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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 1198x476, Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at 4.53.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10554851 No.10554851 [Reply] [Original]

Elon Musk is starting a candy company.
It ought to be interesting one way or another!

>> No.10554880

>Produces 5 candy bars a week
>Market cap higher than nestle

>> No.10554882
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>Is Tony Stark
>Now wants to become Willy Wonka
The madman

>> No.10554889

Missed opportunity to start a men's fragrance business called "Elon's Musk." It's too late now, though, he can't do it because I've just invented it.

>> No.10554892

>candybars shoddily constructed, filling leaking out
>some missing basic aspects of the bar like the packaging says "with nuts" but the candy inside has no nuts
>six month backlog of pre-orders

>> No.10554906
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>ok enough questions about all this boring P&L shit, I'm Elon Musk you plebs. now gieb monies or I will write a passive aggressive tweet about you, also fuck urban planning and sane transport, buy my electric cars

>> No.10554944

I've also started a gun company called Elon's Muskets.

>> No.10554967

Who the fuck would buy a musket in 2018

>> No.10554985

That's what the founding fathers meant when they said we had the right to bear arms. They didn't have AR-15s or AK-47s.

>> No.10554995


So you go to a prestigious university where examples and science experiments are done on students. One day in history you are learning about the French Revolution and the executions via guillotine. A real guillotine is in the front of the class and your friend who sits next to you is chosen by raffle to be one of the students who will be executed with it for demonstration purposes. She is only in that class because you begged her to join it, and now she is very upset. You try contacting her but she wont answer. You get to class early but she has beaten you there. She has been given a pot brownie to calm her nerves, she now seems a little giddy. What do you say to her? How do you think she'd respond?

>> No.10554999
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I made you some marketing material
That will be $3000 please

>> No.10555001

He's going to spend $40 billion on a state of the art autonomous candy factory, but they'll have to shut the assembly line down every three months for weeks at a time and miss their production goals. It's working for Tesla.

>> No.10555010

is this like a fetish thing

>> No.10555013

"Well, that's certainly one way to get aHEAD in class." And then I ride off on my motorcycle that I have in class for some reason.

>> No.10555043

It's not musk without some ambergris mixed into the candy.

>> No.10555057

Oh THATS what they meant. Thanks for interpreting their words for me. What's your title? Line cook?

>> No.10555066

>That's what the founding fathers meant when they said we had the right to bear arms.
Not exactly. Reread the 2nd Amendment; it guarantees a state's right to a standing, armed militia. Not a private citizen's right to keep a gun. That's NRA lobby dollars talking.

>> No.10555076

Stop trolling /ck/, they're dumb enough to believe that.

>> No.10555090

The Bill of Rights concerns INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, buddy.

>the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

THE PEOPLE. Please kys

Ignore if your post was bait

>> No.10555096

>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Due to a well regulated militia being neccessary to the security of a free state, peoples right to keep and bear arms wont be infringed

>> No.10555098

So Musk is a based cager since at least he's moving us away from carbon dumping. Give credit where credit is due, ok? Your pipe dream of the vast swath of amerilardistan instituting public transport is insane. Take a trip out of your beehive and realize the scope of what you think is feasible.

>> No.10555103

>the vast swath of amerilardistan
No, just the parts where people actually live. I'm not advocating a subway system for Topeka

>> No.10555113
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What will happen when his candy starts inexplicably killing people?

>> No.10555116


>> No.10555122

Imagine being this much of an angry piece of shit

>> No.10555127

the cities that can support public transit already have it.

>> No.10555138

Sure they "have it" like Switzerland "has" a navy

Chicago's toy train system and NYC's decrepit subway system are completely inadequate and need to be dragged kicking and screaming out of the 1950s where they are stuck

The west coast is far worse

>> No.10555271

what product is missing from the candy market?

>> No.10555447

Too bad "Mars Bars" is already taken.

>> No.10555505
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>> No.10555575

Those blue raspberry licorice whips filled with sour, fizzy candy powder. Saw it in Dahl's tell-all book, but I've never seen them irl

>> No.10555653

Ok then, your bitch should be against flyover mentality metropolises like atlanta which do have a large population without mass transit. But don't forget, the topekas of amerilardistan are numerous and combined, account for a large carbon footprint that Musk is attempting to ameliorate because he knows they'll never change evdn whdn they have the air quality of beijing.

>> No.10555661

>Implying people will ride a train system with only three stops

>> No.10555697

He develops hypersugar. Giving anyone who ingests it diabetes immediately.

>welcome to future, have a musky.

>> No.10555760

Dude, have you ever been to a "topeka?" People will get in their car and drive 1/4 mile to pick up a six pack rather than walk or bike it.

>> No.10555770

I wonder how much MK-ultra drugs the government is going to fund him with to make his candy love our superior government with
I cant wait to eat tons of his candy

>> No.10555772

>Dude, have you ever been to a "topeka?" People will get in their car and drive 1/4 mile to pick up a six pack rather than walk or bike it.

You should take 30 minutes to make a round trip that takes 30 seconds because .... health? or something?

>> No.10555800

Because you don't need to save that time. What are going to do with that 30 min you might save. Shitpost online? You need exercise more than you need that.

And as for walking a 1/2 mile round trip? no more than 15 min. You could probably bike it faster than driving your car.

>> No.10555813

What makes you an expert on things other people need?

>> No.10555814

>exercise for 1 hour efficiently at gym 4-5 days a week (30min cardio 30min lifting)
>need more exercise to run to liquor store once a week on rest day
I'm not going to walk to the fucking liquor store 20-30 minutes to get a half pint of liquor for a drink at home
Maybe I'll walk to the bar if I don't want to get a taxi back home, but not if I don't have to

>> No.10555831

makes a battery powered candy flamethrower for use in the fight against the Martian hordes

>> No.10555848

I fully admit I am no expert.
But I think I am making the most statisitically likely call in the situation.

>> No.10555858

Fair enough.
Just always remember. Statistics are nothing but a bunch of numbers until you apply them to a real life scenario.

>> No.10555859

you forgot
>heavily subsidized by the government

>> No.10555885

>Elon Musk
>candy company
it's not the kind of candy all the plebbit in here is thinking of. you people need to grow up.
he has the money.
he is involved/befriended with a lot of creepy investors/people.

So why not open up a "candy" factory?

>> No.10555929
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A /ck/-related explanation

>> No.10555940

I'd apologize, say it was all my fault, and try to hatch a scheme to break her free.

>> No.10555951

And when they came up with marriage they didn't have faggots and now look where we are

>> No.10555953

Dang Jimbo, quick to anger, huh? You sound like the sort of guy who should carry a firearm.

>> No.10555966

Is that last comma supposed to be there?

>> No.10555991

Do what the fuck you want, but in defense of walking: It gives you something to do

>> No.10556016

Which is why they owned warships. And BTW they did have multiple rounds guns back then too.

>> No.10556028

The West coast has it bad because Goodyear, BFGoodrich and a few other car and tire manufacturers went around buying up all the light rail and public transportation systems in the 50s and shutting them down to force people to buy cars and drive more.
Yes, it's literally the plot of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, only we didn't have a bunch of plucky toons to save the day and so the "bad guys" got away with their dastardly scheme.

>> No.10556040

further details http://fortune.com/2018/05/05/warren-buffett-elon-musk-trolling-sees-candies-moats/

>> No.10556052


>> No.10557153

i think 3d printed candy. on demand varieties. or sugar free thats good. not nostalgic candy, modern as all get out. candies sold in very simple containers.

>> No.10557160

pot use is rampant at tesla. those fuckers will take to candy making in a new york minute. winning

>> No.10557165

Literally everyone who lives in a state with a muzzloader only dear season

>> No.10557178

He's a liberal. In his mind he automatically knows better than everyone else.

>> No.10557184

I thought it looked weird too, but it's in there.

>> No.10557189

>snark is the same as anger

>> No.10557223

In those terms you're comparing something that's very old with something new and with nations that will kick the shit of people already living in the paths of trains.

Updating the NYC subways is a logisical nightmare. If you don't understand that then you're a naive sack of shit.

>> No.10557271

So is porch monkey

>> No.10557332
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>have a musky

>> No.10557340

Is this your fetish or what because this is just silly and delusional.
Also I'd say goodluck and bid her goodbye.

>> No.10557344

Are modern day muzzleloaders considered muskets? I see muskets as the historical weapon

>> No.10557347

Legally muzzleloaders aren't even firearms in the US.

>> No.10557348

>made a candy bar
>it's hollow
>you gonna buy a separate filling tube
>uses a few percentage of national budget to subsidize the candy factory
>you can only buy it online, trough preorder, or a specific sales spot

>> No.10557350
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>If you want forgiveness try asking to your demon God, now get in the guillotine kike!

>> No.10557360

Same rich fucks that would buy a Chinese made flamethrower I would assume

>> No.10557367
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>> No.10557389

What does this fucking idiot know about making candy? My family has been making candy for 100s of years, Elon is in for a big surprise if he thinks he can just meander into the candy industry like this

>> No.10557407

He can certainly buy his way in with his teslabux.

>> No.10557458
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can't wait for this tard to crash and burn

>> No.10557524

Same idiots who buy electric cars

>> No.10557549

he would do well in literally any business thanks to his cult of personality following throwing money at him despite never having delivered anything