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10536048 No.10536048 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ I'm in GA and we drink Tea and Coke like it's nothing.
Black Sweet tea and Green Tea are my main go tos. But I also love Earl grey with milk. What do you guys enjoy?

>What tea do you love?
>From where?
>Loose or bagged or both?
>fruity tea?
>Sugar or none? (Don't diss those who love sugary tea, Southern Americans drink it like this all the time)
>Do you have a fancy ass tea set?

>> No.10536086
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So since you're from Georgia do you mean coke like general soda? Idk why you mentioned it, but I would say it's most accurate to compare sweet tea to pop. Unsweetened tea is its own thing and I've grown to appreciate it. Bagged tea is okay, loose tea is the bomb. I'm a fan of camellia sinensis. I'm into pretty much any infusion containing tea leaf matter, so fuck off herbal teas, however I will add lavender or peppermint or whatever to green teas for flavor. Black teas with additives are some of my favorites, like earl grey. I appreciate the differences across a wide variety of tea.

>> No.10536094

I was just saying we drink Sweet tea and coke like it's water if you get my meaning

I legit forgot that Ear Grey is a black tea...

SODA not POP how dare you anon

>> No.10536110

>sweet tea

Who's all ready for a 3 hour long argument?

>> No.10536111
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I'm an Aussie and like this one. They have a camomile and spiced apple one that is nice too.

>> No.10536112


>> No.10536113
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I'm from MN but I made a conscious decision as a lad to regularly say "soda" instead of "pop" because I thought it sounded more mature. Just like I made a conscious decision to use both exactly once in that other post.
Earl Grey is black tea with bergamot or whatever. I love me some spiced chai with milk and lots of sugar, it's like hot chocolate's sexier sister

>> No.10536120

vanilla chai all the way
them indians sure know how to make tea

>> No.10536124

>I'm an Aussie.
Time to get off 4chan for the night. The shitposting Aussies are awake.

>> No.10536127

Lets give him the benifit of the doubt. it's like a 1/3 for me so far when I meet an asshole Roo

>> No.10536129
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to answer another one of your questions, I don't have any especially fancy set ups but i'm in love with my aesthetic. It's all clear glass, I have a 1 liter teapot, 8 oz teapots, double walled teacups. It's so modern and cohesive I adore it. I also keep an electric kettle, over a lb of tea, and 4 liters of water on my desk.

>> No.10536143

I too love clear tea sets so pretty

>> No.10536146

It's 4pm.here in Aus we've been posting all day

>> No.10536153
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I dunno about the others, but I'm just here to share tea.
Here's another one Ive enjoyed.

>> No.10536158

I generally don't add sugar to my tea, occasionally almond milk though.

>> No.10536163

In the south if you ask for unsweet tea people think you're diabetic

>> No.10536167

>Buy tea.
>Stick in empty Costco pickle jar
>Fill with water.
>Stick in sun.

>> No.10536169

interesting. I should try this in the summer

>> No.10536171

>What tea do you love?
English breakfast blend, Darjeeling, kukicha, kyobancha, hojicha, and chumushi sencha.
>From where?
Japan and India.
>Loose or bagged or both?
Loose, bagged okay for tea to be drunk with milk.
>fruity tea?
Tisanes like rooibos, honeybush, and elderflower, but no tea blends with fruit in them.
>Sugar or none? (Don't diss those who love sugary tea, Southern Americans drink it like this all the time)
Masala chai with milk and granulated sugar, tisanes with honey when sick, and milk in black tea sometimes.
>Do you have a fancy ass tea set?
I have a gaiwan, clay kyusu for Japanese greens, futanashi kyusu for roasted tea, and a mug infuser. I want an English-style porcelain teapot and a houhin.

>> No.10536231
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Been sipping on these guys
They sell a reliably good assam and darjeeling on two day shipping

Outside of that, I have a few ounces of Tie Guan Yin that I've liked recently

>> No.10536255

Vahdam looks like a great vendor. Thanks, hadn't heard about them before.

>> No.10537064
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>What tea do you love?
Pu'er is 95% of what I drink, the rest being mostly whites and oolongs (and water and hooch).
>From where?
Yunnan, naturally. When it comes to oolongs, then Taiwan.
>Loose or bagged or both?
>fruity tea?
You mean with fruit or fruit flavor added? Not for me, thanks. Maybe for some herbal blends.
>Sugar or none? (Don't diss those who love sugary tea, Southern Americans drink it like this all the time)
Nope. I'm a New England boy, and the one time I tried Southern sweet tea it was way too much for me. Some sweet stuff like Thai iced tea is fine, but that's not what I brew on my own.
>Do you have a fancy ass tea set?
Bits and pieces. Still don't have a tea table, but the time may be approaching. Pic related is the office setup I'm working with at the moment; a table/tray is about the only upgrade to make here.

>> No.10537460

I'm from a Chinese immigrant family, so I drink mainly tieguanyin oolong. When I want something else, I go for either Turkish rosebud tea, or chamomile. Always loose leaf, always dried, and always in this glass and plastic pot with a shut-off infuser. I heat my water in an electric stainless steel kettle.

>> No.10537467

No sugar. We have a semiformal tea set (the various cups and pots and shit, but no tongs or tea spoon or whatever) with a tea table, but I never use it because it's too much cleaning.

>> No.10537576
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Got this recently. Smells like the name, tastes like earl grey

>> No.10537931

How the fuck do you drink this shit? It tastes like fucking dirt

>> No.10538009
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>It tastes like fucking dirt
I fail to see the problem, anon. Maybe you haven't gotten a chance to try the good stuff.

>> No.10540054

Jasmine green is a fave of mine.
Anywhere but China.
I prefer loose.
I have been experimenting more with flower teas then fruity ones.
Depends on the tea honestly. If it's really strong I generally add a little honey and maybe milk.
No one day though.

>> No.10541232

What exactly do you expect to happen? What kind of tea?

>> No.10541249
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>It tastes like fucking dirt
Exactly! Awesome, isn't it?

Puer-Anon, what is your take on aged puers? Are they better? From what i heard the age often just- degrades the tea just, but other people seem to be hyped about old stuff.

>> No.10542053
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This is what I got yesterday, this is actually pretty good

>> No.10542078

Same green tea and sweet black tea

>> No.10543856
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>> No.10543881

If you drink tea you are GAY and will soon be if you are not already a recipient of AIDS

>> No.10543910

Rather a faggot with AIDS than being you

>> No.10544366
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Thoughts on matcha lattes? Or iced matcha lattes?


>> No.10545225

Where's a good place to get cheap loose leaf oolong? Amazon seems to have some but is it good?

>> No.10545243
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Trying to start drinking tea. What green-tea brand do people recommend? Would prefer loose, but as is I'm going blind into my local asian supermarket and it's super spooky (and not that great honestly).

>> No.10545342

>Are they better?
It's complicated. I gravitate more towards shou/ripe pu, which tends not to evolve nearly as much as sheng/raw; I have tried a few shous with 10, 15 years of age on them, and while by and large they have been very very good teas, it's not easy to discern if and how age has changed things or if the price difference is worth it.
With sheng, on the other hand, it's night and day. It's so strong a difference that often the teas that are considered most apt for aging are way too intense and bitter to drink young, and those that are thought to be better drunk within a year or two tend to have lots of high notes (esp. floral) that merely fade with age.
I for one will reach for an aged sheng over a young one nine times out of ten. You may know that the shou processing method was developed to mimic aged sheng in a more economical manner; shou is different enough that it has its own charm, but a really good aged sheng can be all that and then some. Unfortunately real winners like that are not easy to find outside of the Sinosphere, and, increasingly, are hella pricey to boot. I almost feel dirty when I get my paws on an affordable solid 10+y.o. sheng.
The aged pu'er hobby starts getting outrageous when you start paying close attention to storage conditions-- dry stored, wet stored, traditionally stored, and probably others I know nothing about. On top of that, some folks care a great deal whether the tea was stored in Hong Kong, or Taiwan, or Kunming or whatever.
>From what i heard the age often just- degrades the tea
When speaking about tea very generally, that's pretty accurate. Pu'er is the most notable exception, but if you know where to look you can find a huge range of vintages among black and white teas, and especially oolongs; it's more laborious to age an oolong well, since you have to re-roast it every few years IIRC, but supposedly they can be just swell. Don't even think about aging a Japanese green, though.

>> No.10545382

>Thoughts on matcha
I'd rather not suffer brain damage from lead poisoning.

>> No.10545446
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just got a lot of tea samples actually

>> No.10545459

Yunnan Sourcing

>> No.10545667

What are the rules for washing leaves?

>> No.10545741
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Isn't matcha one of the most cleanest and purest teas you can get?

Do it, if there are broken and dust pieces of tea leaves in your tea. I usually only wash compressed puers or tea from bottom of the pack.

If all the tea leaves are neat and same size, no need for that.

Well, some people wash leaves just because they don't appreciate the first infusion or something, but i usually like those a lot.

>> No.10545758

>Isn't matcha one of the most cleanest and purest teas you can get?
Yes, but the difference is you eat the actual leaves with matcha since the drink is a colloid. Compared to using loose tea which retains things like lead and is removed the difference is very significant with tainted products.
> One independent group, ConsumerLab.com, which tested teas, estimates that a cup of matcha may contain as much as 30 times more lead than a cup of green tea.

>> No.10546952

Hello! Nice reference in the OP picture, I saw that series before.
1. My favorite varieties are chamomile and green tea, although I generally like the ones I have had. I wish to drink more tea types, soon.
2. I am from California, the United States of America.
3. I only recall drinking bagged tea, since when I was younger in the 1990s.
4. Yes, I like tea based around fruit, especially raspberry, apple, and lemon.
5. I have never tried it. I cannot say.
6. None, unfortunately.

>> No.10547038

look up sun tea.

>> No.10547201

I will, now that you mention it. I'm not him, but I want to try something new.

>> No.10547237
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I am him, but i am conflicted. On one hand it looks really comfy and nice.

On the other hand i have distrust for anything that calls for use of tea-bags (which all recipes i find do) without even specifying the tea ("you can try whatever you happen to have! Try mixing it up!")

>> No.10547309

Over in AL, I drink tea pretty much daily.

>> No.10547429

I’m in California, and I drink it maybe once a week. I should try to step up.

>> No.10547443

>should try to step up
what does stepping have to do with drinking? try not to be a faggot.

>> No.10547538
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>What tea do you love?
Nothing like a hot cup of earl grey or English Breakfast with sugar and milk. Not too milky, though. It ruins the tea flavour.

I also enjoy raspberry iced tea.

>From where?
PG tips (from the uk) mostly, and twinings.

>Loose or bagged or both?
Bagged. More convenient.

>fruity tea?
Raspberry and peach are good.

>Sugar or none? (Don't diss those who love sugary tea, Southern Americans drink it like this all the time)
Two teaspoons is enough.

>Do you have a fancy ass tea set?
I do but I barely use them cause I don't want to waste them. So I bet them on special occasions.

>> No.10549145

Just getting into the habit of drinking more tea. It's nutritious.

>> No.10549940

>two hour public transit commute home from work
>right at the start, feel the need to vomit
>feeling never stops
>finally get home
>can't do it
Ended up saying fuck it and making an herbal tea blend based on what seemed like it would taste decent and help with the symptoms (lemongrass, lemon balm, green rooibos, and the stars of the show peppermint and spearmint). It's too early to say how helpful it is, but anyway, do any of you have go-to teas or tisanes for coping with certain states like nausea?
>inb4 poppy seed tea

>> No.10549989

Dude, ginger is THE cure for nausea. Grate some ginger in simmering water and drink it.

>> No.10550035

I got banned on /ck/ for saying the n-word lol

>> No.10550049

The what word?

>> No.10550052

I cant say it or I'll get banned again

>> No.10550168
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>> No.10550444
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Drinking some plain loose leaf white tea (Yin Zhen Bai Hao)

I like it in the evenings. Green tea tastes like dirt and spinach imo.