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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10564969 No.10564969[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This board is a joke. All these threads and not one is about cooking or recipes. You mouth breathing retards had to shit this board up with webms about eggs and jackposting and entire FUCKING THREADS about motherfucking sardines. You needs talk about sardines like they're pokemon cards or some shit.

Does anyone in here actually cook? Or are you all just energy drink sipping, fish eating mongoloids who eat fast food in your moms car for your 2 YouTube subscribers?

Fuck off,/ck/. Were through.

>> No.10564992

I don't even eat desu

>> No.10564996
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I made some shrimp enchiladas and pick de gallo this weekend. Pretty basic, but it was good.

>> No.10565005

Maybe you need to pour a drink and relax buddy.
You aren't drunk enough to enjoy ck

>> No.10565018

Meta threads just shit up the board. What you need to do is hide and report rule breaking threads, and if you must tell OP off, be sure to sage. I will be doing all three things to your thread.
Also, create the threads that you want to see.

>> No.10565027

Hey, thats good advice.
But I'm not going to sage.

>> No.10565090

>All these threads and not one is about cooking or recipes
Well, your rant thread certainly helped matters, tardly. Now go get your lunch box.

>> No.10565097

Yeah. We should all whine and narc so no one can post without getting banned for a day. Lets make 4chan a hugbox.

>> No.10565099

how about I sage you smart guy

>> No.10565101

Do americans really do this?

>> No.10565103
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>no fun allowed!
Make your own thread about cooking instead of this garbage.

>> No.10565104

Sage doesn't do shit unless you're a retard who browses by bump order instead of last reply.

>> No.10565111

Most people on this site are retards and probably use bump order. Creation date is actually the true patrician sorting order.

>> No.10565165

Only if you're a mod or janitor. Then you can nip shitpost threads in the ass before too long. To bad janitors don't do their fucking jobs.

>> No.10565166

I bet you vegan. Fuck off.

>> No.10565171

>catalogbabby thinks his general spawning method is superior
i wish all newfags would die

>> No.10565175

If you lurk by page, you're literally retarded.