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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 126 KB, 539x722, food snacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10558978 No.10558978 [Reply] [Original]

I eat exactly like this shopping cart


>> No.10558982


>> No.10558985

What do children taste like?

>> No.10558992
File: 603 KB, 470x470, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're deteriorating body and fat isn't my problem its yours.

>> No.10559004

You may can get away with it until about age 25, after that you'll start turning into a pudge

>> No.10559041

In honest to god don't understand how people eat that garbage

>> No.10559051

I don't have a problem with it but I'm sure your fatty liver probably does

>> No.10559095

it probably is your problem if you pay taxes

>> No.10559106

>People say universal health care can work
>When fatties like OP are allowed to thrive

Explain that one

>> No.10559126

I see this shit every time I got to the grocery store.
They give me guilty looks when they see me with my basket of fruits, vegetables, meat and spices.

It's often super fat gross women and obvious single moms pushing around a cart of processed foods and sugar.

don't be one of them

>> No.10559127

Just pay for everyone else's shit anon, quit being so mean

>> No.10559146

It is a problem, but the cancer will be your problem, not ours

>> No.10559157

>said the trembling billionaire
it does work. in the uk i've had hundreds of thousands of pounds of treatment. the only charge anyone here encounters whether they be homeless or a millionaire, is the £8 flat rate charge for prescriptions.

>> No.10559158

Yeah, with your diabetus.

>> No.10559221

>single moms
>OP pic is shitskin mulatto kid sitting unattended in grocery cart full of garbage food
It all checks out

>> No.10559313

>he's never tasted underage pussy

>> No.10559360

I had to eat a lot of processed shit while I was in a hotel for like 6+ weeks due to my job, and I was absolutely sick of it by the 2nd week. I don't understand how people can go long periods of time on that crap and not cooking their own food.

>> No.10559653
File: 31 KB, 258x330, 1525423484432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a proper job you ebt nigger

>> No.10559681
File: 194 KB, 445x626, 1525327092055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Everyone in America has a (((right))) to affordable or free healthcare'.
Whether we like it or not, the majorities decided we needz to gibbz. It is our problem when they get cancer....because we pay for it instead of proper social systems.

>> No.10559685
File: 26 KB, 500x397, 31914253_10214243043181551_3849912932133502976_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10560050

>fucking leaf here
it doesn't work
the wait times are horrendous
doctors will make any excuse not to treat or even see you
you have to go to the er and wait 6-8 hours for any little thing because walk-in clinics will just turn you away and it's impossible to get an appointment with a gp

>> No.10560071


I’ve waited 3 hours to see the doctor in the US to get less than 5 minutes with the doctor.

When money > people, everyone but the rich lose

also US healthcare costs so fucking much because you dipshits have to pay for all the advertizing, lobbying, and salesmen that try to warp doctors minds.

>> No.10561516

it's proven that American healthcare is expensive because everyone (doctors, nurses, general staff, and hospital itself) needs lawyers and court insurance for when they get sued. This is because it is outright encouraged to sue your doctors (or pretty much anyone) in the US.

>> No.10561532

I am a neet so no problemo wagie

>> No.10561626
File: 48 KB, 530x604, 882667cdfba0fef710783fbd90fa35bdf0748c2993ba713a1f01b880b13e74df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, your weight

>> No.10563292

>Told to draw anime girls hair
>Draw a scorpion tail instead

>> No.10563301

Shopping carts don't eat. Anorexia is a serious illness.

>> No.10564380

As a former cashier, I hated the first of every month. Welfare queens, with bastards in tow doing whatever they want, lugging one, sometimes two, carts full of junk. Chips, soda pop, processed frozen meals, frozen pizzas, and other unhealthy shit that are not cost-effective - but since it's not your money why would you care about getting your money's worth? Then you'd get the occasional person who thinks their SNAP card is a debit card and try to take money out, then making a scene when they can't. Thank God I no longer have to put up with that shit.

>> No.10564412
File: 419 KB, 600x600, 1518586247031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be great if the preselected food boxes instead of SNAP/EBT became mandatory in all 50 states. Keep those leeches out of grocery stores.

>> No.10564644
File: 21 KB, 480x480, 1498819926681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I have to eat like this because I don't know how to cook and most "real" food makes me gag

>> No.10564831
File: 53 KB, 400x400, 86608641-4C2B-4B2A-AF43-7972FB9D394B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do americans really eat like this?!

>> No.10565386
File: 164 KB, 449x610, 1501268033284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amerimutts are disgusting creatures imo