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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10529780 No.10529780 [Reply] [Original]

What's for dinner /ck/? I just finished a big pepperoni pizza from dominoes, ranch, 12 honey garlic wings, garlix cheese bread, bag of doritos and a cola

>> No.10529784

Must be proud of yourself, huh, big guy?

>> No.10529799


>> No.10529801

Damn you and your sly pizza viral marketing you know everytime I see a fucking pizza I get a primal urge to start scouring over the pizza sites to find the best deal and then build my slightly discounted pizza that still costs more than I'm comfortable with paying but do so anyway PLUS DELIVERY FEE & TIP.
Damn you! Damn you to Hell!

>> No.10529812

Love me a nice binge. Pizza and wings is great for that

>> No.10529816


I'm not. I'm a bit ashamed. I know I have a weight problem but I can't control it. Due to depression and being abused/bullied it has just made me eat more. Especially in the past maybe 2.5 years I went ftom being normal weight (160lbs) to my current 328lbs. I've developed tits/gyno and hate my body. I wish I could fix it but I am so unhappy and food is my only joy in life. I've accepted I will likely die and it scares me.

>> No.10529821


Post a pic of yourself fatty

>> No.10529827


you guys will just make fun of me

>> No.10529828

Ah, I remember you. You've posted before.

>> No.10529831


no we won't we want to help you. I bet it's not even that bad you just need to eat clean and workout hard for 6 months probably. a lot of overweight people have a tendency to overestimate their weight! just do it faggot if you have nothing to lose and are depressed already why does it matter if your picture is on a Cambodian food recipe forum?

>> No.10529833
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>but I can't control it

>> No.10529834
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>> No.10529836

I will make fun of him. Post dem titties fat boy.

>> No.10529844


o mama

>> No.10529850


Yeah a few times

>> No.10529866

Stop eating so much man, I know you already know you're killing yourself slowly. But it is reversible. Do you want to end up permanently bedridden like the people on My 600 Pound Life? Because if you keep on this path, that's gonna be your life.
I'm worried about you brodawg, I don't wanna see a fellow /cock/ go down like this.

>> No.10529871


Thanks I know youre right but I can't go more than 3 days without a cola and pizza. I get angrt and moody like a heroin addict in withdrawal

>> No.10529895

I really hope this fat pathetic fuck isn't you

>> No.10529896

I'd like you to watch this documentary, it may help you. It's kinda goofy but it has some eye opening revelations about traditionally known nutritional facts within it. You'll learn some valuable stuff for your journey into weight loss.

I believe in you man, you can do it. If nothing else, start by cutting down your portions. No more eating an entire pizza, save half for the next day. Besides, cold pizza is a delicacy.

>> No.10529897

Made some fried chicken thighs for a chicken parm last night, but accidentally made too much chicken. So I'm going to heat the chicken up in the toaster oven and make another parm with my remaining bread and mozzarella. I still have some sauce left too.

Along with it, I unno, might make some fries.

>> No.10529912
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The usual, my res hall's food.

>> No.10529917

You guys just lift the table up to get rid of the food when you're done?

>> No.10530089

face isn't really that bad, looks about the same as if you were in the 200s

>> No.10530099
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sprung for the deluxe tonight

>> No.10530127

had a zoup curried chicken salad sandwich with red onion lettuce and swiss, a large asian salad, and a quinoa farmers soup.

>> No.10530132

dude looks like a guy a know that is 210 but just pure muscle. If it's you, you'd look bangin if you dropped a few pounds m8.

>> No.10530218
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>> No.10530299

fuck off pretentious richfag

>> No.10530306

I'm 6 probably 5'11 but im 285 rn and look 100 lbs thinner than op. How is this possible.

>> No.10530317



>> No.10530321

>my depression made me do it

Truly the cry of the modern coward.
Here's a thought, maybe your unhappiness is caused by a combination of dopamine depletion from binge eating, and the feeling of carrying that fatbody as a result of of said binge eating.
Cut off the source of your unhappiness, don't blame the results on the cause, blame the cause on the results.

>> No.10530328

If it makes you feel better I have the same body but my tits are bigger. Can't post pic since I'm at work but you're not that bad compared to others

>> No.10530688

why take it completely naked though

>> No.10530703


I'm an animal loverrr

>> No.10530706

I'm a binge eater. Switching to binging on healthy foods and a set eating window helped me. Look into restrictive eating or intermittent fasting. Learning to actually cook really helped. If I am going to binge eat an entire pizza, it's going to be one that I actually made from scratch myself and not just loaded with garbage.

You'd be surprised how big of a difference to just limiting yourself to eating 8 hours a day can make. It seems like nothing and you quickly adapt to being able to skipping a meal with ease.

God speed OP

>> No.10530732

Hey man I just want you to know that it is possible for you to lose weight, its fucking hard man but its possible, start slow, and just eat less and less over time, you don't even need to work out.

>> No.10530953

I have the similar thing I'm 350 right now and can pass for 250. Same height too. It's how our body distributes fat in our bodies I think. No one believes me when I tell them I'm 350

>> No.10531997



>> No.10533478


Was. Bein big part of a plan

>> No.10534078
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>perfectly good dinner thread ruined by fatass
Post your dinner /ck/

>> No.10534217
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Feeling like ordering doordash to my sober living home to make these poorfags jealous

Who's laughing now?

>> No.10534314

that really escalated

>> No.10534435
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fuck I was having a shit week and needed that, thanks anon

>> No.10534444

you have pretty toes femanon

>> No.10534477

Do tattoos cost more by the pound?

>> No.10534933



>> No.10534951
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Pan fried ravioli

>> No.10534965

Holy fuck you are one disgusting ham beast

>> No.10534974

Good job overcrowding the pan

>> No.10534989
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Seek therapy

>> No.10534993

not the worst i've seen on this board by a far margin. eat better and exercise. that's pretty much it. wish you the best.

>> No.10534994
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I’m too lazy to use another pan, turned out fine tho.

>> No.10534996

if you're gonna be fat cuz you like food just do it and quit with the whiny faggot bullshit

live like a windrammer as you fuck

>> No.10534997

self delusion is one hell of a drug. post your pics fatasses.

>> No.10535010

why admit being fat, you're an anon at least make it easier on yourself, kek

>> No.10535296

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.10535449

Went to a touristy "cowboy" restaraunt and I had a smoked BBQ platter with brisket, ribs and a fat chicken thigh. The portion was really big and I wasn't as hungry as I thought so I only ate the brisket and two ribs, took the rest home. Was all very delicious though it felt overpriced.

>> No.10535465
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Obesity is a mental illness

>> No.10535510

This is clearly proof that fat doesn't fill you up

Fat eaters eat fat until they feel sick, not full. And fat eaters require more insulin in their blood, leading to insulin resistance.

My meals are almost entirely starch. They fill me up fast.

>> No.10535675
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made coconut ginger carrot soup

looks yummy