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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10531807 No.10531807[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>9/11 was great for my ratings

>> No.10531811

did he fucking say that?

>> No.10531814
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You're welcome

>> No.10531816

Sean Evans asked him why food programming exploded in popularity, and as someone who was running a show on Food Network at the time, he would be in a position to see that his ratings skyrocketed after 9/11. His explanation about it being comforting and soothing to a healing nation made a lot of sense.

>> No.10531818

are you expecting anything else of a libtard?

>> No.10531822
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>Alton Brown is an outlier among food celebrities. He is a private, politically conservative Southerner who sometimes carries a Bible and a firearm.

>> No.10531823

How gullible are you fucking people

>> No.10531846

No, he mentioned that food programming has exploded in popularity, but what he asked was what are some of the highlights and lowlights of the past 20 years of food tv. Alton said 9/11 was a high point because it made his ratings go up.

>> No.10531854

He asked him what the watershed moments were. Do you know what a watershed moment is? I'll give you a hint: a massive ratings boost caused by a national tragedy is a watershed moment for a network.

>> No.10531855

dumb frogposter

>> No.10531856


>> No.10531859

>It pains me that I can't even make a from-scratch harissa without thinking of violent religious zealotry. NOW,

I had to pause at that moment. I mean, he's right, but it's a little dark.

>> No.10531869

>a massive ratings boost caused by a national tragedy is a watershed moment for a network.
Very redundant, this has already been mentioned in the OP.

>> No.10531879

>believes in science

Pick one. Conservahicks hate science cause it reminds them reality has a liberal bias.

>> No.10531883

Nice retarded bait, faggot

>> No.10531885

>reality has a liberal bias
No the fuck it doesn't

>> No.10531886

And I bet you believe WTC-7 collapsed because of a fire, right? Never happened before, or after, but on 9/11 anything was possible!

>> No.10531887
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t. brainlet swamp hicks

>> No.10531891

Fuck off, cunt.

>> No.10531892

Lmao you aware the 97% statistic is 100% bullshit?

>> No.10531896

Look up where they got that 97% statistic. It's manipulative bullshit, mate.
Scientists who firmly do not believe in climate change found themselves counted in that majority (((for some reason)))

>> No.10531898

2+2=5 cause jesus said so!

>> No.10531901

That dude is a fucking moron for posting shitty memes from what seems to be 9gag. However, http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/11/4/048002

>> No.10531906

>publishing climate scientists
I'll take selection bias for 400, Alex.

>> No.10531912

Who else would you ask when dealing with climate science? Physicists? Microbiologists? Sociologists? No. You ask climate scientists. You know, people with relevant PhDs and peer reviewed research.

>> No.10531917

Does the filter work here?

>> No.10531919 [DELETED] 

You expect me to believe liberals actually agree with science? Being gay or trans is mental illness that is scientific fact as has been for centuries. Yet we need make accommodations and encourage mental sickness because of muh feels.
This isn't even getting into the retarded math liberals use for economic models
>If the government owns everything or just regulates the shit out of everything then the economy will grow
Despite that not working ever in the past or that if you print off money and hand it to the banks you essentially robbed the American taxpayers

Also climate change was proven by WikiLeaks to be a conspiracy to gain grant money from the government but hey Al Gore said Antarctica would be completely defrosted 5 years ago and people still believe him even though Antarctica has more ice now than ever before in recorded history

>> No.10531920

youtube creators

>> No.10531921


>> No.10531923

The same climate "scientists" who faked data for years? And probably still do? Oh yeah, I'll take their word for it.

>> No.10531927

>Climate scientists
They correct study would be meteorology if it wasn't you know made up to steal grant money from the government and produce propaganda to regulate the energy industry

>> No.10531931 [DELETED] 

>Many commentators quoted one email in which Phil Jones said that he had used "Mike's Nature trick" in a 1999 graph for the World Meteorological Organization "to hide the decline" in proxy temperatures derived from tree-ring analyses when measured temperatures were actually rising. This "decline" referred to the well-discussed tree-ring divergence problem, but these two phrases were taken out of context by global warming sceptics, including US Senator Jim Inhofe and former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin, as though they referred to some decline in measured global temperatures, even though they were written when temperatures were at a record high.[31] John Tierney, writing in The New York Times in November 2009, said that the claims by sceptics of "hoax" or "fraud" were incorrect, but that the graph on the cover of a report for policy makers and journalists did not show these non-experts where proxy measurements changed to measured temperatures.[32] The final analyses from various subsequent inquiries concluded that in this context "trick" was normal scientific or mathematical jargon for a neat way of handling data, in this case a statistical method used to bring two or more different kinds of data sets together in a legitimate fashion.[33][34] The EPA notes that in fact, the evidence shows that the research community was fully aware of these issues and that no one was hiding or concealing them.[35]

>> No.10531933
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Really activates the almonds

>> No.10531934

[citation needed]
Prove that they made anything up.

>> No.10531935

You're a special type of retard aren't you

>> No.10531944

t. Infowars brainwashed hicklet

You'd let Alex Jones shit in your mouth if he told you it'd help your hair grow back.

>> No.10531951
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>Believing climate science is a real study
>Not knowing the name of the study of the weather and lower atmosphere

>> No.10531956


Unironically based.

>> No.10531958

>doesn't know the difference between weather and climate
>wants to be taken seriously in a discussion on climate
You're joking, right?

>> No.10531959
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Google climategate if you want more info

Turns out (((they))) have been lying to you about the sky falling because it manipulates you to voting against your own interests

>> No.10531960

>he doubles down
Your ignorance is on full display here.

>> No.10531965

OG Good Eats first really got me into cooking, and he was cool as shit on hot ones, but at this point I don't have high hopes for a GE revival.

>> No.10531966

Can you even tell me what the divergence problem is?

>> No.10531968

Unfortunately I must agree, he's not the same person he was 10 years ago and I don't like this new Alton.

>> No.10531969

guys stop

>> No.10531972
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>a : the average course or condition of the WEATHER at a place usually over a period of years as exhibited by temperature, wind velocity, and precipitation
Holy SHIT you climate change people are stupid but I guess it makes sense since you believe Al Gore even after he is consistently proven wrong by nature

>> No.10531975

This is a 18+ board btw.

>> No.10531978

Why do people keep falling for this stupid shit?

Either they're trolling, in which case you're falling for it, or they're the absolute stupidest of humanity, in which case they're retarded screeching on the internet really doesn't matter. Right now we're in the unfortunate transition period where society is only just realizing that the internet disproportionately amplifies these retards' voices to the detriment of society. As soon as we fix this these retards go back to fucking their cousins in backwoods alabama, so stop worrying about them.

>> No.10531981

Are you the "rural and suburban retards" shitposter? What happened to you man it's been forever!

>> No.10531982

When you debate someone, you're not trying to persuade them; you're trying to persuade the audience.

>> No.10531988


There is no fucking "audience" on climate change. There's the retarded idiots that believe alex jones conspiracies whom you'll never, ever convince, and then there's everyone else who obviously fucking understands that climate change is real.

>> No.10531991

You'd be surprised by how many people think it's still up in the air.

>> No.10531996

Well here's your reminder that Alton Brown is one of them.

>> No.10532001


this is your brain on the bad bean (soi)

>> No.10532006

He is not.

>> No.10532015

These are the same people who got their feefees hurt by the Townshends orange fool (pudding) episode

>> No.10532017
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>When those images started to come through on my TV, of those towers falling, I just couldn't help but think that this could be very good for me.

>> No.10532026

>haha the stupid dumb drumpfkins are the ones getting TRIGGERED :)
>now excuse me as I rage at literally anybody who goes against my PC Narrative™.

>> No.10532031

Shut the fuck up, you stupid fucking nigger.

>> No.10532039

Food and cooking

>> No.10532104

I think the thing that's still up in the air is the fact that human interaction is hastening it, which, to be fair, there really isnt a lot of data showing that. That being said, it shouldn't be an excuse to avoid exploring renewable sources of energy.
The thing that sucks about admitting this though is that you get retards who take it as a reason to continue doing horrific things to our environment when its not.

>> No.10532162
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>only liberals can dress well and cook well.
I get why everyone here is trash now.

>> No.10532167

Alton does neither of those things.

>> No.10532174

its really too bad that he's been voted as most attractive and also a great cook, i'm sure you have "taste" and many experts opinions don't compare to yours.

maybe you'll identify with this

>> No.10532176

What a pathetic human being you are.

>> No.10532184

Yeah, Fuck off.

>> No.10532202

Alton cooks decently enough, and he's a good intro for a home cook, but many of his recipes are kind of bland. Also, I liked him better when he didn't dress like Paul Feig.

>> No.10532225

>Uni-tasker? No! This baby is just as handy for killing Democrats as it is for killing niggers, you can take my word for it.

>> No.10532372


>> No.10532395
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this is Alton Brown's quote on the episode about 9/11
I think he had a point and it was discussed tastefully

>> No.10532396

>doesn't actually have an argument
>I'll just call him pathetic, that'll show him

>> No.10532403

>No, he mentioned that food programming has exploded in popularity

How insensitive

>> No.10532433
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>Earth goes through periods of cooling and warming, and there's no evidence to suggest humans have any significant impact on this

>> No.10532571
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He's really the best.

>> No.10532602
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>I remember what happened to the ratings at Food Network, it was unreal.