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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 325 KB, 800x600, 15B00DA0-0584-4D0F-8C7E-0EBC77F9A424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10535686 No.10535686 [Reply] [Original]

Leave it to Americans to perfect sushi.

>> No.10535704

This is unironically good. Have you ever tried it? It's basically lox sushi, but soy sauce is the salty element instead of capers.

>> No.10535739

lox does not equate to cream cheese
keep your nasty ass cream cheese to yourself america

>> No.10535748

Dumb fuck, nips love Philadelphia roll. I bet you spaz when someone puts ketchup on a hotdog. Blow your superiority out your ass you sperg fuck.

>> No.10535755


>> No.10535771

Based Americans

>> No.10535793
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>> No.10535806

Fucking disgusting. Enjoy your worms and cheese farts, faggots.
>can't handle the taste of raw fish, even basic bitch fish
>has to cover it up with both cream cheese and avocado

>> No.10535814

Get a load of this faggot
>has to eat food to live

>> No.10535815

>Not using diced tomatoes on hot dogs instead of sugar filled, 5 year old level, ketchup
/ck/ really is full of children and plebs

>> No.10535816

>being this retarded
fucking christ, I knew Europe was going down the shitter, but is it this bad already?

>> No.10535820
File: 204 KB, 670x258, 20180327_teriyaki[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and MOS Burger is just pretending to sell a cream cheese teriyaki burger right now.

>> No.10535837

This is what I don't get about so many butthurt faggots from other countries. This thing looks kind of gross to me, and a weird take on a burger, but I don't fucking REEEeeeEEE like people from other countries about fucking up a good thing or appropriating my culture. If nips want to eat this thing, good for them, I'm happy that they were able to take inspiration from my culture.

>> No.10535907


>> No.10535928

The only time I found creme cheese acceptable in a roll was with octopus, avocado, and cucumber.

>> No.10535934

if we woul leave it to americans, it would never be even good.

>> No.10535936

I read that as pedophilia roll

>> No.10535939

Why is cucumber in so much sushi. It usually ruins the taste.

>> No.10535943

The vinegar in the ketchup is what makes it good. Overly sugary ketchups suck. Sir Kensington master race

>> No.10535956

I'd guess it's for texture, and cucumber has a pretty mild, unoffensive flavor.

>> No.10535960

along with what >>10535956 said its a cheap ingredient that can make the roll look filled up without having to use more fish

>> No.10535975

I like spicy stuff and it just adds a cold but mild minty flavor that ruins the taste.

>> No.10535992

it literally tastes like a ham sandwichw

>> No.10536038

this would be better without the cream cheese honestly. The cheese doesnt add anything but a slimier texture.

Maybe salting it or adding sriracha to the cream cheese would help

>> No.10536059

Americans cant even perfect their own food let alone food of a superior country such as Japan. What kind of bootleg drugs are you on to even think that Americans can cook any decent food?

>> No.10536217

>mild minty flavor
Is this like the "cilantro tastes like soap" meme

>> No.10536234

Cilantro does have a soap taste to people with that gene. I've never heard of a problem with cucumbers though. Cucumber sometimes gets described as cool, so I suppose with a bit of mental gymnastics, I could see the connection there, but it's a fucking thin one.

>> No.10536291


>> No.10536299

You know nothing. The Big Mac is the epitome of perfection. A perfectly designed burger that is replicated to exact specifications throughout the world. No matter where you are, you get the full Big Mac Experience. A true marvel of the culinary world.

>> No.10536442
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>delicious herb doesn't taste like soap

>> No.10536765

>cream cheese in sushi
this is one of the worst things to happen to sushi.
these multi-filling rolls in general are a pain in the ass to eat.
i would rather have regular hosomaki and nigiri with single toppings.

>> No.10536769

i saw some rolls the other day in a mall sushi place, they were coated in crispy onion pieces and drowned in spicy mayo.
what a fucking travesty

>> No.10536778

do the vietnamese really...

>> No.10536783

Most cilantro is great but even I have run into certain types that just have a repugnant soapy taste to it.

>> No.10536830

Mos is all around Asia. Saw it in Taiwan

>> No.10536845

Whenever I order sushi I hardly ever dip it in soy sauce (since sushi is usually brushed with soy/marinated in soy beforehand and it's so salty). I fucking love the "shrimp sauce" whatever that shit is.

>> No.10537911

I would rather have the cucumber where the cream cheese is

>> No.10537951
File: 37 KB, 750x563, big mac sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what a joke

Pic related is perfect American sushi

>> No.10538226
File: 37 KB, 490x554, b044444ac664335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally pic related.
Other countries cannot stop being Ameriboos. They have to obsess over American culture, politics, media, and cuisine because their own life is just that uninteresting.

>> No.10538491

it's voila you asshole

>> No.10538707

Welcome to 4chan's /ck/ board - you're here forever.

>> No.10539865

nips will literally crucify you for that

>> No.10539911
File: 8 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL ><insert good fellas laughing gif under 4mb <>
>4chan thinks 4mb is a large file size
what am I reading.

>> No.10539943

Lol, nips aren't autistic about food as most people think. They arguably like mayo more than Amerifats. They drench most shit in soy sauce and put cheese on anything they can.

>> No.10539945

Reminder that eating tempura "sushi" covered in any sauce is for complete faggots who don't appreciate sushi.

>> No.10539967

Frankly I hate the texture of cucumber in sushi. The sharp crispness of it is just too jarring.

>> No.10539992

nothing of value was lost

>> No.10540142
File: 20 KB, 348x348, 348s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be european
>drench everything in mayo
>get assmad over cream cheese in sushi

>> No.10540253

i'm a franchisee for a grocery store sushi bar. no joke people buy this shit by the dozens. i make around 3000 a week selling this shit to college kids and moms

>> No.10540283

Don't care for the cream cheese, but everything else is good.

>> No.10541760

we will talk later once you guys accumulated a culture

>> No.10541790

>drenching everything in mayo
The absolute state of europoors
Can you hobos even afford cars?

>> No.10541909

these couldn't be that bad but i can't see the point of putting the effort into a sushi role when they would be equally as good on a cracker.

>> No.10541929

What does an instrument have to do with this?

>> No.10541950

but anon i don't like cream cheese

>> No.10541957

>Wrap rice inside seaweed to keep them in and eat without touching the rice
>"Let's reverse it, expose rice to the outside and touch them directly"

>> No.10541959

Shart in mart

>> No.10541966

It's just a sandwitch

>> No.10542023

White people thought the nori looked like yucky green paper and would take it off before sushi became popular. Its an important taste component so the Japanese chefs hid it on the inside.

>> No.10542044
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>pretty mild, unoffensive flavor
it's blandness offends me, what now?

>> No.10542176

If it sells they can do whatever they want faggot.

>> No.10542186

The vinegared rice is what makes the sushi anyway, what's inside is not important it's just not supposed to be overpowering in flavour.

>> No.10542194

>california rolls
Pick 1

>> No.10542274
File: 88 KB, 678x678, 1497719359854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all niggas get upset over the dumbest shit
keep it up i love it

>> No.10542437

It literally says the name of the roll on the picture you invalid

>> No.10542446

>He said while wearing blue jeans, hearing rock music in a car commercial in the background, discussing an American foodstuff

>> No.10542447

That's not the Alaskan Roll.

>> No.10542488
File: 80 KB, 720x540, 183763_10150091575932293_3213643_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U are lik a littl bby,

>> No.10542493
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>> No.10542513

>go to sushi restaurant in large Canadian city
>sit down, look at menu
>half of the makis they offer have cream cheese in them
>get up and leave immediately

>> No.10542708

No they fucking not, quit larping asshole.

>> No.10542727

Haha you are the genelet faggot, you literally have a tastelet gene.

>> No.10542729

That doesn't sounds too bad

>> No.10542794

That isn't a meme, cilantro actually tastes different to different people based on genetics. Certain genetics do actually make foods taste different. Cilantro is one of those foods that genetics dependent on how you interpret the taste