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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 93 KB, 1200x630, milktruth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10541984 No.10541984 [Reply] [Original]

Is this truly the milk truth?

>> No.10541988
File: 29 KB, 348x321, 1508180085070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there are objective truths


>> No.10541993

I appreciate that the almond milk guy is a minority.

>> No.10541998

I have no idea if this is true

But as for you, I think your veganism has finally started to affect your cognition.

>> No.10541999

Well yeah, because brown people tend to be allergic to lactose

>> No.10542002

Yeah, Jews alwyas trying to make whites look retarded

>> No.10542017

maybe in comparison to shit tier almond milk. Elmhurst has 5g protein in a serving. I drink almond milk because I unironically like it, still use dairy milk for cereal. I like to make a sort of horchata with almond milk, rice milk and sweetener over ice with cinnamon on top.

>> No.10542040

The only people who don't think almond milk is retarded are the people who drink it.

>> No.10542049

Not vegan, stop assuming shit it's bad for your health.

>> No.10542064

Yes because our body can't really take in plant protein compared to animal protein.

>> No.10542079

But who cares? Why would I need to get protein from a beverage?

>> No.10542100

Almond milk is just sweetened and watered down drywall mud.
>but it's great because it's taking freshwater from Cali

>> No.10542114

fuck of big milk shill

>> No.10542118

Why are Americans so obsessed with protein? They even think candy bars are good for them if they have enough protein, as if they even need protein for their inactive lifestyles.

>> No.10542139

He is also fat, if you notice his little paunch.
Really pulls together the idea that this schmuck might be drinking 8 glasses of almond milk a day to get 8g protein.

>> No.10542193

>it's bad for your health.
Found the vegan

>> No.10542284
File: 2.01 MB, 1440x2560, 5lfj3tmvjip01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dairy on damage cōntrol.

Dairy on damage control.

Dairy on damage control.

Dairy on damage cóntrol.

Dairy on damage control.

Dairy on damage control.

Dairy on damage cơntrol.

Dairy on damage control.

>> No.10542289

>I don't have any way to refute that so I'll ignore it

>> No.10542292

Because they think they need 200g/day and the marketing jews have pushed high protein diets. Fuck, 99% of you armchair warriors only need 40g/day.

>> No.10542297


>> No.10542299

>Vegans SURGE by 700%!
>Makes up less than 7% of the population
I think this was less shocking than you intended.

>> No.10542315
File: 63 KB, 2048x1103, jkzs8ocxuvu01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still going up. Grocery stores are taking notice. Foodcarts and restaurants that are plant based are thriving. People are seeing the truth about their health. Unhealthy, immoral diets will die soon. Beetus type 3s from years of dairy and flesh will forget who they are and we will spoonfeed you a vegan diet, unless they rule it just to pull the plug on you worthless meatcucks.

>> No.10542320

This doesn't matter because the meat consumption of China and India has exploded.

>> No.10542338
File: 49 KB, 551x303, Meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh noooo meat consumption is up a few points in indiaaaa, what are we gonna doooo

>> No.10542352

>It's a vegan thread
Why? Almond production ends up killing a fuckton of bees. Almond milk is not vegan, sorry buckos

>> No.10542360
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Dairy on damage control





>> No.10542384
File: 896 KB, 2272x1704, 2010-may-9-062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this. Any crop that uses pollination requires bringing in truck loads of bees on flat beds. This is so fucking stressful on the bees, 100s of colonies die from it alone and ones that return get diseases from all the cross contamination with foreign colonies. Working on pollination hives is hell, you get hundreds of stings vs none compared to normal hives that don't get moved around regularly. And a bee dies when it stings you btw

There is no such thing as veganism. You are trading animal suffering for bee suffering. Unless you live on a hippie commune that only eats their own locally pollinated crops.

>> No.10542410
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Fuck you guys, I'm keeping my surf and turf.

>> No.10542411

The keto and Atkins diet became big memes here
What the average person doesn't realize is that it's healthy fats you should be prioritizing, not protein but sure as fuck not carbs either
They're on the right track, I guess, but like everything, the normies overly simplify everything so it's a facsimile of what it was

>> No.10542526

How hard is it to just keep the bees on the farm, lol don't almond farms last for decades, like why doesn't just the beekeeper himself travel
Fucking amerifats just have to burn oil don't you

>> No.10542554

i heard the amount of water shipped to california to grow a single almond tree would make an african cry

>> No.10542558

You can generally only have around 30 colonies in one location. When you are doing large scale farming, you need thousands in one spot to pollinate so many crops.

There is usually only a couple week span when things are actually blooming and you need bees to pollinate said crops. The rest of the year, that many colonies in one location would just result in the vast majority of them starving due to so many colonies in one location and not enough to forge on.

>> No.10542562

This is why you eurosoys are getting raped by Muslims in your own homes.

>> No.10542793

>The keto and Atkins diet became big memes here
>What the average person doesn't realize is that it's healthy fats you should be prioritizing, not protein but sure as fuck not carbs either
>They're on the right track, I guess, but like everything, the normies overly simplify everything so it's a facsimile of what it was

>> No.10542805

where do you get enough fats to stop feeling hungry and empty stomached?

>> No.10542812

Why the fuck do they need to define what a glass is in this comparison?

>> No.10542814

It’s true for ordinary almond milk, but you can get almond milk supplemented with pea protein. That stuff is one-to-one with dairy milk.

>> No.10542847

>where do you get enough fats to stop feeling hungry and empty stomached?
Eat butter, not even joking.

>> No.10542959

>Look meat consumption is down a little in country A
>Who cares that meat consumption is up a little in country B

>> No.10543003

americans don't understand per capita measurements

>> No.10543032

I'm gonna keep it real with you chief. Milk tastes like shit.

>> No.10543158

take that back you bitch

wars have been started for less

>> No.10543240

>upper class people go vegan
>rise of mental illness all around
>increase of neurotisism and narcisism leads to low reproduction
>increase of stress leads to early death
veganism is killing social justice warriors
i love veganism

>> No.10543252


>> No.10543257
File: 6 KB, 229x220, images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkJqx5BmMyG5n2RXllg3H69tOKQULwVF_26_uEFwL8XEasKeI3ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unhealthy, immoral diets

>> No.10543280

>meat consumption is down in a country with a really small population.
>Its going up in the two largest countries population wise

You're really fucking stupid.

>> No.10545227

>population matters in a per capita measurement




>> No.10545237

Milk taste better

>> No.10545251

>>population matters in a per capita measurement
When you're discussing the amount of meat the country consumes as a whole the population certainly matters. How else are you going to convert from a per-capita measurement to a measurement of consumption as a whole?

You are a special kind of stupid.

>> No.10545257

population does matter in terms of influence which is what your retarded ass was arguing in the first place you spastic

>> No.10545278


Is the fact that there are no objective truths an objective truth?

>> No.10545300

>When you're discussing the amount of meat the country consumes as a whole


>the US
>small population
it encompasses a whole shithole continent reeeeeeeeeeeee

i just got here it just pisses me off that amerilards don't understand the concept of a per capita measurement

>> No.10545318

Yeah, if almond milk has more protein, than it's from some other added source, probably soy. If you don't care about soy, than soy milk has plenty of protein, as does pea protein milks. I'm /fit/ and I still drink beef milk, but I tend to buy the pea protein milk because it doesn't go bad as quickly, as all I really use it for is whey (which is dairy anyway) protein powder when I can't get quality meals in.

>> No.10545321


>> No.10545324

Yes. You're basically stating rule #1 in slightly different terms.

Rule #1
There is an exception to every rule, including rule #1. It is its own exception.

>> No.10545345

I drink 6 pints of whole milk a day. What am in for?

>> No.10545348

memes aside soy milk tastes fucking gross

thats not rule 1 rule 1 is dont post anything that violates US law

>> No.10545359

I'm not talking about this board's rules. I'm talking about THE rules. For everything.

>> No.10545371
File: 262 KB, 1259x2000, 001435591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dairy is rife with antibiotics and HGH and is one of the leading causes of girls having periods earlier and earlier. stop drinking dairy.

>> No.10545379

>memes aside soy milk tastes fucking gross
It's tastes just as shitty as almond, nut, or pea protein milks. None taste as good as cow milk. I only use it for powder, so as long as it has a slightly more creamy quality than water, I'm fine with it.

>> No.10545390
File: 127 KB, 1080x1350, 2O5zS1k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unbreakable bones and a fuckton of kidney stones

>> No.10545392
File: 87 KB, 375x500, Rape Stove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting women to mature earlier
>wanting more chestlets
Stahp. Hormone milk is good for society. Just look at what's happening in Asia.

>> No.10545394

Nigga who cares it's just milk

>> No.10545414

wouldn't that ratio remain true no matter how they defined one glass?

>> No.10545444


>> No.10545845

americans dont understand ratios

>> No.10545939

Too bad the only growth mentioned was the U.K. you stupid fuck.

>encompasses an entire content

Jesus fuck anon did you fail basic geography?

>> No.10546067

It takes 8 glasses of soy milk to get the same amount of estrogen in regular """milk"""

>> No.10546074


>> No.10546081

Why are other countries so envious of America? I think it has to do with proteins.

>> No.10546096

Prove it.

>> No.10546115
File: 57 KB, 600x600, melk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10546147

How're those tits coming in?

>> No.10546155



>> No.10546199

Do you finish off with a cock 'n cum to wash it down?

>> No.10546979

>US is a continent
The absolute state of vegan brain

>> No.10547042

Not only that, but each almond costs a gallon of water to make and the almond tree does nothing, but make more almonds.

Meanwhile, dairy animals can be harvested for milk (which can also be made into cheese), fur, meat, and we've come up with all sorts of uses for bone, skin, and other parts.

>> No.10547068


>> No.10547078

It's true but I don't see why it's a bad thing. Nobody said it was nutritionally similar to milk. It's like saying water has 0 times the protein of milk. I'm not drinking it for nutrition, I'm drinking it because it's tastes good and doesn't require cows to be abused

>> No.10547098
File: 60 KB, 600x600, yeo's-soy-milk-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almond milk is alright but it's very similar to soy milk and about 4000x the price. Also why not just drink water. I never understood people who buy stuff like this for routine consumption multiple times a day. I can understand maybe you're out on a long shopping expedition in the warrens of the new world mall and you need a quick pick me up but to just sit at home and pour yourself a tall glass of bean milk? Who the fuck does that?

>> No.10547117

>lrn2 Objectivism

>> No.10547119

No one thinks candy bars are good for them you dumb fuck. Hikers like those health bars but they don't live an "inactive" lifestyle

>> No.10547131
File: 514 KB, 1024x768, TreeofEvil.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha mommy and daddy never gave me enough attention so now i'm a mentally ill solipsist
well i guess if there's no objective truth i'm going to rape and murder you and then steal everything.

>> No.10547190

Yeah that's probably true. Almond milk has no brotons. Cashew-Almond milk however has more protein than cow's milk per cup.

>> No.10547199

Yeah I'm not even sure of that. There's a huge meme of protein being very satiating, that's my guess. It's also a talking point of bro-scientists and tv doctors that protein is an efficient source of energy.

>> No.10547298

>4000x price of soy
It's literally only a difference of 50 cents in Canada. Anyway I don't drink it, I put it in my oats or cereal. It's good substitute for recipes that call for milk too, because it's thicker and sweet, water is just... Water. Also good for coffee or tea. I would never buy a bottle just to drink though, bur sometimes I drink a glass with some cake or a cookie

>> No.10548517


>> No.10548525
File: 118 KB, 973x1157, 1524787229011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its funny cuz its not true

>> No.10549460

>a fad quickly rises in popularity
Uhhhhh yeah.

>> No.10549471

This is because the US population of blacks and other shitskins is exploding, and their inferior genetics assure they're all lactose intolerant. No wonder the consumption is falling when the population is rising rapidly, and only rising through an increase in people who do not drink milk.

>> No.10549510

This thread is a hydra head of raving idiots. It should be pruned immediately.

>> No.10549526

But it is.

>> No.10549544

It's true, plain almond milk has less protein (and dramatically less calories in general)

Some brands add pea protein, I just have my own protein powder to add to shakes.

>> No.10549546
File: 322 KB, 800x1000, Don_Quijote_Illustration_by_Gustave_Dore_VII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raging about inevitabilities
Make sure your sword is sharp when you fight your windmills, lol!