579207

>I lost a fast 15lbs fasting 16 hours daily
how many days?

>> No.10579234

No, a small meal would fill me up at first, shrunken starved stomach I guess, then after a normal or large dinner.

I was pretty bad keeping track but I wanna say 40-60 days. I platued though and am incorporating exercise and greater alcohol cutbacks.

>> No.10579822

I have psoriasis really bad and when i got a toothache i was unable to eat much for a couple of days. I lost a bit of weight and my psoriasis cleared.

I would try doing this again but im already a skele and if anything i want to gain weight.

>> No.10580316

Eat more, just in the same 8-hour window every day. Also eat few carbs.

>> No.10580363

I've been loosely fasting for the past couple of weeks.

Do I have to eat in the same fasting window every day? What's the difference between eating set meals spread across the day as opposed to the same meal in the fasting window?

>> No.10580642

You don't really have to as long as you're in a 12+ hour fasting cycle every day. I don't have evidence for it but my intuition and personal experience says I am better of following a schedule. Eating has become like sleep to me. I like to do it in The same timeframe every day and some days I want more or less than I do on other days.

>> No.10581793

Today was my 15th and final day of my fast. All I drank was herbal teas and water. Ask me anything!

>> No.10581807

>glucose addiction
I venture to say that you don't know what either of those words mean

>> No.10581810

if you want to be a die hard faster, only water. Black/coffee tea still require some stuff to be metabolized by your body so it breaks your fast to some degree but it doesn't trigger an insulin response so you still get most of the benefits

I did 12-7 for the longest time. IF is great once you do it for a week

>> No.10582900

Been doing OMAD for a month now, lost 22 pounds. I do want to lose weight faster but I can't resist eating till I'm bloated.