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10545277 No.10545277 [Reply] [Original]

I decided to go to the store soon rather than buy mcdonalds for dinner
what do I need to know for cooking my first steak without a grill

>> No.10545437

#1 Don't
#2 Stop being a fag
#3 Buy grill

>> No.10545445

Sear it in stainless steel pan, seasoning the steak with salt and pepper; Keep the seared bits coating the pan after cooking the steak, you will need that. Depending on cut of meat you might need to throw it in the oven to fully cook it thoroughly after its been seared, but thinner cuts will not need this. Aftrr you're done, you can use beef stock to deglaze your pan and reduce the liquids into a nice pan sauce for your steak. Season the sauce with salt and pepper as needed.

>> No.10545716

To do it right, you really need a cast-iron (or any other oven-going) skillet, but you can work around that if you need to.

There's two steps for good steak without a grill:
You sear, then you bake.
You need to get the pan REALLY hot for the sear. Use a little oil and preheat the pan for 5 minutes on med-high to high.
Sear for 2 minutes on each side.

If you don't have an oven-going skillet, maybe leave a cookie-sheet in the oven as it pre-heats to 400, then bake the steak for 10-13 minutes to reach medium rare (or use a thermometer if you have one).

Also, it should go without saying to salt and pepper both sides of the steak before any of this, and/or marinade.

>> No.10545732

If you go the pan-sauce route, its best to use a whisk to get all the little brown bits off the pan and into your sauce.
Also, add plenty of butter to thicken, and maybe some onion or shallot.

>> No.10546133

currently got the steak sitting on the cutting board after dousing it with salt and pepper, gonna let it warm up a bit before I throw it in cast iron skillet. Is finishing it in the oven really necessary? I bought some thyme and shallots and butter to throw in the pan near the end of its cook time; how will I baste it in the oven?

>> No.10546137

what cut is the steak/ how thick is it?

>> No.10546146

a ribeye that's probably an inch and a quarter thick

>> No.10546156

you are going to want to finish in the oven unless you are ok with a very rare ribeye

>> No.10546160

roger that, so I'll throw it into a 400 degree oven for ~10 mins and see what my roast thermometer (lol) says

do I still add a knob of butter and some shallots/thyme or is that only for finishing on a pan?

>> No.10546183

The butter and shallots are for after the steak's left the pan, if you wanted to make a sauce.
Mix it with some beef stock and wisk the little brown bits off the pan as it cooks.

If not, salt, pepper, and a proper sear will give you a good steak.

>> No.10546204

I don't have beef stock but I have cabernet, will that work?

>> No.10546212

also can I even use a thermometer that isn't instant read? I've got an old roast thermometer and that's my only option, should I just suck it up and stick it in the steak once it goes in the oven to make sure I get a proper internal temp?

>> No.10546244
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Maybe? The recipe that I have actually calls for 50/50 beef stock and cooking wine, so its worth a shot.

Well, the 10-13 minutes gets you to medium rare.
You could just skip the thermometer entirely and just bake for 13-15 minutes instead.

Otherwise, you could use the roasting thermometer if you just insert it at a really shallow angle (before you bake), like pic related.

>> No.10546254

I'll see what happens with the wine, and I'll trust the 13 minutes because I like my steaks somewhere between medium rare and medium, I doubt I'll burn it lol

>> No.10546268

i wouldn't worry about the thermometer, it won't poison you or anything if you undercook it slightly
wine will work, i've done it before

>> No.10546358

alright so I got 3/4 cup of cabernet ready, half a shallot minced, and a few sprigs of thyme prepared and chopped. seared it for 2 mins on each side and put it directly into the oven at 400 for 14 mins, will post pics when it comes out.

>> No.10546376

1. salt and pepper both sides of the steak
2. heat up a stainless steel pan or cast iron to medium-high heat
3. toss in two tablespoons of butter to the pan so your steak doesn't stick
4. add steak to pan and let it sear for 3 minutes, flip steak, then let it sear for another 3 minutes
5. take steak off the pan and put it on a plate and let it rest for at least 10 minutes
6. cut steak and hopefully it's medium-rare or medium, add the liquid from the pan if you want to the steak
7. eat steak
4 ingredients anon: salt, pepper, butter, and steak. any more and it's over-complicating it.

>> No.10546476
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here it is lads, my first steak ever

>> No.10546539

definitely gonna try 10 minutes next time, I did 15 and it came out medium well but it was still tender and tasty as fuck with the red wine sauce

>> No.10546554

the balls easy way is to google "reverse searing"
you bake it at a low temperature in an oven to cook the inside to the doneness you want
then you get a pan on your stove (stainless or cast iron) as hot as you can, add a little butter and get it to just start to smoke and then throw that steak in
you only cook it in the pan for maybe a minute tops because you only need to brown the outside

I'm an absolute fucking retard at cooking and my steaks come out perfect because of this

>> No.10546589

Otherwise if you're a patrician just sear it in the pan and let it rest long enough after cooking

>> No.10546647

looks sexy, would eat. whip up some sides to go with next time

>> No.10546657

what are some easy mode sides for steak?

>> No.10546689

Garlic butter rice is my favorite