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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10572275 No.10572275 [Reply] [Original]

is there any way to get food for free?

>> No.10572289
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>> No.10572288

Soup Kitchens, Food Pantries, Shelters etc. They in turn provide that food to the individuals that need it.

>> No.10572299

Go to a 24 hour Wal Mart a couple towns over, at like 2-5 AM, when the only people there are stockers and 1 or 2 cashiers.

Load up your cart with whatever. Go to self checkout and bag it all up like you're going to pay for it. But here's the Shyamalan twist--you don't pay. You just grab the bags and get the fuck out of there, never to return to that particular Wal Mart again.

Hey, I didn't say it would be guilt-free.

>> No.10572307
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>> No.10572317

Sure. If you're in the US, you apply for SNAP (food stamps). In this country, food is a right (but shelter isn't, go figure). You can't buy hot food with it, but as long as you have access to fire you can rectify that.

>> No.10572324

all the walmarts around here have the self checkouts turned off after 11PM

>> No.10572328

fre frozen pizzas

>> No.10572332

I guess too many people in your area have done the ole self-checkout switcheroo.

>> No.10572360

In beautiful Meth City of Flyover County no one pays

>> No.10572367

what kind of dumb fucking question is this
yes you retard, go into a store and steal what you need

>> No.10572373
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But you don't need to eat if you can just smoke more meth.

>> No.10572379

This is one of the horrifying things.

It's very hard to get assistance finding a job or shelter, but you can get a very reasonable amount of food almost no questions asked. It varies based on where you live to. The biggest issue is getting to and from work. You're almost required to own and operate a vehicle and be available for all shifts at minimum wage in the bible-belt. Should something happen to you, should you fall into debt, you can get stuck there.

>> No.10572381

Theft and/or murder.

>> No.10572433

suck my dick and i'll give you one french fry

>> No.10572439

you guys aren't being very helpful

>> No.10572494

This plus churches. You can sometimes get lucky with craigslist and people will offer up some free food they no longer want (you can also make a post begging and sometimes people will let you have crap from their pantry).

Costco and Trader Joe's have free samples, if that counts.

>> No.10572565

Walk into any food place anywhere, film yourself with a selfie stick and say your filming yourself doing a charity challenge, you're not allowed to pay for food for a week. Wa la free food and fucking loads of it.

>> No.10572594

I'd be more inclined to give it to an actual beggar who just outright told me he needed food. I'd tell the asshole with the selfie stick to go fuck himself.

>> No.10572597

Go to a local church they often have food pantries for those that need it

>> No.10572598

But its for charity

>> No.10572602

I just learned that pizza place is 9 miles from me.

>> No.10572637

Then he can ask for a charitable donation like a fucking adult.

>> No.10572689

self check out is a wondrous thing for people like me that just wanna get a few tbings and get the fuck out but no poor people got to ruin everything why cant you people just follow the rules you are worse then the guy thay waits till the last possible second to merge halfway causing car crashes i hope u die soon.

>> No.10572697

Ugly girl

>> No.10572857

Merging at These Last possible Second is what you are supossed to do.
Dumb Americans.

>> No.10572893

dumpster diving

>> No.10572896

Order food. When it arrives, start shouting that this is not what you ordered and how dare they disrespect you where is the manager you're calling the President he'll tell you what's what. Then they apologize and bring a free meal.

>> No.10572903

Visit grandmother

>> No.10572987

ugly you

>> No.10573154

work in catering
i get so much food i can't eat it all

>> No.10573255

t. twitchfag beta orbiter

just dine and dash you dumb nigger

>> No.10573259

make sandwiches out of it

>> No.10573290

working in food industry or anything that has to do with food
it's the same for everything
want meds? work in a hospital
want clothing? work there
want pussy? work in pussy
eazy win eazy life

>> No.10573321

I'm enrolled to write reviews for restaurants that I get paid to visit, if that's considered "free".

Basically I'm a mystery diner.

>> No.10574880

How has no one said dumpster diving?
Go to the bins of a large supermarket, look for stuff that is packaged and almost within date. If you use common sense (eg avoid meat and milk) then it's perfectly safe, and really not gross as the food was in a package the whole time.

>> No.10574885

dumpster dive

>> No.10574887

I live near Abbotsford Convent just outside Melbourne in Australia. At least once a week I'll go to this little place at the convent called Lentil as Anything. They let you pay whatever you want for the all-you-can-eat buffet. I don't really understand how they stay open, but I'm always down for a cheap feed.

>> No.10574948

Charles Stiles?

>> No.10575021

>scan, pay and bag yourself
ya im taking at least $10 worth of stuff for my time

>> No.10575100

They would basically die without cheating or having raiding someone else's wallet because 90% of them are too stupid to make money

>> No.10575244

>make friends with night shift convenience store clerk
>ask them for food that are expired
I gave away all the food I could as long as I didn't loathe the beggar. I just called cops on those instead.

>> No.10575338

>Living in uber Christian, bible thumping, hell-tier flyover ND
I'm feeling pretty blessed that I don't have to stay here.

>> No.10575793 [DELETED] 
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Food stamps + bogo deals. it's the ultimate grocery experience. Tomorrow I go to the produce stand for veggies, all with the added bonus of triggering /pol/. Just apply, OP. I'm a wagecuck and I still got approved.

>> No.10575804

i am no american.

i ask because I have a chance at free house, you just have to live in the middle of nowhere basically and look after a property like in the shining. If I were american it would be perfect, I could claim I am unemployed, cause I would be and just leave a quaint, cheap existence.

>> No.10575888

>be a decent looking woman
>match with a ton of guys on tinder
>get them to take you out for dinner, on their pay of cours
>blow off all their advances
>never talk to them afterwards ever again

>> No.10576190

You literally described every western woman when they don't feel horny and just don't want to fuck (usually when they sync up with their monthly moon cycles).

>> No.10576214

lifehack: eat garbage

>> No.10576265
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I'd eat it. Especially if it was drunk and giggly and I got it up to my dorm room. Hopefully she showered before going out to party. I don't want to be down there if she took a dump earlier in the day and hasn't showered.

>> No.10577359
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Be Chad

>> No.10578056

I just want to stuff pizza into her mouth with that expression still on her face and watch her pupils dilate then mouth swap chewed pizza with each other

>> No.10578380

Too true though a few of the richer cities are starting to get non cucked up homeless off the streets quicker. Emergency shelters are a money pit and consume too many police man hours. Also. Emergency room visits,crimes that wouldn't have happened if the person wasn't homeless like public drinking-not being drunk but having a beer after work. It's proving a lot cheaper to put people in a Tokyo style efficiency. But it can be pretty brutal.

>> No.10578572

>he doesn't make the roastie pay
Lmao@ur life

>> No.10578835


Stopped reading there

>> No.10578855


Thanks bro. Heroin addict here and don't always have time to budget in food. Usually sell my foodstamps for dope. I used to sell all of my electronics there, but never thought to advertise for food.

>> No.10578873

steal everything you can go to another walmart and return it for a walmart gift card and get what you want

>> No.10578874

There is no such thing as an addict, there are only lazy societal leeches. Get a job

>> No.10578913

Do I even have to say it?

>> No.10579315

Saw an articule on some feminist newsite about a woman who signed up to a bunch of dating sites so she could get free meals when guys took her out. It was her way of charging the patriarchy. Her biggest accomplishments were 6 dates in five days, and one guy who spent $1100 on her. (including the champagne)

>> No.10579328
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jesus, you're late to the party

>> No.10579334
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What in the fuck is wrong with your capitalization. Fucking europoors.

>> No.10579337


>> No.10579345

dumpster diving

>> No.10579694

Have tits or suck a dick, or both.

>> No.10581039

Go back to rebbit summerfag

>> No.10581046

work as back of house in a restaurant, you will literally never have to pay for food ever again.

>> No.10581048

>this pizza elicits more of a physical and emotional response out of a girl than I ever will

>> No.10581049

Stop using heroin, you weak willed fuck. How sick is it that you'd rather shoot up than eat?

>> No.10581064
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I work as a kp at a steak house and every night I get enough food for about 2/3 days from customers left overs. Instead of emptying the food into the bin I have a big container and I just take the shit home, not to mention the kitchen also gives me food.

>> No.10581078

>She's faking it like all women do

>> No.10581082

don't worry about girls mister, you don't need them

>> No.10581152

donate plasma

>> No.10581157

i know that feel

>> No.10581376

They're going broke and closing because students and the like just go there to eat for free several times a week, instead of actual homeless people.

I went once, and gave like $30. Everyone else around was a leftie looking student-type. Didn't see anyone else pay a cent.

>> No.10581395
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yeah but it only failed cause it isn't real communism so too bad so sad, alt-righters

>> No.10581431
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thats a small line

>> No.10582419

First reply, faggot. That's the only fucking answer. Quit being poor.

>> No.10582757

It's the opposite here. Past midnight There aren't enough employees on duty to man the regular checkouts so the only way checkout is the self checkout

>> No.10583752
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Idk this almost made me spill my coffee, fuck you anon

>> No.10583883

I don't know if they still do it, but the hari krishnas used to run an ad in the uni paper where I went to school offering free vegetarian all you can eat lunches. I used to go several times/week and there was no prosletizing, just them cooking and serving food. The food was delicious, I might add. Their hook was they invite you to a saturday night feast where they pull out all the stops to try to convert you, but you didn't have to go to that.

>> No.10584916

kek. genuine grin on my face, anon. thanx