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File: 187 KB, 940x500, beersUSA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10573715 No.10573715 [Reply] [Original]

Defend this.

>> No.10573716

that's a lot of light beer

>> No.10573731

Heineken is a surprise. It's nothing special, but it's miles ahead of all the others on this list.

>> No.10573741

Looks like the one from 2013

>> No.10573746

Nothing to defend. Americans like domestic beer. Cheap 30 pk is great for porch pounding on a hot summers day or after work. The price is right and sales show that. If you don't like it then don't buy it. I drink fancier beers and craft IPAs on occasion but I'm not trying to get drunk when I'm working outside and want a few beers either. I like the light crisp carbonation. I'm a Miller light or Busch light guy myself. No pretentious BS. I like it, not worried what other people think, and I'll continue to buy it. I've never had anyone turn down either of these beers when offered one. If they don't want it then fine, I'll drink it. It's fine by me.

>> No.10573761

Honestly that's close to the list I would've guessed up except I wouldn't have specified the flavor of the 'Rita piss.

>> No.10573765

It's 7 to 8 bux where I live. The more a place sells the fresher and cheaper it gets. They have some autistic tracking system which seems to work well.

>> No.10573766

*for 6

>> No.10573769
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>> No.10573773
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>Cheap, drinkable swill thats available in every single gas station and liquor store across the US sells more than the $12/6pack of your favorite literally who craft brewery
Yeah its a real mystery

>> No.10573783

Cheap and tasteless. A crowd pleaser.

>> No.10573786

That reminds me; it's almost mother's day.

>> No.10573797

For what it is modelo negra isn't bad at all.

>> No.10573810

There are more lower class people than there are smart people, so it's not surprising that the most popular stuff is trash. If you ignore the bad and just look for good stuff, there's plenty to be had.

>> No.10573823

Miller is good

>> No.10573895

wow, surprising that the large brands are most popular.
the only thing that's weird is all the light beers, anyone know why?

>> No.10573906


>> No.10573908

Tastes great and is less filling

>> No.10573912

the only unforgivable thing is how low yuengling is considering it's the best beer on the list

>> No.10573917

really now?
i tried 2 light beers when i were in NYC, both tasted awful. i think they were coors light and miller light.
then again, taste is subjective

>> No.10573920

people drink them to get drunk, not for the flavor

>> No.10574034

They're all cheap. I can buy a 12 pack of these for the same price or lower as a 6 pack of actually good beer.

>> No.10574038

>the only thing that's weird is all the light beers, anyone know why?

people generally buy love ABV beers for parties. You want social lubrication, not a drunken clown show.

>> No.10574040

>snuck in a malt liquor drink on a list of beers
You little rascal

>> No.10574047

modelo is pretty fuckin good

I like tecates though. Pronounced "tea-kates" because I don't want to sully my tongue with beanspeak.

>> No.10574051
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Rolling rock is my summer go to but this local shit is kino pool drinking

>> No.10574083

natty or bud ice?

>> No.10574093

We haven't wiped upstate NY off the map yet.

>> No.10574126

So then buy a smaller amount of good quality beer.

>> No.10574168


>> No.10574175

bong here, what the hell is modelo especial? Is that what your swarthy friends from the south drink or something?

>> No.10574177

>la atrocidad de la encrucijada 50%

>> No.10574186

pabst is probably the best beer on that list

>> No.10574196

There all college beers and are dirt cheap

>> No.10574201

I think so, my only experience is my swarthy friends from the south drinking it at 1 am in a 24/7 market.

>> No.10574204

It's a beer styled to look like a pack of cigarettes. Mecican beers are good.

tecate > modelo > dos equis > pacifico > corona > sol

>> No.10574207

miler hi lfe is extremely good

also all consumption is conspicuous and bourgeois

>> No.10574209
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>> No.10574242

>dirt cheap

even bud light is over $1 a bottle these days

>> No.10574253

$18 for a 24 pack isn't bad and if you want cheaper you can get a 12 pack of rolling rock for $8

>> No.10574266

Busch light is 17 and Miller lite is 23 on sale 25 regular price for a 30 pack where I am. Texas

>> No.10574290

>a beer that's only sold in part of the country is less popular than beers that are sold in the entire country
really jogs the nog

>> No.10574298

Number 19 is better that green bottles, any day.

>> No.10574347

You can get a 24 pack of light beer for like $5 and chug them fast enough to get hammered if you really wanted to. I don't recall too many people getting drunk from just light beer, though. There's usually liquor in the mix.

>> No.10574353

Average people like cheap stuff

>> No.10574378

Wow. I knew my country had awful taste in beer but never knew just how bad.

>> No.10574389
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>> No.10574397

Americans drink with their wallets not their mouths. There's a lot of overlap between this chart and a chart of the 20 cheapest beers in America.

>> No.10574416

>You can get a 24 pack of light beer for like $5
even non-alcoholic shit is around $10 for an 18 pack here. Best you can get for under $5 is 4 tallboys

>> No.10574457
File: 125 KB, 556x702, gZmiT19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a lot of overlap between this chart and a chart of the 20 cheapest beers in America.

not even close

>> No.10574465

It's largely due to the fact when looking at total volume an alcoholic drinking a 12-pk of cheap piss swill every day is going to wipe out 42 people who drink a 6-pack a week spread over three different obscure craft beers.

>> No.10574486

At this point, if we have to steer it back in the direction of cheap beer to stop the obnoxious IPA craze, then so be it.

>> No.10574500
File: 100 KB, 742x751, Wonkblog alcohol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then so be it.

>> No.10576359

Someone please tell me how #20 is a beer

>> No.10576416
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#9 reporting in

>> No.10577040

if you look up the top 20 from 2017, sierra nevada has replaced the strawberrita
fucking IPA fags

>> No.10577093

Okay: The most popular things are almost always the most plebeian, in literally any arena you look at.

Is there a similar chart for Europe? Or did nobody care enough about them to ask?

>> No.10577127

number 19 is the only one that I enjoy off of that list
mcdonalds and starbucks are also very popular
we have shit taste

>> No.10577156

>Live west of Indiana and can't get Yuengling at the story


>> No.10577489

Modelo isn't bad.

>> No.10577552

Tempe here

>> No.10577555

There is nothing wrong with 6 of those beers.

>> No.10577559

I unironically like Pacifico.

>> No.10577787

In college natty light was the go to. 15 bucks for a 30 rack. cant beat that if youre just looking to drink beer to get fucked.

>> No.10577819

is it worth getting the imported versions of Heineken or Stella if it's only a few dollars more for a 24 pack? t. australian

>> No.10577828

if it's it cans, yes. the shipping allows the bottles (green) to absorb too much light in all the travel and makes it have that "skunky" taste people don't like
i however like the skunky taste and only buy bottles

>> No.10577872

How are there that many people sober

>> No.10577882
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they find happiness in non-degenerate ways... through friends, God, and occupation

>> No.10577911

there is almost only water on that list

>> No.10577919

they are on food stamps and cant afford alcohol

>> No.10578128

they ship to every state.
local breweries do not.
any other questions?

>> No.10578895
File: 757 KB, 1101x1015, time stop puke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Newcastle Brown Ale

>> No.10578898

It's proof that advertising works and the average person is a consumer zombie

>> No.10578900

Well said my fellow American

>> No.10578902
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, 1525868064796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand people who binge-drink light beer. Like being actual alcoholics for light beer.

>> No.10578909

Non-degenerate? So organized religion?

so lets support a system of lies that has murdered countless humans over the centuries and molested countless children all in the name of the church.

>> No.10578914

They really like urinating

its totally a fetish thing

>> No.10578920

>obnoxious IPA craze

Just because you don't like hipster beer doesn't mean you have to drink overpriced piss

but hey keep telling yourself you're an informed consumer who makes rational decisions that aren't completely dominated by advertising.


>> No.10578925

why are americans such fucking fannys with alcohol

>> No.10578928

Come to Wisconsin.

>> No.10578944

yooper here, wisconsin is a piker

>> No.10578951

You obviously haven't got to jawing on the back porch quantity over quality in this situation every time

>> No.10578962

Are you fucking retarded

>> No.10579196

I'd argue yinzers and pretty much anyone from Boston drink harder than you folk

>> No.10579329

>had to get 3 rows down for anything good like Modelo or Yuengling

>> No.10579672
File: 36 KB, 183x265, pbr-hipdude[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6x330ml pabst for £6 ($8.10) in tescos
>decide to buy it as hpdter kids keep making a fuss about it.

tastes like a non-descript american lager. Tastes like bud.
I could've bought 8x440ml tennents which tastes better.

>fuck i regret buying this beer

>> No.10579676

>dirt cheap beer is popular
Wow. It's almost like there's a correlation.

>> No.10579685

Pabst is warm weather beer you silly bong. It's for drinking by the pool when it's over 90F out.

>> No.10579691

true, shit is horrific

>> No.10579702

I mean, there's decent mexican beer, actually most are drinkable, Corona is literally the only one that's absolutely GROSS, I mean it actually tastes like it's watered down, I bet it's simply some other beer made in the same brewery but watered down.
I could live with burgers drinking american beer, which is like having sex on a canoo. But Corona is going too far. Fucking corporate whores.

>> No.10579730

I'm not british. I'm scottish.

It's cheap, fizzy tasteless shite that's massively over-priced int he UK. We have our own fizzy, cheap tasteless shite that's cheaper

>> No.10579735

>tecate > modelo > dos equis > pacifico > corona > sol
Agree, but Negra Modelo > Indio > what you said.

>> No.10579742

The audacity of those Americans

>> No.10579751
File: 17 KB, 458x458, franziskaner-hefeweizen-cloudy-500ml-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drink this
>never want to drink "regular" beer ever again
I love the fat beer-drinking monk. Good thing I live in Yurop and this stuff tho imported is quite cheap.

>> No.10579760

I honestly really like negra modelo. >>10579751

>> No.10579765

Negra modelo and Indio are my two fav mexican beers. They also make for the absolutely best micheladas.

>> No.10579782

Hell I might pick up a pack of Pabst just to piss off these snobs tonight.

>> No.10579804

These are just lists of most widely available really.

>> No.10579834

>imported beer is more expensive


>> No.10579848
File: 117 KB, 232x232, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bud Lite Lime Straw-Ber-Rita

>> No.10579871


>> No.10579978

The beer of choice for southern bells.

>> No.10580011

>I live less than an hour from the brewery
It's a beautiful thing

>> No.10580015

>Narragansett #10
>Coors Banquet #1
Bretty good

>> No.10580018

My Mexican gf drinks these exclusively

>> No.10580022

Steel Reserve would be #1 then

>> No.10580027
File: 21 KB, 500x500, lebanon-bologna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c-can you send me some meat pls?

>> No.10580030

Move to the superior beer and meat state and you can have it whenever you want

>> No.10580031
File: 26 KB, 600x750, 5eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude this thing helping people lead clean wholesome lives is evil because some muslims died hundred of years ago.

>> No.10580036

You cant have repeat customers if they all die.

>> No.10580037

>drinking 2-4% alcoholic beverages
>to get drunk
I mean sure if you're like a 40 year old soccer mom or on multiple other drugs, sure I could see you getting some sort of decent buzz from it, but I don't think the average person can drink these quick enough to get drunk, I can drink like 24 bud lights and still act and essentially be sober enough around other people, but I'll sure be pissing like nonstop, if youre trying to get drunk, good whiskey or cheap vodka is the way to go

>> No.10580041

Much like the tobacco industry, you learn to grow new ones.

>> No.10580054

Then you're not drinking fast enough.

>> No.10580056

Hell man you can't even get the bologna? feel bad for you, I can get both in Florida. The beer didn't get her till maybe 10 years ago though.

>> No.10580159


>drinking beer to get drunk

I've never understood this. So inefficient, both price wise and in regards to calories.

If you just want a buzz pour a really big screwdriver in a pint glass. It gets you where you want to go and you won't spend the rest of the night pissing everywhere.

>> No.10580234

Stella is trash

>> No.10580534
File: 1.72 MB, 320x240, OW_gqU[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best of a bad bunch 2bh

helps me keep the wife in line and clears out my colon.
A good stella binge is good for the harmony of my digestive tract and good for the harmony of my household.

>stella shits

>> No.10580552

different buzz, newfag.

>> No.10580615


>I'm not British, I'm Scottish

lel, quirk of geography there pal but you're both

>> No.10580639

pacifico is good, and PBR is totally drinkable
Guinness if on tap and poured properly (inb4 marketing myth, fuck off) is good but not special

that said, the absolute state of IPAs, fuck that

give me a proper pilsner any day of the week

>> No.10580671

get tae fuck. ahm scottish.

>> No.10580755

What is a light beer?

>> No.10580760

I'm a Mexican and I can't fucking stand the clear bottled Corona they sell in this shitty country. It takes like piss. In Mexico it's in Amber to protect it from the sun. Do Americans just not care about quality

>> No.10580771

Amerilard here and I was going to include you in my Albion golf trip/drunkfest until I saw how shitty your food is on /ck/ so I'm going Ireland and Wales. Based on my internet experience, I've never met a scot irl, you all seem like jews, tbqh.

>> No.10580794

The fuck is Labatt blue light?

>> No.10580825

Michelob ultra tastes like soap

>> No.10580838

good call. they have it on tap at a few mexican places in town here.

>> No.10580842

I'm curious what other countries top beers are. Living in London for a couple years, I saw a lotta pubs pumping out generic light lagers.

>> No.10580862


>> No.10580898

They sell that here in the states, too, Corona Familiar; the clear bottle stuff is just a different offering from the same company, like the difference between Coke and Diet Coke

>> No.10580900

>that plastic handle of taaka
>that cashed litre of woodridge

>> No.10580913
File: 38 KB, 550x300, teen-drinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gettin' FUCKED UP ON LIGHT BEER... is it already summer?

>> No.10580939

>Do Americans just not care about quality
no, americans actually distrust quality because they are unused to it.
they are a country where quantity is equated with quality.

>> No.10580947

i sincerely doubt "america's most popular beers" is determined through store sales. beer companies make certain their brand is the only one available in certain areas and venues. they likely float their numbers in numerous other ways. i suppose if you believe in infographics you find on the web you've stopped reading by now due to being out of breath.

>> No.10580982

The vast majority of good beer in America is not sold nationally, and most good brewers make 10-20 beers in a year

Its like the poll that says America's "favorite mexican restaurant" is Taco Bell, because literally everyone is familiar with Taco Bell and only a tiny portion of the population has access to any one good Mexican place. Its super misleading

>> No.10581003

what it takes to get fucked up on light beer is to shotgun two beers every 3 mins , you will pee alot, but the beer is only in long enough to absorb the alcohol. i killed a 24 rack in a hour and i was dead

>> No.10581013

me on the left

>> No.10582624

I can't

>> No.10582636

The shit says most popular, retard

Read before you fucking autistically sperg out. Creepy craft beer drinking beard fuck

>Beer ever tastes good, I swear! How refreshing!

>> No.10582641

Light beer doesn't have less alcohol

Wtf is this thread? Idiot hour? Strangely, it's about the time euros wake up...

>> No.10582822

The only thing truly appaling is the Bud Lite Lime, probably the most disgusting drink, alcoholic or otherwise, to ever be concocted. Also what are you gonna do, I'd love to see the popularity across demographics, i.e. people under 35 are probably drinking some more interesting shit as the U.S. collectively awakens and slowly moves away from it's awful processed food coma

>> No.10582835

holy shit I think I know this guy, where did you get this pic?

>> No.10582846

Was this the stuff that tasted overwhelmingly like bananas?

>> No.10582853
File: 546 KB, 480x480, Stone_Mix_Pack_Edition_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My would-be go-to is a pain in the ass, it's the "hop revolver" from this variety pack, shit is god-tier but I've never seen it in a standalone pack

>> No.10582860

It's actually worse than you could possibly imagine, I have no idea how they manage to keep selling them

>> No.10582869

fuck off, reddit and youtube comments sections are more your speed

>> No.10582892
File: 28 KB, 480x357, 18698385_225220934646724_8810263431327445557_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accuses someone making a perfectly reasonable and not yet mentioned point of sperging out

>proceeds to sperg out and strawman making the most retarded, incoherent points imaginable because he's mad people like these he doesn't


>> No.10582905

Oh shit I just realized they constantly switch out the hop used in that beer, woah. That explains all the reviews saying it tastes "skunky" when I remember it tasting lightly bittersweet and fruity, damn. That makes it even more of a pain in the ass

>> No.10584309

ethanol is ethanol retard, doesn't matter what drink it's in.

>> No.10584310

>drinking alcohol

defend this

>> No.10584311

Where's blue moon?

>> No.10584312
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I can't, okay? I fucking can't.

>> No.10584727

it's hard to drink more than two ipas in a row. but i can go all night long with coors light

>> No.10584735

fuck american beer, 40s all day long

>> No.10584757
File: 6 KB, 234x216, ph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drinking beer

>> No.10584800

Anon, what do you think 40s are?

>> No.10584807

Learn the deference between beer and grog.

>> No.10584808

malt liquor.

>> No.10586298

>Brown Ale
wtf? We don't even drink that here in Newcastle. Red Stripe all day.

>> No.10586316

The whole point is the idea of national popularity for beer brand is silly an misleading. Its literally just the best selling beers, something only marginally related to popularity

>> No.10586320

Not him, but since most brewers seem to want to have a dick swinging contest about how much hops that they can throw in their IPA, I see where he's coming from.

>> No.10586323

>most brewers seem to want to have a dick swinging contest about how much hops that they can throw in their IPA
Do you live in 2008 California?

>> No.10586335

This list is likely based on number of sales. If Yunegling was available everywhere it would be much higher ranked. Despite being old as dirt, Yunegling has barely been distributed outside of Pennsylvania and the surrounding states.

>> No.10586347

To be fair, Yuengling is also pretty bad

The real problem with this list is the beer market is incredibly fragmented and as you brought up regional

>> No.10586355

it's somehow better when it's the same thing but in the lone star can.

>> No.10586364

Average people have not very good taste. News at 11.

>> No.10586395

No, I haven't really drank IPA in 2-3 years once I figured out that they actually kind of suck and there are way better beers out there. Maybe they swung away from that trend lately, but it was all the rage even 3-4 years ago.

>> No.10586442

IPAs have been aggressively moving away from over-hoppped west coast style for years. Now the big trend is NEIPA where the idea is to have as little bitterness with as much aroma as possible (and cloudiness). Making IPA as bitter as possible has been out of style outside of California for quite a while now, and even inside California for a few years

>> No.10586479 [DELETED] 

Yankee, go home.

>> No.10586555

This reply is 100% all American and correct if you don't like it fuck off to your third world shitholes.

>> No.10586566

Exactly. If I am out camping or something and know I will be drinking from lunch until after midnight, light domestic is the only option unless I want to be face down by dinner

>> No.10586575


>> No.10586578

bu American you mean poor southerners and norther women

>> No.10586579

people drink cheap watered down shit, no surprise

>> No.10586587

I've found my long-lost brother. I'm in Georgia, bro. I miss you

>> No.10586610

Stay out of our country if you don't like shitty beer. This country was built on this shit.

>> No.10586619

Let's move XX to the front. I like it better than Tecate. Am I gay?

>> No.10586626

No it wasn't. That shit didn't become popular until the 70s

>> No.10586628

So that's why Heini smells like dank marijuana. I've never cared for it but do smoke pot. I prefer XX or Coors OG

>> No.10586724 [DELETED] 

>no tip

>> No.10586867

It's a triumph of marketing

You're not wrong but there are plenty of actual, high-quality beers that aren't extremely heavy to drink. Look at blondes, wheat beers, lagers, pilsners. I get the "light crisp" soda water thing but most of the beers in OP's pic are total shit brewed with rice. But if you're gonna spend an entire day drinking beer like a degenerate, I guess the cheapest, lightest option is the best one

>> No.10586874

That is one depressing picture

>> No.10586881

Let's be honest here, the main religion for murder and molestation is pisslam, which the people in his pic probably all loathe.

>> No.10586896

>Tastes great and is less filling
t. shill

>> No.10586983

Nice, I’m in the top decile! It’s like the rest of you aren’t even trying

>> No.10587035

someone actually sat down for an extended period of time and drew custom beer bottles for that infographic. impressive.

>> No.10587049

>Natty Ice and Light that high up
Shit, America is more poor than I thought

>> No.10587052
File: 511 KB, 596x429, Screenshot-2018-5-11 Wacky Delly (Uncensored English Version) - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yuengling that low

>> No.10587181

You ever been to Taste of Tops? The bar attached to Tops Liquor?

>> No.10587374

Its not on this list anywhere, but my go to normal beer is Leinenkugels. Simply because I liked each of their beers as I tried them.

>> No.10587426

It would be higher, but it hasn't even reached many of the flyover states yet.

>> No.10587869

Stone IPA is about $1 per can at Costco. I would much rather drink half as many of those as shitty macro lagers for $0.50/can. Makes it easier for me to space out the beer with water too if I don't want to get smashed.

>> No.10587874
File: 17 KB, 640x372, 5FMV3Zp_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't even buy it where 2/3 of the country lives, it's impressive it's even on the list

>> No.10587879

based ameritrips

>> No.10587892

Wtf is with the light beers? Less calories? Low alcohol ? Small package ?

In my country you have normal beer and heavy beers.

Also non alcoholic beers but 99 percent of the people think that's for fags.

>> No.10587911

Low alcohol, low flavor, low cost

>> No.10587980

Mexican black beer
is pretty good

>> No.10588770

Basically they marketed the shit out of them starting in the 80s, so old people, rednecks and women buy them. They are great for the companies because they are mostly just water and super cheap to make.

Keep in mind though that super weak cheap beers are common in other places too. Guinness though not marketed as such is just as light in alcohol an calories as the American style light lagers, and traditional English bitter is usually even lighter since England has a tax code that favors low alcohol beers. I was really surprised when I went to England and saw what a large percent of the available beers were <4% ABV

>> No.10588779

>Light beer doesn't have less alcohol
yes it does

>> No.10588784

Tecate is the worst, but I still drink it. Mexican beer is mostly a meme and it's supposed to just taste like the salt and limes you use to mask the actual taste of the beer.

>> No.10588787

>what are alcoholics?

>> No.10588807

sadly they aren't cheaper there's just less alcohol because of tax, i can't remember seeing any <4% but 4% seems to be most common now, a few years ago they were all 4.5% and before that 4.5 - 5.5%
fuck the tax man its the same with spirits good look finding a spirit more than 37.5% in a supermarket

>> No.10588812

Light beer = less calories
calories in beer = alcohol

>> No.10588817

>Wtf is this thread? Idiot hour?
yes, even more so than you know

>> No.10588819

>$15 for a 30 pk

Man. How lucky. You'd pay like $45 minimum for a 30 pk of even the cheapest shit here in Canada.

>> No.10589241

Not a beer guy really. Most of them taste like piss or are just "okay".

Funny enough I do enjoy Rolling Rock which apparently is a shitty cheap beer so I got lucky there I guess.

Sapporo is really good too, but that's probably just because I have a lot of asian friends.

>> No.10589327

I love seeing sensible posts on 4chan.