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File: 904 KB, 994x559, DONBURI_023-994x559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10530649 No.10530649 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't donburi become popular in the U.S. yet?

>> No.10530724

Is that not just pok?

>> No.10530735

Bc they called it poke and memed it into oblivion

>> No.10530738

We've got lots of poke restaurants in Manhattan, and there were several dedicated bimbimbap restaurants in Central Massachusetts. As for donburi specifically - I've not seen any outside dedicated Japanese food areas. It's a great concept for fast food, though.
Why not start a Don chain?

>> No.10530748

It's popular here in Vancouver, BC, Canada. t. Nardwuar

>> No.10530755

>Why not start a Don chain?
Major Jap chains like Yoshinoya has been toying with U.S. expansion for years with a couple stores here and there to test the waters.

If you crack the formula to get the gaijin eat donburi day and night like the Japanese working class does, they're just going to blaze in here and wipe you out.

>> No.10530756
File: 2.42 MB, 1412x1912, oyakodon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That bowl definitely looks like poke not donburi. I make gyudon and oyakadon on occasion for a pretty good lazy meal.

>> No.10531146

Can confirm Poke is huge in CA. We got lots of places that serve it. Generally its pretty spicy too.

>> No.10531211

A few of the more authentic sushi places in Anchorage serve various dons, a few as lunch specials.

>> No.10531283


Rice bowls have been huge for a decade now. The fuck are you on about?

>> No.10531349
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>> No.10531408

I'd kill for some oyakodon right now.

>> No.10531409

because "assemble your own choices" is more entertaining to the ADD riddled americans

>> No.10531672
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>> No.10531806
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>> No.10532620

Well as far as Japanese restaurants go, literally every sushi place I've ever been to in my entire life has like 10 different donburi on the menu. My favorite local place has a killer oyakodon I get it to go at least once a week

t. BC canada

>> No.10532642

Donburi is basically just deconstructed sushi, Poke has all the extra ingredients, and I don't think most places use vinegared rice.

Personally I'm not a fan of the gross covered in mayo American sushi, but Poke is an improvement over kaisenburi

>> No.10532782

Why can’t their be a restaurant that just serves a huge variety of sashimi without all that other pointless fluff

>> No.10533262

Why does nip food look so disgusting?

>> No.10533510

Oyakodon looks disgusting because it's literally poached scrambled eggs. Oyakodon is also delicious because it's literally poached scrambled eggs.

>> No.10533515

The "pointless fluff" is what the majority of the sheeple want.

>> No.10533519

>literally any sushi restaurant

>> No.10533525

Ash dreams of Poke

>> No.10533542

There are a few places in the DC area that do a good don, but the places around here with dons tend to be ramen shops first and foremost.

>> No.10533686

Based faulkner poster!

>> No.10533840

Because there aren't many Japanese places selling authentic Japanese food in america.

>> No.10533958

Donburi is pretty popular here in NorCal, I just figured it was a normal menu item. We don't have any specialty "donburi only" places (tons of poke places, though), but it's on every sushi restaurant menu. Personally I like chirashi more than poke or sashimidon, but I do love some oyakodon, gyudon, or katsudon when it's cold and rainy outside. I'm just not a fan of a bunch of sauce on my raw fish and seafood.

>> No.10533964

Depends on where you live. If you like authentic Japanese, west coast is best coast.

>> No.10534882

The last two didn't

If I could be a weeaboo about just one thing, it would be the food

>> No.10534906

I like chirashi. I wish they did it in more places but once they used plain rice as opposed to vinegary one and it was not great.

>> No.10535251
File: 359 KB, 700x524, 2017-11-15-18-02-40-e1510797453104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it is. That'll be $10 + tip :^)

>> No.10535257

Always wanted to make it. How do you cook yours?

>> No.10535443
File: 28 KB, 200x300, 4c4af19da5e458d94d91fa5a4d2c7ac9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started with the recipes over on serious eats but they've gotten simplified and eyeballed over time. I make sure to keep hon-dashi around because it just doesn't taste properly japanese without it.

>> No.10535462

tell me about Skinny Puppy

>> No.10536354
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>> No.10536365

That's actually a really nice menu design.

>> No.10536375

>none of the items go over 20$
>most ex[ensive is 18
>most items average around 10$-14$
why are you bitching

>> No.10536392


Sashimi over rice with a few things on the side is definitely not poke. Poke is cubed raw fish mixed with seaweed and salt and shit, and it's not traditionally served over rice, but as it's own thing; "poke bowls" are just a relatively recent mainland fad.

>> No.10536394

I mostly agree but
>16$ ramen

>> No.10536396

THat looks sort of like a poke bowl? On the west coast, poke bowls are huge

>> No.10536416
File: 18 KB, 480x480, thinking levels CRITICAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riddle me this lads

>Buy sliced raw fish from a japanese restaurant
>It's fucking delicious

>buy wild salmon caught the same morning myself, slice it up thinly
>It's fucking disgusting

Why this? Google says I'm cutting it poorly, but I used an extremely sharp german chef's knife...

>> No.10536424


>german steel


>> No.10536436
File: 62 KB, 250x250, 1523753065372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So only nihon steel can produce good sashimi. Fascinating. Please enlighten me why this is the case

>> No.10536451
File: 66 KB, 600x800, E2A89336-F221-4016-8FD1-8786D0D16060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*gong sounds in the distance...

>> No.10536582

Ramen over $10 should be huge or have premium meats

>> No.10536586
File: 861 KB, 636x324, hungry pan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The folds lock in the flavor

>> No.10536587


t. get my weeb food pricing from 20 year old anime

>> No.10536598



>> No.10536791
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>> No.10536799

Looks delicious, where did you get this?

>> No.10536819

It's called Yoshinoya but I didn't actually have it, just an interesting pic I found on Google.

>> No.10536842

That looks like pork to you?

>> No.10537354
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 20150108052021406061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramen should never be $10. I get this deliciousness for $8.95, and I live in the most expensive area in the US.

>> No.10537360

Oh, and I should have added, the bowl is huge, I never can even finish it.

>> No.10537362

This is getting really popular where I live (South Carolina). It's just more expensive than sushi.

>> No.10537366

Sacramento is the most expensive area of the US?
I would of guessed New York or LA.

>> No.10537376

Nope, the bay area has those places beat. I don't live in Sac, but go there for work a few times a week. Although, it's getting expensive there, too. Not as expensive as SF, where ancient quake shacks are selling for 1.5 million or more now.

>> No.10537379

>more expensive than sushi
Something is very wrong there.

>> No.10537394

Dumb white liberals in California call them "Poke Bowls".

Why are liberals constantly appropriating and stealing from other cultures?

>> No.10537420

Exactly. For me to get poke bowls with someone, it costs 35$. We could get a ridiculous amount of sushi for that price at the nice sushi place downtown. I think it's just so expensive because it's new and trendy here

>> No.10537426

Woah, what the fuck man. I'm in suburban southern California and I can get a poke bowl at a dozen different places for like right bucks. You're getting hosed my man

>> No.10537439

>covered in mayo sushi
I've never seen anywhere do that with their sushi, and I'm from flyover Midwest. Where do you get that shitty of sushi?

>> No.10537471

>overcrowding the pan

>> No.10537528

Stfu, and take your fake outrage somewhere else.

>> No.10537541

Wow you're all such fucking idiots. Donburi literally means rice bowl. Any fucking topping and not necessarily fish. Chicken teriyaki on a bowl of rice is donburi. Tempura on a bowl of rice is donburi.

What you probably want to say is "Chirashi". Yes, it is popular, but not to uncultured swine like you.

>> No.10537578

You didn't even read the thread, did you, shortbus?

>> No.10538538

Fucking hell, POKE stole from Koreans by putting lettuce, fish egg and sauce by mixing altogether with rice.

>> No.10538562

I'd rather have an Udon place with the tempura buffet. I miss getting curry udon for lunch every day so much

>> No.10538567

i3-gaps menu

>> No.10538597

Isn't Yoshinoya a food chain in Japan?