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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10542796 No.10542796 [Reply] [Original]

How do I learn to appreciate food?

Grew up in an uncaring household and I never really learned to appreciate food. We never got cooked meals at home, nor did we eat out. It was always just "find something to eat". That was a long time ago and I've managed to regain my footing by eating healthily but eating just feels like something we have to do more than something I want to do.

As a result my palette is probably less refined than a blind artist's painting palette. When I do try to venture outside my comfort zone everything is always too spicy, too bitter, too sweet, too sour.

How the fuck do I develop my palette and learn to love food or is it just a lost case at this point?

>> No.10542800

Eat it

>> No.10542816

Honestly this. Start cooking and experimenting with different flavors. You might not like what you make at first. But you'll learn to tune your recipes to your own personal tastes while also finding new things you enjoy eating. I was once a tastelet as well. So I feel your pain.

>> No.10542844

Just do baby steps. Add spicy/bitter/sweet/sour ingredients in small amounts. Add half a teaspoon of cumin for example in warm water and see how it tastes, then add a teaspoon to a dish and see how it works with the dish, etc.

>> No.10542951

starve for a while

>> No.10542972
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How do I stop appreciating food?
I love it but I'm tired of being 700lbs.

>> No.10542977

Stop eating it

>> No.10543641
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Learn about it
Spend a day doing food shit; get a good relationship with a butcher, fishmonger, and greengrocer who will share their knowledge on what ingredients are and what to do with them
Get yourself a copy of a well regarded cookbook and make some stuff, and try to ask yourself how it can be improved upon each time

>> No.10544772

Unless you're already a skeltal, go starve for a bit. Like 1300 kcal/day total if male.

Only semi-joking here - it's not a great idea, but it works. It makes you *utterly obsessed* with food after a while. You're not even hungry, you just fixate on your next meal. And when you're restricting out of your own volition and not a lack of food, you start wanting to make the most out of that low an allowance - so you focus on flavors.

>> No.10544778

is that a real thing? If so, where to buy one?

>> No.10544952

>I love it but I'm tired of being 700lbs.
My man all you gotta do is eat only protein & fat, all you want, as much as you want, no carbs at all, no dairy like milk or cottage cheese, and the fat will melt off.

>> No.10544957

You must go around the world getting only the best chefs to cum on your tongue.

>> No.10545107

You need to stop looking at eating from a pleasure and let it become a experience. We all have our foods we eat for our pleasure and enjoy but then their is food we eat to learn and gather experience and knowledge from.