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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 1200x1165, 1200px-7-eleven_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10531111 No.10531111 [Reply] [Original]

going to 7-11 in a hour what should i get. all ready going to get beer what else?

>> No.10531113

Pickle flavored Bigs sunflower seeds

>> No.10531114

Beef jerky. Nice digits btw.

>> No.10531127

>Beef jerky
fuck yes
never seen that at my 711

>> No.10531153

Double Gulp with Pepsi.

>> No.10531156

Ask for the oldest hot dog they have

>> No.10531214

quads of slurpy

>> No.10531218

This could actually work

>> No.10531223

they wont have any hot food when i go at midnight

>> No.10531266
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Country ma'am.
Don't tell me you're wasting your time in a US 7-11.

>> No.10531280

whats the green one

>> No.10531289
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Two musubi and a manapua.

>> No.10531292
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Matcha, green tea.
I haven't tried these yet but I think I'm gonna have to.

>> No.10531295

camel wides

>> No.10531301

were is this 7-11 that sells this??

>> No.10531308


>> No.10531312

Clearly Hawaii.

>> No.10531320

some sips

>> No.10531345

Onna them plastic baggy things that crinkles loud and costs too much...a bar of soap, a lighter, ice cream, and Pepto Bismol.

>> No.10531400

huh i skiped over the Hawaii part in the pic for some reson

>> No.10531494


Hawaiian 7-11 is sort of a hybrid between mainland and Japanese 7-11's. Most of the prepared food is local plate lunch shit that's surprisingly good. Growing up I honestly thought that 7-11 was a Hawaiian brand, mostly because of the jingle.


>> No.10531604

Fuck 7-11 sounds awesome right now. Do they sell their zaaas(that's pizza for those who don't know) at 2AM? Cause fuck man I want a zaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bad but all the places close at 11PM here.

>> No.10531610

When I was a kid in junior high I would get dropped off at school at 7am because my parents both worked early, and school didn't start until 9:15. So it was me and this one other kid who would get dropped off early. We became friends and every day would walk to 7-11 near the school and get 3 donuts for a dollar and 2 for $2 Sobe bottles, back when the bottles were glass. We did this literally every day, though sometimes we would also get taquitoes instead of donuts.. i got $20 a week in allowance and saved it for this. I also saved the Sobe bottles and ended he year with like 250 of them in my closet. Good times and memories. It's more expensive now, of course

So I'd say get sobe and donuts.

>> No.10531681
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Circle K master race reporting in

>> No.10531705

the 7-11 here stops selling hot food around 8-9
fuck i dident know 711 was Japanese-owned intill last year

>> No.10531709


>> No.10531713

i had za for dinner so i still got leftovers for tomorrow nothing tast btter than leftover za when drunk

>> No.10531718

gIve me some fucker. Just wanna watch some Zubat while drunk and eating za at 3AM but I guess that's too muched to ask for. Land of the free lmao if anything it's more like land of the kinda free if you count every god damned place being closed at 11PM being free.

>> No.10531720

bomb burrito are bomb

>> No.10531724

if theres a 7-11 close by they have frozen za you can get and cook at home

>> No.10531731

aslo wallmart but i dont think any are 24 houre like 7-11

>> No.10531732

My walmart closes at 11PM the fucing CUNTS!

>> No.10531738

so does mine fucking basterds i think some safeways are 24 houres but dont quote me on that

>> No.10531744

My Safeway closes at 1AM and it's 2:45AM FUCKING BASTARDS!

>> No.10531752

god fucking dam how are night owls going to get za when everyone is closed fucking cunts

>> No.10532023

>7-11 only stocks dry sandwhiches and soggy doughnuts
Lucky I moved to japan, 7-11 here is nice af

>> No.10532040
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best thing you will get to drink atm

>> No.10532096

japanese konbini sound like the fuckin bomb

>> No.10532112

Nutrigrain bar and a mountain dew.

>> No.10532126

You know what you need to get at 7-11. A slurpee, beef jerky, a candy bar and a bag of cool ranch doritos.

>> No.10533593


>> No.10533678
File: 207 KB, 1024x1024, Calbee-Potato-Chips-Nori-Shio-Seaweed_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting Calbee chips and a korokke
Sweets don't pair with beer

>> No.10533734

>getting potato and potato
That's too much potato dawg. At least get karaage.

>> No.10534273

If you don't get nachos with free cheese and chill you are a fucking retard, add onions and jalapenos from the toppings area and get some salsa packs too

>> No.10534325

I haven't been to a sleven in years. I'd get a baby green cup slurpee with the standard coke and cherry. I'm trying to think of something else they have that other gas stations don't have now though.

>> No.10534403
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>be me
>go to 7-11 in Chicago for some smokes and a Clark Bar
>get in line
Kevin Bacon is in front of me
>has Big Gulp (flavor/) and asks for 2 tins of Snus
>hey aren't you?
>yes I am and now you have a 6 degrees story
>better looking in real life
>such a cool guy
>hey, it doesn't count if we don't see your wiener
>Bacon unzips and shows a fucking big dick
>now ya satisfied?
>not gay, but say, fucking A right
>you okay KB!!
>leaves and female cashier realizes he didn't pay for anything

>> No.10534803


>> No.10534807

RIP randy savage

>> No.10535074

7-11 in America? Get the $4 for 5 taquitos, especially the buffalo chicken ones, god tier drunk food..

>> No.10535103

Cash from the atm so you can buy weed

>> No.10535117

God I want weed. Dry as a woman around OP here.

>> No.10535122

i bet he's so cool

>> No.10535261

they have a house brand mexican hot chocolate cookie thats really good.

>> No.10535321

sounds good

>> No.10535433

7-11 sure has a nice logo

>> No.10535451
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>> No.10535522

Cheeseburger Big Bite
A lot of the 7-11 brand snacks are pretty good
There are some 7-11 exclusive Jones Soda

>> No.10535941

Pretty sure the Sev food is regional but I really like the wings and potato wedges. Some regions call them mojos. They should be shot.

>> No.10536071


>> No.10536107
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Pic related but orange

>> No.10536199
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It's a blessing really. 24 hours too.
My favorite item would be the beef potato croquettes in winter, always around a dollar a pop and it's hot.

>> No.10536201

got any space left for a super sized slurpee? raspberry, cola, and low sugar lime thanks

>> No.10536403

Monster Pipeline Punch, bottle of Wild Irish Rose, some Fresca, Reese's cup with the cookie bits in them, bag of Combos, 3-pack of Poms, and some Extenze.

>> No.10536409

>bag of Combos, 3-pack of Poms

>> No.10536459
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>bottle of Wild Irish Rose
this brings back some vomit covered memories of my youth

>> No.10536469

>not gay, but say, fucking A right

>> No.10536470

Combos are hollow tubes of cracker or pretzel with a filling. Pom Pom is a brand of cigarillo.

>> No.10536474

The Wild Fruit flavor actually works pretty well as a punch ingredient.

>> No.10536484


>> No.10536602


>> No.10536650
File: 81 KB, 640x480, 20150829011555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's fifteen bucks, let's get blitzed

>> No.10536656


>> No.10536662

plastic bottle 25% plz tell me this is no alcohol

>> No.10536669

it's a four-liter bottle of 50-proof/25% abv shochu. it retails for \1798 after tax, or $16.37 at today's exchange rate.

my alcoholism was a lot cheaper to maintain in japan.

>> No.10538013


>> No.10538023

cheeseburger dog

>> No.10538167

>here's fifteen bucks, let's get blitzed
It's strange how fucking cheap hard liquor is in Japan. Life must be good there for hobos.

>> No.10538220

buffalo chicken rollers and/or buffalo chicken taquitos are good if you get them fresh

>> No.10538232

Slush Puppie>Icee>Slushie>Slurpee

>> No.10538280

Slush Puppy == flavored sugar water though.

>> No.10538387

never heard of Slush Puppy

>> No.10538397

the watermelon lime or berry blast?

>> No.10538418
File: 46 KB, 402x248, DEADELEVEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you get, make sure to find Deadpool and scan him using your 7/11 app! You'll get extra points that you can use to get free snacks! Also make sure you see Deadpool 2 in theaters May 18th.

In all seriousness the 7/11 app saves me a shit ton of money. They give out a godly amount of great deals and free drinks or snacks all the time. I should probably go less though.

>> No.10538450

>never heard of Slush Puppy

>> No.10538910


>> No.10539005

>That first month when you got 200 bonus points/taquito + 1000 bonus when you bought 5 rollers
5 Taquitos for $4 and you get 2000 points which gets you a red bull. 5 taquitos + a red bull for $4
God, that was a low point in my life LMAO

>> No.10539402

I've never met anyone with as shit taste as you

>> No.10539785


>> No.10540369


>> No.10540412

Knifed by a nigger

>> No.10540887
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>I see you are a man of culture as well

>> No.10540982


>> No.10540988

Canadafag here, nearly 2 AM and I wanna snack out and play some vidya. I'll do a Sev run cause it's just down my street. But what to get? I'm thinking Diet Dr. Pepper (slurpee, Big Gulp or bottle), Kit Kat green or white chocolate, bag of cool ranch or spicy Dorritos and if they still on the grill Monterey Jack taquitos with nacho chili sauce loaded on with jalapeños.

>> No.10541007

tfw no 7/11 in quebec mac's/couche tard is fucking garbage god damn is it a treat to mix slurpees with a bottle of brandy

>> No.10541022

>mix slurpees with a bottle of brandy
plz dont be going and giveing me ideas this sounds like it would tast godly

>> No.10541062

Lol Mac's are literally poor man Canadien knockoffs. They do seem to have stuff that Shell stations/Circle K's have. So they're trucker tier. I live in the francophone part of my city but avoid the French stores like the plague, I shop downtown if I have to. No Sevs in Kaybec tho? Damn you guys have Asians and East Indians like everyone else, so why the hell not?

t. Anglophone canuck

>> No.10541065

bottom of the barrel brandy tastes better then vodka

>> No.10541071

>mix slurpees with a bottle of brandy
I know what I'm doing this weekend

>> No.10541083

mac's owns circle k oddly

as for the reason why we have no 7/11's who fucking knows they're retarded for not being open here

>> No.10541101

Fuck no wonder Circle K seems like fucking Macs in Canada except they tend to smell more like hobo piss. That sux for you my Hab bro, as trashy as 711's go they are still handy in a pinch.

>> No.10541386


>> No.10541517

セブンis way too fucking expensive in jp dude

>> No.10543213


>> No.10544337

me too

>> No.10545046

Checked. Grab a Dutch and one of those premium waters

>> No.10545121

TF that exists? I used to be able to get the popcorn at a shop near me, but haven't seen in it in months.

>> No.10545130


>> No.10545137

i went to 7-11 with a $20 bill to get cigarettes and a bag of chips and the cigarettes came to NINETEEN DOLLARS AND CHANGE
never again

>> No.10545208

Bro I don't know ow what beer your getting but I want a 6 pack of 16 ounce steel reserve and a liter of water with 1 xxl jerky stick

>> No.10546808

Hawaii here. I get the best of both worlds.

>> No.10547288

I'm going to Hawaii for the holiday, what kind of nice local food do you suggest?

>> No.10547289

watermelon lime