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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 702 KB, 853x484, HFCS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10564971 No.10564971 [Reply] [Original]

>Whether it's Corn Sugar, or Cane Sugar, you're body can't tell the difference. Sugar is Sugar.
When did you break free of the "HFCS is bad for you" meme? Corn sugar is natural, comes from corn, and is healthy in moderation.

>> No.10564985

All sugar is bad for you, so it's a moot point. Enjoy that chronic low-grade inflammation.

>> No.10564986

humans run on sugar. Everything you eat is broken down and refined for its sugars for the body to use as fuel. They problem with straight sugar of any kind is it requires next to no effort for your body to break down, and that is why your bitch lazy body craves it.

>> No.10564988


Your body reacts to fructose differently than glucose, so high fructose corn syrup is treated differently by your body than sugar from sources that are heavier on glucose

>> No.10564990

>humans run on fat

>> No.10564993

they can... after it is converted for glucose, or blood sugar.

>> No.10564998

Glycolysis is more common than ketosis.

>> No.10565000

high fructose corn syrup sugar is fucking nasty versus cane sugar soda

>> No.10565002
File: 498 KB, 641x479, Corn Sugar Skeptic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? Can you name a single thing wrong with Corn Sugar? It's natural, it comes from corn, and it's safe in moderation.

>> No.10565010

Must be why my bro who has beetus can eat real sugar and guage exactly how much insulin he'll need, but with HFCS it's a crapshoot.

>> No.10565012

humans run on glucose.
table sugar is half fructose, which is a a sugar that is converted into fat in the liver.
So eat starch to get the best fuel for your body, glucose, not sugar.

>> No.10565013

>Can you name a single thing wrong with Corn Sugar?
The texture.

>> No.10565024

I think anon was refering to taste

>> No.10565029


>> No.10565058
File: 15 KB, 188x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taste, i said fucking taste you mongrel shiller. side by side i've outright given up MOST soda barring a cold can on a hot day from the store and even then i refuse to stock my fridge with anything less. the cheap 1 dollar drinks from stop n shop are leagues tastier than your precious corn

>> No.10565062

It has a sickening cloying aftertaste compared with honey or maple sugar. Secondly, it's manufactured through petroleum based processes from heavily subsidized monoculture gmo corn and I refuse to support either of those industries responsible for scorching the earth. Thirdly it's unnecessarily added to almost all processed foods thus contributing to the beetus epidemic among amerilards and now that the major gmo manufacturer has been bought by a pharmaceutical company, you can be sure that will increase slong with other horrors.

>> No.10565064

Malachi is having flashback to he who walks behind the rows.

>> No.10565077

destroying the Earth encourages space travel and human survival. Fucking luddite.

>> No.10565079

ITT fatasses

>> No.10565083

>destroying the Earth encourages space travel and human survival
Not anymore, now it encourages those living on subsistence farming to migrate to post-industrial nations who must spend more and more on social programs to support their bloating populations. How much innovation in space travel have we actually gained between now and the decommissioning of the Space Shuttle program.

>> No.10565087

car in space. Argument won.

>> No.10565174
File: 85 KB, 619x455, fargo-star-carrie-coon-is-expecting-first-child-with-husband-tracy-letts-congratulations-to-the-couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

carrie coon?

>> No.10565196

fuck off monsanto

>> No.10565248

i want to fuck that skeptic

>> No.10565371

Sorry friend, neither you nor your progeny (in the unlikely event you spawn) will be one of the .0000000000000001% who will leave the planet when it becomes either uninhabitable or a living nightmare to reside on. You know who it will be? The people actively and knowingly destroying it now on an enormous scale.

>> No.10565378

good for them. Does not mean I should not do my part and exploit this fucking muddy rock for all I can while I am here. Your argument sucks. I will litter some in your honor and to make up for your lack of drive.

>> No.10565387

Glucose is a littke more tightly controlled but fructolysis is mostly analagous

>> No.10565409

>sugar is sugar
It quite literally isn't that simple.

>> No.10565414

>corn sugar is natural
>implying cane sugar isn't
Really activates my almonds

>> No.10565457

>Can you name a single thing wrong with Corn Sugar?
It tastes shitty.
Any comparison of cane surgar vs corn syrup sodas tell you this in a hot second.

>> No.10565465

>>implying cane sugar isn't

What's wrong with your reading comprehension? It seems broken. You are implying things which aren't there.

>> No.10565990

My biggest problem with HFCS isn't that it's somehow more bad than other sugars, it's that it's in. fucking. everything. I mean it makes sense for it to be in candy and soda, but it's so damn cheap to make they just sweeten everything with it.

>> No.10566004

Can I buy pure HFCS anywhere? It would be interesting to use in homemade shit.

>> No.10566021
File: 152 KB, 960x500, 1F7F0CF6-2F7E-4E40-BBB9-36134FC2966B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refined sugar is healthy in moderation

>> No.10566023
File: 344 KB, 653x393, Screen-Shot-2017-10-03-at-8.14.58-PM-653x393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When did you break free of the "HFCS is bad for you" meme?
i want fat as fatass americans OFF my fucking board

>> No.10566026

HFCS is nothing I want to consume, period, ever. Aspartame is also not welcome.

>> No.10566028

This will always be an American website, eurocuck.

>> No.10566033
File: 146 KB, 1705x1217, yy7ki6t7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this woman isn't the picture of health

>> No.10566047

>OP rebukes the claim that corn sugar and cane sugar are twin and the same once processed inside your body
>OP states that high fructose corn syrup is not bad or at least is overstated in its negative aspects
>he proceeds to state that corn sugar is natural, that it comes from corn, and (as with everything else) is "healthy" (not detrimental to ones health) in moderate doses
>OP has therefore implied that corn sugar and cane sugar are diametrically opposed, that cane sugar is the antithesis of corn sugar: unnatural, does not come from corn, and is not healthy in moderate doses.
Implying means not directly stating, collosal faggot.

>> No.10566104

In the baking aisle of any supermarket.

>> No.10566113

>muh mexican coke is better!!!


>> No.10566130

Are sure about that one? All I can ever find is plain old regular corn syrup.

>> No.10566289


>> No.10566296

Fucking Coke Zero is better than American Coke. HFCS sodas taste like shit. I don't give two squirts of watery piss whether or not the health effects are the same, I'm not drinking a goddamn soda to be healthy.

>> No.10566420

>it comes from corn
>my body can't digest corn
That's even worse

>> No.10566454

OP is actually quoting, word for word, a series of commercials that ran in the United States by the “Corn Refiners Association” back in 2011 that not only pushed for HFCS to be renamed “corn sugar,” but that the public opinion on HFCS was scaremongering and that HFCS is in fact perfectly healthy, natural, and should not be a topic of conversation.

You should check them out on YouTube, just search “Corn Sugar commercial.” They’re the most transparent displays of corporate propaganda I’ve ever seen.

>> No.10566509


>> No.10566587

Is that Carrie Coon

>> No.10566637

yeah because we all have shitty diets.

>> No.10566678

Nora lied

>> No.10566704
File: 24 KB, 558x614, 1512426507865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its in every fucking thing

>> No.10566726

"in everything" might or might not be "moderation". You have to include a discussion of the amount. Discussing frequency of consumption alone is useless.

>> No.10566755

When I realized it was probably a meme started by sugar companies to sell more sugar. People wanted to blame corn syrup for them being overweight either out of ignorance or not wanting to admit they eat too much or drink too much soda. "Made without corn syrup!" foods just replacing the corn syrup with other sweeteners and it still having the same amount of sugar and calories made it seem like a marketing gimmick.

I don't really eat much sugar in general anymore because I find that it makes my skin break out (even though most people are more likely to blame dairy, which I'm fine with) but I don't think there's a huge difference between sweeteners. Unless you start going into zero calorie sweeteners and they come with their own sets of problems.

>> No.10566769

HFCS should be treated the same way you treat alcohol. The body behaves essentially the same way with both.

>> No.10566791

2bh I liked old Coke Zero better than the new one. New one just tastes flat as hell.

>> No.10566969

They fucked it up because of faggots in Britain and other countries and retards who couldn't tell that Zero meant Zero Sugar.

>> No.10567069

They are all bad, but HFCS packs more calories in.

Fructose with the flesh of the fruit intact is fine, the fiber helps to move the sugar out of the body. This is why fruit juice is just as bad as soda. You need the flesk of the fruit.

Now they hide the sugarry name to confuse people who read ingredients, like calling it concentrated fruit juice.

Remember that white is bad. White rice, white potatoes (when cut), white bread/tortilla. Almost pure glucose, which also has too much sugar.

>> No.10568991

Humans run on Dunkin

>> No.10569139

So did I. That's I switched Pepsi Max.

>> No.10569560

What is this from. She looks familiar

>> No.10569570

>all sugars are the same

>> No.10569952

she's gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!