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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 108 KB, 750x990, Work uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10554390 No.10554390[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi, I just started as a line cook at a restaurant. The chef makes us all wear chastity cages
Is this normal? He says it's because waiters and cooks cumming in food is a real problem that he wants to avoid at all cost. Pic related is the work uniform underclothes. He hasn't explained the tights or panties and he only unlocks us on our off days(he says it's too much hassle to do every beginning and end of a shift). Anyone experienced something similar? Is this legit or is he crazy?

>> No.10554394
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>> No.10554398

If you are going to troll or bait, at least be funny or believable

>in all fields

>> No.10554405

I thought it was pretty creative.

8/10 would bait again.

>> No.10554408

That's nothing. Peep this shit.

So I was eating beans, right, out of a bowl like I usually do. And after a while it looked like I had run out of beans, but I thought to myself, "Come on, there's got to be more beans in this bowl."

Then I turned the bowl a little bit and sure enough, on the other side of the bowl, the beans were right there.

ITT times when the beans were right there.

>> No.10554418

>pretty creative.
It was posted yesterday and the copypasta fags are already on it.

>> No.10554419

I'm not trying to troll or bait

>> No.10554423

Then why are you reposting the same shit from yesterday?

>> No.10554427

I entered the thread. Didn't laugh or anything. Guess I'm bumping you. Bumpus hounds.

>> No.10554432

Nut spoon.

>> No.10554436

Stop replying to this faggot and his gay thread

If you do feel uncontrollably compelled to though, season your post with sage

>> No.10554438

I wasn't here yesterday, so I'm glad it was reposted.

>> No.10554439

A mod must have deleted it by accident yesterday so I didn't get any productive answers

>> No.10554443

>in all fields
>it's literally in none

>> No.10554450

>I didn't get any productive answers
It wasn't a productive post so why expect productive answers?

>> No.10554456


>> No.10554469

I asked the question cause I wanted answers, what are you talking about?

>> No.10554472

This is what happens when you don't hsve labor unions with collective bargaining.

>> No.10554475
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>> No.10554488
File: 1.92 MB, 2560x1440, 0503181603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite. Chef 20 years.

It's totally normal if your chef isn't ACF-certified. That's all I can comment without proxies.

>> No.10554495

I guess. I mean it doesn't bother me that much it just seems strange. I get a weird feeling about it

>> No.10554504
File: 100 KB, 500x334, 1512877799753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to work there where can I apply

>> No.10554515

It's really nothing to relocate for.

>> No.10554522

I just enforce a penis inspection rule at the start and end of every shift. Plastic and metal chastity cages don't work out well for people working in the kitchens because they can get heated and warp off.

>> No.10554534

Velvet taco in chicago. Don't think we're hiring anymore though

>> No.10554544

what about spitting? he ball gag you as well lad?

>> No.10554547

Isn't that standard practice?

>> No.10554558

>only making you wear a chastity cage and panties

The head chef where I work has us take these weird pills, one of which is blue each day to "make our skin clearer".

>> No.10554564

Spitting or gagging?

>> No.10554574
File: 10 KB, 224x224, 1501625526839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait. Ball trap chastity cages will not prevent you except by your own will. Every single one is easy to wiggle your dick out of. Only true belt style devices really prevent anything.

>> No.10554590

Gagging, don't be gross
I don't think I could get out of mine, it's pretty tight.
What? My skin is already smooth and clear, is that really a hygienic concern?

>> No.10554603

Also even I f I could get out I'd not be able to put it back on, and he'd probably fire me then

>> No.10554613

>make our skin clearer
woah did we have the same chef? i remember mine saying we absolutely couldn't have any sort of hair getting into the food so he made us shave our ENTIRE bodies... like even our thighs and whatnot. and he would do regular inspections to make sure we were following code. now that i think about it, it did seem kinda excessive....

>> No.10554658
File: 285 KB, 1080x1920, Uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iktf op. I'm in the same boat

>> No.10554659

those aren't tights they're stockings jesus christ

>> No.10554666

those are tights

>> No.10554674

Sorry I always mix up the terms

>> No.10554750

Honestly in hindsight we didn't even need the chastity cages, about a month after we started being forced to take the little blue pills we stopped getting erections.
It has other effects too anon. He said it would make us more emotional and reponsive to customers...
We might have! Ours did the same exact shaving thing!

>> No.10554760

Can you please stop this concentrated psyop campaign to make people hate us trannies even more? Thanks in advance

>> No.10554769

nice try, kid

>> No.10554783

I don't think this thread has anything to do with trannies though? It's about the catering/culinary industry

>> No.10554845
File: 218 KB, 650x719, no_homo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10554847
File: 121 KB, 1024x698, eatSQUID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10554865

got any more pics?

>> No.10554877

nah I like the bad ones they add some spice to the ones that try too hard.

>> No.10554883

>animeNEETs on /ck/

>> No.10554916
File: 451 KB, 718x904, 1471655512416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He says it's because waiters and cooks cumming in food is a real problem that he wants to avoid at all cost.
This reminds me of a rumor where some dude at Wendy's came in the ketchup machine.

>> No.10554924


>> No.10554943

You're right, except for the question mark.

>> No.10554975


>> No.10554978

No, this doesn't actually ever happen.

>> No.10554980


So you go to a prestigious university where examples and science experiments are done on students. One day in history you are learning about the French Revolution and the executions via guillotine. A real guillotine is in the front of the class and your friend who sits next to you is chosen by raffle to be one of the students who will be executed with it for demonstration purposes. She is only in that class because you begged her to join it, and now she is very upset. You try contacting her but she wont answer. You get to class early but she has beaten you there. She has been given a pot brownie to calm her nerves, she now seems a little giddy. What do you say to her? How do you think she'd respond?

>> No.10554984
File: 92 KB, 1024x1024, a_fucking_leaf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because they're required by Canadian law to wear cages now. Did you read the OP at all?

>> No.10555005

You don't think restaurant staff putting body fluids in food is a thing? Hahahahaha