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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 820x530, jr-cheeseburger_thumbnaillarge_2017-04-10-02-27-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10545144 No.10545144 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck you, the cheeseburger is the pinnacle of human cuisine.

I'd serve this to an alien.

>> No.10545155

Cheeseburgers are pretty good

>> No.10545159

Popular Opinion

>> No.10545161

i think i'd serve an alien a steak dinner

>> No.10545165
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Gracias senior

>> No.10545169

>the cheeseburger is the pinnacle of human cuisine
not doing much for your rage issues though

>> No.10545172
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fast-food style burgers with a single patty aren't good, the ratio between bread and filling is very suboptimal

>> No.10545192

I unironically agree OP. Cheeseburgers are the greatest food ever invented.

Take any pickle bullshit off though. Onions, lettuce, condiments, and a thin slice of tomato can stay.

>> No.10545199


>> No.10545216
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My kind of thread

Cheeseburgers is the perfect food
It has your grain, meat, dairy, fruit and veggies (same can be said for pizza but fuck pizza). There's a reason you can get a burger anywhere

>> No.10545222

Patrician taste anon. Pickles have no place on a hamburger.

>> No.10545223

God damn that looks so good. I thank god every day I’m an American.

>> No.10545265

What if the alien is going through a vegan gluten free phase and is eating a plant based diet?

>> No.10545290

Ok, maybe you just don't like pickles. They do have a place in a burger though. They are what brings the acid tang to it, and fat + acid is the basis for many dishes. The problem is a lot of places overdo it with pickles and ketchup and mustard, all of which are very heavy with acetic acid.

>> No.10545303

but what if alien is allergic?

>> No.10545305
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pickle haters be gone

>> No.10545333

you put fruit on your burger? gross
and if you try to tell me tomato is a fruit I will find you and punch you right in the neck

>> No.10545366

Well klaptorg from the aspergers nebula, it's war then.

>> No.10545375

Scientifically speaking, a tomato is definitely a fruit. True fruits are developed from the ovary in the base of the flower, and contain the seeds of the plant (though cultivated forms may be seedless). Blueberries, raspberries, and oranges are true fruits, and so are many kinds of nut.

>> No.10545387

>Botanically, a tomato is a fruit, a berry, consisting of the ovary, together with its seeds, of a flowering plant. However, the tomato has a much lower sugar content than other edible fruits, and is therefore not as sweet. Typically served as part of a salad or main course of a meal, rather than at dessert, it is, in the US, considered a "culinary vegetable". One exception is that tomatoes are treated as a fruit in home canning practices: they are acidic enough to process in a water bath rather than a pressure cooker as vegetables require. Tomatoes are not the only food source with this ambiguity: bell peppers, cucumbers, green beans, eggplants, avocados, and squashes of all kinds (such as zucchini and pumpkins) are all botanically fruits, yet cooked as vegetables. This has led to legal dispute in the United States. In 1887, US tariff laws that imposed a duty on vegetables, but not on fruits, caused the tomato's status to become a matter of legal importance. The US Supreme Court settled this controversy on 10 May 1893, by declaring that the tomato is a vegetable, based on the popular definition that classifies vegetables by use, that they are generally served with dinner and not dessert (Nix v. Hedden (149 U.S. 304)). The holding of this case applies only to the interpretation of the Tariff Act of 3 March 1883, and the court did not purport to reclassify the tomato for botanical or other purposes.

>> No.10545424

looks like I'm going to have to punch both of you. Right in the neck.

>> No.10545426


>> No.10545429


>> No.10545494
File: 2.09 MB, 3300x2100, McD-McChicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not giving them a mcchicken instead
I hope they use their planet destroying laser on us because of you.

>> No.10545513

Pickles are fine on the side with the burger but not actually in it. Warm pickles are disgusting.

>> No.10545544

Cheeseburgers are pretty good but have you ever had a sloppy joe? It's like a cheeseburger got drunk. It's dope as fuck.

>> No.10545733

tell me, scientifically, what a vegetable is, fags

>> No.10545754

Doesn't exist

>> No.10545767

then tomato is a vegetable

>> No.10545770

Pickles are fruit.

>> No.10545789

In regards to the culinary world, it is a vegetable.You are on a cooking board. You scientism fags are the fucking worst. And I say that as a scientist.

>> No.10545805

What kind of scientist are you? Define what culinary vegetables and culinary fruits are.

>> No.10545813

>I'd serve this to an alien.
klaptorg food reviews when

>> No.10545819

I give this idea 3.4 jagons up.

>> No.10545823

read a book, nigger
i'm on your side

>> No.10545828

Klaptorg's bots are monitoring this thread.

>> No.10545829

Forensic scientist with a concentration in trace analysis. There is no scientific law stating what separates fruit and vegetables. They are classification based on observable traits. So in botany, they are classified based on weather or not they are the seed containing structure of the plant. In cooking they are defined based on flavor (sugar content) and use.

>> No.10545836

the fuck is a jagons you donkey

>> No.10545839

An intelligent species capable of interstellar travel would probably either be horrified by the fact that we still raise and murder animals for food, or they'd be here to harvest us for themselves as some kind of alien delicacy.
>to serve man

Cheeseburgers are delicious tho.

>> No.10545848

excuse english. this words are not my first satchel of pants.

>> No.10545852

I'm not a vegetarian or anything but I think aliens would be appalled if they saw that we eat meat.

>> No.10545855

Begone, xeno

>> No.10545864

trump's planetary force field cannot come soon enough

>> No.10545870


it's a plant for dinner

>> No.10545879

I'd rather have a cheeseburger than filet mignon any day of the week.

>> No.10545882

Yeah, I can agree with that, but for burgers in general. There's just so much variety to them and so much you can do with them.

>> No.10545990

but what if they eat meat on their planet?

>> No.10546031

Spotted the vegan trying to fit in
>muh veganism is the ascended cuisine for humans and those who follow it are the chosen people xddd

>> No.10546443

What happens if they realize they enjoy Earth meat and want to try human?

>> No.10546449

I agree with you except that particular burger is a low tier piece of shit

>> No.10546471


Yeah, start with the highest quality burger. Like they say, "put your best food forward"

>> No.10546515

>How do you do, fellow meat eaters

>> No.10546520


>> No.10546529

Wow I browse /ck/ for a day and saying pickles don't belong on a burger is the same arugment of pineapple doesn't belong on pizza. If it's food it can go on anything.

>> No.10546540

What kind of bun is that? Is that brioche?

>> No.10546856

Why are hamburgers so fucking underwhelming. Every time I try one, the smell is most enticing but the flavour is always lacking.

>> No.10546887

>an advanced civilization would be appalled that other higher beings breed and farm domesticated animals for their benefit

>> No.10548099

'vegetables' are not a botanical/scientific classification, they're culinary. Tomatoes are the fruit of a plant, same with cucumbers, same with squash. They're considered vegetables in the culinary world. There's nothing scientific about it. Bread isn't a scientific classification either. Retarded argument.

>> No.10548111

you misspelled "impressed"

>> No.10548120

It's a pretty solid choice.

>> No.10548122


I do not eat beefburgers.

>> No.10548129

>but fuck pizza
Woah woah woah woah woah WOAH. woah. There is no need to be saying things we can't take back.

>> No.10548145

you couldn't punch yourself in the nuts.

>> No.10548153

direct them to pork, as it tastes better.

>> No.10548159

stop smoking. alternatively, your palate is shit, sucks to be you.

>> No.10548183

Nigga you know that alien gonna eat your liver and human liver will be meme food on alien /ck/

>> No.10549111
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>> No.10549131

Correct, pickles belong on deli sandwiches.

>> No.10549135

serious question, are you gay?

>> No.10549156
File: 31 KB, 300x267, 68191_to-serve-man-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure he'd be very excited

>> No.10549182
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My family called them cheese sandwhich. Are we retarded ?

>> No.10549197
File: 3.01 MB, 4032x3024, 20180428_171913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My burglar from a few nights ago. Burglars are the cornerstone of any nutritious diet.

>> No.10549206

yeah kinda

>> No.10549209

I want to date that onion

>> No.10549234


Pretty sure you could get jail time for that.

>> No.10549252

Looks good, very In-n-Outy (but presumably not with the cheap flavorless beef that ruins theirs). I have to admit I prefer the cheap shitty hamburger buns. The nice thick ones like that bring too much bread and throw off the balance.

>> No.10549259
File: 184 KB, 619x933, expert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what we have observed on Earth, opportunistic omnivores seem to be the most intelligent, followed by carnivores with herbivores at the very end.

Meat provides the energy to sustain bigger brains and is much harder to get, requiring more advanced mental capacity.

If we ever meet intelligent aliens decently similar to us (aka from an earth-like environment), they will most likely eat meat.

>> No.10549270

>In-n-Outy (but presumably not with the cheap flavorless beef that ruins theirs
In N Out actually uses deliciously fresh and never frozen beef, you just have bad taste.

>> No.10549283

>it has your grain
That's not my fucking grain, man. You take it.

>> No.10549315

But what if they're from an extremely close-to-the-sun planet with a super-thick atmosphere, resulting in high powered photosynthesis and allowing plants to have tons of excess energy to create defenses, resulting in herbavores being the most robust and "hunting" the higher energy food?

>> No.10549323

Don't give aliens meat. A species that is advanced enough for space travel would be offended that other species are still eating meat. They would evolved to the point where they can subsist on vegetation and not subject other animals to torture.

>> No.10549327

you will be the first to be eaten by klaptorg

>> No.10549329

>deliciously fresh and never frozen beef
Is this like some stealth wendy's marketer trying to pretend it's the freezing rather than the using cheap beef from scraps and dairy cattle that makes burgers flavorless?

>> No.10549357

How do you season someone so wrong to make them at least taste right?

>> No.10549360

we don't even know if it's possible for advanced lifeforms to evolve in Mercury-like conditions
aliens would most likely have completely different morality from us, it's fucking stupid to assume they'll be "morally superior" compared to us (by our standards of course, which does not make any sense)

>> No.10549362


>> No.10549366

Wait a sec, so a tomato, who's genetically a fruit, in its code and how its brought up,
but because its generally used a different way,
its therefore classified as something that it genetically is not.

but trans ppl arent tomatos so its diff ig

>> No.10549399

This. They literally will be searching for any carbon based life to harvest for food since they long ago scorched their home planet like we're doing today to the earth. Good luck having them accept your explanation you have a soul and are sentient since they will view you as a walking carbon stick, much like we view deer today.

>> No.10549403

Only if it's served medium well.

>> No.10549407

Mercury has practically no atmosphere. It would have to be very specific; enough atmosphere of the right type that it keeps the planet from overheating but doesn't cause a green house effect like on Venus.

>> No.10549478

Any sufficiently advanced species wouldn't care what the source of the organic matter is. Animal, plant, fungus, wouldn't care. Down the hatch.

>> No.10549509

fuck off Randy

>> No.10549523

criminally underrated

>> No.10549622

Don't feed the Klaptorg.

>> No.10549902

purple/red onion are the only onions that belong on burglars

thanks. it's actually a frozen patty from aldi. i normally use a brioche bun, but they were out and i went with their batatoE bun.