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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10557886 No.10557886 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10557891

I don't know. I've never had a problem with it and I don't understand the people who treat it as sacrilegious

>> No.10557900

Because it's the best pizza, but it's not invented by the italians, so they're trying to give it a bad name.

>> No.10557909

Because it is enraging how adamant people are that a cooked fruit that is both sweet and overpowering in taste belongs on a pizza. It boggles the mind how such a large number of people can be so wrong and have such poor taste. It is almost beyond reasoning, making it a contentious issue. People that enjoy it have usually never had a nice pizza in their life and are probably from lower class families so they stay convinced they are right.

>> No.10557912

as an italian i kinda agree

>> No.10557934
File: 81 KB, 960x720, pineappledriank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of people prepare it wrong, and it results in a heinously bad pizza. unfortunately, the worst offenders are chain pizza places, which are the first and most common pizzas people of the west eat

people put pineapples on ham, why not on pizza??

>> No.10557977

Because small-minded people love to have opinions about things, because it's the normie version of a meme so everyone can get behind it and feels "in" on the joke, and because it's simplistic and meaningless enough that they can grasp it while still fulfilling their desire for categorization and emotions á la "all people who.." and "you monster, I hate..".

The whole thing has absolutely nothing to do with taste or tradition, it's just a plug for mass psychology.

>> No.10557981

>people put chocolate syrup on ice cream, why not on their cereal?
This is how retarded you sound

>> No.10557985

>people put chocolate syrup on ice cream, why not on their cereal?
but you can literally get chocolate flavored cereal, and what child hasn't snuck some Nesquik into their bowl of corn flakes before? you're just proving me more correct

>> No.10557987

You can tell pineapple on pizza is a terrible thing because people never put cheese on pineapple
They never put pineapples in tomato sauce in other dishes
If those things really went together in any way, you’d see them combined outside of pizza
If you put pineapple on pizza, you have bad taste, that’s all

>> No.10557994

Exactly, well done admitting you are a manchild. Chocolate cereal, and to be honest most cereal in general, is meant for children. You're meant to stop eating such huge amounts of sugar for breakfast when you grow up and switch to wheat/bran based cereals if you have to have it at all.

>> No.10558022

Not that guy and of course I'm reading a bit much into these few lines but I think you should go talk to a therapist; the way you argue is indicative of deeper-rooted problems.

>> No.10558062
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>Exactly, well done admitting you are a manchild.
well I didn't say I buy it today, I said it exists

and it's not like numales don't love their sugary breakfast cereals anyway, you're getting left behind, old man

there is nothing wrong with pineapple on pizza if you don't use shitty oversweetened canned pineapple and get it properly roasted by putting it on the pizza when it's warm before putting it in the oven

the problem with people who hate pineapple on pizza is that they've only gotten it from Pizza Hut or Dominoes or other child/manchild-oriented chains that use sweetened canned pineapple instead of normal fresh pineapple or at least pineapple tinned in its own juice or simple water instead of syrup

if you get pineapple on pizza and the pineapple isnt browned and slightly dry, it's been made wrong. most chain pizza places make it wrong. probably because theyre american and can only think in terms of memes and processed goods and can't be bothered to figure out why anyone ever put pineapple on a pizza in the first place

>> No.10558072

I don't think its "controversial". I wouldn't order it, but I don't mind eating it, after all.

However, I think it exemplifies the concept of a "Meme recipe".

>> No.10558081

The fact that you care so much is textbook "manchild" autism.

>> No.10558096


Not a fan. I'd eat it if that's all there is to eat.

>> No.10558104

No, he's right. Cereals are just sugars and carbs. Most adults eat oatmeal for fibre and carbs or a piece of toast with some eggs for all around goodness.

>> No.10558107

Anchovies are better

>> No.10558123

this pretty much.

I also think it has to do simply with how sweet sugary tasting things like pineapple and most fruits don't mix well with something like pizza. Maybe somepony will correct me here and say there's more science to pineapple, but if you accept that pineapple is a good topping for pizza then you probably might think apple, orange, and strawberries would also make good toppings for a pizza.

>> No.10558127

>Most adults eat oatmeal for fibre and carbs or a piece of toast with some eggs for all around goodness.
most adults eat whatever the fuck they want because they're adults and can make their own decisions. you have some issues m8. you should probably stop reading PUA books and artofmanliness.com if you want to recover your mental health

pineapple is more sour than sweet and roasted pineapple loses a lot of sweetness as well

>apple, orange, and strawberries
people put all of those things on plenty of savoury foods

>> No.10558140

>twitter memers think honey glazed ham and bacon and syrup is the best thing ever
>twitter memers think ham and pineapple on a pizza is literally the holocaust
make your own opinions

>> No.10558147

>because they're adults and can make their own decisions
Of course. The difference being that responsible adults decide against eating sugary cereals for their own well being, something you care nothing about if you 'eat whatever the fuck you want' and still feel like you have the moral high ground here somehow

>> No.10558154

>make your own opinions
americans are incapable of this. just look at >>10558147 here

>> No.10558159

The power of memes.

>> No.10558161

I'm not American you stupid cunt

>> No.10558194

>I'm a real man, I avoid carbs and eat my wheat as a piece of toast instead of as a flake of cereal

Yes, sugared cereal isn't healthy. Fucking everybody knows this. But all of us do hundreds of unhealthy, wussy things every day. Picking out cereal to get the high ground over "manchildren" is the definition of projecting over low self-esteem.

>> No.10558229

Responsible adult here.
I don't eat sugary cereal because I don't have the palate of a 6 year old, and I don't think it tastes very good. Nothing more, nothing less.

>>but but muh moral high ground
Do you forget what website you are on, exactly?

>> No.10558236

Self-actualized adult here
I don't eat sugary cereal because I personally just don't like it very much, and not because of societal pressure against it. sorry you're life is dictated 100% by memes

>> No.10558255

>I personally just don't like it very much, and not because of societal pressure against it
Sounds like we agree 100% then.

>> No.10558275

Shart in mart

>> No.10558277

actually sometimes i'll buy it if it's on sale since 90% of them are fortified harder than normal corn flakes etc, its like flinstones vitamins

>> No.10558281

meymey + food = religion war in the USA.

>> No.10558359

It's a meme
No one had a problem with pineapple on pizza two years ago, I remember it being really well-liked growing up
But now it's in to make fun of it, just like how it's in to hate the word moist. People will change their opinions to fit in with the latest meme

>> No.10558401

funny, its actually the opposite for me.
As a kid I absolutely hated pineapple on pizza. made me sick. and then maybe a few months ago i had it out of curiosity and while i dont love it nor would i ever order it on my own. It was okay.

>> No.10558410



>> No.10558412

"you're a fag and also are cooking it wrong"

>> No.10558434

Pineapple is kinda played out at this point, OP. For future baiting ideas, try:
>Why is bbq chicken on pizza so controversial?
>Why is alfredo sauce on pizza so controversial?
>Why are potatoes on pizza so controversial?
>Why are hot dogs on pizza so controversial?
>Why are skittles on pizza so controversial?

>> No.10558442

Maybe in 2011. People aren't memeing it for the sake of it, they genuinely can't understand why people like it and with good reason. It is not a good flavour combination and it's been hated for a very long time. Enjoy it when you're a kid sure, then grow up and eat a proper pizza

>> No.10558470

these are easier to answer though
>Why is bbq chicken on pizza so controversial?
it's not controversial, but bad texture, and usually acocmpanied by extra bbq sauce, which makes it too wet
>Why is alfredo sauce on pizza so controversial?
as above, too wet
>Why are potatoes on pizza so controversial?
too much starch and potatoes don't add much flavor; may as well make a dedicated potato+cheese+sauce dish, of which many exist
>Why are hot dogs on pizza so controversial?
hot dogs are for plebs; sausage on pizza is downright common, and pepperoni is already basically just really big spiced sausage
>Why are skittles on pizza so controversial?
it's pineapple, but demonstrably even worse a pairing, and the texture would just not work

>> No.10558500

this is a meme? i remember me and my friends would shitpost irl with it in college by using it to mean "the opposite of crisp (in the hood sense of "functioning well")" but i didnt know it was a meme outside our circle

>> No.10558577
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>I'm high class
>I'm a pizza connoisseur

>> No.10558608

>stop liking things that I don't like!!!
>I'm high class

By definition of posting on this Unholy and God forsaken shit site, you are trash

>> No.10558893
File: 121 KB, 739x454, pp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally nothing wrong with pineapple on pizza

>> No.10558894

Saves having to order dessert.

>> No.10560677

only white niggers like pineapple pizza

>> No.10561317


>> No.10561353

>being this much of an elitist over a fucking pizza

>> No.10561537

It's one gigantic strawman and the whole thing is based entirely on the opinions of total retards
>I like hawaiian pizza
Enter retard 1
>Yeah it pairs well with the ha-
>Not exactly. I--
Enter retard 2
dispute between two kinds retards rages on while nonretards get muted by the sound of chimps banging pineapples together

>> No.10561616

you arent italian

pineapple pizza is a fucking abomination and makes no sense

invented by the same stupid low class degenerates that eat mac n cheese with every meal and boil hot dogs

>> No.10561636

aside from the pineapple of course

>> No.10561645

You should become a sociology professor

>> No.10561653

I think I speak for everyone when I recommend pushing the tip of a knife into your neck

>> No.10561730

Don't tell me what to do

>> No.10561773
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's fucking gross. It's like ketchup on ice cream; I don't need to explain it, it's just fucking gross. People who like it are strange, and that's about all I have to say about that.

>> No.10562268

I think it's fine.
t. Parents born in southern Italy

>> No.10562501

This is Skub-tier.

PIneapples are delicious on pizza, if you hate it you haven't tried it.

>> No.10562505

if it's a large enough movement that even the national chains offer it, then you're wrong about peoples' tastes. And that's all I got to say about that.

And you're gay you shrimp boating autistic fuck.

>> No.10562515

do you know how stupid you faggots sound when you think something as meaningless as a flat earth meme is called controversial

this thread is fucking reply bait made by a redditor

>> No.10562537

An absolute load of crap. Why don't you go lie about being present at the major events of modern history and leave true pizza lovers in peace.

>> No.10562583

Tomatoes: A sweet fruit used in pizza
Pineapple: A sweet fruit never to be used in pizza

>> No.10562604
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If you're tomatoes don't taste buttery/savoury you're eating some flyover gmo crop greenhouse bullshit that can hardly be considered a tomato

>> No.10562619

Why not both?

>> No.10562640

Hating on pineapple pizza is such a reddit joke.

>> No.10562907

I'm a native ltalian, born in naples and Hawaiian pizza is some of the best 'za I've ever had

>> No.10562912


Get a load of this memester

>> No.10562914

>not having a seafood + tropical pizza

>> No.10562947

Let's talk about the tragedy of Pineapple on pizza.

Pizza is primarily composed of a bread crust, a savory/sour sauce, and very rich cheese.

In this form the Cheese Pizza is pretty well balanced, and likeable.

In US food culture, the damning of sugary sweets and things has caused us to associate junkfood with sweet flavors. Even extremely healthy foods with sweet overtones, such as yams and carrots, are frowned upon if taken to their sweeter extension.

Putting pineapple on a pizza adds a distinct sweetness that therefore, is generally unwelcome. It is as bad as sprinkling cinnamon-sugar on the pizza.

This is a bit unfair, though. While overcooked pineapple is indeed quite sweet, the proper application is paper-thin slices of RAW pineapple - a sparky, sour flavor that melds well with the sharp of the tomato sauce and carries a very different flavor identity.

When mixed with an equally overwhelming fatty/spicy flavor, you can have something amazing. Paper thin slices of raw pineapple, red pepper flakes, and Canadian bacon is a heavyweight pizza that few can refuse.

But more often we see the pizza shoveled full of overcooked, saccharine pineapple, and a few pieces of Canadian bacon, and no red pepper in sight. A masterpiece it isn't!

Remember your composition, my /ck/ friends!

>> No.10562960


Also it's a good pizza. I like to have jalapeno on it as well.

>> No.10562978

thank you based pineapple bro

>> No.10564270

The only reasons why the national chain offers it because they're the one pushing it by popularizing it, also ham and pinneaple is cheap long shelf ingredient, hence they make it. You're just being dumbed down.
>true pizza lovers

>> No.10564275

>true pizza lovers
Naples residences probably loves pizzas more than you and they'll never put pinneaple on pizza, and they're the one invented it. Are you advocating that only hawaiian pizza faggots are the true pizza lover based on your faggotry alone?

>> No.10564288

>ewww pineapple on pizza
>same person proceeds to eat three pieces of the pineapple pizza


>> No.10564325
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sweet on savory is kinda weird, it's like, I love tomato soup and it's like bro, no you don't, you love not being a snow golem you ginger piece of shit

if you remember that commercial it's too late to have children

>> No.10564370

What did they mean by this?

>> No.10564511

It never gets old seeing insecure lower middle class doofuses trying to assert themselves through proxies like food or music etc.

>> No.10564528
File: 59 KB, 1140x500, 0044_Cheese-and-Pineapple-Starter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people never put cheese on pineapple
Yeah that never happens.

>> No.10564552
File: 539 KB, 1024x1024, Tomato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just weird, what sort of maniac would want a slightly sweet, slightly tart fruit on their pizza? Doesn't go at all.

>> No.10564566

likely just had cheap shit pineapple from a can on the pizza